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Blackpill [NTpill] Why Behaviours Matter in SMV Just Like Looks



May 6, 2024
Why do so many of you always talk about looks when no one ever talks about behaviours?

I've seen much discourse on this site talking about racepill, which asserts which race is best looking by appearance, or heightism: tall guys are more likely to get girls, or facial features: chad look get more girls than normie looks. but not so much on the NTpill.

In my life i've seen many incel or low tier normie looks who had got a girlfriend or have had sex. I knew a guy who looks like the absolute true of truecel, he did not have a girlfriend, and i assumed he hasn't gotten sex as well based on his looks. But one day his mouth slipped out and told me he lost his V-card when he was 14, fucking 14 and he was a manlet, glass wearing and ugly. But he wasn't shy or social awkward. he was open low inhib.

I've observed so many people that don't even look good, so many that looks like a normie but have had sex. My brother knew a hispanic guys that had 10 fucking girlfriends by the time he was 18, im dead serious and he did not have a chad look. Being low inhib is one of the criteria into getting sex, also if one is low inhib the chance of losing you V-card that young is very high.

Here is a scientific article from 2019 which says that low inhib people are more likely to initiate sex during teens:

It is suggested that low self-control (e.g. impulsivity or low inhibitory control) may explain the association between timing of sexual debut and risky sexual behaviour. Low self-control, specifically impulsivity, has been associated with early sexual initiation [9] and with risky sexual behaviorus, including sex while intoxicated, infrequent use of condoms, engaging in sex with strangers, having multiple partners and a history of sexually transmitted disease (STD) [10, 11]. It is suggested that low self-control in adolescence, at least partially, explains selection into early sex [9]. It is further hypothesized that low self-control, present in adolescence, may persist throughout adulthood continuing to influence involvement in risky sexual behaviorus and possibly compounding the effects of early sex on later risky sex.

Also brutal teenpill from the same article. 16% of girls lose their V-card when they are 15 and also 70% both males and females lose their V-card by 19:
The onset of sexual activity during adolescence is a normative developmental milestone. By age 19, nearly 70% of both males and females report ever having had sexual intercourse [1]. However, sexual debut occurring at an earlier than normative age (typically < 15 years) is associated with engagement in risky sexual behaviors in adolescence and throughout adulthood. Early sexual experience is associated with increased rates of sexually transmitted infections [2], more sexual partners [3], inconsistent use of contraceptives [4], unintended pregnancy [5], concurrency, and sex with risky partners [6] in adulthood. An estimated 16% of US adolescents have had vaginal intercourse by their 15th birthday [7]. The probability of early sexual debut differs by sex and race/ethnicity. For all races, males have a higher probability of early debut than females. African American and Hispanic youths have a higher probability of early debut than their White and Asian counterparts [8]. While decades of research have linked early debut with risky behaviors, the mechanism of action is not fully understood.

And then we come to the bondi attacker. By his look, he doesn't look ugly at all he looks like a HTN, but he was suffering from mental illness. He had no girlfriend, no friends, was unemployed and no social life and that is the brutality of the NTpill. I've read articles that he used to offer himself as an escort to men and women, which is quite fucking sad.

Does his face look like a incel or a middle to low tier normie?

I do not deny that looks matter, but the way looks are just the only thing you need in order to get sex, while behaviours which is also needed is overshadowed by looks. Black people don't look that good compared to whites and MENA, but they have more sex, lose their V-card earliest, and can get interracial relationship and sex easily, just because of their behaviours.

People don't really take the mental or other neurodivergent things as a serious issue into why incels are like that, and i know that many people on is aren't actually that ugly, its just primarily mental issues or past experience that have caused us to be just what we are.
excellent statement

NTpill is word
Why do so many of you always talk about looks when no one ever talks about behaviours?

I've seen much discourse on this site talking about racepill, which asserts which race is best looking by appearance, or heightism: tall guys are more likely to get girls, or facial features: chad look get more girls than normie looks. but not so much on the NTpill.

