Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Let's have a /feels/ thread.



Nov 7, 2017
Also no green texting or using the right arrow key ">," let's just be a little more unique, instead lets bold our words, or phrases, I guess that will be better. Perhaps, sometimes post an image, to wish wash our feels away, or hit us right in the feels.

Well, I guess I'll start off... That feel when you'll be forever unwanted.


Go, my fellow incel brethrens.
That feel when you will either die of suicide, or spend the rest of your life as a lonely Incel until you die of old age.
Crustaciouse said:
That feel when you will either die of suicide, or spend the rest of your life as a lonely Incel until you die of old age.
Loneliness really messes up our minds. The life we're living like is inhumane...
torujo said:
that feel when you are 5'6
In other news, being shorter actually prolongs your life expectancy, I guess that is the good news, but however the suffering is inevitable, as to what you're already experiencing now.

Stay strong, my brother.
Went to the park to ride my bike and exercise a little, then I encountered a Chad I know from high school (it ended 3 years ago, he had 2 girls crying for him back then). He was with his beautiful GF taking a walk. Now I'm feeling empty inside. Also:

>tfw no gf
>be me
>go on incels.is
>see fakecels
>see nonvirgins
>see lookism retards
anon_899 said:
Went to the park to ride my bike and exercise a little, then I encountered a Chad I know from high school (it ended 3 years ago, he had 2 girls crying for him back then). He was with his beautiful GF taking a walk. Now I'm feeling empty inside. Also:
>tfw no gf
Somehow going through depression always leads you to being a state of emptiness. However, it sometimes good to be nauceous; if you want sometimes want to lose yourself and escape from reality, I guess this part of the reason why some people take alcoholism, in hopes to drink away their worries and sorrows away...

Hardly, anyone here is destine to have a gf. You're not alone, buddy.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Somehow going through depression always leads you to being a state of emptiness. However, it sometimes good to be nauceous; if you want sometimes want to lose yourself and escape from reality, I guess this part of the reason why some people take alcoholism, in hopes to drink away their worries and sorrows away...

Hardly, anyone here is destine to have a gf. You're not alone, buddy.

I used to eat a fuckton to fill that void, now I'm on diet. This feeling of emptiness will be around for a while
fagotonabike said:
>be me
>go on incels.is
>see fakecels
>see nonvirgins
>see lookism retards
Lol, I've said no greentexting, or using arrows. Looks like, I've already lost.

I understand your frustration and I guess hopefully someday, we'll have some bigger black pill drops that will come on our way, also to compensate all of the debauchery and shitposting that has been going around lately.
that feel when nobody reads the fucking instructions
Splintercel said:
that feel when nobody reads the fucking instructions
Hahahaha, you get it! And looks like you've won the internet today as well.
Splintercel said:
I understand your frustration and I guess hopefully someday, we'll have some bigger black pill drops that will come on our way, also to compensate all of the debauchery and shitposting that has been going around lately.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Splintercel said:
that feel when nobody reads the fucking instructions
Hahahaha, you get it! And looks like you've won the internet today as well.

I only read the title and nothing else LOL

That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
fagotonabike said:
I only read the title and nothing else LOL
Perhaps, I've already underestimated the attenshun span of most internet users lol.

a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Well, I guess that saying that would of already brought some darkness and intensity in this thread...

I'd rather walk away nowadays than confront someone shouting at my face, or being all up on my face..
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.

Time to move to Syria.
Solitarian_Walker said:
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Time to move to Syria.

It would be much more fulfilling if done on a western slut.
Solitarian_Walker said:
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Time to move to Syria.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Solitarian_Walker said:
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Time to move to Syria.
It would be much more fulfilling if done on a western slut.
I think things have already quite escalated that fast in this thread...
idkwattodowithlife said:
Solitarian_Walker said:
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Time to move to Syria.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Solitarian_Walker said:
a-virgin-nigger said:
That feel when you can't acid face a whore without the authorities getting on yo ass.
Time to move to Syria.
It would be much more fulfilling if done on a western slut.
I think things have already quite escalated that fast in this thread...

I'm sorry. Carry on.
a-virgin-nigger said:
I'm sorry. Carry on.
Well, its alright and no need to apologize next time as well!

I guess that feel when you can't speak upon your everyday violent fantasies in real life to someone; as its already a part of human nature and behavior to feel that way, you're also abstain to feel that way and many others also normies feel that way.
That feel when you have never experienced teenage love.
ordinaryotaku said:
That feel when you have never experienced teenage love.
That in it self is very true. That feel you'll never get to experience that in your life, not even once; its also during those ages were girls aren't as bitter as the ones that are in their 20s and 30s, also beyond, all from their copious of failed relationships (getting pumped and dumped, also used cumdumpsters, sadly), causing them to become more frustrated and bitter overtime...
That feel when you don't care what normies think.

TFW you know that no one will ever be attracted to you or love you.

Tuttle said:
That feel when you don't care what normies think.
Well, he looks really calm and had already accepted defeat, thats the face MGTOW's and Red Pillers could of had, if they simply let women go.

JovanD said:
TFW you know that no one will ever be attracted to you or love you.


