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Theory Modern Society is a Failed Experiment for Most Ordinary People

I totally agree that our society is a failed experiment.

Traditional societies were not experiments. They grew slowly over long periods of time.

The Western tradition was Christianity. The "experiment" began when some egghead "philosophers" started saying that Christianity (on which everything in the West was built) could be dispensed with. At first, they received a lot of pushback and so the experiment was slow to be actually put in practice. However, in the 1950s, everything changed. That is when the experiment started on a really large scale.

Before the 1950s, the only two instances of this experiment on a medium scale were the French Revolution and the Soviet Union, both disastrous bloodbaths.

@solblue @TheProphetMuscle @Moroccancel2- @DenHaag @lotus2345 @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @spasticbuddy @Mortis @JayGoptri @LesscoBlob @Epedaphic @ElTruecel @CopingForBrutality @Intellau_Celistic
It’s interesting since I’m not religious anymore and now think I was basically lied to growing up. But despite that I also believe religion can make people happier and help produce a higher trust society with shared values. Also helps people cope with the fear of death and all. I was definitely happier when I believed in my religion. It was a beautiful comforting lie in a way.
If everyone is malfunctioning so much around us, there is no way for us to recognise what the problems really are. Certain Philosophers really took advantage of that chaos, it would seem.
It’s crazy to me how so many people feel terrible and are miserable now and they all get out on depression and anxiety meds from their doctors and therapists. Instead of acknowledging that there’s something that’s fucking deeply wrong with modern society they just try to turn people into robots to get them to keep being cogs in this soulless machine that only rewards a small few people now. I actually don’t think comparisons to dystopian novels like 1984 or Brave New World are that far fetched since we’ve already seen propaganda and censorship go crazy and people all around us are on mind altering drugs (that they pay through the nose for all the rest of their lives I might add).
It’s crazy to me how so many people feel terrible and are miserable now and they all get out on depression and anxiety meds from their doctors and therapists. Instead of acknowledging that there’s something that’s fucking deeply wrong with modern society they just try to turn people into robots to get them to keep being cogs in this soulless machine that only rewards a small few people now.
Mental health practitioners will never acknowledge culture, religion, or environment as any significant thing because their whole practice revolves around pretending everything is some unique individual (and neurological) case. Mood disorders as just a neurological condition is nearly total hogwash.
I actually don’t think comparisons to dystopian novels like 1984 or Brave New World are that far fetched since we’ve already seen propaganda and censorship go crazy and people all around us are on mind altering drugs (that they pay through the nose for all the rest of their lives I might add).
You should read The Underground Man, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Have you read?
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It’s interesting since I’m not religious anymore and now think I was basically lied to growing up. But despite that I also believe religion can make people happier and help produce a higher trust society with shared values. Also helps people cope with the fear of death and all. I was definitely happier when I believed in my religion. It was a beautiful comforting lie in a way.
It is not necessarily a lie, if you interpret it correctly. Christianity kept most of its promises in the course of its 2000 years of existence.

If you want to know more about what I think of all this, you can have a look at the thread linked in my signature and the book published therein
You should read The Underground Man, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Have you read?
I have read the first chapter of the novel. Judging by the tone of the novel, it does seem like it appeals broadly to the social outcasts. Do you know, that novel is apparently a response, sort of a mockery, to another novel about a strong and independent whore.
I have read the first chapter of the novel. Judging by the tone of the novel, it does seem like it appeals broadly to the social outcasts. Do you know, that novel is apparently a response, sort of a mockery, to another novel about a strong and independent whore.
His novel goes a lot deeper than that. It's not just a response to that whore and her baggage. A an earnest description of what might be happening in every household in a post-religious society. It's both confession about the self and admonishment of others, critique of the Self and Others.
His novel goes a lot deeper than that. It's not just a response to that whore and her baggage. A an earnest description of what might be happening in every household in a post-religious society. It's both confession about the self and admonishment of others, critique of the Self and Others.
For sure, more like a criticism of a man's idea of a utopia. I just said it for the lulzzz. I'll be sure to finish it when I'll get some free time with a relaxed mind.
I totally agree that our society is a failed experiment.

Traditional societies were not experiments. They grew slowly over long periods of time.

