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Serious Let Me Explain my Political Views in a Way That Makes Sense



Jun 12, 2023
So many people have the wrong impression of me. They think because I'm a left-winger on many social issues, because I vote Democrat, and because I support President Joe Biden, I must be a cucked feminist. This couldn't be further from the truth. If one were to say I am a feminist because I like Joe Biden, and Joe Biden is by his own admission a "feminist", then you must apply the same logic to Trump supporters, Hitlerists, etc. They were foid worshippers too. Trump hates immigrants because "they rape our foids :soy: :soy: :soy: ". Hitler also loved foids, part of his motivation for doing what he did was to protect the dignity and sanctity of the Aryan foid. If I'm a cuck for liking Joe Biden, then you're a cuck if you like Hitler and/or Trump.

I support the Democratic party because I see it as the most competent party. The Democrats are not as ideologically driven as the Republicans, they aren't perpetual contrarians. Democrats are willing to get shit done and adopt policies that work in a particular circumstance. I'll give some examples:

>Democrats support Affirmative Action to elevate minorities in isolated and disenfranchised community out of poverty. This is a temporary policy that seeks to diversify America's educated and professional class, break down racial stereotypes, and normalize the idea of intelligent professional minorities. Once these preconceptions of "blacks - manual labor, whites - professional lawyer" are gone, affirmative action can be reduced and finally mitigated. This is a PRACTICAL and RATIONAL way to increase diversity amongst college admissions and the corporate world. Diversity also benefits colleges and corporate institutions because a diverse environment allows for different perspectives and ideas that wouldn't otherwise come up in a homogenous environment.

>Covid-19. The Democrats came out with a multitude of solutions for Covid-19. Lockdowns, mask-mandates, Vaccine mandates. What did Republicans do... they opposed every single measure. Some of them refused to wear masks out of spite. This is not policy, this is petulant contrarianism for its own sake. I would much rather support a party that wants to end a pandemic so we can get shit done rather than the party that likes to show off how disobedient they are

>Economics: Democrats are the party of balanced budgets. Whilst they want to spend a lot, they also want to TAX a lot to generate the revenue needed to finance the spending adventures. Republicans like to spend too, they just want to do it with borrowed funds and money-printing rather than taxes. This shifts the real tax from a nominal income/capital-gains tax to an INFLATION tax that disproportionately hurts the financially illiterate. Democrats are the party of economics, Republicans just have better branding

>Trust of Experts and Academia: Throughout history, those that trusted science, the experts, and the professionals, always did better. Societies that scoffed at their scientists eroded into dust as the more open and tolerant-of-science societies technologically surpassed them. Democrats are clearly the party of respecting the expert testimony, while Republicans reject empiricism in favor of romanticism or idealism. Whilst a Democrat may say "the evidence says the earth is warming because the data suggests X, Y, and Z", a Republican will say "Global warming does not fit into my preconceived worldview, so I dismiss it".

>Respect for Institutions: This goes hand-in-hand with the previous case, but Republicans show very little respect for America's institutions, even if said institutions are what made us great in the first place. Look at what happens when the FBI indicts a Republican politician, they scream about how the FBI is a communist-marxist organization and attempt to discredit our most watched over Federal Agency. They said the courts were corrupt when it refused to grant Trump the election victory in 2020. They accuse the mainstream and trusted media sources as being "fake news". Republicans claim they love America, but Democrats are the ones that actually love the institutions that make America what it is.

