Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious My Top 5 Criticisms of This Forum

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Volcel because I won’t fuck your mum
Sep 30, 2023
Hypocrisy When a Sub-5 Ascends with a Stacey

When a sub-5 manages to secure a Stacey, it's often dismissed as an anomaly, a glitch in the matrix. With no further information about this relationship people are quick to jump to the worst assumptions: accusations of betabuxx, infidelity with chad on the side, a dead bedroom, or an open relationship on the female's end, and so forth. :feelsLSD:

If the nature of the relationship is considered an exception, why can't it also be an exception that the female genuinely loves the sub-5? :feelswhat: While improbable, that's precisely the essence of an exception—it defies the norm and stands as an anomaly.

Attacking the Looks of Other Users

Attacking the looks of other men is low IQ and feminine. In my view, a straight man should have no opinion on the physical appearance of another man, and should instead prioritize assessing his morality and utility. :feelsUgh:

Engaging in attacks based on skin color and phenotype only serves to perpetuate and glorify the standards set by females, the very individuals who have rejected and ostracized you, leading to you rotting in this forum. :feelskek:

Escortcels Are Not 'Fakecels'

Referring to escortcels as 'fakecels' or 'sexhavers' is low IQ and misses the point - the reason why an escortcel seeks the services of an escort is symptomatic of their inceldom, not a cure/ascension.

Comparing an escortcel to a sexhaver is akin to comparing someone who completes a complex game using cheat codes to someone who completes the game fairly, without any cheats. Consequently, an escortcel does not merit the same accolades as a sexhaver.

Even if an incel pays for sex they still perceive themselves as unable to find a girlfriend despite desiring one, therefore, seeing escorts does not alter this underlying perception of involuntary celibacy.

An often-used analogy likens escortcels and incels to individuals dying of thirst, with the escortcel finally quenching their thirst, therefore, there should be a demarcation. However, I would argue the liquid consumed by the escortcel is likened to foul substances such as water from a toilet bowl, urine, or contaminated water.

While the thirst may be alleviated, the full experience is not appreciated because ideally one would want to enjoy the act of drinking the water and feel it nourish the body in turn. And so, if an incel pays for sex, they will still experience feelings of social exclusion, loneliness, and frustration in forming meaningful romantic relationships, which are central to the incel experience.

In my case, I saw escorts but I was drinking contaminated water containing tapeworms, as I started to feel very demoralised and depressed because escortmaxxing wasn’t the answer I was looking for, so I stopped.

I believe that users reviewing their escort experiences is inappropriate given the nature of the forum, but not necessarily deserving of a ban, as I believe individuals should be allowed to discuss any topic they wish.

This is a civility issue, as escortcels should respect the members of the forum who are sexless and unable to access escorts, but why should they given how hostile and toxic members are to each other. Therefore, I encourage escortcels to KEEP THOSE ESCORT REVIEWS COMING. :lul: Fuck this forum.

Insufficient Hatred of Other Males

Much of what bereaves us falls upon the influences of feminism, the proliferation of dating apps, and simping. All three of these phenomena share a common denominator: men.

Notable male figures who have historically championed feminism:
  • John Stuart Mill, a revered philosopher and political economist, advocated for women's suffrage.
  • William Godwin, husband of Mary Wollstonecraft, played a pivotal role in advancing women's rights by publishing some of her works posthumously.
  • Friedrich Engels, esteemed German philosopher and social scientist, collaborated closely with Karl Marx, shedding light on the oppression of women within capitalist societies.
  • Henry Blackwell, an American abolitionist and suffragist, worked hand in hand with his wife, Lucy Stone, to champion women's rights.
  • William Lloyd Garrison, another American abolitionist, staunchly supported women's suffrage and equal rights.
Dating/social apps:
  • Tinder, founded by Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, Justin Mateen, Joe Munoz, and Dinesh
  • Hinge, founded by Justin McLeod.
  • TikTok, established by Zhang Yimin
  • Instagram, co-founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger
In my own experiences when I used to discuss Red Pill ideas with data, females often exhibited confusion and were generally disagreeable, whereas it was other men who displayed the most hostility and toxicity — calling me ‘incel’, telling me to seek therapy, laughing at assuming I had unresolved childhood trauma, calling me the next ER, etc.

