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It's Over Just got my criminal charges

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
I am being charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. Perhaps more charges are coming. I am thinking of either committing sudoku, shooting up a minecraft server with bow and arrow, or fleeing the state/country in virtual reality.

Any thugmaxxers on here with advice?
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shouldn't you just get probation for a first offense? Sorry bro, laws are fucked.
Thats why i listened to the D.A.R.E. thing at skool
shouldn't you just get probation for a first offense? Sorry bro, laws are fucked.
My state is controlled by a supermajority of Democrats in both legislative bodies, and has a Democratic governor, but the drug laws are Republican retard tier with the exception of weed (auto felony whatever amount). And the county I'm being charged in is an inbred GOP wasteland.

Can't believe I was ever unironically right wing. Fuck the paternalistic police state and its puritan religious ethos so hard.
My state is controlled by a supermajority of Democrats in both legislative bodies, and has a Democratic governor, but the drug laws are Republican retard tier with the exception of weed (auto felony whatever amount). And the county I'm being charged in is an inbred GOP wasteland.

Can't believe I was ever unironically right wing. Fuck the paternalistic police state and its puritan religious ethos so hard.
Maybe you can get it expunged.
shouldn't you just get probation for a first offense? Sorry bro, laws are fucked.
>"Just NTmaxx and take drugs, bro"
>Cop sees you being low inhib in public while autistic and invents probable cause to search you for drugs
>Now you're a felon

Street cred better not be a cope or else I'm fucked
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Maybe you can get it expunged.
Even if possible, this entails years of living under extortion and the threat of kidnapping for the "crime" of trying to alleviate my autism and succeed despite my genetic handicaps.

It is so unjust that out of principle I want to just escape. At least it would be exciting to flee to a new country n shit
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>"Just NTmaxx and take drugs, bro"
>Cop sees you being low inhib in public while autistic and invents probable cause to search you for drugs
>Now you're a felon

Street cred better not be a cope or else I'm fucked
actually couldnt a good lawyer could get you off? And yeah, pigs be pigs. Never be in public or drive with drugs on you.
actually couldnt a good lawyer could get you off? And yeah, pigs be pigs.
I am inclined to see my chances with a lawyer, but be prepared to escape if the walls are closing in.

I will not accept any time in prison. My youth was already mostly stolen from me to be stolen some more by the government, acting out of some archaic religious notions of enforcing temperance.
I am inclined to see my chances with a lawyer, but be prepared to escape if the walls are closing in.

I will not accept any time in prison. My youth was already mostly stolen from me to be stolen some more by the government, acting out of some archaic religious notions of enforcing temperance.
yeah I doubt you'd get prison for a first small time offense like that.
Did you mouth off online and pigs got PC (probable cause)? or were they scoping around for unrelated shit and got themselves a search warrant over paraphernalia.

i can understand if it’s too personal. edit: just read your other posts. fuck them
They used a nigger drug dog in an abusive way that makes me think it could be argued to be unconstitutional.

yeah I doubt you'd get prison for a first small time offense like that.
Any drug offense is a felony bro, and the prosecutor is no doubt a "tough on crime" Republican.

Someone got sentenced to like 20 years in prison in Alabama for possessing fucking kratom then got killed in prison under suspicious circumstances. Not sure if it was his first conviction or not but yeah, America's "justice" system is worse than Soviet show trials and gulags. Literally more prisoners in this country than there were in the Gulags JFL.
If it's a drug (uncontrolled susbstance), with those charges you probably won't have a terrible sentence. I'm sure you know this but you could have to do rehab or probation, or possibly 1-4 years in prison at the worse end of the spectrum, as well as having a criminal record if this is a first offense.

But all in all that's not all that bad even if it is a felony. Prison might not even bee that terrible if you aren't able to fight it off with a lawyer. Maybe in prison you can thugmaxx/gymcel and ascend after you get out. Plus it's not like you are getting any pussy on this side of the fence anyway. It's already over so how could prison make it any worse?
Its over buddy boyo thankgod i live in a shithole with the judiciary rotting in hell
They used a nigger drug dog in an abusive way that makes me think it could be argued to be unconstitutional.

Any drug offense is a felony bro, and the prosecutor is no doubt a "tough on crime" Republican.

Someone got sentenced to like 20 years in prison in Alabama for possessing fucking kratom then got killed in prison under suspicious circumstances. Not sure if it was his first conviction or not but yeah, America's "justice" system is worse than Soviet show trials and gulags. Literally more prisoners in this country than there were in the Gulags JFL.
even worse case scenario you wouldn't go to fking supermaxx for non-violent personal use posession. see a lawyer and get your head straight
Damn brocel that's fucked
even worse case scenario you wouldn't go to fking supermaxx for non-violent personal use posession. see a lawyer and get your head straight
True, but I am objectively facing harsh shit for doing nothing except existing in public as a low status male. Whether it's prison or probation, it is still a violation of my human rights.

I understand why niggers hate cops so much now and next time some nog gets kneed I'm joining them
It’s ovER. It’s your Time to make society a bettER place
nothing will happen. You didnt fight the cops(I hope not), you didnt resist(I hope not), you werent dealing dope(I hope not) etc etc.
First time offender probably a fine, community service or even just a warning.

Next time smoke your stuff in private and save yourself the headache
Absolute state of the American justice system.
Sorry to hear you're going through this bullshit, buddy boyo. It explains why you haven't been posting.

