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News New Incels.is Rule announcement: Regulation of child erotica and discussion of paedophilia

Since it passed the Miller test, it was almost definitely hardcore.
you never know how close to the letter people will rule, look how they flubbed the James Alex Fields and Derek Chauvin trials
you never know how close to the letter people will rule, look how they flubbed the James Alex Fields and Derek Chauvin trials
They did not flub either trial.
Verdicts were fine to me.
fine as in you don't care, or fine as in correct?

Fields very clearly did not plan an attack, there was no way to know they would turn north on 4th.
fine as in you don't care, or fine as in correct?

Fields very clearly did not plan an attack, there was no way to know they would turn north on 4th.
the latter

Fields made a conscious decision to ram his car into a crowd. There really is no defense. If you think otherwise, you are delusional. I think life without parole is harsh but a life sentence is warranted.
Fields made a conscious decision to ram his car into a crowd. There really is no defense. If you think otherwise, you are delusional.
I've examined the variations in velocity, the constant braking he did when people weren't moving aside fast enough runs contrary to someone trying to get max velocity.

Similarly the honking doesn't make sense if you want to ram people because that reduces element of surprise.

We don't see the last-minute acceleration until the staff-slinging of the bottle into his bumper at which point he probably turtled his head down (can't see) and reflexively pressed gas to get away from danger he thought was behind him.

The last he saw in front of him it was a bunch of agile Tyrones and gangly Antifa boys easily avoiding his car.

It's only after he obviously turtled and look down did the landwhale become visible IF he were looking, which he prob wasn't.
It’s one thing to be an age cuck and worship the magical age of 18, but actual pedos don’t belong here.
In my country the age of consent for sex is 16. (Not that it ever helped me jfl)

So when I see American IT users and similar types get all :feels::feels::feels: about the sexualization of 17yos, I just laugh. These people live in their own heads.
So if you are attracted to a 17 year old female and post a picture/video of her, then that's "illegal" according to this "living document"

A sad day for the forum when puritanical pedophile-phobia overrides common sense
So if you are attracted to a 17 year old female and post a picture/video of her, then that's "illegal" according to this "living document"

A sad day for the forum when puritanical pedophile-phobia overrides common sense

Not necessarily. But that sounds like femoid worship.
Yeah, ban pedos. They reject women but want a child. And they are whining about why they are virgin :lul::lul::lul:
Precisely this.

After seeing the result of that old-fag from Lithuania who always talked about not settling for anything less than a "12-14 year old loli to go hunting in the forest": I can't take any of these FBI informants seriously and would have banned them a long time ago for Foid worship.

Foids over the age of 18 are roasties but 10-13 year olds are in their sexual prime

Just piss off. There's discord, /b/ and many other Pedo honey pots.

20201202 192955
Man I check back on this place every now and then and it's legit depressing to see it head towards new lows every time:fuk:
There has been a longstanding debate whether the forum should proscribe only material that is explicitly illegal, in keeping with our traditional commitment to free expression; or whether the Moderation team should go further than what the law requires of them, if only to curb our most undesirable elements.

Generally speaking, child erotica is material relating to children that are used for a sexual purpose, but do not conform to the statutory definition of child pornography. I believe that what some users describe as "Lolicon" would fall into this category.

The forum has never had a rule explicitly regulating child erotica, as it is not necessarily illegal; nor is it necessarily "foid worship" or "gay/trans content". The Moderation team has decided to plug this loophole, so to speak, and prohibit the dissemination of certain child erotica. The team will promulgate the following Rule, which is carefully worded to decrease free expression concerns. The Rule goes into effect immediately.

A PDF version is available on request.

As @Fat Link has stated, the Incels.is Rules are a "living document". A degree of flexibility is necessary to allow the Moderation team to address a wide variety of internal and external threats to the presence and culture of our community. There may be additional rules, or amendments to existing rules, in the future, and the Moderation team will always seek community consultation where possible.

If the topic really is this controversial and there’s not a clear consensus then personally I wouldn’t move to ban it I think. Of course like most people I’ve got an opinion, but I’m not gonna force it on everybody else when it comes to fictional drawings.

This whole scenario reminds me of the GTA outrage — in that game I murder and rob everyone in sight. But it’s fictional and most people are capable of differentiating between that and reality. Fantasy crime =/= actual crime and whenever folks say that it’s a slippery slope I think they’re full of crock.

I go back to the GTA example — the vast and overwhelmIng majority of people who engage in fantasy crime are not then being rigged up to go commit those crimes irl, it just doesn’t happen that way.

For something like Loli Anime literally zero people are harmed by this as far as I can tell.
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actual fucking clown jannies
Thread talks about discussing pedophilia but that's banned under homosexual content (no talking about fucking little boys)

This means it is acceptable to discuss parthenophilia (love of virgin lolis)
The fuck is this? You're actually banning fucking drawings that are not illegal anywhere in world except in a few ultra-cucked countries? On what grounds? Not even fucking normies think loli porn is immoral. Are you that desperate for the approval of feminists and soyfags?

I have never posted any porn here nor do I care for others posting porn, but this has to be the single most cucked mod decision I have ever seen. Do you want to turn this place into another politically correct censorship hellhole? @Fat Link
Lolis are banned in my latin american country :feelsohgod:
No that cartoon is under 18 and you can see her thighs. Enjoy your permaban. Meanwhile I'll post an acceptable pic

View attachment 569644

This cartoon foid is fully clothed and is innocently sitting in front of a man while being petted. This is fine since the foid, though under the age of consent for cartoon characters, is fully clothed and not engaging in any sexual activity.

oooh i am so exited, the cover art is based
What was the need for this rule? As most of the stuff that are banned by this rule are not even illegal, I am wondering why go to such lengths in banning them so thoroughly?
Was there a real concern about the future of the site and possible legal consequences? If yes, what is it exactly?
Or is this merely a reflection of you personal preferences being applied site-wide because you have apparently got into good terms with the new administration somehow.
Or is this merely a reflection of you personal preferences being applied site-wide because you have apparently got into good terms with the new administration somehow.
This is the real reason
Remove this rule

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