>Democrats love America, Republicans hate it: Look at how Democrats and Liberals talk about America, "America is a shining beacon of truth and tolerance and the world deserves to know our way of life! Spread the great American spirit everywhere!". Meanwhile Republicans speak of America like it's a rotting degenerate mess, "Our streets are dirty and filthy, our country is trash now, it's all brown people, ewww, America has fallen into degeneracy, America is disgusting, we are spreading our degenerate ways oversees, BASED Russia BASED Assad!!!!"
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No matter which party you vote for, you will continue to be controlled by the jewish elites :feelsokman:
It does not matter which party you support it is the same bastards behind both of them.
No matter which party you vote for, you will continue to be controlled by the jewish elites :feelsokman:
I'm actually part of the elites, and we're not Jewish. And given your posts, it's clear you are too.
OP is somewhat based for having the balls to go against the grain on this site, I’ll give him that.
A Normie trait is to have Normie political beliefs. If you were incel you’d have to be radicalized on either one of the sides or just apolitical
A Normie trait is to have Normie political beliefs. If you were incel you’d have to be radicalized on either one of the sides or just apolitical
If you were an incel you'd support the mainstream Democratic party but without the feminist aspect.
Democrats don't support the supreme court nor the police
Because the Supreme Court has objectively gone rogue, and the FBI has said for years that local police departments are filled to the brim with Neo-Nazis.
Because the Supreme Court has objectively gone rogue, and the FBI has said for years that local police departments are filled to the brim with Neo-Nazis.
Just proving my point, democrats like you don't support the constitution either
Just proving my point, democrats like you don't support the constitution either
We're the only party that supports the constitution. Who's the party trying to strip people of their right to enter the country based on religion, the party trying to ban blacks from gun ownership, the party that doesn't believe warrants should be required before being investigated by the NSA, the party that supports torture, the party that wants to abolish the right to be American if you were born here, the party that wants to overthrow the federal government if they lose a constitutionally mandated federal election.
Only low IQ people support anything except the Democrats in 2023. People stupid enough to hold fringe beliefs wouldn't be smart enough to find this forum.
Only low IQ people support anything except the Democrats in 2023. People stupid enough to hold fringe beliefs wouldn't be smart enough to find this forum.
The neoliberal system as a whole is a failure. The people are more depressed, the cultures of these one great nations are dying and these systems are heavily dependent on exploitation of less wealthy countries. We are enslaved by debt due to central banking and we can clearly see how far progressive ideas has brought us, it’s clear a more traditional society is necessary
The neoliberal system as a whole is a failure.
It's the most successful system to ever exist.
The people are more depressed,
That's due to inceldom.
the cultures of these one great nations are dying and these systems are heavily dependent on exploitation of less wealthy countries. We are enslaved
We run the planet bro. Can't be a slave when you run the world.
by debt due to central banking and we can clearly see how far progressive ideas has brought us, it’s clear a more traditional society is necessary
No it isn’t lmfao. There are more important values than muhhhh GDP
graph adobe flash player GIF

Animation Illustration GIF by Janet Mac

You see were this line and that line meet? That's why you need to starve to death.
Smug superior
graph adobe flash player GIF

Animation Illustration GIF by Janet Mac

You see were this line and that line meet? That's why you need to starve to death.
View attachment 803169
>we're so rich and prosperous, but a few fat fucks are dying at 30 from a heartattack, this means our system is baaaaaaaaad!!!!!
Calorie dense goyslop: 0.01 cents

All organic potato: 100 dollars
I buy kidney beans for $2.5 a can, and rice for $5 for a big bag, carrots are only $2 for a big bag of them. After tax that's $10 for a whole day of food.
I buy kidney beans for $2.5 a can, and rice for $5 for a big bag, carrots are only $2 for a big bag of them. After tax that's $10 for a whole day of food.
And that's for you ALONE for ONE DAY
$10 a day for food is nothing, that's less than an hour of labor at a minimum wage job.
Ok "intellectual" let's do the math

Let's say you have 4 kids yourself and your wife. 10 dollars a day for one person quickly turns into 60 dollars a day. 7 days a week 4 weeks in a months thats 1860 a month on food.

What is the actual amount people spend on groceries a month?

"According to 2021 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is the most recent available, the average spending on food at home is $5,259 annually, or about $438 per month for U.S. households."
Ok "intellectual" let's do the math

Let's say you have 4 kids yourself and your wife. 10 dollars a day for one person quickly turns into 60 dollars a day. 7 days a week 4 weeks in a months thats 1860 a month on food.
That's literally nothing. If you have a wife, assuming she's working, you could easily be pulling 8k a month. You and your wife would only spend 1/5th of your income on food.
What is the actual amount people spend on groceries a month?

"According to 2021 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is the most recent available, the average spending on food at home is $5,259 annually, or about $438 per month for U.S. households."
That's because they're including singles in that stat, and all that's telling me people barely spend shit on food, they could easily spend more if they wanted.
So Republicans like Reagan loved talk about small goverment but actually had higher spending (except on social programs).

Im social conservative and a nationalist so i hate neoliberalism.
So Republicans like Reagan loved talk about small goverment but actually had higher spending (except on social programs).

Im social conservative and a nationalist so i hate neoliberalism.
Yes, the national debt trippled under Reagan.
I don't care if slobs make themselves unhappy.
Your system’s fault for PUTTING GOYSLOP ON EVERYTHING.
It has nothing to do with neoliberalsim.
Yes it does all these promiscuous, degenerate and shallow issues we have is influenced by it in some sort of regard
You're still very very privileged.
Nope not at all. My life is shit genetic privilege is more significant than any muhhh systematic or wealth privilege
Yes, the national debt trippled under Reagan.
So all he did was deregulation and tax cuts for the rich?, i heard the middle class in the US shrank because of reaganomics.