It is also men who inflate women's appearances, leading to females who are a 4/10 to perceive themselves as a 7/10. Can’t really blame females though - if you were a 5/10 and had 7’s and 8’s simping for you, you, too, would succumb to inflated perceptions.

Seeking Ratings from Other Men

Needless to say, soliciting attractiveness ratings from other men is both low IQ and gay. The male brain operates differently from its female counterpart, rendering it unreliable in discerning attractiveness of other men.

For instance, I didn’t know females responded to traits like height, V-taper, brow ridge, deep-set eyes because they are not features I look for in females.

Here are more effective methods to gauge your standing:
  1. If you’re on this website TAKE A HINT.
  2. Ask yourself: ‘how have women treated me my entire life?’ If it’s poor = ugly, normal = normie, great = attractive
  3. Go outside and make eye contact with women and judge their reactions: if she looks hostile/upset/angry = ugly, no expression = probably normie, smiling invitingly = attractive
If you’re too much of a sperg to go outside then use a video website like Omegle.

You will notice that all these methods rely on female responses only, no input from males. Faggot-free.
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Truecels who ascends with Stacy = a looksmatched couple basically
Truecel ascending with a Stacy, when the fuck does that happen?
Main issues:
1. Low effort spam responses
2. People pretending to be high IQ
Dnr. I like this forum how it is :)
Happened to my buddy Eric.
Truecels who ascends with Stacy = a looksmatched couple basically
yeah bro she totally loves him too bro. This is the problem with exceptionalism because this is a unique community with people coping just to keep the rope away. All these exceptions only exists as false hope and I have never seen any that are actually convincing that some Stacy or Becky is dating a quadriplegic out of love instead of a narcistic desire for attention
Please elaborate on the second point. Got any names?
Behavior associate with people like blkpillpress. He may not be active anymore, but people like him still exist. Essentially those who think a large post or just posting studies is high IQ.
Behavior associate with people like blkpillpress. He may not be active anymore, but people like him still exist. Essentially those who think a large post or just posting studies is high IQ.
I forgot what studies that nigger even posted.
I forgot what studies that nigger even posted.
It was just posting studies which prove something that was proven 10 years ago, but what really got me about his posts was the escort shilling. At one point I really started beveling that he had a brothel and was just advertising it.
If the nature of the relationship is considered an exception, why can't it also be an exception that the female genuinely loves the sub-5?
this would be unnatural, sub-5s are not attractive so foids cannot love them

if there's no attraction then there's no love

Therefore, I encourage escortcels to KEEP THOSE ESCORT REVIEWS COMING. :lul: Fuck this forum.
just brag about sex on an incel forum theory
Insufficient Hatred of Other Males
most people here hate normie males, but most people who whine that we don't hate males enough are just simps who are trying to distract members from criticizing foids

Needless to say, soliciting attractiveness ratings from other men is both low IQ and gay
agreed, looksfag.org is a gay dating website
Main issues:
1. Low effort spam responses
2. People pretending to be high IQ
this mostly happens bc the forum has a low IQ culture

high IQ posts would fall on deaf ears, so people just shitpost instead. and the low IQ cavemen pretend that 'high IQ' longposters are making high IQ posts
Agree with everyone except no. 1. A woman cant love a man like a man can love a woman
Truecels who ascends with Stacy = a looksmatched couple basically
Only exceptions with this rule if if Stacy has any paraphilias. Then it could be true love.

While I was researching surgeries I seen a lot of tranny surgeries and most of them were ugly ppl

its over ugly to tranny pipeline is real. Trannies are the real blackpill, ask most trannies MTF why they did it its because they were incel, blackpill could have saved them

it is truly very tragic tbh tbh

completely unrelated to your thread though
View attachment 1076535

While I was researching surgeries I seen a lot of tranny surgeries and most of them were ugly ppl

its over ugly to tranny pipeline is real. Trannies are the real blackpill, ask most trannies MTF why they did it its because they were incel, blackpill could have saved them

it is truly very tragic tbh tbh

completely unrelated to your thread though
yeh not relevant :feelskek:

