Agree rice lose out against curry and sandcels in a true open market, and for reasons as stated by numerous people above, however rice inceldom and femininity has developed into its own closed circuit Truman show where they are insulated against the real world.
In most large cities the rice guys won't mix with anyone with even average T, hence there is never any incentive to improve themselves. Add to that there is no social pressure to compete socially, all the tiger mom cares about is if the rice kid does better academically and has higher salary than neighbour/ cousin, but only if they are also rices. That's why they still believe in kpopmaxxing, even though the ONLY Chang you ever see with a global food (non JB) will be a rare masculine one. Also living within this Truman show, a reasonable number will get a Noodlewhore, either for betabuxx post CC, or because enough if the noodlewhores have been conditioned by racist sub-society into accepting a rice 4 points below her because 'he gets my culture' and other blue pill shit.
Compare to high T light skin north western curries who are basically told, you're not masculine if you not getting foids everywhere, if every race, and even southern curries who are taught dominate silicon valley and wall Street or else #itsover!
You refuse to address any of my points.
Explain why I see so many ugly rice males with rice females?
Explain how rice males are emasculated when so many of them are tall and even the shorter ones are average height, which is a highly masculine trait. Females think taller guys have bigger dicks too. Many of them have large frames as well. This impacts people's perception of them as more masculine. Curries are shorter smaller framed on average and seen as less masculine physically .
Explain why there are many White females who have a strong Kpop fetish and will fuck ricecels like that easily. Curries have no such luck almost no females have bollywood fetish. Also any ricecels can convincingly kpop max, look at plastic surgery industry in Korea, they can transform any ricecel into good looking kpop stars, their features are easier to transform since they have strong forward growth and facial harmony and they all look closely related to each other. Most curries on the other hand cannot transform into bollywood stars even with extensive plastic surgery since they lack the caucasoid features and strong bone structure.
Average rice male is more sexually desirable than average curry or swarthy arab male this is a fact. Although top tier curry males mog top tier rice males.
Show me a study which clearly demonstrates rice males are not getting laid in the west. Not that outmarry bullshit as it does not indicate levels of celibacy. There could be many rice males having decent sexual life and relationships while refusing to get married.
While I agree about rice males being more passive and autistic with lower verbal aptitude on average than other races I do not believe they are the least desired. I also think physical masculinity is overrated when it comes to sexual attraction, a pretty boy male is more desirable than a masculine ogre.
Agree most curries cannot bollywoodmaxx but even the northern ones who can, don't, because they are smart enough to know it's not sexually attractive, hence they do a sort of thugmaxx X moneymaxx thing, but you would only know this if you lived around those north western curries. This way they are securing sexual dimorphism, which allows them to be successful. The rice who kpopmaxxes ONLY gets success with socially conditioned noodlewhores with inactive ovaries, and global JB.
On your other point rices with noodlewhores who outscore them is because the noodlewhores has been conditioned by parents and sub society and hence is not adhering to free market conditions.