Do you honestly believe that you can live a decent life in America on minimum wage?
So all he did was deregulation and tax cuts for the rich?, i heard the middle class in the US shrank because of reaganomics.
Yes but at the same time, it was VERY easy to become rich in the 1980s due to high interest rates.
Do you honestly believe that you can live a decent life in America on minimum wage?
@gymletethnicel Thoughts on this?
@Indracel thoughts?
@Indracel thoughts?
I’m the words of @gymletethnicel

This forum is the biggest joke on this
earth, an even greater one that Reddit banning all incel subreddits. This forum is indeed what IncelTears makes it out to be. The forum is full of 30+ pedophiles who talk about 'prime jbs', they call themselves 'trans-agers'. Just fucking LOL. Just be a 36 year old preying on 12 year old girls theory. The fucking survey created by the mods clearly showed that 1/3rd of the forum has kissed a girl at least once, it showed that a decent amount were NOT virgins (excluding escortcels). Most of you are nothing but homophobic and racist LARPers who are pretending to be incel. You'll have people here saying that they get tons of fucking matches in Asia, but they will still claim they are incel. There was some faggot here by the name of itsOVER who ascended in Thailand and then got a Russian gf because he wasn't a fakecel mentacel anymore.

There have been people here who have made a mockery of the recent mass shooting in Germany and were either mad because the shooter did not succeed or said the whole thing is the hoax. This is something that the alt-right and /pol/fags like to do so often. 'Oh someone committed mass murder in a mosque and killed children! Must be a hoax'. 'Oh Assad gassed an entire village but RT says Al Qaeda did it so I guess it must be a hoax'. 'Oh there are refugees from Iraq and Syria who want to go to Europe, must be a white genocide going on'. Many so-called incels here just see inceldom as something cool that is controversial, they just like to be part of the 'evil misogynist movement of racist white men'. News flash fakecels, inceldom can occur to anyone and that person doesn't need to be a big fan of Hitler and promote the white genocide meme. I saw some slav here say that Hamudi's inceldom isn't valid because he is a Syrian refugee and has no right to complain. Mods here are the same and that is why they allow fascist and blatant nazis. Reminds me of the gay ass group called the Attomwaffen Division. Most so-called incels who are part of the (((incel))) community are LARPers who just hate holes and are deep into their extremist ideologies of different flavours, whether it be fascism, nazism, radical Islam and/or what not.

Most hilarious part of this forum are the people with their reversed racepill. Statistics clearly show that white people are the most sought after race and can easily get into relationships. For you bluepilled retards, go to the BLACKPILL tab on this forum and you will see that Indians + Pakis, Middle-Easterners and Asians are the least attractive, in that order.


Yet some of you fucking dumbass retarded LARPers tell me 'nah the statistics are bullshit'. Just lol at some of the delusional fucktards that believe white women are lusting over Muslims and/or Arabs. I've been in countless situations where old women literally try to get away from me because I look like a stereotypical jihadi while I am an ex-Muslim. Got the terrorist and ISIS label thrown at me by young women and of course by the same types. You're telling me that 95% of fucking holes excluding ethnics is in the ethnic's favor? The only reason why some are so deluded is because they cannot get a 10/10 blonde blue eyed Stacy, or perhaps they are genuinely fucking retarded.

tldr: most of you are /pol/tard ethnic-hating extremists who are LARPing as incels, while denying the most blatant of blackpills, the racepill

I am done with this forum, it is not truly blackpilled and many of you are genuinely racist homophobes. Many of you are pretending to be incels, while you are not. Many of you blame inceldom on blatant bullshit such as wrist size and frame. I'm just so done with this nonsensical forum. I'll just LDAR with my video games while being a blackpilled soggy knee at heart, unlike most of you.
Anyway I'm probably getting a 50% warning or perma ban for this post alone so screw you guys, I'm going to play some MW2 and get a couple
I’m the words of @gymletethnicel

This forum is the biggest joke on this
earth, an even greater one that Reddit banning all incel subreddits. This forum is indeed what IncelTears makes it out to be. The forum is full of 30+ pedophiles who talk about 'prime jbs', they call themselves 'trans-agers'. Just fucking LOL. Just be a 36 year old preying on 12 year old girls theory. The fucking survey created by the mods clearly showed that 1/3rd of the forum has kissed a girl at least once, it showed that a decent amount were NOT virgins (excluding escortcels). Most of you are nothing but homophobic and racist LARPers who are pretending to be incel. You'll have people here saying that they get tons of fucking matches in Asia, but they will still claim they are incel. There was some faggot here by the name of itsOVER who ascended in Thailand and then got a Russian gf because he wasn't a fakecel mentacel anymore.

