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Theory Modern Society is a Failed Experiment for Most Ordinary People

Shut the fuck up faggot you aren't a Indian you have no right to speak about this country fuck off chink.
That is really a curry-IQ response.

I have lived in India for 7 years consecutively and before that I had been visiting India on a regular basis for over 20 years. I saw how India changed, during that period. Indians live better now, in a capitalist-friendly regime, than they ever did under the Congress-led "anti capitalist" License-Raj of the 50s to 80s. Few Indians dispute that.
That is really a curry-IQ response.

I have lived in India for 7 years consecutively and before that I had been visiting India on a regular basis for over 20 years. I saw how India changed, during that period. Indians live better now, in a capitalist-friendly regime, than they ever did under the Congress-led "anti capitalist" License-Raj of the 50s to 80s. Few Indians dispute that.
Doesn't mean shit you arent an average Indian, 'free market' and capitalism only benefits richfags and your likes only. Life was much better in license raj.
Yes. Examples: Euclid, from The Elements fame, arguably the most influential mathematician of all time, likely never even existed.
You believe a nationalist curry revisionist "historian"? You really have no idea who is trustworthy, do you?

For a more recent example, take the Holocaust. In addition to being mathematically impossible, the only supposedly extant gas chamber is a post-war "reconstruction". And those two are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Holocaust.
Like I said before, WWII is the best attested episode of human history. So you are disposed to believe a nationalist curry "historian" but you disbelieve the thousands of Western historians and archivists who, after the war, built the mountain of documentary evidence that we have about what the Nazis did. It is not your reason that is leading you in that direction, it is your masturbation.

Then, pray tell, how the Egyptians as we think we know them could've ever constructed those gargantuan pyramids with the remarkable accuracy they exhibit?
A pyramid is the easiest stone building you can think of because there are zero tricky stress buildups anywhere in one. A Roman aqueduct or a medieval cathedral is far harder. The only major thing that needs to be taken care of is to check that the top of each layer of stone is level. There are many simple techniques to do that which were well within their capacity (plumb bobs, water-levelling, etc) . Other than that, building a pyramid is just a matter of brute force (or rather labor force), which is not particularly difficult if you have the kind of agricultural surplus that the Nile valley makes possible. I really don't see what is so mysterious here.

Even if they didn't want the technology per se, the fact they wanted to push frontiers means they were striving for something.
They were just pursuing their real interest. How can my business be safer? How can I make a little more money to be more secure? How can I satisfy more customers? Innovation will follow naturally when everyone is looking after their REAL interest.

Even if their goal was expanding the breadth of our collective knowledge, I'm sure they saw that as a (net) positive -- i.e., as a betterment.
They did not think of it that way. Their masturbational urges were satisfy by religion. Beyond that, they were just trying to better their own lot a little bit. No one had a global vision of "progress" during the industrial revolution. This concept was invented after the fact when it had become clear that progress had indeed occurred in hindsight.

This sounds cute in theory, but I don't buy it in practice. You really think the common man was devout enough to relinquish all worldly desires?
Yes. You are just a prisoner of your own time and of the vapours of your own masturbation. This is why you cannot imagine people living in a healthier manner.

You sure (((they))) weren't worshipping cash? If factories were truly built in the name of God, then why were workers' conditions so abysmal?
The worker's conditions were NOT abysmal. Again, in saying they were, your masturbational interest is making you choose to believe those who flatter your rebelliousness (and hence your claim to superiority). Why do you believe those who tell you that working conditions were abysmal and not those who tell you what happened during WWII? Why are you reacting differently to these 2 claims?

