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Knajjd discussion thread

NegroKing said:
Is he really 14 years old? Some people said he's around 20 in the discord and that he "grew wrong".

He is actually 35.
CopingGymcel said:
He is actually 35.

No seriously the kid has a habit of larping like crazy so I have no idea what's true anymore. He constantly cries about being ethnic despite looking white and claims he has black bone structure(he doesn't). Also kept telling me I looked like a literal male model when I'm average at best.
As a Twitter roastie once said: if a guy is hot and under 6 feet.
“What a waste of a good face”
Octopusgun2 said:
This guy looks ugly, 100% srs. He has fish eyes which is a death sentence and he looks very feminine and has a baby face which is also a deal breaker (female vaginas don’t get wet for feminine boys). And his height is just...Idk, he’ll never get laid with that height. Wouldn’t want to be in his place.

he isnt ugly just very feminine boyish looking. pretty much agree with what you said though
I'd trade places with knajjd. He's a white passing Turk with prettyboy looks. He's 5'2", but that's because he's 14. Once he gets that growth spurt, he'll be around 5'7" which is a decent height for somebody with his face.
5'7 is never decent dumbass. under 6 foot is generally over tier , and 5'10 is the absolute lowest you can be for females to consider you attractive.
You're a genuine retard. Height doesn't matter if you're good looking. Face > height.
You're a genuine retard. Height doesn't matter if you're good looking. Face > height.

He looks young and cute, he would not be attractive to most femoids, but some of them are definitely willing, if he were tall that would increase the number of females he could attract . However he is definitely not a truecel, he has already had sex, despite that he is an interesting poster so I don't hate him too much.
knajjd said:
how am i not ethnic? i was born to two turkish parents......... what do you consider to be "ethnic", if not that? my skin color is fairly light but that is about it and it's obvious that i'm not white. 

It doesn't matter what nationality your parents are.  What matters is your phenotype, and no it's not obvious that you're "not white".  You have light eyes, fair skin and your facial features are pretty European looking.  Do you think the gambler is white?  Because you look whiter than he does. 

If you came to america, nobody would suspect you of being nonwhite.  Nobody.  Even if you started talking and your spoken English was poor and you had a thick accent, they would assume you were from Russia or some shit.
universallyabhorred said:
He looks young and cute, he would not be attractive to most femoids, but some of them are definitely willing, if he were tall that would increase the number of females he could attract . However he is definitely not a truecel, he has already had sex, despite that he is an interesting poster so I don't hate him too much.

Pretty much this. However as a truecel I'd rather be cute.
knajjd said:
wel thx i wish i looked like u instead though i can't imagine how it must feel to tower over most people and command respect due to their very evolutionary instincts urging them to act that way towards taller people o well maybe there will be leg replacement surgery eventually in which they'd replace my legs with wooden stilts

if u're actually 14 you can still grow i went +27 cm in 3 months when i was 14
incelkingkong said:
i went +27 cm in 3 months when i was 14

Did you mean to put a decimal point in between the 2 and the 7?

Because there is absolutely no way you grew 27 centimeters in 3 months.  That's over 10 inches.
knajjd is a boy. I wouldn't even call him a fakecel. But he has "truecel" next to his username. When I was 14 I had a friend who was shorter than me (and I am short). But by the time we graduated high school he became one of the tallest people in school. People at knajjd's age don't even have sex or are in a serious relationship. He is attractive enough that he wont end up as an Incel like us. He shouldn't be on this site. I must say that he is lucky to find us though, he doesn't need experience to know the truth about femoids. He can stay the fuck away from the blue pilled white knight beta cuck mentality without suffering first. Which is great for him.
Agreed with the poster above me.
I just realized Knajjd has been posting on reddit about inceldom close to 2 years. That's since he was fucking 12 lol.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Did you mean to put a decimal point in between the 2 and the 7?

Because there is absolutely no way you grew 27 centimeters in 3 months.  That's over 10 inches.

but i did. i was the shortest kid at 8th grade at 160 and over the summer break i grew to 187
knajjd said:
how am i not ethnic? i was born to two turkish parents......... what do you consider to be "ethnic", if not that? my skin color is fairly light but that is about it and it's obvious that i'm not white. 