There have been people here who have made a mockery of the recent mass shooting in Germany and were either mad because the shooter did not succeed or said the whole thing is the hoax. This is something that the alt-right and /pol/fags like to do so often. 'Oh someone committed mass murder in a mosque and killed children! Must be a hoax'. 'Oh Assad gassed an entire village but RT says Al Qaeda did it so I guess it must be a hoax'. 'Oh there are refugees from Iraq and Syria who want to go to Europe, must be a white genocide going on'. Many so-called incels here just see inceldom as something cool that is controversial, they just like to be part of the 'evil misogynist movement of racist white men'. News flash fakecels, inceldom can occur to anyone and that person doesn't need to be a big fan of Hitler and promote the white genocide meme. I saw some slav here say that Hamudi's inceldom isn't valid because he is a Syrian refugee and has no right to complain. Mods here are the same and that is why they allow fascist and blatant nazis. Reminds me of the gay ass group called the Attomwaffen Division. Most so-called incels who are part of the (((incel))) community are LARPers who just hate holes and are deep into their extremist ideologies of different flavours, whether it be fascism, nazism, radical Islam and/or what not.

Most hilarious part of this forum are the people with their reversed racepill. Statistics clearly show that white people are the most sought after race and can easily get into relationships. For you bluepilled retards, go to the BLACKPILL tab on this forum and you will see that Indians + Pakis, Middle-Easterners and Asians are the least attractive, in that order.


Yet some of you fucking dumbass retarded LARPers tell me 'nah the statistics are bullshit'. Just lol at some of the delusional fucktards that believe white women are lusting over Muslims and/or Arabs. I've been in countless situations where old women literally try to get away from me because I look like a stereotypical jihadi while I am an ex-Muslim. Got the terrorist and ISIS label thrown at me by young women and of course by the same types. You're telling me that 95% of fucking holes excluding ethnics is in the ethnic's favor? The only reason why some are so deluded is because they cannot get a 10/10 blonde blue eyed Stacy, or perhaps they are genuinely fucking retarded.

tldr: most of you are /pol/tard ethnic-hating extremists who are LARPing as incels, while denying the most blatant of blackpills, the racepill

I am done with this forum, it is not truly blackpilled and many of you are genuinely racist homophobes. Many of you are pretending to be incels, while you are not. Many of you blame inceldom on blatant bullshit such as wrist size and frame. I'm just so done with this nonsensical forum. I'll just LDAR with my video games while being a blackpilled soggy knee at heart, unlike most of you.
Anyway I'm probably getting a 50% warning or perma ban for this post alone so screw you guys, I'm going to play some MW2 and get a couple
Funny GIF

True af where's the lie
There’s a bunch of stuff you said that doesn’t make sense. Why should mods ban nazis and fascists? It’s an obvious cope for white (and ethnic) incels. Racial supremacy coping is a common incel trait.

The gas attack by Assad is obviously bullshit looking back at it now. Why would Assad gas a town that he had control of when he is already winning the war, and he know chemical gas use will result in US having an excuse to invade? Doesn’t make any sense and is obvious bullshit. Just like America claiming Russia bombed their own pipeline, it’s obviously a lie.

Chadmudi is called a fakecel by some not because of moving, but because they say he would have had a wife in Syria.

Other than that, everything you said is spot on. This is Chads.is
Funny GIF

There’s a bunch of stuff you said that doesn’t make sense. Why should mods ban nazis and fascists? It’s an obvious cope for white (and ethnic) incels. Racial supremacy coping is a common incel trait.
Because it's bluepilled and divides the incel community.
The gas attack by Assad is obviously bullshit looking back at it now. Why would Assad gas a town that he had control of when he is already winning the war, and he know chemical gas use will result in US having an excuse to invade? Doesn’t make any sense and is obvious bullshit. Just like America claiming Russia bombed their own pipeline, it’s obviously a lie.
That makes no sense. Assad knew the U.S was held back by political forces. Assad did the gas attack.
Chadmudi is called a fakecel by some not because of moving, but because they say he would have had a wife in Syria.

Other than that, everything you said is spot on. This is Chads.is
Idk if you're trolling but the purpose or affirmative action is not to increase diversity, it's to keep rice and curries out of college. Affirmative action is harder on rice/curries than whites
Idk if you're trolling but the purpose or affirmative action is not to increase diversity, it's to keep rice and curries out of college. Affirmative action is harder on rice/curries than whites
>a program designed to increase minority enrollment makes it harder for minorities

Reported for trolling
>a program designed to increase minority enrollment makes it harder for minorities

Reported for trolling
The fuck? Rice and curries have to score 100 points higher on the sat to have the same shot as a mayo. Can't tell if you're trolling I have autism
The fuck? Rice and curries have to score 100 points higher on the sat to have the same shot as a mayo. Can't tell if you're trolling I have autism
Well, HAD to until the based supreme court struck it down

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