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Theory Modern Society is a Failed Experiment for Most Ordinary People



Dec 3, 2020

Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.
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Bumping it. If modern life is so good, then why do I have way more fond memories of playing outdoor sports with my friends than rotting in my room playing vidya games, even if it was with friends?
Bumping it. If modern life is so good, then why do I have way more fond memories of playing outdoor sports with my friends than rotting in my room playing vidya games, even if it was with friends?
Childhood memories are fondest because our brains were smaller back then
Childhood memories are fondest because our brains were smaller back then
I suppose. I was still lucky enough go to grounds with friends to play even past my teenage years. I barely see any kids playing outside nowadays, which makes me incredibly depressed.
I suppose. I was still lucky enough go to grounds with friends to play even past my teenage years. I barely see any kids playing outside nowadays, which makes me incredibly depressed.
I am a gen z I have a bit of memories of playing outside with friends + seeing the internet grow too was very fond memories of that
Kids still play outside all the time. Just because we don’t observe it doesn’t make it untrue.
Bumping it. If modern life is so good, then why do I have way more fond memories of playing outdoor sports with my friends than rotting in my room playing vidya games, even if it was with friends?
People always pull that bullshit card of “BUT YOU HAVE SMART PHONE NOW AND FAST FOOD!!! TIMES ARE BETTER THAN EVUUUUUR” :feelsseriously:

People like Steven Pinker of Harvard talk about this is subject as if it’s a certain thing that everyone is better off now in the modern day but the problem is they’re not looking at the correct metrics by any means at all, not even remotely.

Owning a computer and a smart phone does not make you happy. What matters are:
1) Housing/utilities/stable living situation — people generally aren’t starving in the streets but in every other way we are failing as a society. Everyone my age I know lives with their parents or family or they have 3 roommates to pay their bills at their shit wagie job that doesn’t pay enough to survive otherwise.

Why the fuck doesn’t the US government constantly built massive amounts of housing like some other countries do? Housing is one of those areas that absolutely should not be seen as a for profit investment at least not the way it is now where there aren’t enough homes to go around and rich people vote against building more to protect their precious housing value. That’s the kind of thing people get pissed at boomers for — they voted for housing policies that benefit themselves and their neighborhoods while fucking screwing everyone else.

2) Job market is a train wreck. There simply is too much competition over jobs and all the decent jobs require you to be god himself to land. People always envision a society where computers and automation make their lives more leisurely but that’s not at all what happened. Rather they just give fewer people jobs and the owners of said machines pocket the profit. Many companies now that individual employees can be more productive with computers and such just demand more from them. We are back at square one and the normal worker gained nothing.

3) women entering the workforce has been a total disaster. Wages plummeted because we doubled the labor force so only the rich owner class benefited from this by getting cheap labor. Also when women pursue higher education and careers they have fewer children. On some level raising a family is the thing that basically all old people say was the most fulfilling best thing they ever did in all their life. Yet most men don’t even have the option of having a family now.

4) online dating and other societal changes like just completely destroyed the dating market. Men are screwed unless you’re the tip top.

5) wages are crap for most jobs and inflation means everything I buy at the grocery store costs twice as much now.

People are lonelier than ever before, especially men. Human happiness is largely determined as well by the quality of your relationships. big tech for profit social media and mass censorship of the population are also huge issues.

Finally off the top of my head we have the fact that tons of people are literally drugged up just so they can get through their shitty lived and their shitty work day without blowing their brains out. This is legally prescribed. It’s a like a dystopian fiction novel.
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People always pull that bullshit card of “BUT YOU HAVE SMART PHONE NOW AND FAST FOOD!!! TIMES ARE BETTER THAN EVUUUUUR” :feelsseriously:

People like Steven Pinker of Harvard talk about this is subject as if it’s a certain thing that everyone is better off now in the modern day but the problem is they’re not looking at the correct metrics by any means at all, not even remotely.

