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Just lol, explain to me why women should fuck ugly males given the choice



Nov 8, 2017
What kind of logic is this?

If you had the choice to fuck a hot girl or an ugly one what would you choose?

Unless you choose the ugly one (you wouldn't) you have no logical reason to be mad at a women who makes the same decision. 

Let's be honest this is a poverty argument and misguided emotional projection.
You're wrong on this. Yes, they have a choice to fuck only the hot guys but then they turn around and complain that "men won't commit" and that "there are no good men anymore". They're hypocrites and we entertain their bullshit.

And that's not even talking about the damage that hypergamy does to societies which are based on monogamy.
I think the underlying argument is that people want a society where you are guaranteed to at least fuck and gain validation from your looksmatch, and I can understand that position.
no one said that. The discussion was about whether or not hating women is justified. I know you're a little slow, but try to keep up.
It's honestly a good thing that women go for attractive men, because then that ensures the likelihood of there being less of us.
avsky1 said:
It's honestly a good thing that women go for attractive men, because then that ensures the likelihood of there being less of us.

apparently you don't know what genetic recombination is.
fukmylyf said:
apparently you don't know what genetic recombination is.

I just know that I've never seen two +7s give birth to a subhuman, with the exception of deformities etc, but that doesn't count.
NegroKing said:
You're wrong on this. Yes, they have a choice to fuck only the hot guys but then they turn around and complain that "men won't commit" and that "there are no good men anymore". They're hypocrites and we entertain their bullshit.

And that's not even talking about the damage that hypergamy does to societies which are based on monogamy.

That's just an appeal to morality though, you seem smart you can probably see that. Can you guys come up with a reason that isn't through flawed metrics?

No emotions, no ad hominem or red herring just why in the current situation and sexual market a women would make a choice that you wouldn't make yourself.
avsky1 said:
I just know that I've never seen two +7s give birth to a subhuman, with the exception of deformities etc, but that doesn't count.

What does that have to do with 2-4's only fucking Chad retard? its the same result of them fucking their looksmatch: subhuman child
Incels should turn their focus on to the degeneracy of feminism and the hypocrisies of SJWs. This is a piss poor argument/belief that is easy to poke holes in.

BlackpilledTruecel said:
What does that have to do with 2-4's only fucking Chad retard? its the same result of them fucking their looksmatch: subhuman child

no its not, genetic recombination + superior sperm gives the offspring a much better chance.
blickpall said:
I think the underlying argument is that people want a society where you are guaranteed to at least fuck and gain validation from your looksmatch, and I can understand that position.

BlackpilledTruecel said:
What does that have to do with 2-4's only fucking Chad retard? its the same result of them fucking their looksmatch: subhuman child

As a woman, you'd feel a biological imperative to ensure that your child is healthy and fit by societal standards. Why further poision the well by having an incel's child, when you could bear Chad's child and bring your offspring up to a 5-6? Women are sly oppurtunists -- it's in their biological programming to act this way. They're not going to get with Incels or their looksmatch just because ''they should' lmao
avsky1 said:
As a woman, you'd feel a biological imperative to ensure that your child is healthy and fit by societal standards. Why further poision the well by having an incel's child, when you could bear Chad's child and bring your offspring up to a 5-6? Women are sly oppurtunists -- it's in their biological programming to act this way. They're not going to get with Incels or their looksmatch just because ''they should' lmao

That doesn't excuse it. Reminder that rape is a viable reproductive strategy for unattractive males.
Master said:
Still isn't going to get me to stop hating women. I'll focus on all of it as a package because Females/SJW's/feminists are cancer at this point. It's really stupid where society is headed and I don't see it lasting for much longer unless things change really quick. Women should have never gotten the right to vote; that's where the degeneracy started.

looks like empowering women to this extent has taken a massive toll on society i agree. just look at sweden, beautiful homogenous nerdic society that is now flooded with criminal ethnics due to SJW's, which are mostly women and their nu-male compatriots 

i just think this sexual hypergamy women should fuck incels argument is petulant, no they shouldnt and they didnt in the past either. it may have been slightly better but women still married chad or top tier providers and only ugly ones settled for incels.
fukmylyf said:
That doesn't excuse it. Reminder that rape is a viable reproductive strategy for unattractive males.

