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My heart aches every time she walks into class

Deleted member 306

Deleted member 306

Incel Superior
Nov 8, 2017

Why the fuck am I even alive when I can't caress that beautiful skin, run my fingers through her hair, kiss her strawberry lips, insert my veiny incel dick in her pussy etc.
Can you even fathom the amount of validation you'd receive walking on the street holding hands with this beauty? Everyone mirin as she stands on her toes , places
one hand on your chest, the other around your neck and presses her perfect honey flavored lips on yours.

She makes the class a living hell. I can't concentrate one fucking second with her sitting in front of me. She is all I think about. I'm obsessed with this girl. Unfortunately, she
is in an LTR with a male model curry so even if I was not an ugly subhuman she would still be out my grasp. I just have to endure the pain of my unrequited love along with
my terminal inceldom. In a few months I will graduate and the sui fuel will end but the thoughts will aways remain.
hahahahaha she's so fucking subhuman its over boyo
incelkingkong said:
hahahahaha she's so fucking subhuman its over boyo

The only subhumans are us.
This girl is a 3.5/10 and would looksmatch with most incels here (not me)
Unfortunately reality works in another way
Alex_Bones said:
This girl is a 3.5/10 and would looksmatch with most incels here (not me)
Unfortunately reality works in another way

Thhis looksmatch theory is bullshit. In theory we should be having sex but we don't. All that sould exist and bother us is the REALITY.

torujo said:

tf is up with her mouth?
Seriously dead in the eyes.
dafaq man, her mouth and nose area legit looks like a dog ape hybrid.
Kinda horsefaced. Does she have a nice ass or something?
1) Most guys don't end up with their crushes

2) Forget about it.

3) Concentrate on your school work.
eggo said:
tf is up with her mouth?

I don't get what you mean

Solitarian_Walker said:
Seriously dead in the eyes.

Aren't those the most beautiful blue eyes who have seen?

11gaijin said:
dafaq man, her mouth and nose area legit looks like a dog ape hybrid.

Most women are primitive and look like apes
LeagueEuW said:
Kinda horsefaced. Does she have a nice ass or something?
Yeah she's horsefaced but she's the kind of woman sub5 incels should be dating. But I guess she won't settle for sub5 subhumans like OP, so it's over
idkwattodowithlife said:
1) Most guys don't end up with their crushes

2) Forget about it.

3) Concentrate on your school work.

1) Normal people who have sex don't have crushes since sex happens before they get to develop feelings

2) I can't forget I'm an ugly subhuman

3) Why?
She has such a subhuman philtrum. You could land a plane on that thing.
Alex_Bones said:
Yeah she's horsefaced but she's the kind of woman sub5 incels should be dating. But I guess she won't settle for sub5 subhumans like OP, so it's over

Sub5? More like sub0.

incel4life said:
She has such a subhuman philtrum. You could land a plane on that thing.

It's so cute and feminine
ItheIthe said:
She's not pretty

Well, she is to me but of course it doesn't matter because to her I don't even exist.
incelman said:
Well, she is to me but of course it doesn't matter because to her I don't even exist.

scrape the cocaine out of your eyes. she is a 3/10

crushes will make you disillusioned. you will get rid of all her flaws in your mind and not see her for what she is. NEVER have crushes on girls, you will go full beta white knight and you wont succeed
if you cant score this 3/10 subhuman chick its over for you, just ldar
incel said:
scrape the cocaine out of your eyes. she is a 3/10

crushes will make you disillusioned. you will get rid of all her flaws in your mind and not see her for what she is. NEVER have crushes on girls, you will go full beta white knight and you wont succeed

I don't have a crush on her. It's just OCD. She looks like Zelda.

dr-problematic said:
if you cant score this 3/10 subhuman chick its over for you, just ldar

I can't score anything. Even 1/10 girls date average looking guys.
She's barely a 3.


She looks like the Beast from the 1980's Beauty And The Beast TV series.

- Horrible nose bridge, her nasion appears to come right out of her brow. Her nose is misshapen for a nose, like a vertical block in the old Tetris game.
- Long midface, Neeighhhhhhh!!!!
- Long philtrum for a woman (compared to chin height)
- Thin top lip.

