What a load of shit. For one thing, bullying hasn't gone away. The nature of bullying might have changed in the 21st century, but it is no less prevalent. Bullies still basically rule the world. They have greater sexual success, political power, and social mobility than their victims. Numerous studies support this.
The Scientific Blackpill is about understanding the nature of human social and sexual behavior with a particular focus on evolutionary psychological perspectives...
Victims of bullying do not benefit from it. Bullying destroys their mental health, productivity and confidence. If anything, bullying is turning people into socially maladjusted outcasts.
Bullies aren't secretly based. They have have never fixed anything; they are only concerned with humiliating their victims and accruing power. They make up a good portion of the oppressive PMC and billionaire class. As such, they are responsible for much of the world's problems.