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Nov 8, 2017
I was practicing football with two other guys. When we were done, I followed them inside, and the result was very poor. I ended up in a room with several normalscum, and the conversation that ensued is just pure, unadulterated ER fuel.

These skanks and fuckboys were just all bragging about all the sex they've had and want to have like a bunch of savage chimpanzees. And I'm not saying this out of envy.  I say this out of disgust. It was just like 30 minutes straight of these vermin making a mockery of love and relationships, and it was exceedingly troubling to hear.

One enormous skank was sitting there talking about what the best way to get a random guy to fuck her is. She was talking about where she should sit when they entered her room to increase the chances of these two strangers fucking. Then one of the male skanks starts talking about how he is in a "dry spell" despite having been a slut with many people before. Then the original skank talks about her favorite positions, bragging about allowing random strangers to ravage her in various different ways. Absolutely disgusting, and skanks like this should be put in zoos or publicly executed.

Then another one of the girls, who has a "boyfriend", started talking about how much she used to enjoyed sucking other guys' dicks, and how much she loved getting eaten out by other guys. Here is someone with a "boyfriend" bragging about how other men have violated her in various different ways.  And this is one of the quieter girls. AWALT AWALT AWALT. This made me think about how EVERY girl, regardless of who she is, has been violated in numerous ways by numerous men. Absolutely maddening. It is really sad what we have come to.

Throughout the whole conversation, a second male skank kept interjecting with his depraved and whoreish experiences. Completely depraved. Then the original female harlot started talking about all the dicks she's sucked. And this is a girl who is going to get married some day! Imagine marrying a used up and prideful skank like this. I'd rather get flayed alive. This slut also talked about how she's into BDSM and wants guys to destroy her in any way possible, and started bragging about "kinks". I'd actually rather be burned in a brazen bull then ever enter into a relationship with one of these shameful hoes (AKA ALL WOMEN).

This was literally a half hour straight of people bragging about being skanks. Just making a complete mockery of ACTUAL LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS. It's actually incredibly sickening and depressing to think about. I'm not even mad at this point. If one of these hedonists got shot, I wouldn't even be excited, because there's still billions of these creatures out there. Humanity simply needs to be discontinued at this point.

This stuff really makes me hope that Annihilationism is real. Annihilationism is the belief that Hell destroys the soul and the person ceases to exist. I say this partly, if not almost fully, for me. I'd rather cease to exist than ever see these vermin skanks ever again I can't fucking stand being around these vermin and I hope I get fucking shot soon so that I don't have to keep putting up with this. Again, humanity needs to be fucking discontinued.

@SaintMarcLepine @a-virgin-nigger @/pol/cel read for the worst ER fuel ever. I seriously hope I fucking die soon just so that I don't have to put up with this anymore.
tenta said:
You're back?

My activity here has gone down substantially, but this is too much ER fuel not to share.
go nicolas cruz on them ASAP
I hate sports. It brings back painful memories of school.

7339er said:
go nicolas cruz on them ASAP

Become an iNCel
ItheIthe said:
tenta said:
You're back?
My activity here has gone down substantially, but this is too much ER fuel not to share.

Exactly, people should watch what they say. I'm surprised not much learned their lesson after the ER incident.

ItheIthe said:
And this is one of the quieter girls. AWALT AWALT AWALT. This made me think about how EVERY girl, regardless of who she is, has been violated in numerous ways by numerous men.

ENORMOUS TRUTH. In my early incel days I foolishly thought there were some girls with good morals. But time and time again every girl whom I believed to be a bit nerdy or whatever turned out to be a partying whore.
JFL at Being in a relationship nowadays. There is no TRUE love
Yoyo said:
JFL at Being in a relationship nowadays. There is no TRUE love

You're absolutely right, ad nonvirginal marital partners who claim to be "in love" are either delusional, or lying. They may LIKE each other, but there is no PURE love when one of the partners has been defile by someone else. 

