This is the aspect of the blackpill that pisses me off irl because I have to be conscious of it constantly. The messenger seems to matter more than the message, this applies to humor, the same joke gets different responses depending on who says it and it drives me insane. Even conversation starters and small talk are not safe. Forget arguments and trying to change people's minds, maybe chad with the same opinions as me can do that. The truth is ad-hominem is ALWAYS present it's just either stated or kept in the heart.
Exactly. It has nothing to do with the literal content of the message. We see this in society all the time. It is very fascinating and worth thinking about for a while. For example, people talk about killing an innocent person. But when they turn off grandpas life supply in the hospital, are they not "killing an innocent person?"
When someone shoots 300 afghan farm boys with a sniper rifle, they stand up and salute him at football games and shit.
When some incel stabs 3 people in a mall, its a terrorist attack.
They also all think in these weird consequential ethical ways that make no fucking sense. Consequentalism = the consequences of an event determine whether the event is good or bad. This makes no sense, because as we will see from my example in a second, you have to define which consequences are bad and good PRIOR to making the judgements. It is completely fucking arbitrary.
So here is an example: Going by consequence alone, how tf does it make a difference whether someone dies from natural causes or from being murdered? In both cases, the families looses a person bla bla - the result is identical. Why it the event worse when someone dies from being killed, rather from dying in a car crash or something?
Nobody cares that 100000s people die in car crashes a year. Nobody calls it some BS like "an epidemic of violence" kek. But the outcome is factually the same as if 100000s of people were murdered.
Another retarded example, lets use the holocaust for this kekfuel shit: When you ask normies, "why is the holocaust worse than other genocides in history" they will 100% make appeals to these:
- number of people killed
- method of killing used
Problem: The first one implies that human life is quantifiable. Oh oh, not good not good. More people killed = worse, right? That means that a country with more people has "more value" than other countries for example.
It also means that if you kill less people to save more, that's justified right? More people = more value. I am granting a whole bunch of philosophical implications here but for the sake of argument lets say they agree (trolley experiment).
Ok, most people in the trolley experiment sacrifice less people to save more.
Aight, so when the Nazis genuinely believed they could save the german people (80 million at the time) by killing six million jews...

no comment.
(basically the entire ww2 turns into giant trolley experiment lmao).
We could push this even further with more funny examples how turning human value into a number is retarded, but lets move on.
Point two, method of killing. At some point the normie will kind of understand the numbers thing is retarded, because it implies that every other bad event in history was not as bad as the holocaust, meaning, they are "downplaying other peoples suffering." They cant do that, so they will appeal to method aka "the holocaust was executed systematically and with precision in cold-blooded manner, making it worse."
This is fucking retarded. It would mean that if I shoot someone with a gun, the crime is worse than stabbing them, cuz gun is more complex mechanism than knife. If I beat a baby to death with a baseball bat, thats better than frying it with a laser beam. I love this logic.
But everything I have mentioned so far is just a sort of philosophical cat-playing-with-mouse game, where we grant them their bullshit and make fun of it. In reality we could just go straight for the jugular and ask the is/ought questions, bring up munchhausen trilemma etc. At that point its just fucking over though.
@fokusin said here:
They just try to shift topic after this lmao
They will not answer you or even just resort to insults.
Let's take my holocaust example. If I brought that up in the way I laid out, they 99% of the time say something like "WOW WOW SO YOU ARE SAYING THE HOLOCAUST WAS GOOD?!"
Even though I never did that. They dont understand mental hypotheticals. This is why debate is pointless with these people, they dont get basic philosophical shit like this and just assume a bunch of beliefs as absolute givens that can not be refuted. Then they try to convince others through manipulation and violence, while screaming at them how they are violent and extremist and instead should listen to their own retarded, unfounded beliefs, which are ironically based on extremist thinking.