But I heard about the Thailand apocalypse where their women are being hit so hard with jbw expats to the point where the males are transitioning to females to get a taste of it too
I agree with all 5 points. Bump. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
Anti-escortcels angry rn because they can't pay some street whore to bend over and let them stick they dick in their pussy. The whole anti-escortcel debate is fucking retarded if having sex is all it takes to be non-incel we are all fakecels for not paying some 1/10 500lb landwhale to let us fuck her and ascend already.
Anti-escortcels angry rn because they can't pay some street whore to bend over and let them stick they dick in their pussy. The whole anti-escortcel debate is fucking retarded if having sex is all it takes to be non-incel we are all fakecels for not paying some 1/10 500lb landwhale to let us fuck her and ascend already.
the only valid critique they have is that paying for sex is cucked - like no shit. Nobody actually wants to pay an escort but it’s the best alternative available to alleviate your biological need for sex
the only valid critique they have is that paying for sex is cucked - like no shit. Nobody actually wants to pay an escort but it’s the best alternative available to alleviate your biological need for sex
It's cucked but we are incels our whole existence is cucked
It's cucked but we are incels our whole existence is cucked
yes we exist to be mogged by more attractive guys so that they feel better about themselves

while escortmaxxing is legit it shouldn’t be glorified/simped for because it’s not an ideal solution
Hypocrisy When a Sub-5 Ascends with a Stacey

When a sub-5 manages to secure a Stacey, it's often dismissed as an anomaly, a glitch in the matrix. With no further information about this relationship people are quick to jump to the worst assumptions: accusations of betabuxx, infidelity with chad on the side, a dead bedroom, or an open relationship on the female's end, and so forth. :feelsLSD:

If the nature of the relationship is considered an exception, why can't it also be an exception that the female genuinely loves the sub-5? :feelswhat: While improbable, that's precisely the essence of an exception—it defies the norm and stands as an anomaly.

Attacking the Looks of Other Users

Attacking the looks of other men is low IQ and feminine. In my view, a straight man should have no opinion on the physical appearance of another man, and should instead prioritize assessing his morality and utility. :feelsUgh:

Engaging in attacks based on skin color and phenotype only serves to perpetuate and glorify the standards set by females, the very individuals who have rejected and ostracized you, leading to you rotting in this forum. :feelskek:

Escortcels Are Not 'Fakecels'

Referring to escortcels as 'fakecels' or 'sexhavers' is low IQ and misses the point - the reason why an escortcel seeks the services of an escort is symptomatic of their inceldom, not a cure/ascension.

Comparing an escortcel to a sexhaver is akin to comparing someone who completes a complex game using cheat codes to someone who completes the game fairly, without any cheats. Consequently, an escortcel does not merit the same accolades as a sexhaver.

Even if an incel pays for sex they still perceive themselves as unable to find a girlfriend despite desiring one, therefore, seeing escorts does not alter this underlying perception of involuntary celibacy.

An often-used analogy likens escortcels and incels to individuals dying of thirst, with the escortcel finally quenching their thirst, therefore, there should be a demarcation. However, I would argue the liquid consumed by the escortcel is likened to foul substances such as water from a toilet bowl, urine, or contaminated water.

While the thirst may be alleviated, the full experience is not appreciated because ideally one would want to enjoy the act of drinking the water and feel it nourish the body in turn. And so, if an incel pays for sex, they will still experience feelings of social exclusion, loneliness, and frustration in forming meaningful romantic relationships, which are central to the incel experience.

In my case, I saw escorts but I was drinking contaminated water containing tapeworms, as I started to feel very demoralised and depressed because escortmaxxing wasn’t the answer I was looking for, so I stopped.

I believe that users reviewing their escort experiences is inappropriate given the nature of the forum, but not necessarily deserving of a ban, as I believe individuals should be allowed to discuss any topic they wish.

This is a civility issue, as escortcels should respect the members of the forum who are sexless and unable to access escorts, but why should they given how hostile and toxic members are to each other. Therefore, I encourage escortcels to KEEP THOSE ESCORT REVIEWS COMING. :lul: Fuck this forum.

Insufficient Hatred of Other Males

Much of what bereaves us falls upon the influences of feminism, the proliferation of dating apps, and simping. All three of these phenomena share a common denominator: men.

