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Experiment it's too bad we can't have incel meetup events where we could do basic social friendship exercises like shaking each other's hands



May 20, 2018
I think most of us are too experienced and nervous about homosexual connotations to do shit like hug each other in any enjoyable way, but I think it would be pretty cool if we could just be present with each other and share handshakes or something.

AttackOnTitanCurtis and ArmstrongLaharl and Lamington

This is the type of thing I think most of us probably don't do, and it would go a long ways to feeling connected to society, validated as a person, nurturing others through validation, etc.

IT and co spout BS at us like "just fuck each other" or "just hug each other" but there might have a small point in that we might be able to at least do stuff like handshakes and see how that changes us as men.

Something has changed about society where this type of thing is being done less and less. I think men used to be more cordial and brotherly.


We are bereft of relationships with male role models or the purpose in being one, of being there for one another.

Even something as simple as a fucking handshake I swear is probably ruined by thinking it's "gay" or some bullshit despite humans being social animals who built society with cooperation and shared labours.

You'd have the IT feminists decry this as "toxic masculinity" and while they often oversimplify things and ignore a lot of causes/factors, there is truth in the observation that we have lost something, that there is a void in the human experience which I think we on some level recognize and try to cope with.

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I expect a lot so-called toxic masculinity comes from toxic femininity. Basically we lack security as men and obsess over our sexual identity because of the rise in ostracism towards men as hypergamy is embraced and non-humble women embrace ever-inflating standards we cannot keep pace with.

That obsession and insecurity which would rapidly evaluate if a loving woman embraced us nightly with our thighs has us confused and grasping for solutions - are we not masculine enough? Not 'dark triad' enough? Are we too effeminate?

Our lack of direction makes us grasp at straws on how to establish a masculinity that would impress a woman who would love us. We build our walls without gaps, nitpicking at the slightest possible weak point that could be used against us.

I think for this reason we collectively wall ourselves off even from stuff like a handshake and becoming friends with other men as human males did more readily in the past. It's a problem which compounds upon ourselves, because women ironically while judging men for a lack of masculine qualities also value men who are socially connected and have a network of friends/allies, so we become even less attractive to them because of our misguided efforts to impress them with fruitless stoicism and impotent independence.

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I value independence and stoicism more for their own sake these days than to impress women (because I know it's not enough) but I expect the reason I first embraced them as an ignorant pubescent teen was more for those reasons. Just like how now I love loli aesthetics for their own sake but originally I probably just used them as a coping "this is the only undefiled non-degenerate channel I have for my heterosexuality because I'm overwhelmed by the dirty sluttishness and apathetic misandry I've awakened to".

One of the difficulties I find is there's no clear or easy path out of this rut of isolation to build friendships because even if I change my perspective long enough to attempt it, the problem is so much broader than just myself, it extends to any possible friends I might make.

This is not just about paranoia about men who want to shake hands with men and engage in hobbies together, but about all kinds of social taboos everyone worries about. You don't want to be friends with that lolicon guy who thinks HS girls are cute, people might think that about you!

It's sort of like refusal to employ ex-cons, because you don't help people who need connection to find a constructive path in society establish those connections to make them a stable part of it. I completely understand the hesitancy and nobody should have a burden to be a hero an reach out, but I still lament the lack of an obvious solution.

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Getting back to the topic title - those of who who recognize the problem and want to strategically solve it by building those lost human skills with people of like mind we feel we could genuinely connect with (like I think some of us feel for fellow forum members) - we could not realistically do that.

Any meeting would be lurked-upon, infiltrated, people would get dox'd by IT, blackmailed by the FBI, etc. Even if 100% of us only wanted to just meet up and shake hands with our fellow incels to try and become "more human", that opportunity would be denied to us. They'd paint it like we're meeting up to plan a terrorist attack or some bullshit.

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I think we know that, that ostracisim and hatred, so we don't even fathom an event like that. It feels cucked to make that decision out of fear, so to cope and avoid feeling like cucks, we tell ourselves we don't even want to shake each other's hand, that it's gay to want to shake hands with men.

I don't think it's us who are sexualizing these things. It is the mockery of the non-Chad male which does this. Which makes us overly paranoid of being othered, of being devaluaed, because we lack the flexibility to deal with that.

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We are not watered daily by the moist vagina and (more importantly) emotional love of a woman who returns our affections, so if our ego is a tree, as we are dehydrated dead husks, our trunk is rigid, unbending, we are not willows who can bend, but neglected corpses infested with termites who might easily catch fire from a lightning strike.

Does someone want this of us? Even the steps we could make to improve ourselves without women, they don't want the "homosociality" which could make us more stable people able to last longer and be more productive in society.

