Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Confirmed 3/10 truecel by others.
Feb 5, 2018
Title tbh, if you claim to be incel due to your mentality than you are probably LARPing as an incel for attention(bonus for ppl posting selfies).
Or you are truly ugly and cope with saying that its not because of your looks but because of your psyche.

How Low-IQ do you have to be to not understand that a socially challenged/aspie/autistic Chad still gets women easily?

Attraction(=genes)=looks, mentalcel=meme.
Cynistic said:
Title tbh, if you claim to be incel due to your mentality than you are probably LARPing as an incel for attention(bonus for ppl posting selfies).
Or you are truly ugly and cope with saying that its not because of your looks but because of your psyche.

How Low-IQ do you have to be to not understand that a socially challenged/aspie/autistic Chad still gets women easily?

Attraction(=genes)=looks, mentalcel=meme.

Foreign cel = fag cel
yes women are attracted to face not your autism

all my years through high school and now in college i see complete subhumans with girls just because they know how to talk to them.

Tellem--T said:
keep coping manlet
I'm a mentalcel and this triggers me apologize
What about all of the ugly fuckers that get girls though? I've seen it happen too often
WorldRulerAisha said:
yes women are attracted to face not your autism
A 7/10 cannot be a mentalcel you idiot, there is a looks cut to be a mentalcel.

Mentalcels are Non-NT aspies between 5/10 and 6/10. I fit on this so im a mentalcel.

Another famous examples are Gambler and Elliot Rodgers.
My poor social skills and mental illness are a direct result of my physical defects

How the fuck are trucels expected to be mentally healthy and sociable with a facial deformity that consumes the forefront of all conversation attempts lel

Agree with op tho mentalcels alone are LARPing
Agreed, mentalcels have no-one but themselves to blame. (Gambler comes to mind)
sigh... here we go again. chad is good looking enough to compensate for his aspieness. normie tier men cant compensate for aspieness with their looks. simple.
mentalcel truecel checking in
mental cels are personality cels and they agree with cucktears so they should join there
100% legit. These so called "mentalcels" are nothing but hypocritical piece of shit. They talk, act, browse forums, post their GL selfies, argue, win internet debates and do all sorts of shit just like all the normal people do. Yet they can't get laid because they are "mental" or "aspie". Either they are ugly (so deluded that they think they are good looking) or just LARPing/faking as incels, they stick around here just for "validations" from other legit ugly ass incels. Nothing can get pathetic like this.
being good looking mentalcel is fakecel but if you are an ugly mentalcel then people will actively try to destroy you and get rid of you and will expend great amount of energy and time years even decades to do so.
chudur-budur said:
100% legit. These so called "mentalcels" are nothing but hypocritical piece of shit. They talk, act, browse forums, post their GL selfies, argue, win internet debates and do all sorts of shit just like all the normal people do. Yet they can't get laid because they are "mental" or "aspie". Either they are ugly (so deluded that they think they are good looking) or just LARPing/faking as incels, they stick around here just for "validations" from other legit ugly ass incels. Nothing can get pathetic like this.

Keep coping, mentalceldom is legit whether you like it or not,
Mentalcels on suicide watch
Why is everyone so eager to claim that only one type of incel can be truecel? Is it because you want to feel special and worthy of pity above others? lol
KilluminoidBR said:
A 7/10 cannot be a mentalcel you idiot, there is a looks cut to be a mentalcel.

Mentalcels are Non-NT aspies between 5/10 and 6/10. I fit on this so im a mentalcel.

Another famous examples are Gambler and Elliot Rodgers.

What does NT stand for.
BlackpilledAF said:
What does NT stand for.
NT = Neurotypical, person with a normal mind.

If you are an 6/10 aspie your SMV is the same of a 4/10 man.

I have a good eloquence and females still rejecting me because they think im retarded.
I will keep fighting for the plight of fatcels, volcels and mentalcels.
Coping neurothypicals.
I believe mentalcels exist. ER is a classic example.
keep coping manlet
Popbob said:
arent you a manlet ?

Im 6 inches shorter than the avg in my country, im a true midgetcel.

KilluminoidBR said:
A 7/10 cannot be a mentalcel you idiot, there is a looks cut to be a mentalcel.
Mentalcels are Non-NT aspies between 5/10 and 6/10. I fit on this so im a mentalcel.
Another famous examples are Gambler and Elliot Rodgers.

5/10 or 6/10 isnt incel dumbfuck, only sub 4 are. Sub 8=over is a meme.
Do you really think the average dude is incel?
How dumb are ppl kek.

Hunter said:
sigh... here we go again. chad is good looking enough to compensate for his aspieness. normie tier men cant compensate for aspieness with their looks. simple.

Normie tier men arent incel, ffs read my post retard

KilluminoidBR said:
BlackpilledAF said:
What does NT stand for.
NT = Neurotypical, person with a normal mind.
If you are an 6/10 aspie your SMV is the same of a 4/10 man.
I have a good eloquence and females still rejecting me because they think im retarded.

You probably overrate yourself kek.
Keep coping by thinking you are a 6/10, if you really were, you wouldnt be an incel.

Juxtaposition6 said:
I will keep fighting for the plight of fatcels, volcels and mentalcels.

Dank meme.

KyloRen said:
I believe mentalcels exist. ER is a classic example.

ER didnt even approach women, he expected them to walk up to him.
He wasnt a chad, but he was average so he had to initiate, he was a dumb piece of trash.
Blackops2cel is the one and true image of this community

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