Is that why the Soviets beat the Americans to every conceivable milestone in the space race? Again, your take seems too unnuanced to me.
The Soviets beat the Americans in the early Space Race because:
  1. they copied both German and American technology (the latter through spying). The R-7, the rocket they used from Sputnik to the space-walking firsts, was a direct evolutionary descendent of the V-2. In the Soviet nomenclature, the R-1 was a near-exact copy of the V-2 that Sergei Korolev developed, with German help, in 1945-46. After that, they evolved it into the R-2, the R-3, ... and eventually the R-7. The R-7 still used vernier thrusters for guidance instead of gimbaled engines, which is one of the reasons it had to be so big.
  2. More importantly, they "beat" the Americans because they decided to spend huge amounts of resource on stunts for propaganda purposes that the Americans saw no need for. The US was still a democracy at the time and the government still felt that it owed the public not to waste their money. In the late 50s, the American missile program was in fact more advanced than the soviet one. The R-7 was too big and unwieldy to be a realistic ICBM. By contrast, the American Atlas was far more advanced. As a result, by the early 60s, the US had a credible ICBM deterrent, and the USSR did not.
Finally, with their space stunts, the Soviets handed a huge gift to the US Military-Industrial complex (and to leftie science-masturbators). At the end of his second term, in 1960, Eisenhower warned about the dangers it represented, which means that, throughout his presidency, he had tried to restrict its growth. THAT is why the Americans were not able to answer the Soviet space stunts immediately: they were under tight budgets.

In other words, the early Soviet successes in the "Space Race" were a propaganda victory, i.e. a lie. It hid the fact that the Soviets were actually behind the Americans by using whatever technology they did have not for the purpose of building a useful deterrent but to monopolize the limelight.

You are still a sucker for this lie today. And you are, once again, because it masturbates you and you can't resist it.

Humanity is as doomed now as it ever was. That's probably why prophecies of our demise have been around since time immemorial.
And we are still here.

Everything (100%) of what you said above was masturbationally motivated. Do you realize that?
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Crypto is high risk high reward and has a lot in common with gambling seems to me. It has been an extremely volatile asset and we don’t have the history on it that we do with the equities market. The people that made it big think they’re geniuses but they could’ve lost everything and many late comers did. I’ve tried to wrap my head around crypto but it still seems like a solution in search of a problem to me and i think a lot of people just saw the line go up like a rocket in the same way beanie babies did and hopped aboard out of FOMO. For some of them it worked out great.
Clauneck can tell you what coins to buy and when to sell.
I totally agree that our society is a failed experiment.

Traditional societies were not experiments. They grew slowly over long periods of time.

The Western tradition was Christianity. The "experiment" began when some egghead "philosophers" started saying that Christianity (on which everything in the West was built) could be dispensed with. At first, they received a lot of pushback and so the experiment was slow to be actually put in practice. However, in the 1950s, everything changed. That is when the experiment started on a really large scale.

Before the 1950s, the only two instances of this experiment on a medium scale were the French Revolution and the Soviet Union, both disastrous bloodbaths.

@solblue @TheProphetMuscle @Moroccancel2- @DenHaag @lotus2345 @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @spasticbuddy @Mortis @JayGoptri @LesscoBlob @Epedaphic @ElTruecel @CopingForBrutality @Intellau_Celistic
The west needs to go back to paganism.
I agree. People lived shitty ass lives in the past. Imagine no pain meds, no dental care or even healthcare? And information is the most valuable thing about the modern day. Things are just more lonely now but the blackpill shows that even if it wasn’t as lonely, we’d just be surrounded by idiots and fake people.

Things were never good. It’s much better now but there could be improvements
Ban bluepill pro system faggots please. Modern world is shit
Nope. Certainly not, idiot curry. Look at what India was under an anti-capitalist regime in the 1950s to 80s. And look at what it is now after 30+ years of capitalist friendly governments.
Yes it is. Capitalism and socialism are two sides of the same modernist coin
You can’t feign genuine belief. I used to believe in my religion hardcore. Went to religious schools even. I prayed to god every day near constantly tbh. I just don’t think it’s true anymore. I was happier when I did but it’s not a light switch you can turn on and off. You have to actually believe that it’s real to buy into it.

I do agree religion is extremely useful for meeting psychological human needs and has advantages for community regardless of whether it’s true or not.
God Is real. Dunno if the God of christianity tho
wdym. Please elab
Old world= corporatism (guilds), spiritualism
Revolution = French and american, modernism, materialism
Entirely new political system divided into two political sides= left and right (equality vs freedom)
Left and right are the same root with different leaves. They fight but they follow the same rules. That's why whenever a real anti-modern movement appears they team up against it (look at Spanish civil war for ex)
Old world= corporatism (guilds), spiritualism
Revolution = French and american, modernism, materialism
Entirely new political system divided into two political sides= left and right (equality vs freedom)
Left and right are the same root with different leaves. They fight but they follow the same rules. That's why whenever a real anti-modern movement appears they team up against it (look at Spanish civil war for ex)
I think you are confusing "the right" with right-wing anarchism i.e. libertarianism.