Notable male figures who have historically championed feminism:
  • John Stuart Mill, a revered philosopher and political economist, advocated for women's suffrage.
  • William Godwin, husband of Mary Wollstonecraft, played a pivotal role in advancing women's rights by publishing some of her works posthumously.
  • Friedrich Engels, esteemed German philosopher and social scientist, collaborated closely with Karl Marx, shedding light on the oppression of women within capitalist societies.
  • Henry Blackwell, an American abolitionist and suffragist, worked hand in hand with his wife, Lucy Stone, to champion women's rights.
  • William Lloyd Garrison, another American abolitionist, staunchly supported women's suffrage and equal rights.
Dating/social apps:
  • Tinder, founded by Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, Justin Mateen, Joe Munoz, and Dinesh
  • Hinge, founded by Justin McLeod.
  • TikTok, established by Zhang Yimin
  • Instagram, co-founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger
In my own experiences when I used to discuss Red Pill ideas with data, females often exhibited confusion and were generally disagreeable, whereas it was other men who displayed the most hostility and toxicity — calling me ‘incel’, telling me to seek therapy, laughing at assuming I had unresolved childhood trauma, calling me the next ER, etc.

It is also men who inflate women's appearances, leading to females who are a 4/10 to perceive themselves as a 7/10. Can’t really blame females though - if you were a 5/10 and had 7’s and 8’s simping for you, you, too, would succumb to inflated perceptions.

Seeking Ratings from Other Men

Needless to say, soliciting attractiveness ratings from other men is both low IQ and gay. The male brain operates differently from its female counterpart, rendering it unreliable in discerning attractiveness of other men.

For instance, I didn’t know females responded to traits like height, V-taper, brow ridge, deep-set eyes because they are not features I look for in females.

Here are more effective methods to gauge your standing:
  1. If you’re on this website TAKE A HINT.
  2. Ask yourself: ‘how have women treated me my entire life?’ If it’s poor = ugly, normal = normie, great = attractive
  3. Go outside and make eye contact with women and judge their reactions: if she looks hostile/upset/angry = ugly, no expression = probably normie, smiling invitingly = attractive
If you’re too much of a sperg to go outside then use a video website like Omegle.

You will notice that all these methods rely on female responses only, no input from males. Faggot-free.
I agree with all except with the last one boyo
We blackpillers can rate on a non biased scientific way
I agree with all five. Here's mine:
1:Too many low effort threads in the Inceldom discussion
2:Too many users falling for obvious reddit/4chan larps
3: People calling you a "Volcel" For having standards or preferences
4: Self hating cucks who support femoid hypergamy
5: People who are obsessed with R/IncelTear
I agree with all except with the last one boyo
We blackpillers can rate on a non biased scientific way
i see what you’re saying. Personally I’d prefer the final arbiter to be a female, not a man cross referencing from a book.
I agree with all five. Here's mine:
1:Too many low effort threads in the Inceldom discussion
2:Too many users falling for obvious reddit/4chan larps
3: People calling you a "Volcel" For having standards or preferences
4: Self hating cucks who support femoid hypergamy
5: People who are obsessed with R/IncelTear
Can you expand on (4)
Nigga really wrote all this and thought we were gonna read it

Read Book Club GIF
i see what you’re saying. Personally I’d prefer the final arbiter to be a female, not a man cross referencing from a book.
yeah at the end of the day the market will tell you your face rating

you want to know your real rating? look at your life, thats it
Escortcels Are Not 'Fakecels
i have a question, i agree with all of your points, except for some detail but i understand you.

but this point gave me a question.

I never have sex, or kissed a woman, but one time I date with a 3. but this ends with nothing, and she blocked me, am still an incel or this is like if i have sex?
i have a question, i agree with all of your points, except for some detail but i understand you.

but this point gave me a question.

I never have sex, or kissed a woman, but one time I date with a 3. but this ends with nothing, and she blocked me, am still an incel or this is like if i have sex?
no i don’t think that makes you a fakecel. But if you managed to get a date, why did she block you
yeah at the end of the day the market will tell you your face rating

you want to know your real rating? look at your life, thats it
I think it's because we don't connect well and it took me a while to respond to a message from her. I didn't have much interest in her because, to be honest, she was very ugly, and we didn't have much in common.

but it seems strange to me, it took me at most 8 hours to respond and after that, blocked
Insufficient Hatred of Other Males
Much of what bereaves us falls upon the influences of feminism, the proliferation of dating apps, and simping. All three of these phenomena share a common denominator: men.
Valid point, even though I personally would not ascend even without any of these phenomena.

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