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Serious Males that have never gone to a party should be imprisoned



Oct 7, 2019

Experiencing a party is one of the most normal events that is had by 99% of the population. If you are a man past age 21 and you've still never been to a party you are 100% deviating from the normalcy and it shows that theres no hope of you ever achieving anything of value like relationships, financial success, etc.
Even nerdy 1 sexual partner a lifetime guys go to parties atleast once, this makes you a .0001% bottom of the barrel loser that should be shut into the deepest dungeons.
Losers like you and me go through years of college and never go to a party. Jfl partying is literally the only reason normies are even going to college
Thanks for reminding me
Why bother imprisoning me when I'll kms within the year?
Why bother imprisoning me when I'll kms within the year?
View attachment 179290
Because you shouldnt be allowed to escape your torment that easily.
They should imprison you and have you on suicide watch 24/7 (but the kind that actually works, not the Epstein kind).
You should be forced to wallow in your defeat and think about how much you've missed out on for the rest of your life
parties in 2020 are mostly black and hispanic girls twerking over all the tyrones and chads

white stacies stay inside and use tinder
They should have banned nigger music a long time ago. Jazz and Blues was a mistake.
I've witnessed so much ropefuel at the numerous parties ive attended over the years
I've witnessed so much ropefuel at the numerous parties ive attended over the years

Same. I legitimately feel like not attending parties at all might be better overall for youngcels in highschool vs. actually going to them and getting lifemogged into oblivion.
Same. I legitimately feel like not attending parties at all might be better overall for youngcels in highschool vs. actually going to them and getting lifemogged into oblivion.
Agreed but If you're gonna go to parties just alcohol and weed maxx to the point where you're literally retarded atleast thats what i do when i go out. Otherwise its death doing it sober if you're ugly.

There's always violent fights at the colleges i go to so its interesting
Brutal reminder, I never went to parties or festivals because I always preferred to rot in my room with video games. I bet this is the case for many people here. JFL it is over buddy boyo.

Wtf bro, this is chads.co and many people here go to parties every weekend.
most parties have no single women now because nobody organizing it is cool enough for it

this is how you get normal looking 40 year old guys with houses that end up roping
So that they can "party" with Tyrones in the prison showers?
If ER went ER at some party he could’ve killed chads and Staceys
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:What will be your next thread? If you don't have social media accounts you should be shot? This is pure retarded normalfag logic "hurrr durrrr everyone is doing this so i should i it too or everyone see me as a loser hurrr durrrr" fucking retarded ass sheeps lmao
Nothing but whores and fuckboys
So wait, who actually thought women were human enough to have human rights?

Experiencing a party is one of the most normal events that is had by 99% of the population. If you are a man past age 21 and you've still never been to a party you are 100% deviating from the normalcy and it shows that theres no hope of you ever achieving anything of value like relationships, financial success, etc.
Even nerdy 1 sexual partner a lifetime guys go to parties atleast once, this makes you a .0001% bottom of the barrel loser that should be shut into the deepest dungeons.
Losers like you and me go through years of college and never go to a party. Jfl partying is literally the only reason normies are even going to college

i was at party few times but i cant go anymore because i dont have friends. i dont have friends because when i had they were always toxic trash i am mega bad in choosing friends
this clip looked way to degenerate tbh

just for lol at uNiCoRnS , these are just fucking awalt Sluts , that wait for chad and virtue signal with betabux
Ive never gone to a party :feelsrope:
Because you shouldnt be allowed to escape your torment that easily.
They should imprison you and have you on suicide watch 24/7 (but the kind that actually works, not the Epstein kind).
You should be forced to wallow in your defeat and think about how much you've missed out on for the rest of your life

lol because (((Jeffrey epstein))) is totally dead and not alive on a Permanent vacation telling tales in telaviv
this clip looked way to degenerate tbh

just for lol at uNiCoRnS , these are just fucking awalt Sluts , that wait for chad and virtue signal with betabux
I have never went to a party and I never will. that shit looks rancid and I fucking hate being around normalcattle.
Because you shouldnt be allowed to escape your torment that easily.
They should imprison you and have you on suicide watch 24/7 (but the kind that actually works, not the Epstein kind).
You should be forced to wallow in your defeat and think about how much you've missed out on for the rest of your life
This is what cucks want for us.
Experiencing a party is one of the most normal events that is had by 99% of the population. If you are a man past age 21 and you've still never been to a party you are 100% deviating from the normalcy and it shows that theres no hope of you ever achieving anything of value like relationships, financial success, etc.
Even nerdy 1 sexual partner a lifetime guys go to parties atleast once, this makes you a .0001% bottom of the barrel loser that should be shut into the deepest dungeons.
Losers like you and me go through years of college and never go to a party. Jfl partying is literally the only reason normies are even going to college
I have no friends to party with.
And i don't go to college
so my chance of ever going to a party and talking to women is a zero
I refused to attend parties because its honestly so exhausting. But yes I did attend in the past but not anymore. It's just a bunch of clueless fucks who only sticks to their friend group until the party ends.
Where's Paddock when you need him?
Do my friends birthday parties count because I remember one of them had 2 girls and 8 guys were orbiting each. Fun times.
Not all parties are raves filled with sluts, though.
I know this sound like cope but I seriously don't get the appeal. I guess the event itself isn't important and it's just a way to compete for women. A house party could be alright in rare circumstance, but I doubt anyone goes to a nightclub because they enjoy jumping around in a dark room with deafening music buying overpriced drinks.
past 21 is cope

You need to have hooked up at a party in high school or you're far, far behind
I should be imprisoned for never being invited to behave like a monkey? Proposals like this are the reason the right to bear arms exists.
Looks like a shitty party

Experiencing a party is one of the most normal events that is had by 99% of the population. If you are a man past age 21 and you've still never been to a party you are 100% deviating from the normalcy and it shows that theres no hope of you ever achieving anything of value like relationships, financial success, etc.
Even nerdy 1 sexual partner a lifetime guys go to parties atleast once, this makes you a .0001% bottom of the barrel loser that should be shut into the deepest dungeons.
Losers like you and me go through years of college and never go to a party. Jfl partying is literally the only reason normies are even going to college

You're right, I've never been invited to one.
most parties have no single women now because nobody organizing it is cool enough for it

this is how you get normal looking 40 year old guys with houses that end up roping
Parties are just sausage fest most of the time now with the occasional whore
I've witnessed so much ropefuel at the numerous parties ive attended over the years
I've never been to one. I remember hearing my parents calling me a loser on one new years because I was playing call of duty instead of going to a party.
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Imagining those niggers fucking those white Stacy’s makes me want to go ER
have you seen Project X
I watched Project Cx
Imagining those niggers fucking those white Stacy’s makes me want to go ER
Sadly this is how 99% of white females behave. I honestly believe they race mix more than any other group of females.
They will joke to death by their words.
I should be imprisoned for never being invited to behave like a monkey? Proposals like this are the reason the right to bear arms exists.
OP is an Uncle Tom cuck.

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