In most cases (France, the UK, Germany, the US, ...) "the right" means conservatives, i.e. people who are trying to keep alive pre-revolutionary worldviews (religion, hierarchy, gender roles)

By contrast, the right-wingers who are indeed the mirror image of the left are the people who put forward "liberty" as their core value (like Ayn Rand or, today, Peter Thiel) These are a tiny minority.

In most countries, the left-right divide is not primarily about equality vs. liberty but equality + individual freedom (i.g. transgenderism) vs. conservatism i.e. "old fashioned" values (tradition), i.e. religion, hierarchy, gender roles and ... last and certainly least, liberty.
You believe a nationalist curry revisionist "historian"? You really have no idea who is trustworthy, do you?
I care less about who and more about whether one's argumentation sounds plausible. His reasoning seems quite solid to me. The fact only a single source written long after Euclid supposedly existed mentions his name is at the very least suspicious. The fact that that source is held by the Vatican gives some credence to the Hellenization claim. Wikipedia attests to these facts, so he can't entirely be pulling shit out of his ass.
Like I said before, WWII is the best attested episode of human history. So you are disposed to believe a nationalist curry "historian" but you disbelieve the thousands of Western historians and archivists who, after the war, built the mountain of documentary evidence that we have about what the Nazis did. It is not your reason that is leading you in that direction, it is your masturbation.
Large organizations are often corrupt or negligent. E.g., governments, big pharma, the EU, academia, etc. I'd sooner trust a maverick with a plausible story than muh collective. Esp. if several mavericks are saying the same thing. What does a random bloke stand to gain by going against the grain if he ain't trying to sell you snake oil? Chasing clout by making up plausible lies trying to appeal to a niche? I'll take my chances.

Whenever we discuss history it always ends the same. We almost never end up agreeing and at some point I just can't be assed playing the trust game anymore.
They were just pursuing their real interest. How can my business be safer? How can I make a little more money to be more secure? How can I satisfy more customers? Innovation will follow naturally when everyone is looking after their REAL interest.
They did not think of it that way. Their masturbational urges were satisfy by religion. Beyond that, they were just trying to better their own lot a little bit. No one had a global vision of "progress" during the industrial revolution. This concept was invented after the fact when it had become clear that progress had indeed occurred in hindsight.
Okay, so they were seeking betterment on an individual level rather than a collective level? Would that really change my point?
Yes. You are just a prisoner of your own time and of the vapours of your own masturbation. This is why you cannot imagine people living in a healthier manner.
I can imagine them living somewhat healthier. Just not quite that healthily.
And we are still here.
don't ask how tho
Everything (100%) of what you said above was masturbationally motivated. Do you realize that?
Sure. Everything that doesn't align with your narrow vision is "masturbationally motivated" by design, so that's hardly a surprise.
Sure. Everything that doesn't align with your narrow vision is "masturbationally motivated" by design, so that's hardly a surprise.
You have lots of opinions about lots of things and yet you confess having little familiarity with history, and of course, next to no real-life experience.

And you decide who to believe and who not to believe based on that? What could be informing your decisions except your masturbational cravings, given your lack of basis for the claims you make?

