27 y/o khhv neet outcast
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Kointo said:
CopingGymcel said:Both versions could get any woman they want, but that's the power of face. Gymcelling matters in the 5-6.5 range, which is where most guys are at.
itsOVER said:Follow this guys advise normies if you want to deprive yourself of the cope of eating, all so a landwhale might deign to open her legs for you.
Just lift brah's, then you too can get a 1/10 girl or betabux a 3/10. JFL at gym copers.
itsOVER said:Follow this guys advise normies if you want to deprive yourself of the cope of eating, all so a landwhale might deign to open her legs for you.
Just lift brah's, then you too can get a 1/10 girl or betabux a 3/10. JFL at gym copers.
CopingGymcel said:I eat more food than you even in a calorie deficit, unless you're a fat fuck who eats too much.
itsOVER said:Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but none of it will be actual good food like pizza, chocolate, chips etc. It'll be all brown rice, plain chicken, protein shakes...this sort of shit that is 'good for the body' but is nowhere near as good to eat as the other stuff.
Also just lol at spending all that time lifting. Just lol at paying gym membership fees to try to fuck a landwhale after 6 months. Just lol at thinking it even matters cos GYM WON'T FIX YOUR FACE.
CopingGymcel said:I eat that shit when I am bulking.
itsOVER said:And then...you'll store more as fat, which worsens your FACE.
You do know you can just cut to being dangerously underweight (in BMI terms) to get the lean face look, providing you have the genetics for it? There's literally no point to lifting.
I advise all incels to at least check if they have slayer bones by cutting to a low bodyfat level. If you do the cut and your bones are shit, then it doesn't matter after that since it's over. None of this ever involves going to the gym though.
Uglychad said:I dated a girl who said 'your arms were one of the first things I noticed'
3 years ago I also got the only REAL certified IOIs ive ever received in my life. Why? I was on steroids and my arms, shoulders and back all grew. Had 4 or 5 women staring at me in broad daylight.
Women like musclebound men. Its basic biology and anyone who doesnt understand this is coping extreemley hard
Uglychad said:I dated a girl who said 'your arms were one of the first things I noticed'
3 years ago I also got the only REAL certified IOIs ive ever received in my life. Why? I was on steroids and my arms, shoulders and back all grew. Had 4 or 5 women staring at me in broad daylight.
Women like musclebound men. Its basic biology and anyone who doesnt understand this is coping extreemley hard
itsOVER said:And yet despite all that you're still posting here. Carry on coping.
CopingGymcel said:IIFYM, IF IT FITS YOUR MACRO. Sometimes when I don't care too much about staying healthy, I'll switch some rice/whole grain pasta with something less healthy like ice cream.
I have a wide jaw and hollow cheeks at 17ish and below body fat, so I already know my bones aren't too bad. Before I started lifting, when I tried to get as lean as possible, I ran into the problem of not having the muscles to support it, especially at the core. If you have a great core naturally, then by all means do it, but my core development sucked balls before I started lifting, so I looked like I had just left Auschwitz and I don't want to sport that look.
Now I've put on a lot of muscles, so I'll be able to stay low body fat. The steroids will also allow me to stay at 7-9% body fat without cucking my testosterone production.
itsOVER said:Whereas I as the superior LDAR master can just sit here and eat whatever food I like, without having to concern myself if I'm getting enough protein to support my muscles, or whether I'm losing too much muscle during 'cutting' phases.
itsOVER said:Just lol at thinking looking like you left Auschwitz even matters if your face is good.
Just lol at taking steroids. Have fun when your hair falls out, cos when you're baldcel it really will be over then.
Eating food with high sugar and fat content will result in you gaining more fat during bulking phases, which will worsen your face, which means you'll have to go on a cut blah blah blah and the cycle will never end - typical gymcels. Whereas I as the superior LDAR master can just sit here and eat whatever food I like, without having to concern myself if I'm getting enough protein to support my muscles, or whether I'm losing too much muscle during 'cutting' phases.
CopingGymcel said:This guy gets it. Just don't be ugly and muscles will make somewhat of a difference.
Coping? I've had women approach me, boyo, I just fucked it up because autism. That's when I was low body fat and low muscle, so that sort of supports your claim, but when I lean down now (will be able to get even leaner this time around because of the roids), I'll look even better. Right now it's a looksmin because of higher body fat, but it's all for the long term.
itsOVER said:How the FUCK does having muscle allow you to 'lean out' even more. I could get to a body fat percentage of 5% if I wanted - it'd just involve eating 700 calories a day until I got there. It's not even particularly difficult, I cut from 71kg to 55kg in 3 months just by sitting on my ass and doing 700 calorie keto. Now sure I could go the gym and lift, but that doesn't change the facial fat in my face, does it?
