Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


tehgymcel420 said:
You know what to do.


Christian terrorism is an oxymoron

Blackpill101 said:
Atheist cucks are the biggest whiteknights on this planet at the moment. They constantly promote female sexual "freedom" only for the purpose of opposing Christendom. 

Fuck them.

I don't

not_here_4_points said:
I don't get atheism agenda pushing. What do you think you get for it? You aren't oppressed if you live in the west and no salvation hinges on it.

So shut the fuck up.

What the fuck are you talking about? I just don't feel like following some ancient book written by goat fuckers who knew nothing about anything.

Thunderjaw said:
I promise I won't touch people just let me watch =(

You're wrong. Good girls still exist. In the west, they might be <0.001% of the population though. Can't wait for this society to collapse.
Cope. Just keep rotting and stop giving a fuck
whogivesafucc said:

>30 minutes in a room with normalfags talking about sex.

how are you even alive, op? i would've probably yelled at them all to shut the fuck up and went into a mental breakdown.

how was your behavior during this entire time? did you just sit there with a serial killer aspie stare? i mean holy fuck, that's just too much shit. very high-octane suicide fuel.

This. I would have activated my inner incel rage and beat them all senseless
Anyone who doesnt Worship Christ deserve to eat the rotten fruits of degeneracy. Convert before it is too late. Eternal suffering is awaiting.
I'm so glad all my friends are incels... When I tried orbiting for a small period of time, I just wanted to kill myself more.
Elliot rodger is rolling in his grave
Quiet girls with low social skills have 10/10 social skills according to society but me who has 6-7/10 social skills somehow magically has 2/10

If she was born a male she would be posting on this forum

rafaelvicuna3 said:
Elliot rodger is rolling in his grave
blackpill_incel said:
This. I would have activated my inner incel rage and beat them all senseless

I sat there for the first half wanting to leave. By the second half, I was really and sincerely hoping one of the girls would ask my opinion so I could inform them that they are trash sluts, but unfortunately, it never happened.
inceliphate said:
christianity is a bunch of myths connected by nothing.

watch this clip and you will be cleansed of your stupidity


highschoolcel said:
Anyone who doesnt Worship Christ deserve to eat the rotten fruits of degeneracy. Convert before it is too late. Eternal suffering is awaiting.

LOL no evidence to back up your claims. I won't worship a dead hippie who told us 2000+ years ago to repent because of the "sin" of some mythical woman who did the unspeakable by eating an apple because a talking snake told her to.
FeminismsCancer said:

LOL no evidence to back up your claims. I won't worship a dead hippie who told us 2000+ years ago to repent because of the "sin" of some mythical woman who did the unspeakable by eating an apple because a talking snake told her to.

I really think the Tree of Knowledge story is a metaphor.

Regardless, I still maintain my position of hating degeneracy. It honestly angers me when people say I'm lying about my emotions or manufacturing them. Absolute disgust and vitriol towards degeneracy are my genuine and heart-felt emotions.
Thunderjaw said:
This is dumb. Sexual degeneracy is awesome and if I'm too ugly to have it thank fucking GOD there are so many out there willing to film the shit they do for me to fap to. 

I have to agree.  The only reason an incel can have to hate sex is just cope. If we could be pervs we probably would be. I would kill and eat my parents for 15 mins of awesome anal sex with a jailbait adorable teen. 
And he did not even mentioned his religion. Even As an atheist, i find every antichristian comment here kind of cringy. 
And btw i experienced that situation (everyone bragging about how much sex they had except me) too many fucking times during college. Those situations kill me inside and make me feel sick, because i know i have no chance... And i envy them as much as a human can envy another human
I think isolation sometimes has its advantages.
IsolationHurts said:
I have to agree.  The only reason an incel can have to hate sex is just cope. If we could be pervs we probably would be. I would kill and eat my parents for 15 mins of awesome anal sex with a jailbait adorable teen. 
And he did not even mentioned his religion. Even As an atheist, i find every antichristian comment here kind of cringy. 
And btw i experienced that situation (everyone bragging about how much sex they had except me) too many fucking times during college. Those situations kill me inside and make me feel sick, because i know i have no chance... And i envy them as much as a human can envy another human
I think isolation sometimes has its advantages.

I'm seriously fucking sick and tired of everyone saying I'm "coping". I'm a V-O-Lcel. It's not that fucking complicated, and this behavior truly disgusts me. Its really not that fucking hard to comprehend.
The Hadith on what will happen on judgement day (end of the world)

Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari radhiyallahu anhu undefined narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam undefined said, "Qiyamah will come...
  1. When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions.
  2. When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy.
  3. When it will be hot in winter (and vice versa).
  4. When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours.
  5. When orators and lecturers lie openly.
  6. When people dispute over petty issues.
  7. When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring.
  8. When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day.
  9. When people blatantly follow their passions and whims.
  10. When lies prevail over the truth.
  11. When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.
  12. When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly.
  13. When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.
  14. When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).
The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood radhiyallahu anhu undefined when he inquired from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam undefined about the SIGNS OF QIYAMAH.
  1. Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
  2. People will indulge in homosexuality.
  3. There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
  4. There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
  5. People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
  6. Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
  7. The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
  8. The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
  9. Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
  10. Various wines will be consumed excessively.
ItheIthe said:
I'm seriously fucking sick and tired of everyone saying I'm "coping". I'm a V-O-Lcel. It's not that fucking complicated, and this behavior truly disgusts me. Its really not that fucking hard to comprehend.