You gave me the usual crap about the Space Race and I showed you that you had believed a lie. You can check everything I said against publicly available sources and you will see that they back me up. How can you trust yourself about what seems "plausible" after that?
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You have lots of opinions about lots of things and yet you confess having little familiarity with history, and of course, next to no real-life experience.
Nobody has any real familiarity with history. Merely with its few artefacts that remain. And to do that properly, one would have to study the primary sources, which are very hard to access. Even if you can get your hands on it (or a scan or copy or whatever) there's the lingual barrier.
And you decide who to believe and who not to believe based on that? What could be informing your decisions except your masturbational cravings, given your lack of basis for the claims you make?
What choice do I have?
You gave me the usual crap about the Space Race and I showed you that you had believed a lie. You can check everything I said against publicly available sources and you will see that they back me up.
I don't doubt it.
How can you trust yourself about what seems "plausible" after that?
Should falling for a (common) misconception or myth make me lose confidence in myself? Because it's having the opposite effect. I don't fully get to the bottom of something and of course it turns out to be wrong again. In my mind, all this proves is that I can't blindly rely on anyone else. Yet, I can't get to the bottom of everything, nor can I really be fully agnostic about virtually everything. I have to have a modicum of trust and even that iota of trust keep getting whittled away.
This is because most people work in shitty jobs, no entertainment, no adrenaline. This is not what we evolved into. Sitting in front of fucking computer all day turns you dead meat eventually.
I wish I could get a cushy office job like women have where they don’t do anything :feelsbadman: if only I could be an affirmative action hire
Inferiors beings gonna inferior
Seriously though it’s like the fucker who asked to define woman who said “I’m not a biologist”. SERIOUSLY RETARD you don’t have to be formally educated in something to grasp what’s obvious in front of your face. These people are crazy. *Also to clarify not saying you’re a retard I’m saying that woman from the clip is.
Massive projection. Modern day society is actually pretty good for the average person as compared to any other time in history. People have some sort of notion that the average person knows thoroughly who Ted K was and wholeheartedly agrees with him on every point presented in his works for instance because he's been a meme online for the past decade. Conservatives or any other sort of reactionary like incels fail to see how the average person agrees with what's happening around them in the Occident. Gay marriage, abortion, freedom of expression and association, miscegenation, dating apps, social media, women's rights, other forms of entertainment ect. Normies might repeat some platitude like "social media is toxic" or "the Sackler family is bad" or something along those lines but its popular because normies like it, the system can eat the blows because it is "anti-fragile" or whatever you wanna say, and the majority of people enjoy the current spirit of the age where liberal capitalism prevails. Incels/reactionaries cannot get that through their stupid heads but think some messianic leader will rise and the people will take back control and ultimately end this hellish Kali Yuga phase once and for all..... absolute morons. This is a pill the majority of people on here will never accept.
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Massive projection. Modern day society is actually pretty good for the average person as compared to any other time in history. People have some sort of notion that the average person knows thoroughly who Ted K was and wholeheartedly agrees with him on every point presented in his works for instance because he's been a meme online for the past decade. Conservatives or any other sort of reactionary like incels fail to see how the average person agrees with what's happening around them in the Occident. Gay marriage, abortion, freedom of expression and association, miscegenation, dating apps, social media, women's rights, other forms of entertainment ect. Normies might repeat some platitude like "social media is toxic" or "the Sackler family is bad" or something along those lines but its popular because normies like it, the system can eat the blows because it is "anti-fragile" or whatever you wanna say, and the majority of people enjoy the current spirit of the age where liberal capitalism prevails. Incels/reactionaries cannot get that through their stupid heads but think some messianic leader will rise and the people will take back control and ultimately end this hellish Kali Yuga phase once and for all..... absolute morons. This is a pill the majority of people on here will never accept.
Retardation. Pure bs. The average person is becoming more and more depressed, lonely, suicidal, with no money,no family and disenfranchised then ever. Jacobine, jew liberal cocksucker should be banned
Retardation. Pure bs. The average person is becoming more and more depressed, lonely, suicidal, with no money,no family and disenfranchised then ever. Jacobine, jew liberal cocksucker should be banned
Any day now the normies will have finally had enough and storm the Bastille and finally real change will usher in!!! lol
I think you are confusing "the right" with right-wing anarchism i.e. libertarianism.

In most cases (France, the UK, Germany, the US, ...) "the right" means conservatives, i.e. people who are trying to keep alive pre-revolutionary worldviews (religion, hierarchy, gender roles)

By contrast, the right-wingers who are indeed the mirror image of the left are the people who put forward "liberty" as their core value (like Ayn Rand or, today, Peter Thiel) These are a tiny minority.