In my life i've seen many incel or low tier normie looks who had got a girlfriend or have had sex. I knew a guy who looks like the absolute true of truecel, he did not have a girlfriend, and i assumed he hasn't gotten sex as well based on his looks. But one day his mouth slipped out and told me he lost his V-card when he was 14, fucking 14 and he was a manlet, glass wearing and ugly. But he wasn't shy or social awkward. he was open low inhib.

I've observed so many people that don't even look good, so many that looks like a normie but have had sex. My brother knew a hispanic guys that had 10 fucking girlfriends by the time he was 18, im dead serious and he did not have a chad look. Being low inhib is one of the criteria into getting sex, also if one is low inhib the chance of losing you V-card that young is very high.

Here is a scientific article from 2019 which says that low inhib people are more likely to initiate sex during teens:

Also brutal teenpill from the same article. 16% of girls lose their V-card when they are 15 and also 70% both males and females lose their V-card by 19:

And then we come to the bondi attacker. By his look, he doesn't look ugly at all he looks like a HTN, but he was suffering from mental illness. He had no girlfriend, no friends, was unemployed and no social life and that is the brutality of the NTpill. I've read articles that he used to offer himself as an escort to men and women, which is quite fucking sad.

Does his face look like a incel or a middle to low tier normie?

I do not deny that looks matter, but the way looks are just the only thing you need in order to get sex, while behaviours which is also needed is overshadowed by looks. Black people don't look that good compared to whites and MENA, but they have more sex, lose their V-card earliest, and can get interracial relationship and sex easily, just because of their behaviours.

People don't really take the mental or other neurodivergent things as a serious issue into why incels are like that, and i know that many people on is aren't actually that ugly, its just primarily mental issues or past experience that have caused us to be just what we are.
That guy is just a normie he also has very non nt looking eyes so it makes sense he didnt have a gf or friends
Why do so many of you always talk about looks when no one ever talks about behaviours?

I've seen much discourse on this site talking about racepill, which asserts which race is best looking by appearance, or heightism: tall guys are more likely to get girls, or facial features: chad look get more girls than normie looks. but not so much on the NTpill.

In my life i've seen many incel or low tier normie looks who had got a girlfriend or have had sex. I knew a guy who looks like the absolute true of truecel, he did not have a girlfriend, and i assumed he hasn't gotten sex as well based on his looks. But one day his mouth slipped out and told me he lost his V-card when he was 14, fucking 14 and he was a manlet, glass wearing and ugly. But he wasn't shy or social awkward. he was open low inhib.

I've observed so many people that don't even look good, so many that looks like a normie but have had sex. My brother knew a hispanic guys that had 10 fucking girlfriends by the time he was 18, im dead serious and he did not have a chad look. Being low inhib is one of the criteria into getting sex, also if one is low inhib the chance of losing you V-card that young is very high.

Here is a scientific article from 2019 which says that low inhib people are more likely to initiate sex during teens:

Also brutal teenpill from the same article. 16% of girls lose their V-card when they are 15 and also 70% both males and females lose their V-card by 19:

And then we come to the bondi attacker. By his look, he doesn't look ugly at all he looks like a HTN, but he was suffering from mental illness. He had no girlfriend, no friends, was unemployed and no social life and that is the brutality of the NTpill. I've read articles that he used to offer himself as an escort to men and women, which is quite fucking sad.

Does his face look like a incel or a middle to low tier normie?

I do not deny that looks matter, but the way looks are just the only thing you need in order to get sex, while behaviours which is also needed is overshadowed by looks. Black people don't look that good compared to whites and MENA, but they have more sex, lose their V-card earliest, and can get interracial relationship and sex easily, just because of their behaviours.