No gym for the FACE.
KyloRen said:Dude, I did that for two years. It fucked me up, a lot, and I'm paying the price right now.
Don't go down that path.
CopingGymcel said:You'd lose too much muscle if you tried to get to 5% body fat, you'd never be able to. Good luck trying to maintain a single digit body fat without going to the gym. There is a reason why you never see anyone walking about with single digit body fat who doesn't go to the gym. It takes A LOT of effort to get and stay there, a 700 calorie diet will just waste away at your muscles once you get close to 10%.
itsOVER said:OK right I cut from 71kg to 55kg doing nothing at all except diet. I have a body fat percentage of 12.5% now according to those online calculators. Why exactly couldn't I drop another 3% to get to single digits, which likely equates to around 2kg more given I have little muscle as I do no physical activity to begin with? There's hardly any muscle to waste away, I still have noticable fat around my belly for example.
Hell, I must have gone from around 25-30% body fat to 12.5%, so I'm sure there's no concrete floor that prevents me going further in theory.
CopingGymcel said:The leaner you get, the more your body wants to hold on to fat (it thinks its starving). If you don't workout and don't eat high protein, you giver you body no reason to hold on to precious muscle. Try getting to 8% body fat without working out, you'll just end up wasting muscle past 10% body fat, even if you're not very muscular.
itsOVER said:Even if this was true, tbh at 10% body fat your face is as good as it's gonna get, cutting to 8% (or even lower) aint gonna change a thing. The end result? Gym is still worthless cos it's all about face.
Also just lol at muscle being 'precious'. It's FACE boyo, FACE is precious. Your massive arms and chest mean nothing to a woman. That's why there's a ton of gymcels posting here.
KyloRen said:If you get even lower bf% your body will start eating up important tissue (eg connective, organs, etc.)
CopingGymcel said:You're telling me that this guy (Zyzz's brother) would have just as much success with women if he had a skinny Auschwitz body?
CopingGymcel said:Both versions could get any woman they want, but that's the power of face. Gymcelling matters in the 5-6.5 range, which is where most guys are at.
KyloRen said:<5% is usually when the problems develop.
CopingGymcel said:Who is actually that low body fat anyway? 5% is extremely hard to reach.
KyloRen said:<5% is usually when the problems develop.
itsOVER said:Right so basically, if I'm 12.5% now at 55kg, I can drop another 7% without serious issue in theory. Which would be around 3.85kg of fat, which likely would be AT LEAST 5kg of real weight given you always lose muscle with fat. Likely it'd be even more, like 7 or 8kg.
I might just actually drop to 50kg now just to blackpill CopingGymcel that people don't die just from dieting to get to a low bodyfat percentage. It'll mean I can have the most glorious binge of chocolate afterwards too.
CopingGymcel said:If you keep up such a low amount of food (700 kcal) and you're active, you might end up dying after a while. It will take quite a while and you won't be able to last that long.
itsOVER said:I'm gonna die if I drop to 50kg from my current 55kg? You trolling us boyo?
TIL gymcel thinks being 3.5kg below the recommended guidelines for someone my size is gonna make me drop dead in the street. Clearly he missed all those 43kg Asian girls out there, and they're all about to die too.
CopingGymcel said:If you keep up such a low amount of food (700 kcal) and you're active, you might end up dying after a while. It will take quite a while and you won't be able to last that long. Being on "low power mode," as in your body trying to conserve energy because you're eating way too little and you're very lean is dangerous, as it can lead to your heart giving out.
A 700 calorie diet for a month or two won't kill anyone.
itsOVER said:No no, I mean - I'll do 700 calories until I get to 50kg, then I'll just do 1800 or whatever the fuck my maintenence level is. That'll result in this single digit bodyfat percentage you claim is impossible without the gym, and it won't be killing me either (unless you think 50kg = death in the end regardless? lol).
CopingGymcel said:You can probably get to 50kg in no time at all by just dropping carbs entirely (water weight).
itsOVER said:I have little muscle so I don't drop much water weight (and I do know because my diet of choice is keto). When I came off keto I only put back on like 1kg (i.e. the water), so it stands to reaon I'd only drop 1kg immediately if I went back on it.
CopingGymcel said:I never said that. I clearly stated that if you kept up such a diet for a long time, it could lead to your demise. Do a low kcal diet to 50kg, but don't be surprised if very little if what lost is fat (mostly water, some muscle and some fat). There's weight loss and then there's "fat loss," they aren't necessarily the same thing. When I try to lose fat, I don't just focus on the number on the scale, but rather how lean I look. If I look a lot leaner,but I'm only down 4kg, then I've done something right.