The Western tradition was Christianity. The "experiment" began when some egghead "philosophers" started saying that Christianity (on which everything in the West was built) could be dispensed with. At first, they received a lot of pushback and so the experiment was slow to be actually put in practice. However, in the 1950s, everything changed. That is when the experiment started on a really large scale.

Before the 1950s, the only two instances of this experiment on a medium scale were the French Revolution and the Soviet Union, both disastrous bloodbaths.

@solblue @TheProphetMuscle @Moroccancel2- @DenHaag @lotus2345 @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @spasticbuddy @Mortis @JayGoptri @LesscoBlob @Epedaphic @ElTruecel @CopingForBrutality @Intellau_Celistic
Nice post.
It’ll all end in 2030. Bill gates will solve world hunger and we will have universal basic income
Massive cope. The only thing that makes life bad in the modern era is FOIDS STANDARDS, everything else is objectively better

1. It's easy to get extremely rich, even a minimum wage jobs in 2023 makes you insanely rich if you're not a retard with money

2. Technology, higher than ever before, you have access to more knowledge than a billionaire just 25 years ago

3. Mass democracy... in the past you needed to be rich to have power, now the rich are getting fucked over by socialists who represent the bottom 90%. As a rich person, i don't like that, but for the average person it's good.
I agree. People lived shitty ass lives in the past. Imagine no pain meds, no dental care or even healthcare? And information is the most valuable thing about the modern day. Things are just more lonely now but the blackpill shows that even if it wasn’t as lonely, we’d just be surrounded by idiots and fake people.

Things were never good. It’s much better now but there could be improvements
For sure, more like a criticism of a man's idea of a utopia. I just said it for the lulzzz. I'll be sure to finish it when I'll get some free time with a relaxed mind.
Well, it's most a critque of Man's idea of being a God himself.
Interesting @K9Otaku
Modern society definitely ain't no utopia, but I'm always skeptical of claims that is was supposedly better way back when. E.g., we have absolutely no way of knowing how hunters and gatherers felt. Not to mention that we as a species seem to always be looking toward the stars. No amount of betterment appears to ever be enough. Always more more more. I often wonder if there's any hope for us at all.
Modern society definitely ain't no utopia, but I'm always skeptical of claims that is was supposedly better way back when. E.g., we have absolutely no way of knowing how hunters and gatherers felt. Not to mention that we as a species seem to always be looking toward the stars. No amount of betterment appears to ever be enough. Always more more more. I often wonder if there's any hope for us at all.
Modern society doesn't necessarily need to be compared to hunters and gatherers. Most from the last two generations want the life boomers led which wasn't plagued with interconnected and always monitoring networking devices. Back when almost all the individuals had a shot at a good life.
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Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.

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Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.

not sure which video it is
but both are brutal lol
Mental health practitioners will never acknowledge culture, religion, or environment as any significant thing because their whole practice revolves around pretending everything is some unique individual (and neurological) case. Mood disorders as just a neurological condition is nearly total hogwash.

You should read The Underground Man, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Have you read?
Read it years ago and it depressed me lol. Has been many years though. Great book. I agree completely about what you said for mental health practitioners. In real life anytime you bring this stuff up the response you always get is: “DID YOU GO TO COLLEGE TO STUDY MEDICINE!?” Etc etc

It’s like people forget that doctors themselves aren’t infallible. Remember what happened with oxytocin? They were wined and dined by big corps and they just believed what they were told about its addictive and psychological properties lol.

You don’t need to be a doctor to observe reality and perceive what’s going on with these meds. They’re used to ignore the problem and further enrich the top. If anything they should be removed so that people can’t cope with the current world because then they’d be far more willing to fight for real change in the system seems to me.
Do you know, that novel is apparently a response, sort of a mockery, to another novel about a strong and independent whore.
That’s something they never taught us :feelshaha: how very based
View attachment 814188
Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.