In most countries, the left-right divide is not primarily about equality vs. liberty but equality + individual freedom (i.g. transgenderism) vs. conservatism i.e. "old fashioned" values (tradition), i.e. religion, hierarchy, gender roles and ... last and certainly least, liberty.
Well the "right" emerged from french revolution. The right was the one who was ok with the new status quo aka freedom while the left wanted one step further toward equality/egalitarianism. At the end of the day they both adhere to the same political system. That's why fascism and third positionism in theory was as opposed to USA as it was to USSR (basically the two modernist empires)
Well the "right" emerged from french revolution.
The "right" that existed just after the French Revolution was Legitimist or Bonapartist (in France). The Legitimists were supporting a return of the Bourbon dynasty, who were not particularly fond of liberty. The Bonapartists, for their part, were theoretically a little more open to it (as a kind of lip service) but were in fact for an authoritarian regime. These 2 right-wing currents existed throughout the XIXth century.

Both were in fact in support of "traditional values" (authority, order, religion, etc.)

In other European countries, it was the same. In England, you had the Tories, who were also inclined towards tradition and religion.

The idea that the left/right divide is based on liberty vs. equality is a theoretical construct that does not correspond to the actual political situation at any particular time.
The "right" that existed just after the French Revolution was Legitimist or Bonapartist (in France). The Legitimists were supporting a return of the Bourbon dynasty, who were not particularly fond of liberty. The Bonapartists, for their part, were theoretically a little more open to it (as a kind of lip service) but were in fact for an authoritarian regime. These 2 right-wing currents existed throughout the XIXth century.

Both were in fact in support of "traditional values" (authority, order, religion, etc.)

In other European countries, it was the same. In England, you had the Tories, who were also inclined towards tradition and religion.

The idea that the left/right divide is based on liberty vs. equality is a theoretical construct that does not correspond to the actual political situation at any particular time.
It was not the right we know of. Even Rome had somehow conservatives and populars but it was nowhere near what right and left use to mean since French revolution

Fascism itself, being a form of government more than a political worldview had its right and its left but of course non of those two was like the right and the left of modern democracies
... what right and left use to mean since French revolution
Even since the French revolution the Left/Right divide was NEVER about equality vs. freedom.

It was instead PERSONAL liberty + equality vs. "traditional values"

The idea of "liberty" was initially a left-wing idea (e.g. during the French and American revolutions). Today, it has degenerated into "you are FREE to be a tranny" and similar things.

No one was ever for liberty really, because liberty is impossible. It is a pie in the sky. In a civilization there are no such thing as liberty. You just have degrees of permissiveness. Both left-wing and right-wing takes on "liberty" are posturing.
we as a species seem to always be looking toward the stars.
Which should be telling because now we all are looking towards the past and it’s glory instead of the future because it’s bleak.
Everyone is so egoistic and vain that they believe their predicament is an exception to general trends.
Exactly this. So while society is a failed experiment, it is one that normies desire. I've tried explaining to them human motives, the nature of give-and-take, that not everyone is like them, and it never works out. They will cling to their value judgements, the desire to do and believe whatever they want, until they slam themselves into the grave. I think it is telling there are normies stories of a benevolent tyrant giving the protags a perfect life, then the protags revolt and destroy everything, because they'd rather be free to pursue happiness than have happiness. They can't be saved and did not ask to be saved.
Which should be telling because now we all are looking towards the past and it’s glory instead of the future because it’s bleak.
I get the feeling it's mostly rejects looking towards the past, but maybe I'm wrong.
When a man finds his curiosity of death more exciting than life itself, then you know society is fucked up.
Yeah for real
I get the feeling it's mostly rejects looking towards the past, but maybe I'm wrong.
The only people looking forward towards the future are boomers, women, and leftists who profit and benefit from this shit society at large but they’re too stupid to realize they’re the problem at hand.
The only people looking forward towards the future are boomers, women, and leftists who profit and benefit from this shit society at large but they’re too stupid to realize they’re the problem at hand.
Ain't anyone who ain't a boomer, woman or woketard basically a reject?
Bumping this one was worth it, lol.
When a man finds his curiosity of death more exciting than life itself, then you know society is fucked up.
I hate the job I have currently and my general lot in life so much I actively think about killing myself every day. Life doesn’t have to be like this, but we have no power to change a thing at an individual level.

There are good jobs out there but they’re becoming rarer and rarer and the competition over something like a basic management job is fucking crazy. They flat out will not give you a shot even if you have years of experience at the relevant worker level.