People don't really take the mental or other neurodivergent things as a serious issue into why incels are like that, and i know that many people on is aren't actually that ugly, its just primarily mental issues or past experience that have caused us to be just what we are.
Its a constant feedback loop most incel looking men are unlikely to have low inhib after the life experience they have had

And then because of their lack of looks and being high inhib and non nt its completely over for them
Its a constant feedback loop most incel looking men are unlikely to have low inhib after the life experience they have had

And then because of their lack of looks and being high inhib and non nt its completely over for them
Non-NT is a death sentance if you’re below chad tier. And the fact that people here and especially on looksfag don’t talk about NTpill relations to getting sex is something that needs to be addressed.
Ugly + NT
Still incel because ugly
Failo effect mang
Non-NT is a death sentance if you’re below chad tier. And the fact that people here and especially on looksfag don’t talk about NTpill relations to getting sex is something that needs to be addressed.
People here do talk about the NtPill

Looksmax faggots dont talk about it much because they are still trying to delude themselves into thinking their looks could make up for being non nt so they dont want to think about it
And the fact that people here and especially on looksfag don’t talk about NTpill relations to getting sex is something that needs to be addressed.
like half the threads here are about NTpill
I've seen much discourse on this site talking about racepill, which asserts which race is best looking by appearance, or heightism: tall guys are more likely to get girls, or facial features: chad look get more girls than normie looks. but not so much on the NTpill.

You're wrong, it's not the NTpill, some Neurodivergent men actually are more reproductively successful, have more sex partners, and are socially more successful. Namely ADHD, Narcissistic, and psychopathic men.

The racepill = JDBB (Just don't be Black).
The fitpill = JDBF (Just don't be fat).
And the NTpill = JDBA (Just don't be Autistic / Just don't be Asperger's).

Why do so many of you always talk about looks when no one ever talks about behaviours?

Because most men on this website are so ugly that they have 0 matches on Tinder (including myself), behaviour only matters AFTER you can get a date.

I've observed so many people that don't even look good, so many that looks like a normie but have had sex. My brother knew a hispanic guys that had 10 fucking girlfriends by the time he was 18, im dead serious and he did not have a chad look. Being low inhib is one of the criteria into getting sex, also if one is low inhib the chance of losing you V-card that young is very high.

Catfishman is an obese Mexican dwarf-sized janitor, yet he has had sex with dozens of young blonde girls, while browsing this forum he claimed that he was an incel but a cute blonde toilet kept admitting they had sex.

I will admit that the lookspills are often exaggerated on this forum, but if you're so socially awkward that you can only date through Tinder, Bumble, Happn, TanTan, Etc. then your looks are the biggest hurdle to interacting with toilets.

I do not deny that looks matter, but the way looks are just the only thing you need in order to get sex, while behaviours which is also needed is overshadowed by looks. Black people don't look that good compared to whites and MENA, but they have more sex, lose their V-card earliest, and can get interracial relationship and sex easily, just because of their behaviours.

Africans mostly fuck other Africans, all other groups are more likely to racially mix amongst each other, I see tonnes of Moroccans with Indonesians and Chinese, Turks with Swedes, Iranians with Indians, Etc. Blacks rarely date non-Blacks and most "Blacks" who do are either Mulatto or Quadroon.

Behaviours matter once you get far enough that you can talk to toilets and then what behaviours she likes is very individually based. An awkward Autistic man probably gets a toilet with ADHD or Schizophrenia, but he needs to get a match with her on a dating app first. For most of us that's just not in the cards and even if we do get matches it's just all brutal noreplypills.

Behaviours matter, Wheat Waffles actually agreed with that, Tails agrees with that, heck even IncelTV agrees with that. But you need to be a certain level of handsome, be taller than a certain height, have a skin lighter than a certain tone, Etc. before she will even entertain TALKING to you.

Looks matter the most on Tinder and in night clubs, on Tinder facial attractiveness matters more and in nightclubs height matter more. Both are brutal if you're sub-7.

Also, if you have more dates and you're socially adaptable enough to learn from your mistakes you can get better with toilets by knowing to what they respond well and to what they don't. But if you never get any dates you'll still be an inexperienced "teenager" (experience wise) in your late 30's and toilets in their 30's just don't have the patience for this awkwardness.
People here do talk about the NtPill

Looksmax faggots dont talk about it much because they are still trying to delude themselves into thinking their looks could make up for being non nt so they dont want to think about it


Cope, NTfags actually have less sex partners than Neurodivergent men. Autistic men don't represent all Neurodivergent men.
Does his face look like a incel or a middle to low tier normie?

5.5/10, he borders on 6/10, if he gets a professional photographer and a style artist to do him he could easily be a 6/10. And a 6/10 does get occasional pussy, not as much as a Chadlite or Chad, but still way more than a full 5/10.