basically women and the elite (jews) stay winning

not sure which video it is
but both are brutal lol

Incredible accuracy. How the actual fuck do men not see this for what it is? Is the indoctrination really that good? Are men simply afraid to act? I do agree they organizing is very different and society does oppose these ideas at every turn. Despite, you know, the fact they’re true.
Incredible accuracy. How the actual fuck do men not see this for what it is? Is the indoctrination really that good? Are men simply afraid to act? I do agree they organizing is very different and society does oppose these ideas at every turn. Despite, you know, the fact they’re true.
oh you watched it? nice boyo
yeah that channel is great
hope the creator didnt:feelsrope:
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Read it years ago and it depressed me lol. Has been many years though. Great book. I agree completely about what you said for mental health practitioners. In real life anytime you bring this stuff up the response you always get is: “DID YOU GO TO COLLEGE TO STUDY MEDICINE!?” Etc etc

It’s like people forget that doctors themselves aren’t infallible. Remember what happened with oxytocin? They were wined and dined by big corps and they just believed what they were told about its addictive and psychological properties lol.

You don’t need to be a doctor to observe reality and perceive what’s going on with these meds. They’re used to ignore the problem and further enrich the top. If anything they should be removed so that people can’t cope with the current world because then they’d be far more willing to fight for real change in the system seems to me.
Well said.
My understanding is a there are extremely wealthy people and families that keep that info close to the chest and don’t make it well known for a reason. When you’ve got a billion if you want to be discrete or even buy a major news paper or to shill for you you basically can.
Modern society doesn't necessarily need to be compared to hunters and gatherers. Most from the last two generations want the life boomers led which wasn't plagued with interconnected and always monitoring networking devices. Back when almost all the individuals had a shot at a good life.
Perhaps, but I'm sure boomers had plenty to complain about in their heyday. Not to mention that the grass always looks greener on the other side. Besides, I wonder how many moderns would really be willing to trade in the internet, mobile phones, and Netflix etc. if push were to ever come to shove. Not that it ever will.

Screenshot Capture   2023 07 28   21 47 27

JFL at this redpill coper/cuck.
Perhaps, but I'm sure boomers had plenty to complain about in their heyday. Not to mention that the grass always looks greener on the other side. Besides, I wonder how many moderns would really be willing to trade in the internet, mobile phones, and Netflix etc. if push were to ever come to shove. Not that it ever will.
Perhaps, but there are most probably statistics which prove they were much happier. Also, we saw during lockdown how normies were losing their minds as well as lives despite being connected with everyone via internet.
Don't get me wrong, looking at the behaviours of foids and even normies in general, specially in the western society, I don't have much to argue against you. On top of that, they just keep inviting more problems. Humans always had troubles with striking a balance and in this capitalistic hell-hole they just keep commercialising and monetising everything about themselves, tipping the scale even more.
what a retard
does he not know men bald and basically become truecel? jfl
And which peak years of men is he talking about? Betabuxxing years? It doesn't fucking work unless you're like a fucking millionaire. Even then you have to ready to be divorce-graped. These fucking retarded normies just mislead and gaslight the younger and more impressionable viewers of videos like this. It's like they have thrown out any kind of moralistic grounds for argument against foids
Modern society definitely ain't no utopia, but I'm always skeptical of claims that is was supposedly better way back when. E.g., we have absolutely no way of knowing how hunters and gatherers felt.
Of course. But the main problem you have is your lack of historical literacy. If you had more, the past would seem a much more familiar place. And you would understand that, at times, people were indeed feeling better on average than they do now because their culture was more consistent and stable than ours.

Not to mention that we as a species seem to always be looking toward the stars.
There are many ways to have a spiritual discipline about that. All religions offer a solution in that department. Some are better than others but all work better than the perennial insatisfaction we feel today.