Humanity needs to be discontinued.
Holy crap. That is why i'm glad I have no friends or companions at all to hear all that stuff about.
Zielony4 said:
Holy crap. That is why i'm glad I have no friends or companions at all to hear all that stuff about.
this christ pill shit is tiresome
There is no political, social, economic solution that can save the West. Its all too far gone at this point and needs to be completely erased from the face of the Earth. Animalistic behaviour is only going to increase and proliferate, going forward. Just nuke it all.
inceliphate said:
this christ pill shit is tiresome

You really think I'm saying this to advocate Christ? Christ is probably going to throw me in the Lake of Fire.

I'm saying this because it is how I genuinely feel. This isn't contrived or manufactured. I've always had a very romanticized and idealistic view of the way things should be, and to see degenerates screwing it all up makes me want nuclear war.
/pol/cel said:
There is no political, social, economic solution that can save the West. Its all too far gone at this point and needs to be completely erased from the face of the Earth. Animalistic behaviour is only going to increase and proliferate, going forward. Just nuke it all.

/pol/cel said:
There is no political, social, economic solution that can save the West. Its all too far gone at this point and needs to be completely erased from the face of the Earth. Animalistic behaviour is only going to increase and proliferate, going forward. Just nuke it all.

Nuclear war isn't good enough, but it is our best hope. The earth simply needs to be annihilated by an asteroid. And it better fucking happen soon, before we learn how to populate other planets.
ItheIthe said:
You really think I'm saying this to advocate Christ? Christ is probably going to throw me in the Lake of Fire.

I'm saying this because it is how I genuinely feel. This isn't contrived or manufactured. I've always had a very romanticized and idealistic view of the way things should be, and to see degenerates screwing it all up makes me want nuclear war.

christianity is a bunch of myths connected by nothing.

watch this clip and you will be cleansed of your stupidity

Absolutely brutal and great read at the same time

This is one of the reasons why I choose to socially isolate myself because when you hang with normies and femoids, this is the kind of shit they talk about which is pretty rage inducing. They are such unaware degenerate creatures.
ItheIthe said:
Nuclear war isn't good enough, but it is our best hope. The earth simply needs to be annihilated by an asteroid. And it better fucking happen soon, before we learn how to populate other planets.

Human nature either needs to be rewritten or humanity needs to be wiped out. We cant continue on the present course.
inceliphate said:
christianity is a bunch of myths connected by nothing.

watch this clip and you will be cleansed of your stupidity


I'm not going to watch your movie or whatever. But you need to understand that I don't say these things just because I feel it's my duty. It's really how I feel. All I ever wanted was a nice world where genuine love and fidelity exists. Instead, I was born into a land of swine. I hope they all fucking die, each and every one of them.
inceliphate said:
christianity is a bunch of myths connected by nothing.

watch this clip and you will be cleansed of your stupidity


Water is wet. You won't change his mind though.
not surprising considering the amount of degenerates I see in places like r/rapekink or askreddit when they talk about sex, jfl at trying to fit in norman groups as an incel
kodoku said:
not surprising considering the amount of degenerates I see in places like r/rapekink or askreddit when they talk about sex, jfl at trying to fit in norman groups as an incel

Actually they made fun of me for being shady ( 2 girls Literally said "Ewww" when asked about what my kink would be), but I didn't even include that in the OP because I don't give a fuck about being made fun of. It has nothing to do with my desire to see humanity discontinued. Humanity must end because of rampant degeneracy.
Daily reminder cucktears endorses this
Popbob said:
Daily reminder cucktears endorses this

Absolutely. And they think "MUH PERSONAL FREEDOM" is more important than the quality of society.

So, "How is whoredom ruining society?", you may ask.

It ruins ability to love and appreciate. This leads to unstable marriages and broken homes.
It confuses the heart. This leads to depression and dependency on alcohol.
It is an insult to future spouses to make them anything other than a one and only.
It spreads STDS

But sure, "MUH PERSONAL FREEDOM" is more important.
How old are you? You are a volcel, right? If you aren't ugly, It shouldn't be hard to find a prude to get married.
This is some of the most sicken shit to me.

All girls are complete degenerate WHORES.AWALT AWALT AWALT

Pasteleiro said:
How old are you? You are a volcel, right? If you aren't ugly, It shouldn't be hard to find a prude to get married.

99.99999% of western females are hedonistic scum. You're bluepilled if you think otherwise.