Owning a computer and a smart phone does not make you happy. What matters are:
1) Housing/utilities/stable living situation — people generally aren’t starving in the streets but in every other way we are failing as a society. Everyone my age I know lives with their parents or family or they have 3 roommates to pay their bills at their shit wagie job that doesn’t pay enough to survive otherwise.

Why the fuck doesn’t the US government constantly built massive amounts of housing like some other countries do? Housing is one of those areas that absolutely should not be seen as a for profit investment at least not the way it is now where there aren’t enough homes to go around and rich people vote against building more to protect their precious housing value. That’s the kind of thing people get pissed at boomers for — they voted for housing policies that benefit themselves and their neighborhoods while fucking screwing everyone else.

2) Job market is a train wreck. There simply is too much competition over jobs and all the decent jobs require you to be god himself to land. People always envision a society where computers and automation make their lives more leisurely but that’s not at all what happened. Rather they just give fewer people jobs and the owners of said machines pocket the profit. Many companies now that individual employees can be more productive with computers and such just demand more from them. We are back at square one and the normal worker gained nothing.

3) women entering the workforce has been a total disaster. Wages plummeted because we doubled the labor force so only the rich owner class benefited from this by getting cheap labor. Also when women pursue higher education and careers they have fewer children.

4) online dating and other societal changes like just completely destroyed the dating market. Men are screwed unless you’re the tip top.

5) wages are crap for most jobs and inflation means everything I buy at the grocery store costs twice as much now.

People are lonelier than ever before, especially men. Human happiness is largely determined as well by the quality of your relationships. big tech for profit social media and mass censorship of the population are also huge issues.

Finally off the top of my head we have the fact that tons of people are literally drugged up just so they can get through their shitty lived and their shitty work day without blowing their brains out. This is legally prescribed. It’s a like a dystopian fiction novel.
45 years of neoliberalism have ruined the west. Thatcher/Reagan/Friedman are to blame. And it's only going to get worse. Globalisation and identity politics have replaced class politics and now, instead of gaining actual, material benefits, we get "trans rights" and "immigrant rights".
Bumping it. If modern life is so good, then why do I have way more fond memories of playing outdoor sports with my friends than rotting in my room playing vidya games, even if it was with friends?
Also you’re not wrong. I also don’t believe it’s only nostalgia the world really has become worse in crucial ways that matter significantly in the past 20 years.
45 years of neoliberalism have ruined the west. Thatcher/Reagan/Friedman are to blame. And it's only going to get worse. Globalisation and identity politics have replaced class politics and now, instead of gaining actual, material benefits, we get "trans rights" and "immigrant rights".
Nailed it mate well said
Kids still play outside all the time. Just because we don’t observe it doesn’t make it untrue.
I think it’s more rare than it was. In part because of the population demographics shift where there are just fewer kids atm and then also a lot do them just stay inside and live on the iPad. That might me sound like a Boomer but that does seem true to me. Not saying nobody plays outside anymore cuz they do but it’s less now from what I’ve observed.
Nailed it mate well said
Likewise mate.

The only area of technology which is a net gain is in medicine. I like Chomsky's view on technology and technological innovation: that's it's neutral. It's like a hammer, you can use it to build a home or use it to beat someone to death with.
Also you’re not wrong. I also don’t believe it’s only nostalgia the world really has become worse in crucial ways that matter significantly in the past 20 years.
Like I said in the other post, my friends and I still go out for outdoor sports whenever we can settle on a schedule. You can never, I mean never, replicate the feeling of playing real sports with e-sports. I see my cousins stuck on their phones and shit watching k-pop and other provocative content and lament that they will not even have good memories growing up. I sometimes wish I could mentally prepare my cousins boyos for the absolute world of pain that awaits them.
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View attachment 814188
Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.