No amount of betterment appears to ever be enough. Always more more more. I often wonder if there's any hope for us at all.
Of course there is hope. You just don't understand enough to see it.
And which peak years of men is he talking about? Betabuxxing years? It doesn't fucking work unless you're like a fucking millionaire. Even then you have to ready to be divorce-graped. These fucking retarded normies just mislead and gaslight the younger and more impressionable viewers of videos like this. It's like they have thrown out any kind of moralistic grounds for argument against foids
a girl hot in her twenties most of the time is gonna be hot in her late 30s and 40s
look at sofia vergara for example
hes just another redpill coper that thinks the wall exists
idk how these guys are this delusional
Modern society definitely ain't no utopia, but I'm always skeptical of claims that is was supposedly better way back when. E.g., we have absolutely no way of knowing how hunters and gatherers felt. Not to mention that we as a species seem to always be looking toward the stars. No amount of betterment appears to ever be enough. Always more more more. I often wonder if there's any hope for us at all.
no amount of maxxing will ever be enough
maxxing just at best to be a cuck
Bumping it. If modern life is so good, then why do I have way more fond memories of playing outdoor sports with my friends than rotting in my room playing vidya games, even if it was with friends?
Because that's what is natural for us humans. Playing is a way for young mammals to bond with each other and have good social cooperation in future. If you had friends as a toddler you will almost never be diagnosed with autism.
Giga High IQ thread. I was made for hunting, fishing and foraging. That's what we humans did for 80,000 years. Why must I now sit 8 hours a day and ruin my health ?
Perhaps, but there are most probably statistics which prove they were much happier.
I dunno. Some quick searching yielded
which suggest that, if at all, the difference ain't huge. FYI, I haven't combed thru these studies in any sort of detail.
Also, we saw during lockdown how normies were losing their minds as well as lives despite being connected with everyone via internet.
fair point
Of course. But the main problem you have is your lack of historical literacy. If you had more, the past would seem a much more familiar place. And you would understand that, at times, people were indeed feeling better on average than they do now because their culture was more consistent and stable than ours.
Like I've said before, I have my doubts regarding the veracity of many historical sources. In this case in particular, the common man was illiterate for large swaths of history. No diaries of their highs and lows remain for they were never writ. Those would've likely been the ideal sources. Not that we'd be able to distinguish autobiography from fiction with absolute certainty. And I get history ain't no exact science, but when enough uncertainty piles up it becomes statistically useless.
There are many ways to have a spiritual discipline about that. All religions offer a solution in that department. Some are better than others but all work better than the perennial insatisfaction we feel today.
I was under the impression that you considered technological progress a good thing. That religion enabling technological progress was one of its strengths. Yet ain't technological progress the poster child of our endless striving for a better life?
Of course there is hope.
You make it sound like there not being hope was never an option. Is it a priori truly so clear that mankind ain't doomed regardless?
Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history?
This is the jewest stupidest filthiest lie i ever heard. Basically physically coward capitalists bragging about low homicide rates while ignoring rampant suicide rates plus depression. Just like passive/indirect violence was not violence
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JFL at this redpill coper/cuck.
Men HAVE tried to see it from women’s perspective. Why do you think men gave women all of these privileges VS the old ways of doing things (voting, working, abortion, allowing pseudo polygamy). Most men have been very very patient and understanding of women’s desires. Too patient and understanding.

On the contrary it is women who need to understand the male experience and the male point of view. What’s occurred for the past 70 years or so, that trajectory, it’s been a failed experiment plain and simple and we should go back to the old way of doing things to solve the problem and produce a more equitable society where men and women pair off and start having kids again. Women recoil at this and go on rants when this suggested how awful their lives were back then and this is just a lie to be honest. Women were cared for and being a stay at home parent has always been easier than working some shitty real world job. Also women are super picky and initiate about 3 out of 4 divorces. The reason they can’t be treated the same as men and given the same rights is because they abuse them and ruin life for all the men around them as they’ve done for the west.

By and large men did not do actually do that. Most men werent wife beating monsters. Women just use that strawman for their own advantage. Men have always had more responsibility to society and have always carried the weight and died for their wives and countries. Women don’t deserve equal rights because they are basically infantilized like children and people don’t expect the same from them as they do from men.
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Giga High IQ thread. I was made for hunting, fishing and foraging. That's what we humans did for 80,000 years. Why must I now sit 8 hours a day and ruin my health ?
Thanks fren I hear you :feelsYall: modern life is basically serfdom for most men
Don't Be atheist degenerate
You can’t feign genuine belief. I used to believe in my religion hardcore. Went to religious schools even. I prayed to god every day near constantly tbh. I just don’t think it’s true anymore. I was happier when I did but it’s not a light switch you can turn on and off. You have to actually believe that it’s real to buy into it.

I do agree religion is extremely useful for meeting psychological human needs and has advantages for community regardless of whether it’s true or not.
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Like I've said before, I have my doubts regarding the veracity of many historical sources.
So that is your excuse? Sources are unreliable? Sour grapes!

