Did you not read who Frances is? His name is on many copies of the DSM-IV for a fucking reason: he was in charge of creating it. He said clearly they made it all up and that "mental illness" is only a label for alleged behaviors. Even the director of the NIMH admitted it as well.
"Mental illness" is a moral judgement that a behavior or feeling is bad, and thus (because it's a moral concept of what is good or bad) the whole concept is outside of the realm of science. It's saying a person is a bad/inferior, & using medical language to describe the dislike. Mental illnesses aren't actual illnesses. It's a similar word to Autism. It used to mean something, until the Mental health community changed it's definition entirely. If you find a really old dictionary, the definition is "belief in fiction," which was used by the psychiatric community for a completely different purpose. They randomly decided to name a new mental disorder "autism" for no fucking reason. Later they linked it with Asperger for no fucking reason, and then they decided to link it with every fucking mental disorder on the known planet. So basically what happened is that they took a term they used to describe schizophrenics, and used it to describe something completely different and unrelated. There is not one damaged brain cell measured when someone is "diagnosed" with "autism." Autism is only real if it's purely a label for people who are less social and maybe some more things.
There's no "medicine" for "mental illness" because there is no illness (not one cell is proven damaged with psychiatric rumors/"diagnosis."). Psychiatrists, when they "diagnose" people, can not prove a single brain cell of yours is damaged- they make moral judgements, assumption, etc. With anything psychiatrists say, you can respond "show me a lab test for cellular damage."
You can have a ten hour "debate" and that's all you need to win. All they have is authority fallacies & so on. To rational people they are no more doctors than African witch doctors. They are all con-artists preying a society that wants real help, and instead they hurt the vast majority of them, lie to them, and push the drugs of giant corporations which are generally simply toxic profitable substances.
Psychiatry is a faith/religion.
Philip Hickey, PhD:
"Psychiatry has blatantly promoted drugs as corrective measures for these so-called illnesses, when in fact it is well-known in pharmacological and psychiatric circles that no psychiatric drug corrects any neural pathology. In fact, the opposite is the case. All psychiatric drugs exert their effect by distorting or suppressing normal functioning."
-- https://www.madinamerica.com/2017/11/rebranding-psychiatry/