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JFL Noodlewhore gets called out for worshipping cumskins



Nov 19, 2017

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/comments/16pq9n1/losing_male_friends_after_being_single_tw_racism/

The worst was one of my best friends of 10+ years. We were having issues over the last two years unrelated to this after he started forming beliefs that it's in the 'nature' of Asian women to 'worship white men' and be 'white' because his long-term ex cheated on him with a white guy and struggled with her identity due to being adopted (the latter sometimes being messy but understandable!) First of all, that's a shitty thing to say to an Asian woman especially when you're not Asian (he would never say this about the women in his own community!). Secondly, he wouldn't listen to anything I sent him about the history of the impacts of white supremacy and colonization, the fetishization of Asian women that has led to a high rate of SA/abuse (which is literally my own lived experience), or the ACADEMIC studies I sent that literally showed over 70% marry Asian men, which has only increased in the last decade. And my own dating history didn't reflect his stupid assumptions.

Even normies are blackpilled about noodlewhores now, they reap what they sow :feelskek:

Suddenly, if I had a special interest that he considered 'white,' I'd never hear the end of it. For example - my oldest special interest is Tolkien. I love how Tolkien gets so detailed you can literally track the impacts of migration between groups of people throughout the ages down to diverging dialects and cultures. My cousin got me into it when we were kids and when she died I clung to it harder. I'm also a massive Dragon Age lore nut because it gets incredibly dense lore-wise too since it has 3 games and a shitton of extended media including 2 lore books. But noooooooo it must be because of white men or me wanting to be 'white.' I'm incredibly proud of my Japanese and Filipino cultures! Why can’t I just like things.

Why can't I just like blond white men in medieval outfits and blond Elves and anyway just everything blond and white :foidSoy:
Sounds like someone OD’d on the racepill about noodles and now is just applying it to every noodle, even though it’s just a statistical generalization. Some people truly are retarded.
Ban miscgenation :feelsree: repatriate every filthy white worshiping noodlwhore :lasereyes: North korea style dictatorship in all of asia :feelsdevil:
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Sounds like someone OD’d on the racepill about noodles and now is just applying it to every noodle, even though it’s just a statistical generalization. Some people truly are retarded.
Jfl if you think it doesn't apply to 99% of noodles in the west, particularly those on cuckit.
That whiny yellowoid needs to be deported to a chinese village, she's probably ugly and chang has a fiance but he just wants the opportunity to be racist. Did yellow people ever accomplish anything in their home countries?
Jfl if you think it doesn't apply to 99% of noodles in the west, particularly those on cuckit.
Cope. I have only ever seen one noodle with a mayo irl. It’s not as common in Canada. Most noodles are with rice.
Cope. I have only ever seen one noodle with a mayo irl. It’s not as common in Canada. Most noodles are with rice.
There's one on every street, every block. You should get your eyes checked.
Cope. I have only ever seen one noodle with a mayo irl. It’s not as common in Canada. Most noodles are with rice.
Even noodles with rice worship whites, they're just betabuxxing or fobs who don't speak English. When they have a daughter they'll then tell her to date white to live vicariously through her jfl.
Where are you in Canada?
I'm in San Francisco but WMAF overrepresentation is by no means limited to that one city. This phenomenon arises in any place with a large minority of Asians.

Even noodles with rice worship whites, they're just betabuxxing or fobs who don't speak English. When they have a daughter they'll then tell her to date white to live vicariously through her jfl.
Here's my favorite story about how even AMAF isn't safe: AF in AMAF has White-only history and demands White sperm donor. The racepill around AF really can't be overstated. Every time you think you've seen it all, they stoop to new lows.

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Noodlewhores are the worst of the worst
Even noodles with rice worship whites, they're just betabuxxing or fobs who don't speak English. When they have a daughter they'll then tell her to date white to live vicariously through her jfl.
Jbw isn’t as strong in Canada maybe, or you are coping.

I'm in San Francisco but WMAF overrepresentation is by no means limited to that one city. This phenomenon arises in any place with a large minority of Asians.

Here's my favorite story about how even AMAF isn't safe: AF in AMAF has White-only history and demands White sperm donor. The racepill around AF really can't be overstated. Every time you think you've seen it all, they stoop to new lows.

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There you go jfl, san fran is jbw in steroids.
Why is telling the truth a bad thing ?
Also the reasons stats show noodles marrying rice is because Curries and Sands are considered Asians too by USA and it's mostly currywhores and sandwhores marrying within their community. 60% + asian women date out.
I want their holes still though :feelsbadman:
They're into white guys like you ... wait there are chads willing to fuck them even tho they're already drowning in pussy juice
They're into white guys like you ... wait there are chads willing to fuck them even tho they're already drowning in pussy juice
chads are such selfish cunts man :feelsbadman: can i have pussy JUST FOR ONCE :feelsree: i need warm wet juicy hole right now :feelsrope:
chads are such selfish cunts man :feelsbadman: can i have pussy JUST FOR ONCE :feelsree: i need warm wet juicy hole right now :feelsrope:
Chad just exist blame foids for their hypergamy & lack of empathy
He's racepilled alright and that stupid foid takes statistics from older generations this new generation isn't fond of marriage but sex after the 1st date.
Also the reasons stats show noodles marrying rice is because Curries and Sands are considered Asians too by USA and it's mostly currywhores and sandwhores marrying within their community. 60% + asian women date out.
High IQ analysis.
He's racepilled alright and that stupid foid takes statistics from older generations this new generation isn't fond of marriage but sex after the 1st date.
Very true, they can’t fuck white men then settle down with an Asian guy which would skews the data. Asian women overwhelmingly date white men.
Very true, they can’t fuck white men then settle down with an Asian guy which would skews the data. Asian women overwhelmingly date white men.
More Asian women cohabit with white men (around 45%) as well compared to Asian men. That shocked me more than the dating preferences if anything initially.
Very true, they can’t fuck white men then settle down with an Asian guy which would skews the data. Asian women overwhelmingly date white men.
More Asian women cohabit with white men (around 45%) as well compared to Asian men. That shocked me more than the dating preferences if anything initially.

They should just count the guy the woman lost their virginity to. That’s basically who they gave themselves to.
I hope this bitch lives a miserable life and eventually ODs on sleeping pills and wine.
Even noodles with rice worship whites, they're just betabuxxing or fobs who don't speak English. When they have a daughter they'll then tell her to date white to live vicariously through her jfl.
Yep. Most retards on this board need to understand this. Even when a noodle whore settles with Betamaru, she's still thirsting for a white man in the back of her head. I've seen multiple comments online of married asian women confirming this themselvs
Very true, they can’t fuck white men then settle down with an Asian guy which would skews the data. Asian women overwhelmingly date white men.
Marriage stats mean nothing. Its like a whitecel claiming white women don't fuxk black guys by pointing to WMWF marriage stats, even though many white whores fuck niggers before marrying white betabuxxer
They should just count the guy the woman lost their virginity to. That’s basically who they gave themselves to.
That's the best standard to use :yes:

Our ancestor's and their wisdom shouldn't be dropped so quick because of whores.
Sounds like someone OD’d on the racepill about noodles and now is just applying it to every noodle, even though it’s just a statistical generalization. Some people truly are retarded.
During my lunch break I went for a walk and I saw 20 noodles doing JBW
The dude is exactly right. Not surprised he thought she'd be a good 3-some whore.

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