In this case in particular, the common man was illiterate for large swaths of history. No diaries of their highs and lows remain for they were never writ. Those would've likely been the ideal sources. Not that we'd be able to distinguish autobiography from fiction with absolute certainty. And I get history ain't no exact science, but when enough uncertainty piles up it becomes statistically useless.
We know a lot about the past. Don't kid yourself.

I was under the impression that you considered technological progress a good thing.
Yes. The interesting thing is that most technological progress in the past was done by people who did not particularly desired it. There is a big difference between craving progress and actually achieving it.

That religion enabling technological progress was one of its strengths. Yet ain't technological progress the poster child of our endless striving for a better life?
The Christian Religion enables people to actually perform technological progress precisely because they did not crave it. Technological progress during the industrial revolution, for example, occurred as a by-product of people worshiping something else (God). People who worship progress are actually bad at it. For example, The Soviet Union did not produce any major innovation. Everything they made was more or less a copy of what Western Europe and the US were doing.

You make it sound like there not being hope was never an option. Is it a priori truly so clear that mankind ain't doomed regardless?
There is absolutely no reason to assume that humanity is any more doomed than at any point in its past history. This impression you have is an artefact of your own personal frustration.
This is because most people work in shitty jobs, no entertainment, no adrenaline. This is not what we evolved into. Sitting in front of fucking computer all day turns you dead meat eventually.
So that is your excuse? Sources are unreliable? Sour grapes!
Yes. Examples: Euclid, from The Elements fame, arguably the most influential mathematician of all time, likely never even existed. For a more recent example, take the Holocaust. In addition to being mathematically impossible, the only supposedly extant gas chamber is a post-war "reconstruction". And those two are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Holocaust.
We know a lot about the past. Don't kid yourself.
Then, pray tell, how the Egyptians as we think we know them could've ever constructed those gargantuan pyramids with the remarkable accuracy they exhibit?
The interesting thing is that most technological progress in the past was done by people who did not particularly desired it.
Even if they didn't want the technology per se, the fact they wanted to push frontiers means they were striving for something. Even if their goal was expanding the breadth of our collective knowledge, I'm sure they saw that as a (net) positive -- i.e., as a betterment.
The Christian Religion enables people to actually perform technological progress precisely because they did not crave it.
This sounds cute in theory, but I don't buy it in practice. You really think the common man was devout enough to relinquish all worldly desires?
Technological progress during the industrial revolution, for example, occurred as a by-product of people worshiping something else (God).
You sure (((they))) weren't worshipping cash? If factories were truly built in the name of God, then why were workers' conditions so abysmal?
For example, The Soviet Union did not produce any major innovation. Everything they made was more or less a copy of what Western Europe and the US were doing.
Is that why the Soviets beat the Americans to every conceivable milestone in the space race? Again, your take seems too unnuanced to me.
There is absolutely no reason to assume that humanity is any more doomed than at any point in its past history. This impression you have is an artefact of your own personal frustration.
Humanity is as doomed now as it ever was. That's probably why prophecies of our demise have been around since time immemorial.
Capitalism is to be blamed for this.
Being wealthy isn't what it's cracked up to be. Every government agency is doing everything they can to make our lives hell. Biden and the Democrats are treating us like Jews in Nazi occupied Poland, and pretty much everyone hates you. Your money is constantly stolen from you and used to pay for middle class people so they can go get drunk whenever they want and so Chads and Stacies can shit out more kids.
Shut the fuck up faggot entirety of the bourgeoisie parliamentary system works in your favour.
Once you become a billionaire, or close to it, you get a target on your head, your life becomes hell on earth. You get audited every year, you are a political target, you can't walk out side, assassins are after you, etc.
Still a better existence, than the 99999999.99999% of humanity has ever lived.
Capitalism is to be blamed for this.
Nope. Certainly not, idiot curry. Look at what India was under an anti-capitalist regime in the 1950s to 80s. And look at what it is now after 30+ years of capitalist friendly governments.
Nope. Certainly not, idiot curry. Look at what India was under an anti-capitalist regime in the 1950s to 80s. And look at what it is now after 30+ years of capitalist friendly governments.
Shut the fuck up faggot you aren't a Indian you have no right to speak about this country fuck off chink.

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