Massive cope. The only thing that makes life bad in the modern era is FOIDS STANDARDS, everything else is objectively better

1. It's easy to get extremely rich, even a minimum wage jobs in 2023 makes you insanely rich if you're not a retard with money

2. Technology, higher than ever before, you have access to more knowledge than a billionaire just 25 years ago

3. Mass democracy... in the past you needed to be rich to have power, now the rich are getting fucked over by socialists who represent the bottom 90%. As a rich person, i don't like that, but for the average person it's good.
Massive cope. The only thing that makes life bad in the modern era is FOIDS STANDARDS, everything else is objectively better

1. It's easy to get extremely rich, even a minimum wage jobs in 2023 makes you insanely rich if you're not a retard with money

2. Technology, higher than ever before, you have access to more knowledge than a billionaire just 25 years ago

3. Mass democracy... in the past you needed to be rich to have power, now the rich are getting fucked over by socialists who represent the bottom 90%. As a rich person, i don't like that, but for the average person it's good.
Yes! Our supreme Intellectual is really back with more supreme takes. :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber:

Tell us, Intellectual, have you gotten back at your mum for her drunken and humiliating rant the other night?
Yes! Our supreme Intellectual is really back with more supreme takes. :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber:

Tell us, Intellectual, have you gotten back at your mum for her drunken and humiliating rant the other night?
No, she's a bitch tho.
It's not an experiment, (((they))) know exactly what (((they're))) doing
I'm a student of Ted K and have been preaching this for like a good 10 years now, but alas... normies can't grasp it.
I'm a student of Ted K and have been preaching this for like a good 10 years now, but alas... normies can't grasp it.

Jacque Ellul called it as well before even Ted
Like I said in the other post, my friends and I still go out for outdoor sports whenever we can settle on a schedule. You can never, I mean never, replicate the feeling of playing real sports with e-sports. I see my cousins stuck on their phones and shit watching k-pop and other provocative content and lament that they will not even have good memories growing up. I sometimes wish I could mentally prepare my cousins boyos for the absolute world of pain that awaits them.
I hear you man. Unrelated but Eva is a fantastic show.
Massive cope. The only thing that makes life bad in the modern era is FOIDS STANDARDS, everything else is objectively better

1. It's easy to get extremely rich, even a minimum wage jobs in 2023 makes you insanely rich if you're not a retard with money

2. Technology, higher than ever before, you have access to more knowledge than a billionaire just 25 years ago

3. Mass democracy... in the past you needed to be rich to have power, now the rich are getting fucked over by socialists who represent the bottom 90%. As a rich person, i don't like that, but for the average person it's good.
1) This is just not true. If it was easy to be rich any schmuck who’s read decent investment literature like that of the Bogleheads would be wealthy if they could flip a burger.

Even sensible investment strategies take you 20-30 years of consistent nose down hard working discipline to become wealthy if you’re starting from 0 and earn a median wage. It can be done but it is in no way easy. The Plain Bagle has an excellent video on that very subject:
View: https://youtu.be/WAXPDDnrpW4
It’s a matter of income really. You need a heavy high amount of capital in those index funds before you can coast and you need to keep a tight budget and manage expenses while staying employed at all times to make good forward progress and then you need to ideally do that decades. Some people got lucky with Crypto but they took a huge risk on something untested and once the cat is out of the bag you either got in early or there’s a very real chance of losing what you put in.

Beyond that getting a “good” job is no longer trivial. You need a STEM degree or connections or both. Real stem jobs aren’t memes either. For example being a computer engineer is a very hard job that most people cannot do. That’s probably why it’s still a “good” job. Too much competition over jobs kills the value of labor and we definitely have too many people trying to get too few good jobs in current year.

2) This same argument is made all the time and it’s missing the entire point. Eg “People have access to smart phones in their pockets that even the president couldn’t get 30 years ago.” Etc. Or, now you can get information easily etc.