Lol ok, i didnt know
ItheIthe said:
I was practicing football with two other guys. When we were done, I followed them inside, and the result was very poor. I ended up in a room with several normalscum, and the conversation that ensued is just pure, unadulterated ER fuel.

These skanks and fuckboys were just all bragging about all the sex they've had and want to have like a bunch of savage chimpanzees. And I'm not saying this out of envy.  I say this out of disgust. It was just like 30 minutes straight of these vermin making a mockery of love and relationships, and it was exceedingly troubling to hear.

One enormous skank was sitting there talking about what the best way to get a random guy to fuck her is. She was talking about where she should sit when they entered her room to increase the chances of these two strangers fucking. Then one of the male skanks starts talking about how he is in a "dry spell" despite having been a slut with many people before. Then the original skank talks about her favorite positions, bragging about allowing random strangers to ravage her in various different ways. Absolutely disgusting, and skanks like this should be put in zoos or publicly executed.

Then another one of the girls, who has a "boyfriend", started talking about how much she used to enjoyed sucking other guys' dicks, and how much she loved getting eaten out by other guys. Here is someone with a "boyfriend" bragging about how other men have violated her in various different ways.  And this is one of the quieter girls. AWALT AWALT AWALT. This made me think about how EVERY girl, regardless of who she is, has been violated in numerous ways by numerous men. Absolutely maddening. It is really sad what we have come to.

Throughout the whole conversation, a second male skank kept interjecting with his depraved and whoreish experiences. Completely depraved. Then the original female harlot started talking about all the dicks she's sucked. And this is a girl who is going to get married some day! Imagine marrying a used up and prideful skank like this. I'd rather get flayed alive. This slut also talked about how she's into BDSM and wants guys to destroy her in any way possible, and started bragging about "kinks". I'd actually rather be burned in a brazen bull then ever enter into a relationship with one of these shameful hoes (AKA ALL WOMEN).

This was literally a half hour straight of people bragging about being skanks. Just making a complete mockery of ACTUAL LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS. It's actually incredibly sickening and depressing to think about. I'm not even mad at this point. If one of these hedonists got shot, I wouldn't even be excited, because there's still billions of these creatures out there. Humanity simply needs to be discontinued at this point.

This stuff really makes me hope that Annihilationism is real. Annihilationism is the belief that Hell destroys the soul and the person ceases to exist. I say this partly, if not almost fully, for me. I'd rather cease to exist than ever see these vermin skanks ever again I can't fucking stand being around these vermin and I hope I get fucking shot soon so that I don't have to keep putting up with this. Again, humanity needs to be fucking discontinued.

@SaintMarcLepine @a-virgin-nigger @/pol/cel read for the worst ER fuel ever. I seriously hope I fucking die soon just so that I don't have to put up with this anymore.

virgin girl or death
What if I told you that 100 percent of women and 99.9999 percent of men are like that.
highschoolcel said:
Anyone who doesnt Worship Christ deserve to eat the rotten fruits of degeneracy. Convert before it is too late. Eternal suffering is awaiting.

God is the safety blanket you wrap around yourself to hide from your insignificance in an infinite universe. 

Oh sure there are galaxies and galaxies out there but God cares who you stick your dick in or what you stick in your pussy. 

That makes sense.
Why do you have a picture of hell as your avatar lol?
ItheIthe said:
I'm seriously fucking sick and tired of everyone saying I'm "coping". I'm a V-O-Lcel. It's not that fucking complicated, and this behavior truly disgusts me. Its really not that fucking hard to comprehend.

I'm glad you won't be reproducing. Your kind of stupid moralism needs to die anyway.
Thunderjaw said:
I'm glad you won't be reproducing. Your kind of stupid moralism needs to die anyway.

How many fucking times do I have to say it's not about adhering to some sort of code of conduct? Everything I say I genuinely feel. I'm tired of people discrediting me.
ItheIthe said:
How many fucking times do I have to say it's not about adhering to some sort of code of conduct? Everything I say I genuinely feel. I'm tired of people discrediting me.

They are low iq tbh
ItheIthe said:
How many fucking times do I have to say it's not about adhering to some sort of code of conduct? Everything I say I genuinely feel. I'm tired of people discrediting me.

Ok that changes literally nothing about what I said.

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