Life shouldn’t be THIS hard. Makes me want to just LDAR but then I’ll be homeless. The USA is serfdom for most people. I got a STEM degree and still make terrible money and seemingly have no ability whatsoever to break into any adjacent jobs even though I know for a fact I could do them and that they’re much easier than what I do now.

People like us generally don’t have connections and the moment anyone sees an ugly man it’s fuckin over unless you REALLY have a skill they need and can’t find. Trouble is, just paying for the degrees and certs you need for this or that can put you in the hole money wise and getting a new degree in the US is futile since nobody normal can afford to go back to college and start over. It’s a total mess.

Companies don’t train people anymore because competition is so high and the value of labor so low that they can just do whatever they want as normals fight over scraps. If active revolt happens at some point I won’t be surprised. But then again men are too fucking divided to do anything.
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I get the feeling it's mostly rejects looking towards the past, but maybe I'm wrong.
Oh for sure. If I could start my life over knowing what I do now I would this minute. I basically have little other than regrets.

Sometimes I feel like this outcome was fate and that I did the best I could where what’s wrong is the world around me but at the very least I could study something with job potential that doesn’t make me want to walk off a cliff everyday of my life.
Bumping this one was worth it, lol.
Imo it’s a genuinely interesting debate. Technology and some aspects of modern life such as modern medicine and plumbing are fantastic. If you get your bills under control then you probably won’t starve so that’s good.

But in other ways modern life seems horrific. Nobody normal who’s working and millennial or later can own a home anymore. Jobs pay absolute shit wages or are absurdly competitive unless you’re very fortunate or have a critical niche skill (some of which most people genuinely cannot do because those jobs require high baseline intelligence like full stack programming) and in general the value of labor more or less has evaporated (allowing women into the work force as the norm was genuinely one of the stupidest long term decisions we have ever made though it makes sense corpos and the owners would love more labor to drive down wages). Most people are effectively serfs with a few “nice things”.

Other horrible aspects to it are that close knit communities are becoming far more rare, polygamy/hypergamy/men being unable to have a family of their own or women has been climbing and climbing. If you’re a man odds are you’re disposable and absolutely no one cares about you. That was sort of true in the past but I think it’s even worse now since men basically can’t get a family of their own and because men are brainwashed and prevented from banding together by the current regime. So many things that are core human needs have become out of reach in a way that wasn’t true in other times. One of the good points that video I originally linked made was how in ancient times with smaller communities you actually did have some power over the rules and norms of your group (unlike the systems of today which are controlled by basically a small handful of elites).

People always say that the boomer glorious era of the middle class was a historical anomaly and that mass poverty is basically the norm. But my response to that is just that specific policies and norms can produce those conditions and corruption and current systems are likely what broke the American dream — basically the top became greedy and has just squeezed the working Joe harder and harder and harder to the breaking point:
View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM
Everywhere will turn into homeless California at this rate. I would say the biggest core problems with the west are really that competition for jobs is way way too high, jobs don’t pay enough because the top is taking everything for themselves, in the US we sort of have “legal” corruption for certain things where officials are allowed to do things that they just shouldn’t be (voting themselves raises with no real oversight for example), homes being totally out of reach, and education taking too long and costing far far far too much. And then of course you have all the modern feminist garbage and how shitty most men are treat just in general as the cherry on top of a deeply broken system.
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@BornToLose Yeah, it really do be like that :feelsrope: I’m just tired lads. You work hard and for what? This life is so far from “human flourishing”, a lot of people make good choices and work hard but get nowhere and end up being abused on the bottom of some shitty corporate structure and by the people around them. It ain’t worth it. God I wish I could NEET but I’d never get on neetbux because they really only give those out to single mothers and seriously heinously crippled people here.
@BornToLose Yeah, it really do be like that :feelsrope: I’m just tired lads. You work hard and for what? This life is so far from “human flourishing”, a lot of people make good choices and work hard but get nowhere and end up being abused on the bottom of some shitty corporate structure and by the people around them. It ain’t worth it. God I wish I could NEET but I’d never get on neetbux because they really only give those out to single mothers and seriously heinously crippled people here.
Damn nigga you sure you can't? I'm on neetbux in the United Cuckdom.
Half of it is because our society sucks. The other half is because the West is declining.
People in countries like China and Vietnam are looking forward to the future because to many of them, their recent past sucked, whether it be forced collectivization or civil war.
People in America look back to the 1950s-1990s with fondness because they know they'll never be able to go back to that time when America was on top, when people were more united (with some exceptions), and when the middle class had grounds for optimism instead of being stagnant.
Today, many Western communities are stagnant or declining, whether it be the Boy Scouts, the churches and Christianity, or in-person groups in general. The West has been drained of its real content, including its manufacturing capacity, and many of us sense that something different is coming, whether it be financial hell, chaos, or totalitarianism.
Jacque Ellul called it as well before even Ted
It's nice to see someone on here who knows him. Probably one of the greatest thinkers of all time.
I get the feeling it's mostly rejects looking towards the past, but maybe I'm wrong.
It depends on the country in question, but in America, lots of people look towards the past.
Half of it is because our society sucks. The other half is because the West is declining.
People in countries like China and Vietnam are looking forward to the future because to many of them, their recent past sucked, whether it be forced collectivization or civil war.
People in America look back to the 1950s-1990s with fondness because they know they'll never be able to go back to that time when America was on top, when people were more united (with some exceptions), and when the middle class had grounds for optimism instead of being stagnant.
Today, many Western communities are stagnant or declining, whether it be the Boy Scouts, the churches and Christianity, or in-person groups in general. The West has been drained of its real content, including its manufacturing capacity, and many of us sense that something different is coming, whether it be financial hell, chaos, or totalitarianism.