These things DO NOT equate to happiness with life and ARE NOT what really matters (community, love, sex, to do something important, kids, a good stable job that doesn’t make you want to kill yourself, your own home, etc). Think about the effect on universities the internet had. Instead of tasks getting easier now that the internet exists they just compensate by making things harder or more challenging in other ways. It was built in having to go the library and read physical books before. Also information being available doesn’t give you credentials to access walled job markets. For that they make you go pay through the nose and spend at least a few years where you usually can’t be full time employed passing courses and the like. Many people don’t have that kind of money, Uni has gotten expensive as fuck.

3) “As a rich person” is that why you’re like this? :feelsseriously: The left has control on the social engineering side but most big corporations are also dominated by leftists today. I hate liberals, but it makes sense why everyone is pissed:
View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM
^Normal people do not even comprehend the degree to which they’re getting screwed and virtually all the money and most of society’s gains go to the top. If you’re wealthy then you’re very fortunate.
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1) This is just not true. If it was easy to be rich any schmuck who’s read decent investment literature like that of the Bogleheads would be wealthy if they could flip a burger.

Even sensible investment strategies take you 20-30 years of consistent nose down hard working discipline to become wealthy if you’re starting from 0 and earn a median wage. It can be done but it is in no way easy. The Plain Bagle has an excellent video on that very subject:
View: https://youtu.be/WAXPDDnrpW4
It’s a matter of income really. You need a heavy high amount of capital in those index funds before you can coast and you need to keep a tight budget and manage expenses while staying employed at all times to make good forward progress and then you need to ideally do that decades. Some people got lucky with Crypto but they took a huge risk on something untested and once the cat is out of the bag you either got in early or there’s a very real chance of losing what you put in.

Beyond that getting a “good” job is no longer trivial. You need a STEM degree or connections or both. Real stem jobs aren’t memes either. For example being a computer engineer is a very hard job that most people cannot do. That’s probably why it’s still a “good” job. Too much competition over jobs kills the value of labor and we definitely have too many people trying to get too few good jobs in current year.

2) This same argument is made all the time and it’s missing the entire point. Eg “People have access to smart phones in their pockets that even the president couldn’t get 30 years ago.” Etc. Or, now you can get information easily etc.

These things DO NOT equate to happiness with life and ARE NOT what really matters (community, love, sex, to do something important, kids, a good stable job that doesn’t make you want to kill yourself, your own home, etc). Think about the effect on universities the internet had. Instead of tasks getting easier now that the internet exists they just compensate by making things harder or more challenging in other ways. It was built in having to go the library and read physical books before.

3) “As a rich person” is that why you’re like this? :feelsseriously: The left has control on the social engineering side but most big corporations are also dominated by leftists today. I hate liberals, but it makes sense why everyone is pissed:
View: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM
^Normal people do not even comprehend the degree to which they’re getting screwed and virtually all the money and most of society’s gains go to the top. If you’re wealthy then you’re very fortunate.

Being wealthy isn't what it's cracked up to be. Every government agency is doing everything they can to make our lives hell. Biden and the Democrats are treating us like Jews in Nazi occupied Poland, and pretty much everyone hates you. Your money is constantly stolen from you and used to pay for middle class people so they can go get drunk whenever they want and so Chads and Stacies can shit out more kids.
Being wealthy isn't what it's cracked up to be. Every government agency is doing everything they can to make our lives hell. Biden and the Democrats are treating us like Jews in Nazi occupied Poland, and pretty much everyone hates you. Your money is constantly stolen from you and used to pay for middle class people so they can go get drunk whenever they want and so Chads and Stacies can shit out more kids.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I’d say there’s rich and then there’s rich though.

For example if you have guy who worked all his life as a doctor or something then retires with a portfolio of index funds with like 3 million USD I’ve got no issue with that. I would hope most people don’t. I would say assuming he was a good doctor he probably contributed a lot to society and more or less deserves to retire with that money.

Where it gets worse in my view is when you’re way beyond even the upper middle class types. If one man has 5 million dollars and one home at the end of their career that’s very different than having 1 billion and 7 homes. And this is muddied even more by things like inheritance I suppose. There’s obviously a gradation in between that I’m just using an extreme for sake of example.