By all means if that option is available, that's fine. Women play their biological card by excluding ugly men-- and so then the undesirables have to proliferate their genes by force. Although, with contraception and abortion, rape isn't a very useful tactic anymore
I would fuck the ugly one actually. They fuck better.

Women should fuck ugly men in order to save them from sui. If you don't have sex with an incel you are killing him. It's inhuman to not give your pussy to all starved guys.
As id we are retarded enough not to know this. Tell that to the confidence and personality cucks. Most Incels here are blackpilled.

And as for my self, I know that it=over.
avsky1 said:
By all means if that option is available, that's fine. Women play their biological card by excluding ugly men-- and so then the undesirables have to proliferate their genes by force. Although, with contraception and abortion, rape isn't a very useful tactic anymore

Contraception also complicates things by removing the costs associated with sex. It gives women the freedom to ride the cock carousel with no consequences. This is why I think this "don't blame women guyz" argument is retarded. We're no longer playing by nature's rules. It's not a valid excuse.
I agree 100%. To hate women for following their nature is illogical.
Framecel222 said:
I agree 100%. To hate women for following their nature is illogical.

So are we going to excuse everyone who follows their nature? "Oh he's got very high testosterone, it was in his nature to kill. We can't blame him for that".

Lol fuck off with that shit.

IdealMaxilla said:
That's just an appeal to morality though, you seem smart you can probably see that. Can you guys come up with a reason that isn't through flawed metrics?

No emotions, no ad hominem or red herring just why in the current situation and sexual market a women would make a choice that you wouldn't make yourself.

It is not an appeal to morality as it is to common sense. You should not be complaining when you reap what you sow.

And preventing society from collapsing is not a moral argument it is about pragmatism.
NegroKing said:
So are we going to excuse everyone who follows their nature? "Oh he's got very high testosterone, it was in his nature to kill. We can't blame him for that".

Lol fuck off with that shit.

well as it pertains to women, the problem is we have no recourse. If a tiger eats a child, it's in the animal's nature and we can't scold it on a moral basis, but we sure as hell can put it down. With women, it's in their nature to pursue the top 20% of men, and we can't stop that --- unless limiting womens' rights or something. But we can definitely blame them for the disparity in dating, but it doesn't make what they do 'right or wrong', just fucked up from our stand point-- but they're just pursuing their biological imperative.
avsky1 said:
With women, it's in their nature to pursue the top 20% of men, and we can't stop that --- unless limiting womens' rights or something.

and that's exactly what was done in the past. It seems our ancestors were smarter than us.
NegroKing said:
So are we going to excuse everyone who follows their nature? "Oh he's got very high testosterone, it was in his nature to kill. We can't blame him for that".

Lol fuck off with that shit.

It is not an appeal to morality as it is to common sense. You should not be complaining when you reap what you sow.

And preventing society from collapsing is not a moral argument it is about pragmatism.

There will be repercussions for them

Once a women is used up she will be non-desirable to top LTR chads

If she rides the cock carousel for too long its over for her and cat lady is in her future

But that still doesnt mean what they are doing is wrong in this case. Taking the best dick available is just basic economics of a functioning human bean.
Women should be fucking their looksmatches; that means, that instead of chad-chasing, the ugly women should be fucking us, as we are their looksmatches. But feminism has given them this ridiculous idea that even the worst of femoids is worth far more than any of us, even if they are fat, ugly, hateful, and can't even keep up with basic hygiene. At worst, most of us are 2 of those things.

Men are not the only ones who lose the genetic lottery; hypergamy has only disguised this fact, and made it okay for women who would otherwise be incel to chase men who are way out of their league, and then complain when they fall flat on their faces.
i dont really hate them for that. i just hate the nature of women as a whole.

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