Cope, NTfags actually have less sex partners than Neurodivergent men. Autistic men don't represent all Neurodivergent men.
Its mostly autism and schizophrenia and that type of shit people mean when they say non nt

Obviously being a narcissist or a psychopath will get u more pussy

Even with adhd there are two types hyperactive and inattentive

The hyperactive type I can gurantee is the one that has more sex the inattentive type is the incel version of adhd
You're wrong, it's not the NTpill, some Neurodivergent men actually are more reproductively successful, have more sex partners, and are socially more successful. Namely ADHD, Narcissistic, and psychopathic men.
Obviously when people in this forum are talking about the NTpill, the mean high inhibt or the ones that cause you to be retarded on social life. And yeah people that has any mental disorder that ties to low inhibition, will always have more sex.


It is suggested that low self-control (e.g. impulsivity or low inhibitory control) may explain the association between timing of sexual debut and risky sexual behaviour. Low self-control, specifically impulsivity, has been associated with early sexual initiation [9] and with risky sexual behaviorus, including sex while intoxicated, infrequent use of condoms, engaging in sex with strangers, having multiple partners and a history of sexually transmitted disease (STD) [10, 11]. It is suggested that low self-control in adolescence, at least partially, explains selection into early sex [9]. It is further hypothesized that low self-control, present in adolescence, may persist throughout adulthood continuing to influence involvement in risky sexual behaviorus and possibly compounding the effects of early sex on later risky sex.

Because most men on this website are so ugly that they have 0 matches on Tinder (including myself), behaviour only matters AFTER you can get a date.
Dating site are more about looks, indeed. But outside, socialmaxxing matter. To be able to talk to women outside like in bar or clubs, you'll need to be good at socializing, looks don't really matter that much, maybe only if you're not subhuman as whole.

Catfishman is an obese Mexican dwarf-sized janitor, yet he has had sex with dozens of young blonde girls, while browsing this forum he claimed that he was an incel but a cute blonde toilet kept admitting they had sex.

I will admit that the lookspills are often exaggerated on this forum, but if you're so socially awkward that you can only date through Tinder, Bumble, Happn, TanTan, Etc. then your looks are the biggest hurdle to interacting with toilets.
Most toilets are very much promiscuous, especially european ones. I knew a old friend that isn't very hot and have a normie tier look, but he said he had kissed 15 girls at clubs, all that because he's very open.

Everyone get sex, and 70% of people lose their V-card by 19 and by 25 somewhere in 5%. Also many people don't have the facial feature of a chad and normies do indeed take girls V-card not just chads. Behaviours especially low-inhib and thug behaviour are just many important thing into getting a girl into having sex with.

Africans mostly fuck other Africans, all other groups are more likely to racially mix amongst each other, I see tonnes of Moroccans with Indonesians and Chinese, Turks with Swedes, Iranians with Indians, Etc. Blacks rarely date non-Blacks and most "Blacks" who do are either Mulatto or Quadroon.
Having sex and being in relationships are two different things. It's common now in the western world to practice the intimate concept of FWB (Friends with benefit) which is just your fuck buddy. People have sex, alot of casual sex. Black people have alot of casual sex with white women, but don't form relationships with them. Same goes for white men who also practice FWB. In essence people like to fuck first, alot, then they settlle down. That's reality

Behaviours matter once you get far enough that you can talk to toilets and then what behaviours she likes is very individually based. An awkward Autistic man probably gets a toilet with ADHD or Schizophrenia, but he needs to get a match with her on a dating app first. For most of us that's just not in the cards and even if we do get matches it's just all brutal noreplypills.

Behaviours matter, Wheat Waffles actually agreed with that, Tails agrees with that, heck even IncelTV agrees with that. But you need to be a certain level of handsome, be taller than a certain height, have a skin lighter than a certain tone, Etc. before she will even entertain TALKING to you.
Look matters indeed, and yes i agree with you'll need a type of of behaviours to attracts girls. Just look at indians, very low inhib, and yet they are made fun of it while blacks are praised and deemed very sexy because of their thuggish behvaviours.