Do some people want this conflict? Are they sadists who delight in boxing us off so that any time we begin to feel bonds and want to build a community, that they must destroy the potential of that community because they do not hold authority over it?
I planned an Incel meetup in Thailand but covid-19 destoryed it
I planned an Incel meetup in Thailand
I wonder if we could hire women to be present to facilitate the handshaking of 2 men.
Like she can just be an observer present so it feels less gay and we feel more at ease.
Ideally instead of paying her you would have women volunteer for a role like this.
Then we can more readily do it because we tell ourselves "we're just doing this to make her happy, I don't need the validation of a handshake"

GenshinEmblemNorm and steve

I think a girl would only enjoy watching men shake hands if they're both chads though, and even then I'm not sure.

Yuu and doujimas

we could definitely do that. we could murder some whores while we're at it
this is going to go right over the head of some IT lurkers and even those who don't take it literally will LARP as if they did =/
yeah so we can hug and exchange physical intimacy with each other like the lesbian foid females do! /s:feelswhat:
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I wonder if we could hire women to be present to facilitate the handshaking of 2 men.
Like she can just be an observer present so it feels less gay and we feel more at ease.
Ideally instead of paying her you would have women volunteer for a role like this.
Then we can more readily do it because we tell ourselves "we're just doing this to make her happy, I don't need the validation of a handshake"

View attachment 618597View attachment 618599View attachment 618600

I think a girl would only enjoy watching men shake hands if they're both chads though, and even then I'm not sure.

View attachment 618601

this is going to go right over the head of some IT lurkers and even those who don't take it literally will LARP as if they did =/
I was gonna take this seriously but your simpness ruined it for me, over for you
I honest to god wanted to make some irl Incel friends, but Ik that Normies would 100% try and "attend" probably try and do like one of those Pedo sting operation on us even though we did nothing illegal.
yeah so we can hug and exchange physical contact with each other like the lesbian foid females do! /s:feelswhat:
I think a lot of girl-on-girl hugs are toxic fakes and virtue-signalling. They'd probably do it a lot less if you subtracted that.

But I still think they have genuine friendship hugs and shit that's not foreplay for future homosexuality and I envy that.

We're so fucked up emotionally that we can't even fathom hugs like them because it feels too sexual, and I can see as predicted we're struggling even with prolnged contact as distal as handshaking with our limb extremities.

A more introductory alternative might be stuff like using boxing mitts and we punch each other's hands?

M Bison and Sagat

Even that is a kind of validation but it's disconnected (no actual skin-on-skin, we have 2 gloves in the way) and it's not prolonged (brief striking, not hand-grappling)

I imagine a lot of guys who get good at Jiu-Jitzu and other grappling arts somehow manage to overcome this shit, or maybe they had different upbringings or cultures where they're more comfortable with it?

I was gonna take this seriously but your simpness ruined it for me, over for you
How is it SIMPing? I'm saying you could use girls as a transitionary medium for us to rebuild the skill. Then you wouldn't need her once you made the friend.

It's not any absolute necessity just seemed like one possible approach for the real hardcases.
I planned an Incel meetup in Thailand but covid-19 destoryed it
oh yeah I remember your post

I want to go thailand some time in the next two years. When im close to going maybe i will message you when you are not dead or still on this site.
Incels often treat other incels very poorly on this site. I think meeting up irl would facilitate more ropefuel. Would probably just degenerate into a bunch of bullying and bickering. :feels:
Incels often treat other incels very poorly on this site. I think meeting up irl would facilitate more ropefuel. Would probably just degenerate into a bunch of bullying and bickering. :feels:
yes although sometimes I think IRL emoting (as autistic as we are) might help avoid some misunderstandings

like I will shitpost and cuss people out over tiny shit like apostrophes and talk to them in demeaning ways, it comes from a place of love but I wonder if people in a more autistic state might be too literal and think I don't respect them

I wouldn't give grammar advice to a subhuman monkey, criticism comes because I value intellect in those I speak to, recognizing their potential for change, otherwise I'm just masturbating for onlookers (MAYBE THAT'S IT THO ... hi IT)
Lol based

that older grey-haired dude on the left is going to fuck up his back with that kind of spinal flexion
mirin the athletic stance the black-haired guy on right is using
Volcel if you don't handshakemaxx
I planned a Incel meetup in Istanbul

No one came
I hate it when people touch me
You overthinking Handshakes , my dude it is over
It is very odd to me, that females friendship hug, but males don’t ever seem to. And people will walk up to an issue like that, get so god damn infuriatingly close, and then ruin it all by virtue signaling about muh homophobia and muh fragile masculinity
It is very odd to me, that females friendship hug, but males don’t ever seem to. And people will walk up to an issue like that, get so god damn infuriatingly close, and then ruin it all by virtue signaling about muh homophobia and muh fragile masculinity
I'll hug you brocel:feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
I planned an Incel meetup in Thailand but covid-19 destoryed it
Do it, I live in Thailand so if this meeting actually happens, it will be like my wet inceldream :feelsgah:

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