Technology is amazing but on some level we’re still monkeys. We need actual community and friends and people to love who love us and we need our own homes, at least the ability to have children and so on. Take away those things and give people fast food and iPads and video games and it’s simply no substitute on any level. That’s mainly what I’m trying to say. Some things are way better now and other things are worse than they’ve probably ever been.
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1. It's easy to get extremely rich, even a minimum wage jobs in 2023 makes you insanely rich if you're not a retard with money
Being wealthy isn't what it's cracked up to be. Every government agency is doing everything they can to make our lives hell.
You have to be trolling, right? No one can type that shit out and click post thinking "wow I made such a great point!" :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Yeah, I see what you mean. I’d say there’s rich and then there’s rich though.

For example if you have guy who worked all his life as a doctor or something then retires with a portfolio of index funds with like 3 million USD I’ve got no issue with that. I would hope most people don’t. I would say assuming he was a good doctor he probably contributed a lot to society and more or less deserves to retire with that money.
Those are the people who have all the privilege in society. Doctors, accountants, and engineers. They have just enough numbers to control the government, and just enough wealth to disproportionately yield influence. The most privileged person in our society is a white man who earns between 100k a year and 150k a year.

Once you become a billionaire, or close to it, you get a target on your head, your life becomes hell on earth. You get audited every year, you are a political target, you can't walk out side, assassins are after you, etc.
Where it gets worse in my view is when you’re way beyond even the upper middle class types. If one man has 5 million dollars at the end of their career that’s very different than having 1 billion.
People who have a billion are in constant suffering, you don't need to worry about them. THe most fulfilled people on the planet are those who earn around 100-200k and retire with a few million. Society is designed to serve them.
Technology is amazing but on some level we’re still monkeys. We need actual community and friends and people to love who love us and we need our own homes, at least ability to have children and so on. Take away those things and give people fast food and iPads and video games and it’s simply no substitute on any level. That’s mainly what I’m trying to say. Some things are way better now and other things are worse than they’ve probably ever been.
You have to be trolling, right? No one can type that shit out and click post thinking "wow I made such a great point!" :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I think you're a troll, the last few years have exposed how easy it is to make money. Kids are getting rich on Doge coin lmao.
Those are the people who have all the privilege in society. Doctors, accountants, and engineers. They have just enough numbers to control the government, and just enough wealth to disproportionately yield influence. The most privileged person in our society is a white man who earns between 100k a year and 150k a year.

Once you become a billionaire, or close to it, you get a target on your head, your life becomes hell on earth. You get audited every year, you are a political target, you can't walk out side, assassins are after you, etc.

People who have a billion are in constant suffering, you don't need to worry about them. THe most fulfilled people on the planet are those who earn around 100-200k and retire with a few million. Society is designed to serve them.
If you’re a good looking guy with a cushy job making 100K+ then yes I’d agree you’ve lucked out big time.

My understanding is a there are extremely wealthy people and families that keep that info close to the chest and don’t make it well known for a reason. When you’ve got a billion if you want to be discrete or even buy a major news paper or to shill for you you basically can. Doesn’t solve everything but it’s absolutely a preferable set of problems to have over working at McDonald’s and living with your parents. I mean, its not even comparable to the average experience of a man is it?
I think you're a troll, the last few years have exposed how easy it is to make money. Kids are getting rich on Doge coin lmao
My honest reaction to that information:
I think you're a troll, the last few years have exposed how easy it is to make money. Kids are getting rich on Doge coin lmao.
Crypto is high risk high reward and has a lot in common with gambling seems to me. It has been an extremely volatile asset and we don’t have the history on it that we do with the equities market. The people that made it big think they’re geniuses but they could’ve lost everything and many late comers did. I’ve tried to wrap my head around crypto but it still seems like a solution in search of a problem to me and i think a lot of people just saw the line go up like a rocket in the same way beanie babies did and hopped aboard out of FOMO. For some of them it worked out great.
If you’re a good looking guy with a cushy job making 100K+ then yes I’d agree you’ve lucked out big time.