You were born into two Turkish parents, in Turkey. For Turkey standarts you are not ethnic. I would understand your frustration if you were living in Europe or U.S. but you are not. You are whiter than most people I see regularly. 

You should be grateful you don't have Kurdish type of look like me it is the true death sentence in Turkey
Why do you guys even allow him to post here? HE IS FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. A literal child complaining about how he cannot get laid. Come on, at least make the age limit 18.
He is a super manlet, that's what is killing him. If he was 5'10" there's no way he'd be incel.

He should be wearing lifted boots all the time, and I'd recommend researching leg lengthening and steroid Max for masc gains.
RecessedMaxilla said:
Would make a good femboy/tranny

He could have been 5"2 but if he had good bones, broad skull he would still slay. Obviously not like if he was 6"+ but he would slay regardless

Pretty boy look is possible as long as you have masc height (essentially 5'8"+ when using lifts). Girls want you to physically mog them in some way. Can be frame mog, height mog and so on.
pm_me_ur_metatarsals said:
Why do you guys even allow him to post here? HE IS FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. A literal child complaining about how he cannot get laid. Come on, at least make the age limit 18.

Lmao, call me desilusional because i always believe him in reddit when he say that is 20.

Now i`m not too sure.
knajjd said:
even though people around my age get laid all the time, i'm not complaining about not being able to get laid right now. i'm complaining about how i won't be able to get laid and will be truecel until the end of days.

Most 14 year olds don't get laid.
CopingGymcel said:
Most 14 year olds don't get laid.

I don't think he's 14.

Unbearable2woman said:
Lmao, call me desilusional because i always believe him in reddit when he say that is 20.

Now i`m not too sure.

His steam account is 9 years old so I think he has to be 20 over 14.
knajjd said:
unless i need 2 4 some reason, most likely never lul i don't wanna be incel Zyrros, i just post my pics when memeing on the Discord and that is about it

ya that is true i'd feel horrible being a manlet at like 20 or something knowing i could have at least tried to do something about it and didn't. i can at least have surgery to somewhat fix my ethnic facial features but there isn't rly any proper surgery to grow taller. THX 4 the suggestion i will look into it

how am i not ethnic? i was born to two turkish parents......... what do you consider to be "ethnic", if not that? my skin color is fairly light but that is about it and it's obvious that i'm not white. 

ur not just average just look at ur eye area PCT + hunter eyes, NW1 hairline and good lower third to boot idk what else u want rly

"what else you want rly"

I want to not be a KHHV at age 21. I want to not be completely invisible to females. But then again if I were genuinely good looking I wouldn't have these problems would I?
I told him this several times, he's likely to grow to become a normie when his puberty hits.
Lol @ underagecels (sometimes I don't get them) and of course he's going to grow a bit (depends on his genetics and how tall his parents are).


JovanD said:


His facial features didn't change at all!!  It's literally just him with lipstick and makeup.  

Knajjd confirmed for god tier trap potential.
he can slay prime jailbait
I'll give him a pass, he hasnt really posted anything too strange or against us. But he's also 14 so should really be trying to escape inceldom before reaching 20
Sparky said:
I’m really perplexed, is this guy 14 or 21? I’m hearing contrasting accounts

Without a doubt 20+
Sparky said:
Has he proved that it’s  actually him in the photos?

Nope but since the images aren't anywhere else on the internet we just believe him. He should post a picture of him with his handle to really prove it though. Would be funny if the guy in the pic is just a regular normie pretty boy slaying on the daily.
usually face > height, but if you're shorter than 5'5'' then it's over no matter how beautiful your face is - at least in the western world-. it's quite a shame because if the dude in OP's pic were at least 5'7'', he would have lot of girls drooling over him. now he can only impress staceys and roasties on the internet, but he would be mocked for his height IRL
knajjd needs to post pictures of his frame before we can eh-erm decide if he's truly incel or not
All hail cutest twinkcel on the forum \o/
knajjd said:
THX i wish the females felt the same way,,,,,