How much money do you have saved (don't tell us the actual number, just say something like "mid 5 digits" or whatever to give us an idea), and how willing are you to leave your life behind?

yeah I doubt you'd get prison for a first small time offense like that.
I know you've experienced the clown world first-hand, so I know you know that you easily could in the gayass USA with its backwards laws in some states.
believe I was ever unironically right wing. Fuck the paternalistic police state and its puritan religious ethos so hard
Indeed, being right wing is retarded, why would anyone want to have their liberties and freedom taken away and allow the rich and chad scums have all the power.
Flee to Canada
True, but I am objectively facing harsh shit for doing nothing except existing in public as a low status male. Whether it's prison or probation, it is still a violation of my human rights.

I understand why niggers hate cops so much now and next time some nog gets kneed I'm joining them
Realization that the BLM riots were justified is the ultimate blackpill
last time i had problems with some faggoted cop for the possesion of drugs i had to give him all my zatla so he can use it for himself, i thank god i didn't go to jail that day or my lif would have been destroyed.
I am being charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. Perhaps more charges are coming. I am thinking of either committing sudoku, shooting up a minecraft server with bow and arrow, or fleeing the state/country in virtual reality.

Any thugmaxxers on here with advice?
HOLY FUCK dude youre one of my favorite posters i hope your ok!
dude your series on autism, psychopathy, and the series of threads you made where you dismantled CBT therapy are some of the best threads i read on here.

stay safe, legit one of the most giga iq users here, the cbt threads are evidence enough of this. Literally made me realize how the fucking asshole therapist manipulated me when I was in early 20s and in mental hospital. NIgga did not even inform me beforehand on how CBT therapy works, he jumped straight into gaslighting me XD

after reading your threads I wouldnt let that happen again. Literal lifesaver for anyone who has to deal with therapists and CBT therapy.
I saved them all on HDD, i have autism.
I’m on probation until 2027, life under the corrupt American justice system is a scam.

I’m on probation for basically having a an episode of psychosis in public meanwhile some hood nigger can gun multiple citizens down and get out on bail because some foids thought he was handsome in his mugshot.

This country is a scam.
Lawyer up and get it down to a suspended sentence or probation. I doubt you will see the inside of a prison over this.
Charge: incel trying to cope.
They used a nigger drug dog in an abusive way that makes me think it could be argued to be unconstitutional.

Any drug offense is a felony bro, and the prosecutor is no doubt a "tough on crime" Republican.

Someone got sentenced to like 20 years in prison in Alabama for possessing fucking kratom then got killed in prison under suspicious circumstances. Not sure if it was his first conviction or not but yeah, America's "justice" system is worse than Soviet show trials and gulags. Literally more prisoners in this country than there were in the Gulags JFL.
Russia put ppl in prison to silence opposition or rid itself of those not contributing to the state, USA puts ppl in prison for profit.
Honestly, thugmaxxing in jail isn't the worst fate. It's essentially equivalent to NEETdom and once you're out you get to impress foids with your thug past (hybristophiliac chicks dig that)
Intensely brutal shit
I think the book is about to be thrown at me bros. It may be ovER. If I don't log in again for months or years, it's cuz I'm in shackles
I think the book is about to be thrown at me bros. It may be ovER. If I don't log in again for months or years, it's cuz I'm in shackles
Goddamn brutal bro. They should know bettER.
if you didn't give them explicit permission to search your vehicle, then you may be able to get it thrown out because of the exclusionary rule. did they have a warrant or what exactly happened?
Just got word that there's a warrant for my arrest. Jfl
It's so over

A couple years ago the pigs came to my house and talked to me for harassing a female. Even though I wasn't actually being charged with anything at the time I can still remember the sheer weight and stress of realizing that my situation might be about to get much much worse. The active threat of facing criminal charges and going to prison was so intense that it basically made me forget about having no gf and being a shut-in NEET for a while

Hopefully you can get a good lawyer who can save your ass
It's so over

A couple years ago the pigs came to my house and talked to me for harassing a female. Even though I wasn't actually being charged with anything at the time I can still remember the sheer weight and stress of realizing that my situation might be about to get much much worse. The active threat of facing criminal charges and going to prison was so intense that it basically made me forget about having no gf and being a shut-in NEET for a while

Hopefully you can get a good lawyer who can save your ass
I think I'm in good straits with legal counsel, fortunately. Might get probation except the prosecutor seems poised to really stack the charges. I understand that's an inducement to take the plea deal they offer but I fear they will have no mercy n shit because I'm inkwell
If I did the math right, at max, I could get 102 years in prison. And I haven't even ER'd :feelskek:
My state is controlled by a supermajority of Democrats in both legislative bodies, and has a Democratic governor, but the drug laws are Republican retard tier with the exception of weed (auto felony whatever amount). And the county I'm being charged in is an inbred GOP wasteland.

Can't believe I was ever unironically right wing. Fuck the paternalistic police state and its puritan religious ethos so hard.
Fuck the liberals as well. Only vote for the erenyeager PARTY
I wish I was a lawyer so I could help my fellow incel
I am being charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. Perhaps more charges are coming. I am thinking of either committing sudoku, shooting up a minecraft server with bow and arrow, or fleeing the state/country in virtual reality.

Any thugmaxxers on here with advice?
They still waste theyre resources on drugs?, Sheesh they should rather just legalize it, its a waste of police resources, Someone could be in danger, Oh well guess the man smoking pot quietly in his home was more dangerous then, NOT.

Drug laws are dumb, The people want drugs and life would be much more fun if it was legal!
I am being charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. Perhaps more charges are coming. I am thinking of either committing sudoku, shooting up a minecraft server with bow and arrow, or fleeing the state/country in virtual reality.

Any thugmaxxers on here with advice?

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