My understanding is a there are extremely wealthy people and families that keep that info close to the chest and don’t make it well known for a reason. When you’ve got a billion if you want to be discrete or even buy a major news paper or to shill for you you basically can. Doesn’t solve everything but it’s absolutely a preferable set of problems to have over working at McDonald’s and living with your parents. I mean, its not even comparable to the average experience of a man is it?
Lets put it this way.

You are much much better off being a tall white dude earning 100k a year with a wife and kids, than you are being a billionaire.

The government bends over backwards to protect the white man with a wife and kids, but will often have the CIA assassinate billionaire just cause.
I think it’s more rare than it was. In part because of the population demographics shift where there are just fewer kids atm and then also a lot do them just stay inside and live on the iPad. That might me sound like a Boomer but that does seem true to me. Not saying nobody plays outside anymore cuz they do but it’s less now from what I’ve observed.

Yeah I agree with you. It makes sense that it would be less kids playing outside as time goes by because of out reliance on technology and most parents been lazy instead of putting the effort in to make sure don't become tech addicted.
This isn’t an experiment OP.

It’s part of a delibaratebmalicious plan.
Kids still play outside all the time. Just because we don’t observe it doesn’t make it untrue.
Lol you sure dude, I live in La county, a place with literally millions of people but yet its not an often sight to see kids playing outside, not long ago my family were at a annual street fair that has been going on since my father was a kid, There was a decent amount of families and mainly kids, I was puzzled because I see all these kids from age 4-20 but yet you rarely ever see much o them on any other the day the fair was on, funny thing is my father said that there used to be way more people here on the street fair to the point it was hard to move and locate your friends, face it, it's ovER.
Uncle ted is getting more and more relevant day by day with chatGPT
All maliciously orchestrated by bilderbergs / WEF / your local "philanthropist" and other monopolizing globalists and (((saturn worshippers)))

I just want a house, a decent mid range car and poon is that so much to ask for as a bluecollar nigga?
We were made as slaves. More intelligent beings created us as their slaves to gather the resources of the planet. They made us in their imagine. We are slaves even our DNA and our instincts are programmed to listen and obey. Just look in the history of mankind. Read the tablets decipher them and look for yourself.
All maliciously orchestrated by bilderbergs / WEF / your local "philanthropist" and other monopolizing globalists and (((saturn worshippers)))

I just want a house, a decent mid range car and poon is that so much to ask for as a bluecollar nigga?
Fucking based. This is the thing innit.

Most people aren’t asking for the moon. We want core foundational things like our own home, a wife that loves us, puts out at a reasonable frequency, and who doesn’t blow up into a land whale and divorce rape us for no good reason, and then a decent job where we don’t want to kill ourselves everyday of our fucking lives. I want to have a family of my own but know I will never get that opportunity unless the world around me changes. Fuck this system. We’ve been robbed. I’d also add that I’d like to live in a society that doesn’t mock and gaslight men all the time and that actually values us and acknowledges the things the men do keeping each country afloat.