And, I don't say this to brag, but I engaged in debauchery with one girl. So I am by no means entitled to a virgin girl, and it would actually be a crime for me to be with one. I m quit literally incapable of love, because I have already given myself to someone else. I literally feel it within me. I have experienced the highest form of intimacy with someone else. Me being with a virgin would just be making a mockery of love and I refuse to do it, for I am unworthy.
Degeneracy must be cleansed.
You know what to do.

Hey if you go ER, go ER with this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJeS-RT0Ji8
blackpill_incel said:
This is some of the most sicken shit to me.

All girls are complete degenerate WHORES.AWALT AWALT AWALT

This is dumb. Sexual degeneracy is awesome and if I'm too ugly to have it thank fucking GOD there are so many out there willing to film the shit they do for me to fap to. You go commit suicide over it I'm just gonna go get my fleshlight and watch some more fucked up BDSM videos or maybe find a tumblr where some girl likes fucking dogs. 

If I were chad I'd go looking for orgies every weekend, I know there's a sex club within 30 miles of here that's got a great reputation, I just wish I wasn't so fugly they won't let me on the premises. I promise I won't touch people just let me watch =(
You want to love but women can't love. But you're also too subhuman to participate in total degeneracy. So you get nothing.
inceliphate said:
this christ pill shit is tiresome
UncannyValley said:
inceliphate said:
this christ pill shit is tiresome
Christ is Cope

I don't get atheism agenda pushing. What do you think you get for it? You aren't oppressed if you live in the west and no salvation hinges on it.

So shut the fuck up.
Disgusting degenerates... The United States is literally Sodom and Gomorrah reincarnated.
Blackpill101 said:
Disgusting degenerates... The United States is literally Sodom and Gomorrah reincarnated.

I agree. I can't remember the last time I went 24 hours without hoping we get obliterated.

not_here_4_points said:
I don't get atheism agenda pushing. What do you think you get for it? You aren't oppressed if you live in the west and no salvation hinges on it.

So shut the fuck up.

I don't get why they're so mad. I'm not even pushing Christ, nor did I mention him in this post.
ItheIthe said:
I agree. I can't remember the last time I went 24 hours without hoping we get obliterated.

I don't get why they're so mad. I'm not even pushing Christ, nor did I mention him in this post.

Atheist cucks are the biggest whiteknights on this planet at the moment. They constantly promote female sexual "freedom" only for the purpose of opposing Christendom. 

Fuck them.
blackpill_incel said:
This is some of the most sicken shit to me.
All girls are complete degenerate WHORES.AWALT AWALT AWALT

>30 minutes in a room with normalfags talking about sex.

how are you even alive, op? i would've probably yelled at them all to shut the fuck up and went into a mental breakdown.

how was your behavior during this entire time? did you just sit there with a serial killer aspie stare? i mean holy fuck, that's just too much shit. very high-octane suicide fuel.
The Bible itself supports retribution:

"I will see what their end will be,
for they are a perverse generation...
For a fire is kindled by my anger,
and it burns to the depths of Sheol,
devours the earth and its increase,
and sets on fire the foundations of the mountains.
And I will heap disasters upon them;
I will spend my arrows on them;
Vengeance is mine, and recompense,
for the time when their foot shall slip;
for the day of their calamity is at hand,
and their doom comes swiftly."
- from Deuteronomy 33

Pretty fucking badass tbh.
Any better way to die than rope?
Sounds like most girls
You are absolutely right about everything but this statement “This was literally a half hour straight of people bragging about being skanks. Just making a complete mockery of ACTUAL LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS. “ is very cuckish.

You are putting too much emphasize o n sex and holding it to some sacred grounds because you don’t get any. Meanwhile chad and Stacy get sex regularly so to them it means nothing, it’s just like getting pleasure from eating a good meal. Sure it’s good but it doesn’t have much value since you eat it everyday.

On the other hand, we never get sex so we make this some kind of holy grail.

But what do I know. All girls are skits and they deserve to be killed in a war or something. I can’t stabd these sluts! I can’t stsnd everyone having sec while I get nothing. Rage fuel
ThERe is only one way to make them all pay.
liberate tuteme ex inferis
These people do not deserve to live. They need to be physically removed.

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