Atleast, the love we all know is rather "conditional" than "unconditional" in the real world.
That feel when you take a shit and reach for toilet paper but

and you realize you fucked.
That feel when you lift 6 times a week and are still tiny and weak because of bad genetics.
Bushladen008 said:
That feel when you take a shit and reach for toilet paper but

and you realize you fucked.
This would sound disgusting, but use tissues, paper towels, or if not there are no tissues and paper towels around, then you could use a bottle, watercan, or a bucket of water to wash your poop away.

One time, I've been into this Muslim person house, they actually had a bidet installed within the toilet bowl and I was actually pretty impressed by it, it also looks useful in case if you ever run out of toilet paper.

Framecel222 said:
That feel when you lift 6 times a week and are still tiny and weak because of bad genetics.
There's steroids to take, but I personally wouldn't take it though. Just focus on getting stronger and the gains will come...
idkwattodowithlife said:
This would sound disgusting, but use tissues, paper towels, or if not there are no tissues and paper towels around, then you could use a bottle, watercan, or a bucket of water to wash your poop away.

One time, I've been into this Muslim person house, they actually had a bidet installed within the toilet bowl and I was actually pretty impressed by it, it also looks useful in case if you ever run out of toilet paper.
Yeah lol, I don't stay with shit on my ass, there's always toilet paper in my house but sometimes empty in the bathroom itself.
That feel when the only reason you're missing out on love is because you are too ugly.

That feel when you want to kill yourself, but can't because you're religious.
That feel when you are a subhuman 5' 2 subhuman hapa/curry.
That feel when the only reason you're missing out on love is because you are too ugly.
That feel when you want to kill yourself, but can't because you're religious.
Somewhat, conflicting. I was going to recommend to perhaps try to become an escortcel.
ObitoCel said:
That feel when you are a subhuman 5' 2 subhuman hapa/curry.
That feel when Obito Uchiha could've became the sixth hokage
So many unfinished projects and aspiratrions... and no one will ever love me...
tfw when you are invisible to everyone


tfw you are stuck in an LDAR lifestyle. But deep down you wish you had non cucked intimacy.


tfw when you are walking past a group Femoids, and one of them says "how about him" and you hear an "ewwww noooo" followed by Teehees.

mfw when they don't care if I hear.

Tfw no cute innocent gf in her prime
JovanD said:
So many unfinished projects and aspiratrions... and no one will ever love me...
Its hard to feel motivated when you don't have love and have much things going on for you in life.
DankIncel said:
tfw when you are invisible to everyone

tfw you have no choice you are stuck in a LDAR lifestyle. But deep down you wish you had non cucked intimacy.

tfw when you are walking past a group Femoids, and one of them says "how about him" and you hear an "ewwww noooo" followed by Teehees.
mfw when they don't care if I hear.
A woman's laugh seems very evil, dark, and sinister. They being in groups and giggling at you, could really destroy a mans confidence, inside and out.

MarriedAndLookin4Fun said:
Tfw no cute innocent gf in her prime
Most women will become bitter when they get past their 30s and this will sadly keep going up.
when your gf cheats on you with multiple white guys and all her friends knew for months but didn't tell you

being alone forever is better than being a cuck
That feel when you realize the quality of your life will always be nothing compared to the chad life, simply because you fell in the 80% portion at birth and theres nothing you can do to fix it.
I just want someone to hug me
Hikage-best-knaifu said:
I just want someone to hug me
Well, my hugs won't be as a good as a woman's.



I guess that was awkward.
when you have to go to uni on the tube (london metro system, its packed as fuck in the morning) as a 5'6" subhuman surrounded by 6foot+ chads

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/01/19/2A269CAD00000578-0-image-a-5_1435774401258.jpg (this is how it looks in the morning everyday)
7339er said:
when you have to go to uni on the tube (london metro system, its packed as fuck in the morning) as a 5'6" subhuman surrounded by 6foot+ chads
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/01/19/2A269CAD00000578-0-image-a-5_1435774401258.jpg (this is how it looks in the morning everyday)
Woah, that must suck for you.

Is it like that around 6am for you as well? I know trains in my place are a little empty at that time, but gets super crowded around 7:30 to 9:00. I just go earlier to avoid it, but it probably won't be the same as yours.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Woah, that must suck for you.

Is it like that around 6am for you as well? I know trains in my place are a little empty at that time, but gets super crowded around 7:30 to 9:00. I just go earlier to avoid it, but it probably won't be the same as yours.

lectures start at 9 so i have to leave at 8

its funny and soulcrushing at the same time when you realise how everyone looks away from you on the train because they cant stand your ugly subhuman face
7339er said:
lectures start at 9 so i have to leave at 8
its funny and soulcrushing at the same time when you realise how everyone looks away from you on the train because they cant stand your ugly subhuman face
Go earlier man and read over you lecture notes your about to commence on that, or watch something random, when you have free time.

Also that's pretty brutal man, I know that feel when I go in the train or enter some room, people look at me, as I don't deserve to be there and its not really a good feeling to have, this also part of the reason why I sometimes skip uni and plus sometimes I don't like being in the train...
TFW when you will nenever wake up next to a girl after a night long fucking session
incelman said:
TFW when you will nenever wake up next to a girl after a night long fucking session
Damn, that's actually pretty brutal, if you were really to tell me about that...
teenage love is mostly lust, not true love imo
That feeling when you're not depressed, you don't hate yourself, you don't really want to die but you know you can't  succeed in life with the cards you've been dealt so you're just hanging around ambivalent.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Damn, that's actually pretty brutal, if you were really to tell me about that...

It's so over

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