Looks matter the most on Tinder and in night clubs, on Tinder facial attractiveness matters more and in nightclubs height matter more. Both are brutal if you're sub-7.

Also, if you have more dates and you're socially adaptable enough to learn from your mistakes you can get better with toilets by knowing to what they respond well and to what they don't. But if you never get any dates you'll still be an inexperienced "teenager" (experience wise) in your late 30's and toilets in their 30's just don't have the patience for this awkwardness.
Most toilet are really dysgenics, as long as you don't look like a complete truecel, and is very open and social, you can get laid.
Also it depend on the state and the mood of the toilet. I don't think majority of females ghost men because of their looks in real life, but when they experiences the man's behaviuor, it's then they'll decide if he's fuckable or not.
NT is cope, buf behavior does matter when a foid is sexually into you. You camnot create attraction through jestermaxxing. If a foid is into you, your behavior either makes you or breaks you. Its all about behaving high T so low inhibit, extroverts, no anxiety, calm etc
NTpill destroyed me. There are guys around my height or even shorter who still have a social circle just because they are NT. The worst part is there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it. Height and face can be fixed via surgery, but there is no surgery for autism
Very interesting, but this seems to matter only for autists, as explained by Mr. Zhou:
You're wrong, it's not the NTpill, some Neurodivergent men actually are more reproductively successful, have more sex partners, and are socially more successful. Namely ADHD, Narcissistic, and psychopathic men.

The racepill = JDBB (Just don't be Black).
The fitpill = JDBF (Just don't be fat).
And the NTpill = JDBA (Just don't be Autistic / Just don't be Asperger's).

Because most men on this website are so ugly that they have 0 matches on Tinder (including myself), behaviour only matters AFTER you can get a date.

Catfishman is an obese Mexican dwarf-sized janitor, yet he has had sex with dozens of young blonde girls, while browsing this forum he claimed that he was an incel but a cute blonde toilet kept admitting they had sex.

I will admit that the lookspills are often exaggerated on this forum, but if you're so socially awkward that you can only date through Tinder, Bumble, Happn, TanTan, Etc. then your looks are the biggest hurdle to interacting with toilets.

Africans mostly fuck other Africans, all other groups are more likely to racially mix amongst each other, I see tonnes of Moroccans with Indonesians and Chinese, Turks with Swedes, Iranians with Indians, Etc. Blacks rarely date non-Blacks and most "Blacks" who do are either Mulatto or Quadroon.

Behaviours matter once you get far enough that you can talk to toilets and then what behaviours she likes is very individually based. An awkward Autistic man probably gets a toilet with ADHD or Schizophrenia, but he needs to get a match with her on a dating app first. For most of us that's just not in the cards and even if we do get matches it's just all brutal noreplypills.

Behaviours matter, Wheat Waffles actually agreed with that, Tails agrees with that, heck even IncelTV agrees with that. But you need to be a certain level of handsome, be taller than a certain height, have a skin lighter than a certain tone, Etc. before she will even entertain TALKING to you.

Looks matter the most on Tinder and in night clubs, on Tinder facial attractiveness matters more and in nightclubs height matter more. Both are brutal if you're sub-7.

Also, if you have more dates and you're socially adaptable enough to learn from your mistakes you can get better with toilets by knowing to what they respond well and to what they don't. But if you never get any dates you'll still be an inexperienced "teenager" (experience wise) in your late 30's and toilets in their 30's just don't have the patience for this awkwardness.

The weirdness factor exhibited by autists extends beyond killing dating and reproductive success. Normies IRL and even NTs on niche forums like 4ch and .net seem to hate autists like me when we're just autistic. (You can tell if someone is autist online by their writing style. People say it's really noticeable, and I can say normies IRL can tell I'm autistic immediately despite my first-impressionmaxxing)
Truecels are a minority and most people will have sex at least once at some point in their lives being something that happens naturally. Autism and other non NT mental conditions that handicap your ability to socialize play a big part in explaining this observation.
NT pill is fucking brutal. I’m a 6 foot tall guy with a 4.5/10 face, but I have Asperger’s. I hardly have any form of a social life, mostly rot in my room, and am very socially awkward. If I was NT I might stand a chance.
you can change behaviors but you can't change your looks
Low inhibition is correlated with being good looking/tall/naturally athletic.
You have any actual evidence of this "ugly guy" (6/10, but you rate him like a woman would no doubt) banging everyone he meets?
And besides, what's the point of this? Like I don't enough like a retard now we're Red Pillers who think we can magically evince attraction in women with the right social techniques?
Why do so many of you always talk about looks when no one ever talks about behaviours?