Did you ever try talking to some? 
IDK man join this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/emos22/ post a pic and tell us what feedback u got.
I've got nothing against knajjd but I find the fact that he is one of our most discussed things on this forum quite alarming and a clear sign of pedocels. 

knajjd: don't accept any dodgy PMs and don't go and meet anyone from this forum. They will bum you. Stay safe. btw what's your phone number?
Splintercel said:
I've got nothing against knajjd but I find the fact that he is one of our most discussed things on this forum quite alarming and a clear sign of pedocels.
knajjd: don't accept any dodgy PMs and don't go and meet anyone from this forum. They will bum you. Stay safe. btw what's your phone number?
He`s 20, he`s legal as fuck.

Also he lives in motherfucking Turkey.
This thread has over 2000 views only for what reason again?
Anonymous said:
This thread has over 2000 views only for what reason again?

Pedocels... Probably 1500 of them are from Inceltears
Splintercel said:
Pedocels... Probably 1500 of them are from Inceltears

And r9k. They love their twinks.
If Knajjd is a virgin, he belongs here. Based on his posts he CLEARLY wants to change that
Morf12 said:
And r9k. They love their twinks.

Knajjid is a discord fag. I don't trust him at all. This thread had to have been linked somewhere.
knajjd said:
i dunno who you even are but i can 100% guarantee that i'm more of a veteran than you are lul

also the views count every view, not just unique ones. 

How can you 100% guarantee that you are more veteran than me, if you don't know who I am? :thinking:

If I can remember correctly, you only came into the scene after the discordfags were spamming their pictures in "support" of our cause. The fact that you still had your account till the end of /r/incels is suspicious to me, as most "veterans" didn't survive the many ban waves.
knajjd said:
cuz i was around longer than most people here and also since i can't recognize you you cannot have been that old/active

i was around r/incels way before that, it's just that my pics got more attention than my other posts

Oh I understand, good to have you around then
Legit Incel said:
you should start posting on lookism, make a thread there asking them to rate you

They hate pretty boys there. Knajjd can run pb game here, but our females are primitive as fuck, if you are under 6' it's over for these fucking Neanderthals.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
So a pretty good chunk of the guys who have posted their pics here or back on /r/incels have been called fakecels.  Knajjd has posted multiple pics and people seldom have made such an accusation about him.  I suspect part of the reason for this is people here severely underestimate pretty boys and overestimate masculine faces. 

I posted his picture on /r/cuteguys and it got a lot of really positive responses:


I also find it strange he complains about not looking white enough when he looks whiter than any Turkish person I've ever seen.  His only real "ethnic" feature is his black hair.  Other than that he looks pretty much completely white.  He definitely looks whiter than the majority of Greeks and Italians.  He's way whiter looking than the gambler.  As it is, if I saw his pic with no context I would assume he was a 15 year old boy from Russia, Ukraine or the Baltics.  He could pass as a local almost anywhere in Europe.  If he just dyed his hair blonde he'd even pass as a local in northern Europe.  

He certainly has one undeniable flaw though.  5'2 is obviously extremely short for a male anywhere.  There are Asian countries where the average WOMAN is that tall or taller.  Honestly I think his height is his ONLY flaw, though it is an admittedly large one.  Still though, I would trade with him in a heartbeat.

What do you guys think?  Would you trade places with knajjd?  

I just had to make a thread about him.  I was planning to on /r/incels but never got around to it.  I feel like he's an under-discussed member.




What a cutie.
Its over for him. Not factoring in his pathetic height you can tell that hes frauding his pics and that his nose is actually too big for his face. I would be interested to see his profile.
Total Imbecile said:
Its over for him. Not factoring in his pathetic height you can tell that hes frauding his pics and that his nose is actually too big for his face. I would be interested to see his profile.

He has top tuer facial harmony. His only problem is his height but hes only 14 and will grow a bit more. And there are still pretty boys with under 170cm that have very cute girlfriends.
Furtheemore he livess in a country where the average height for men is only 170cm
Its not over for him

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