It's nice to see someone on here who knows him. Probably one of the greatest thinkers of all time.

It depends on the country in question, but in America, lots of people look towards the past.
High IQ :feelsYall:
Just relocate to a cuck state theory.
I’ll have to check but usually they have some clauses about working actively beforehand for some time so they try to prevent moving to get on neetbux. If it were easy to get on welfare for the long haul here tons of people in my boat would be doing it. I’ll check though it’s been sometime since I looked up the rules. The other stipulations seem to be that you don’t have family that will let you stay or savings iirc but again it’s been awhile since I looked closely. During COVID they seemed to relax a lot of that stuff but it’s back to normal now iirc. What I won’t ever do is fraud because that’s real legal hot water/legal action territory.
I’ll have to check but usually they have some clauses about working actively beforehand for some time so they try to prevent moving to get on neetbux. If it were easy to get on welfare for the long haul here tons of people in my boat would be doing it. I’ll check though it’s been sometime since I looked up the rules. The other stipulations seem to be that you don’t have family that will let you stay or savings iirc but again it’s been awhile since I looked closely. During COVID they seemed to relax a lot of that stuff but it’s back to normal now iirc.
Yeah there's always protocols tbf. I was lucky I got on it just before Covid and no one has been arsed to check up on me since.
Yeah there's always protocols tbf. I was lucky I got on it just before Covid and no one has been arsed to check up on me since.
That’s Incredible. Yeah, I was searching around about it now and what my state does have is temporary only and you basically have to have kids lol. For permanent neetbux you have to have a serious and documented disability that would prevent you from working so they structure it to really make people take garbage wagie jobs.
That’s Incredible. Yeah, I was searching around about it now and what my state does have is temporary only and you basically have to have kids lol. For permanent neetbux you have to have a serious and documented disability that would prevent you from working so they structure it to really make people take garbage wagie jobs.
Tbf I do have a history of mental illness. That's the way to get neetbux for one of us.
Tbf I do have a history of mental illness. That's the way to get neetbux for one of us.
Oh I’m pretty sure everyone on this board genuinely has mental illness due to abuse and isolation/mistreatment all our lives. The issue is getting a governmental body to recognize such a thing. Glad it worked out for you man, low status ugly men definitely deserve a helping hand since unlike women nobody is feel bad for us or lend a helping hand.
Oh I’m pretty sure everyone on this board genuinely has mental illness due to abuse and isolation/mistreatment all our lives. The issue is getting a governmental body to recognize such a thing. Glad it worked out for you man, low status ugly men definitely deserve a helping hand since unlike women nobody is feel bad for us or lend a helping hand.
Oh yeah of course the foids will get their (denied by them) privilege. I'm just lucky I got diagnosed with OCD and depression in my youth (as a millennial speaking).

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