I've seen much discourse on this site talking about racepill, which asserts which race is best looking by appearance, or heightism: tall guys are more likely to get girls, or facial features: chad look get more girls than normie looks. but not so much on the NTpill.

In my life i've seen many incel or low tier normie looks who had got a girlfriend or have had sex. I knew a guy who looks like the absolute true of truecel, he did not have a girlfriend, and i assumed he hasn't gotten sex as well based on his looks. But one day his mouth slipped out and told me he lost his V-card when he was 14, fucking 14 and he was a manlet, glass wearing and ugly. But he wasn't shy or social awkward. he was open low inhib.

I've observed so many people that don't even look good, so many that looks like a normie but have had sex. My brother knew a hispanic guys that had 10 fucking girlfriends by the time he was 18, im dead serious and he did not have a chad look. Being low inhib is one of the criteria into getting sex, also if one is low inhib the chance of losing you V-card that young is very high.

Here is a scientific article from 2019 which says that low inhib people are more likely to initiate sex during teens:

Also brutal teenpill from the same article. 16% of girls lose their V-card when they are 15 and also 70% both males and females lose their V-card by 19:

And then we come to the bondi attacker. By his look, he doesn't look ugly at all he looks like a HTN, but he was suffering from mental illness. He had no girlfriend, no friends, was unemployed and no social life and that is the brutality of the NTpill. I've read articles that he used to offer himself as an escort to men and women, which is quite fucking sad.

Does his face look like a incel or a middle to low tier normie?

I do not deny that looks matter, but the way looks are just the only thing you need in order to get sex, while behaviours which is also needed is overshadowed by looks. Black people don't look that good compared to whites and MENA, but they have more sex, lose their V-card earliest, and can get interracial relationship and sex easily, just because of their behaviours.

People don't really take the mental or other neurodivergent things as a serious issue into why incels are like that, and i know that many people on is aren't actually that ugly, its just primarily mental issues or past experience that have caused us to be just what we are.
NTpill deniers can keep coping. @VideoGameCoper @Friezacel
NTpill deniers can keep coping. @VideoGameCoper @Friezacel
NT is law. Any form of autism will kill your chances unless you are Chad tier in looks. Too many people on here think it’s all looks and your mannerisms don’t matter. An average looking guy can suddenly look like a creepy unapproachable loser if he just stands in the corner stone faced and without saying anything (that’s basically me at any social event, hence why I’m a rotter). A guy with identical looks who is low inhib and NTmaxxed will look friendly and approachable. He would also have the social skills to approach women at bars and clubs without coming off as an autistic retard.Whether you are NT or Autistic will make or break a normie looks tier guy.
@VideoGameCoper how did u bulk and gymcel as an aspie. I can’t eat due to sensory issues that give me turbo gagging issues to many textures or types of food. It’s written in documents that it’s specifically due to my disorders.
@VideoGameCoper how did u bulk and gymcel as an aspie. I can’t eat due to sensory issues that give me turbo gagging issues to many textures or types of food. It’s written in documents that it’s specifically due to my disorders.
I just ate tons of fast food burgers, fries, and milkshakes. I also eat a lot of cookies, pies, and similar sweets. After each gym session, I also make a protein shake with 2 cups milk, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 2 tbsp. Peanut butter, and 2 tbsp vegetable oil. I also take creatine monohydrate every day. I go gym 3x a week as well and do a push-pull-legs training split. I’m still kind of skinny, but I gained 20 pounds of muscle in 2 years from this. I was 135 pounds and I’m 155 now. If you have issues eating it’s gonna be mighty rough for you and your system might not handle a 4,000+ calorie a day diet like mine.

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