Fucking hell, op, where is your class? In a SWAMP?

I have the lowest standards on this forum and I find her literally REPULSIVE. Having said that I would date her because I also am repulsive. But she wouldn't date me cuz she can date male 6.5s, while she's a 3. LOVING DAT HYPERGAM-REEEEE.

OP, god speed though. I am the same. I prefer women in the 3-7 zone. You absolutely DO NOT want to have high standards in 2017.
Lol at that nose and mouth (a philtrum like that on a woman, wow). I understand why you'd want to bang her, but to make her your oneitis? Just lol.
dr-problematic said:
if you cant score this 3/10 subhuman chick its over for you, just ldar

You say it like you CAN?

Are you able to score 3/10 but reject them???  :@
Lol at all these vocels, I would fuck that Woman if given the chance
FACEandLMS said:
You say it like you CAN?

Are you able to score 3/10 but reject them???  :@

im just underlying the fact that chick is rather ugly, but op praises her like shes some top model

nah, ive never rejected chicks or had chances to score

its over for me since long time ago, also how's it going my fellow oldcel
FACEandLMS said:
She's barely a 3.

- Horrible nose bridge, her nasion appears to come right out of her brow. Her nose is misshapen for a nose, like a vertical block in the old Tetris game.
- Long midface, Neeighhhhhhh!!!!
- Long philtrum for a woman (compared to chin height)
- Thin top lip.

Fucking hell, op, where is your class? In a SWAMP?

I have the lowest standards on this forum and I find her literally REPULSIVE. Having said that I would date her because I also am repulsive. But she wouldn't date me cuz she can date male 6.5s, while she's a 3. LOVING DAT HYPERGAM-REEEEE.

OP, god speed though. I am the same. I prefer women in the 3-7 zone. You absolutely DO NOT want to have high standards in 2017.

She does look like a lion a bit. I'm invisible to this girl. High stadnards? Lol. The only standards you should have is fuckable or not. Nitcpicking on women nowdays can lead to inceldom. Besides, as an ugly subhuman, no matter how low your standards are NONE of these girls will fuck you.

CopingGymcel said:
Lol at that nose and mouth (a philtrum like that on a woman, wow). I understand why you'd want to bang her, but to make her your oneitis? Just lol.

She is my oneitis because she liked on of my fb commentz.

Nautica1983 said:
Lol at all these vocels, I would fuck that Woman if given the chance

I would LTR her with no second thoughts. She is so perfect and looks like Zelda.
incelman said:
She is my oneitis because she liked on of my fb commentz.

I would LTR her with no second thoughts. She is so perfect and looks like Zelda.

such a whiteknight. if you like her go ask her out, get rejected, and stop being obsessive 

"incels will go bluepill as soon as any girl gives them the slightest bit of attention"
incel said:
such a whiteknight. if you like her go ask her out, get rejected, and stop being obsessive 

"incels will go bluepill as soon as any girl gives them the slightest bit of attention"

She is alwasy with her curry bf. I have never talked to her. I just stalk her.
incelman said:
She is alwasy with her curry bf. I have never talked to her. I just stalk her.

Post her BF.
incelman said:
She is alwasy with her curry bf. I have never talked to her. I just stalk her.

women cheat all the time. go and try. if she she likes you she will cheat.

then stop stalking her and find another girl
dr-problematic said:
FACEandLMS said:
You say it like you CAN?
Are you able to score 3/10 but reject them??? :@
im just underlying the fact that chick is rather ugly, but op praises her like shes some top model
nah, ive never rejected chicks or had chances to score
its over for me since long time ago, also how's it going my fellow oldcel

Well, since becoming blackpilled, I am able to look forward to the small things in life. Tonight, it's whisky and vidya. :)

(just fucking kill me, what a waste of space I am)
Next time you talk to her, try touching her and see how she reacts. If she pulls back, forget about it. If she doesn't mind, you're good to go.

