Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Link to the Official Discord

wolves can't be gay
One of the moderators YetzerHara spends hours worshipping and gushing over any foid that joins VC in the verification server and likely lets them infiltrate the main server, and then turns around and larps as some kind of high IQ religious muslim man.

You can join the verification server VC when him and a foid are in it to see for yourself.

0/10 can't recommend
One of the moderators YetzerHara spends hours worshipping and gushing over any foid that joins VC in the verification server and likely lets them infiltrate the main server, and then turns around and larps as some kind of high IQ religious muslim man.

You can join the verification server VC when him and a foid are in it to see for yourself.

0/10 can't recommend
Caged. When I joined they were talking about how hot BBC is. Fuck this server.
The Discord is based. I spend more time there :feelsaww:
Why the fuck is there a LGBTQ channel ?
One of the moderators YetzerHara spends hours worshipping and gushing over any foid that joins VC in the verification server and likely lets them infiltrate the main server, and then turns around and larps as some kind of high IQ religious muslim man.

You can join the verification server VC when him and a foid are in it to see for yourself.

0/10 can't recommend
Yetzerhara is a fucking faggot. Big mistake modding him and Takao these people WORSHIP foids. I left cause they literally were prioritizing the foids in Acheron over actual incels
Yetzerhara is a fucking faggot. Big mistake modding him and Takao these people WORSHIP foids. I left cause they literally were prioritizing the foids in Acheron over actual incels
yeah it's pretty fucked idk what the deal is
Yetzerhara is a fucking faggot. Big mistake modding him and Takao these people WORSHIP foids. I left cause they literally were prioritizing the foids in Acheron over actual incels
Also Id say Yetzer is far worse

Takao ignores foids but Yetzer actively simps for them for hours in VCs and tries to get more to join.

Takao takes another L though because he is the "head mod" and should remove Yetzer and put someone in a mod spot who has zero tolerance.
Also Id say Yetzer is far worse

Takao ignores foids but Yetzer actively simps for them for hours in VCs and tries to get more to join.

Takao takes another L though because he is the "head mod" and should remove Yetzer and put someone in a mod spot who has zero tolerance.
Yetzerhara is a fucking faggot. Big mistake modding him and Takao these people WORSHIP foids. I left cause they literally were prioritizing the foids in Acheron over actual incels
>using bloc to communicate with Incels

Come to the discord so mods can steal any girls interested in you for themself
The problem with Discord is the platform is pozzed to shit at the managerial level. They support extremist wokies and violent train discords but if incels had one that was infiltrated (which will happen) then it’ll get reported and nuked eventually I bet.

The other issue is dox potential I don’t trust discord not to leak my account or whatever. We have to paranoid as fuck because society HATES us and everyone actively wants to ruin our lives.
Discord really has the feel of a psyop

Like 10 or so mods purposely trying to be normie for attention whore foids that pass through

It's like a totally different place than here
Discord is for fags and trannies
It’s true a high portion of their broad user base are basically Redditors. My issue with a discord community is the operators of that platform are basically one and the same as general big tech. I worry they’d dox or something eventually. Infiltrators are hard enough to spot here but on discord just by the nature of that being a mainstream platform I’d expect it to be worse.
Discord really has the feel of a psyop

Like 10 or so mods purposely trying to be normie for attention whore foids that pass through

It's like a totally different place than here

Agreed. Maybe I’m just paranoid but … I don’t think I am.
Need new discord link
DM me a link if u have it my account was disabled
yeah same, discord link would be very much appreciated
@Master @PPEcel @Fat Link @Dregster @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb

any links to our Incel Discord ?
We don't have one atm
Yo we wuz dickcuck n sheit mang
You are correct.

I'm still amazed you guys are buying into DVD's unbacked accusations, he's just salty that I wouldn't help him spam nudes of unconsenting women.
This is all likely because you guys have circled the wagons around a traitor who abandoned you, ironically blaming me for what he is the #1 suspect for.
I'm still amazed you guys are buying into DVD's unbacked accusations, he's just salty that I wouldn't help him spam nudes of unconsenting women.
This is all likely because you guys have circled the wagons around a traitor who abandoned you, ironically blaming me for what he is the #1 suspect for.
the timing of events aligns perfectly.
the timing of events aligns perfectly.
What timing?

1) Kom's thots invade server and begin dropping bombs, I'm curious and chat them up to find out
2) Kom frets and discusses nuking the whole server
3) my account gets mysteriously reported and banned so I need to make a new one
4) I return with new account and begin posting in server again
5) Acheron and the rest of mods mysteriously nuked

Perhaps the narrative being pushed is that I'd report you all as reprisal for reporting me, but Occam's Razor here is that Kom followed through on his already-established plans and just didn't want to be held accountable for voluntary closure.
What timing?

1) Kom's thots invade server and begin dropping bombs, I'm curious and chat them up to find out
2) Kom frets and discusses nuking the whole server
3) my account gets mysteriously reported and banned so I need to make a new one
4) I return with new account and begin posting in server again
5) Acheron and the rest of mods mysteriously nuked

Perhaps the narrative being pushed is that I'd report you all as reprisal for reporting me, but Occam's Razor here is that Kom followed through on his already-established plans and just didn't want to be held accountable for voluntary closure.

the format no longer allows any interaction with women anyways. you will not find it useful.
Server got tapped again?
Yeah. Already remade it.
the format no longer allows any interaction with women anyways. you will not find it useful.
I was a member of Bloc for years interacting with just guys before the Acheron experiment, you seem to have forgotten. My presence in the cocks-only circle-jerk was why Minmin tried and failed to gain access.
did I just get kicked off the server?
discuck has deleted my account so wtf did I do wrong (other than piss off JBW deniers)
PM The Enforcer, or another mod. Reply times may vary if mods are busy rotting with life shit. But PM for server.
Isn’t it just a matter of time before you get infiltrators who report the discord at which point they’ll do a ban wave and shut it down since Discord is woke as all fuck? I like their service and all, but it seems like we basically have to have our own platforms entirely as otherwise that’s the cycle I’ve seen over and over again. That actually reminds me though, why isn’t there some kind dedicated manosphere board on 4chan? There’s one for gay shit and trains why not for men? And no pol doesn’t count.

But yeah. It’s total bullshit how other groups like the gays or women can say the most hateful shit imaginable about straight men and big daddy corpo and big daddy government don’t care one lick but when we make even slightly critical comments about those groups it’s “evil” and immediately gets shut down. I swear man the prejudice and favoritism is more apparent by the day.

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