And people pull the is bullshit of “oh but you have smart phones and video games now you should be happy durrrr” god damn it’s enraging. Completely misses the entire point. That kind of shit is the most retarded brain dead stuff I’ve ever heard. It’s like they don’t understand human needs and programming at all. People are more lonely and isolated now than ever, especially men.
We were made as slaves. More intelligent beings created us as their slaves to gather the resources of the planet. They made us in their imagine. We are slaves even our DNA and our instincts are programmed to listen and obey. Just look in the history of mankind. Read the tablets decipher them and look for yourself.
To some extent, sure. Men are basically programmed instinctually to simp for women and men have to be taught and overcome that inclination seems to me. But men also revolt a lot historically when things get too bad. Men are indoctrinated to be slaves yes but it’s possible to reach men and compel them to act as a group in some cases. The more time passes the more I completely understand how somehow like Hitler rose to power and the more I doubt the version of history for all kinds do things we’ve been sold. Everyone knows the phrase “the victor writes history” but it’s so bizarre how people don’t logically apply that phrase to their own countries. I don’t even know what’s true or who to trust anymore for certain things. Trusting yourself and your own observations is imperfect in a lot of ways but I like to at least use it to weight against what I’m told for things that seem fishy.
No, she's a bitch tho.
I wonder how many of our mothers here blackpilled us lol. My mother is honestly one of the most delusional people I have ever met in all my life. She hates my father and raised me to believe men are evil and women are oppressed just fucking kek.
View attachment 814188
Some videos I’ve come across that provide a perspective I rarely see tolerated in mainstream circles:

View: https://youtu.be/DWtUayfRhpM
Particularly the section on drugs and how most people need to use them just to stay sane and get by in modern life:

View: https://youtu.be/ESD2XHeTxjA
Probably not everything in these are rock solid but they raise some good or at least interesting points about modern western society seems to me. Psychologically so many people are miserable now. Most men harshly struggle to find a partner or a half decent job nowadays in western countries. People aren’t having children.

Doesn’t it seem fishy that we’re constantly gaslit that this is the best time to live in human history? I just don’t buy it anymore. What’s fulfilling about being a serf earning a pittance for work that makes me want to kill myself and with no ability to find a woman that loves me or to build my own family? There’s also the point that none of us have any power over our own societies. A very small handful of extremely wealthy powerful individuals do — and they clearly don’t give a damn about us.

That first video brings up an exceptional point I believe. Video games and loneliness with transitory hollow acquaintances is not a good life. Add onto that how everyone is so selfish and cruel and only cares about themselves because it’s apparently a lot of how you get ahead in these shit fuck societies. It’s a miserable pitiful muck of a life but what else is there for us? I tried — I’ve really tried and I still try and I can’t even find a fucking job. The west needs a fight club esc movement at this point (in Minecraft). The system needs a hard reset, it’s failed us all.

I totally agree that our society is a failed experiment.

Traditional societies were not experiments. They grew slowly over long periods of time.

The Western tradition was Christianity. The "experiment" began when some egghead "philosophers" started saying that Christianity (on which everything in the West was built) could be dispensed with. At first, they received a lot of pushback and so the experiment was slow to be actually put in practice. However, in the 1950s, everything changed. That is when the experiment started on a really large scale.

Before the 1950s, the only two instances of this experiment on a medium scale were the French Revolution and the Soviet Union, both disastrous bloodbaths.

@solblue @TheProphetMuscle @Moroccancel2- @DenHaag @lotus2345 @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @spasticbuddy @Mortis @JayGoptri @LesscoBlob @Epedaphic @ElTruecel @CopingForBrutality @Intellau_Celistic
I totally agree that our society is a failed experiment.

Traditional societies were not experiments. They grew slowly over long periods of time.

The Western tradition was Christianity. The "experiment" began when some egghead "philosophers" started saying that Christianity (on which everything in the West was built) could be dispensed with. At first, they received a lot of pushback and so the experiment was slow to be actually put in practice. However, in the 1950s, everything changed. That is when the experiment started on a really large scale.

Before the 1950s, the only two instances of this experiment on a medium scale were the French Revolution and the Soviet Union, both disastrous bloodbaths.

@solblue @TheProphetMuscle @Moroccancel2- @DenHaag @lotus2345 @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @spasticbuddy @Mortis @JayGoptri @LesscoBlob @Epedaphic @ElTruecel @CopingForBrutality @Intellau_Celistic
If everyone is malfunctioning so much around us, there is no way for us to recognise what the problems really are. Certain Philosophers really took advantage of that chaos, it would seem.

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