CopingGymcel said:You have muscle to lose. You may think you're skinny now, but you could be a lot skinnier, trust me.
itsOVER said:See I don't have to worry about this, I've got no muscle to lose as the body won't burn muscle that's needed for your daily activities (which is why lifting preserves muscle during a cut - your body thinks it needs the muscle).
CopingGymcel said:You have muscle to lose. You may think you're skinny now, but you could be a lot skinnier, trust me.
You think this version of Christian Bale would do well with women?
CopingGymcel said:It definitely will burn muscle, even what you need for daily functioning. I've done what you're trying to do, remember? I got down to 66kg and looked like absolute shit with super small arms because of a 500 kcal diet. I lost more muscle than fat when I tried losing more fat.
itsOVER said:Never heard of Christian Bale (I'm a full time rotter) and it's an awful picture where I can't judge his face, so I dunno.
If that's the case, then explain why all the gymcel copers and bodybuilders say to lift during a cut to preserve muscle.
CopingGymcel said:You have to be trolling.
You lift because you break down muscle and your body has to repair it, giving it less reason to eat away at it. Walking around doesn't cause muscle trauma, so it doesn't have as dramatic of an effect when it comes to holding on to muscle, you also don't need a lot of muscle to walk around.
With your logic, he would slay just as much when he was Auschwitz mode as in American Physcho mode.
itsOVER said:Not trolling, I just don't give a crap about normie celebrity culture, and I never turn on the TV at all.
This is getting pointless because however much muscle you have doesn't matter anyway. Yes, this guy would probably slay just as much if any of those pictures...given you know, we generally walk around with our shirts on, and women care about face over everything else.
By your logic I'd have lost a ton of muscle dropping from 71kg to 55kg, but no. I was a weakling then, and I'm a weakling now, but daily activities are still just as easy...it's not like I'm getting out of breath walking up the stairs or something because of LOL muscle degradation in my legs. Let you'd have me think 5kg more of cutting is gonna fuck me up, lol, and going from 12.5% to 9% is some impossible feat without the gym. It's clearly not, as proven by the literally millions of Asian Stacies out there who are 40-45kg. Your body won't think it's starving at all at 170cm/50kg, JFC.
CopingGymcel said:You're just being silly if you think that he would have as much success with women the way he looked in the Machinist (if we overlook celebrity status). You just can't admit that your black and white thiking is wrong. You tried to gymcel and it didn't work for you, so concluded that it doesn't work for anyone. Just because your subhuman face can't be saved, that doesn't mean that it applies to everyone else.
Anyway, I am done arguing with you, as you'll never change your opinion despite overwhelming evidence pointing the other way. You're just like religious people, you believe what makes you happy (aka. copius maximus).
itsOVER said:Jokes on you boyo, I never tried to gymcel, because as someone who is truly knowledgeable about the black pill I always knew it was all about face.
Your 'overwhelming evidence' is a few pictures, your subjective opinion Christian Bale would get less pussy at some weights than others, and sticking your fingers in your ears while offering normie 'just lift brah' advice to more impressionable members of our community. If that's what counts as overwhelming evidence in your mind I'd hate to see underwhelming evidence...
KyloRen said:Bro, I'm with you. I gymcelled, failed with girls, LDARed, got fat, and now I'm back again gymcelling. Not for women, but for strength.
You don't know if it'll work or not work for you unless you try.
itsOVER said:And yet despite all that you're still posting here. Carry on coping.
Uglychad said:I'm still ugly and don't want to settle for my looksmatch.
There are several people on here in the same situation.
For a guy with a legit handsome face AND muscle he will be unstoppable.
Again this is just the most basic common sense. You obviously haven't seen how women act around a muscular male vs a twink. I'm not saying being skinny fat and weak means you cant get any women but the difference is substantial
itsOVER said:Very much doubt it since I'm still in the normal BMI range. In fact, for my height I could drop another 1.5kg without even being 'underweight (i.e. 53.5kg at 170cm is the minimum requirement to be apparently 'healthy'). It's likely just dropping that 1.5kg would get me fairly close to this 10% bodyfat range. Are you boyos seriously suggesting that say...going to 50kg would result in me seriously fucking myself up? Just fucking lol. I've seen plenty of women who ar like 45kg and only slightly smaller than me, all of them perfectly healthy. And men have less bodyfat needs than woman - our only 'needed' fat is like 3-4%.
Yeah I am. Because body is irrelevant. It's just a cope gymcels use to pass their time instead of LDARing like they should.
Also that guy has a very good face, not exactly the best example to use, rofl.
Kointo said:@Facade, I like your avi btw.
Facade said:And I like your new sig :^)