She obviously doesn't have huge standards if she is with a curry.
Something about you seems legit, incelman. If you turn out to be a 19 yo chadlite, I will probably come kill you. I hate identifying with some incel only to learn that he mogs me by 5-6 points in looks, youth, hair, race, money...
How many times have you fapped to her?
CopingGymcel said:
Next time you talk to her, try touching her and see how she reacts. If she pulls back, forget about it. If she doesn't mind, you're good to go.

incelman, don't be autistic enough to try this out. if you post here, be it down to looks or autism, you probably aren't the kind of person who could pull that off.
FACEandLMS said:
incelman, don't be autistic enough to try this out. if you post here, be it down to looks or autism, you probably aren't the kind of person who could pull that off.

It's just a light touch. It's better than him pouring his heart out and getting rejected. Just touch her on her shoulder while you talk and see what her reaction is.
pics of curry bf please

Chang and Chadreet are coming up FAST these days, Chad and Tyrone got surprised by new competition
incelman said:
Well, she is to me but of course it doesn't matter because to her I don't even exist.

but she's actually not, man. she's a 3\10, a 4\10 at best. but i get that it doesn't matter because even if she was a 2\10 you still wouldn't get laid, so it's over
NekoStance said:
pics of curry bf please

Chang and Chadreet are coming up FAST these days, Chad and Tyrone got surprised by new competition


Chang is coming for yo girl.
FACEandLMS said:
incelman, don't be autistic enough to try this out. if you post here, be it down to looks or autism, you probably aren't the kind of person who could pull that off.


just talk to her. her face, body, and voice will tell you if she likes you within seconds.

if she is giggling/laughing when you dont make jokes, holding eye contact too long, touching her hair breast or lips, smiling ect.
you WILL know
incel said:
if she is giggling/laughing when you dont make jokes, holding eye contact too long, touching her hair breast or lips, smiling ect.
you WILL know


It's usually pretty damn obvious, yes. TRP like to make it seem like a science, but it's pretty straight forward.
incel said:
women cheat all the time. go and try. if she she likes you she will cheat.

then stop stalking her and find another girl

If she like dme she wouldn't ignore me and in order for cheating to happen I would have to look better than her bf

CopingGymcel said:
Next time you talk to her, try touching her and see how she reacts. If she pulls back, forget about it. If she doesn't mind, you're good to go.

She obviously doesn't have huge standards if she is with a curry.

He is a MALE MODEL curry

FACEandLMS said:
Something about you seems legit, incelman. If you turn out to be a 19 yo chadlite, I will probably come kill you. I hate identifying with some incel only to learn that he mogs me by 5-6 points in looks, youth, hair, race, money...

What do you mean "seems legit"?
incelman said:
He is a MALE MODEL curry

It's over, buddy boyo. Hypergamy is live and well.

You need to be a male model to get a girl who looks like an actual lion these days.
oblivioncel said:
but she's actually not, man. she's a 3\10, a 4\10 at best. but i get that it doesn't matter because even if she was a 2\10 you still wouldn't get laid, so it's over

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

CopingGymcel said:
It's over, buddy boyo. Hypergamy is live and well.

You need to be a male model to get a girl who looks like an actual lion these days.

There is no hope
dr-problematic said:
if you cant score this 3/10 subhuman chick its over for you, just ldar

No. You can't really see her face because of fakeup. But she seems to be a solid 7/10. She is pretty. I would fuck her brains out if I could.
incelman said:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

mh, no, it's not. this sounds like something that you'd read on incelstear
oblivioncel said:
mh, no, it's not. this sounds like something that you'd read on incelstear

It's something that happnes. Just because you don't like someon that doesn't mean others don't
incelman said:
It's something that happnes. Just because you don't like someon that doesn't mean others don't

so are you saying that a femgroid could fall head over heels for a subhuman incel because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?
i think that you're not being impartial because of the lust you've accumulated in all your incel years, she has likely done something to you that you might define as "kind" - even the smallest gesture such as saying "hello" can mean a lot if you're an incel who's not used to interact with femgroids at all- and this triggered your feeble fantasies and inflated your perception of her actual look
what the fuck and you said the scene girl was meh?

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