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It's Over Its summer holidays in 5 days and i have absolutely no plans on what to do



Discord: lauterbach2
Feb 15, 2023
Another year, another summer wasted. Last time i did summer vacation was 2 years ago. Last year no one had time to drive away because their Jewish bosses wont let them take holidays because families get priority when it comes to vacation planing (single men getting ostracized and discriminated against once again, no way they would deny holiday to a toilet). Same story this year, now i can rot for 3 weeks at my grandmas house. At least no one bothers me there, i can goyslopmax, play KOTOR and focus on generating AI hentai.
Kinda brutal that your job/internship or whatever it is you're doing is so strict on time-at least my job & college is pretty reasonable I'd say.

I always admired Germans a lot for their efficient & industrious nature, but this seems like the exact type of "muh Protestant work ethic" we have in the US.

My summer has been pretty shit thus far, last one MOGGED by so much: Another one of my dogs died, but my parents put-off telling me for like two weeks because of College(which I fucked up, due to many factors), the heat is fucking awful & I genuinely feel as if I'm in some third-world shithole at times, so I can't even naturemaxx to cope, and my parents have basically had enough of my weed coping habit.

I hardly have any friends, but I will do what I can to maxx with the 1-2 I actually have, even if it's just every once in awhile.

Nice you have a place you can just chill out, my grandma is a nasty bitch who passed-on her shitty genetics to my mom & thus me-foids are dysgenic scum.
Kinda brutal that your job/internship or whatever it is you're doing is so strict on time-at least my job & college is pretty reasonable I'd say.
Im in an apprenticeship and we have fixed times, so the time issue is on their side and not on mine
one of my dogs died,
sorry to hear that, my condolscences:feelsbadman:
Nice you have a place you can just chill out, my grandma is a nasty bitch who passed-on her shitty genetics to my mom
Yeah, she rarely comes into my room, never really screams and isnt nearly as argumentative as my stupid mom. Unlike my mom, who complained about me staying at home for 2 days when i visited them this weekend.
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Vidyacope perhaps
Im in an apprenticeship and we have fixed times, so the time issue is on their side and not on mine
I see, makes sense considering German culture ig.

At least being a collegecel guarantees a summer-though I spend a lot of time wageslaving.

Work laws probably mogged under the DDR & NSDAP jfl, Crapitalism is such a joke especially in the US-I'm sick of my States low wages it's fucking rage fuel.
sorry to hear that, my condolscences:feelsbadman:
Yup-despite the fact that I didn't know of it until after I was done with classes, I think I somehow knew something wasn't right if that makes sense, which probably made stuff worse for me.
Yeah, she rarely comes into my room, never realls screams and isnt nearly as argumentative as my stupid mom
Must be blissful, sounds as if she's just like that nice old lady who minds her self.....couldnt be mine jfl.
. Unlike my mom, who complained about me staying at home for 2 days when i visited them this weekend.
My mom does the exact same thing-she complains I just spend time either on my console or on my phone/pc unless we watch a movie together or something.
Vidyacope perhaps
He said he was.
Vidyacope perhaps
I already do that as i wrote in my thread, but its still brutal that i am forced to stay at home and do basically nothing
Must be blissful, sounds as if she's just like that nice old lady who minds her self.....couldnt be mine jfl.
Well, she probably has dementia and keeps forgetting stuff more than i do and she is also often paranoid, which can be really stressful. But ill take that any day over my narcissistic psycho mom
My mom does the exact same thing-she complains I just spend time either on my console or on my phone/pc unless we watch a movie together or something.
They cant even provide me any good argument to go outside, other than for the sake of it. If i want fresh air, ill open my window. As simple as that. My parents are acting like that and then they wonder why i almost never v
Must be blissful, sounds as if she's just like that nice old lady who minds her self.....couldnt be mine jfl.
Well, she probably has dementia and keeps forgetting stuff more than i do and she is also often paranoid, which can be really stressful. But ill take that any day over my narcissistic psycho mom
My mom does the exact same thing-she complains I just spend time either on my console or on my phone/pc unless we watch a movie together or something.
They cant even provide me any good argument to go outside, other than for the sake of it. If i want fresh air, ill open my window. As simple as that. My parents are acting like that and then they wonder why i almost never v
I already do that as i wrote in my thread, but its still brutal that i am forced to stay at home and do basically nothing
Maybe look for new games to play as well?
-Starfield is very good imo, I'm still playing that.
-Baldurs Gate 3 is great, minus the faggotry which infests all modern games.
-Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are some of my favorites-since you have PC you can also mod them to the maxx.
-AC Valhalla & Odyssey are two of my favorites, though they're not exactly AC games to be fair: More of historical-fiction RPGs with some stealth elements, though I prefer to play them as either a Viking Berserker or Greek Spartan jfl.
Another year, another summer wasted. Last time i did summer vacation was 2 years ago. Last year no one had time to drive away because their Jewish bosses wont let them take holidays because families get priority when it comes to vacation planing (single men getting ostracized and discriminated against once again, no way they would deny holiday to a toilet). Same story this year, now i can rot for 3 weeks at my grandmas house. At least no one bothers me there, i can goyslopmax, play KOTOR and focus on generating AI hentai.
Maybe look for new games to play as well?
-Starfield is very good imo, I'm still playing that.
-Baldurs Gate 3 is great, minus the faggotry which infests all modern games.
-Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are some of my favorites-since you have PC you can also mod them to the maxx.
-AC Valhalla & Odyssey are two of my favorites, though they're not exactly AC games to be fair: More of historical-fiction RPGs with some stealth elements, though I prefer to play them as either a Viking Berserker or Greek Spartan jfl.
Vidya cant replace the need for social and sexual validation
Well, she probably has dementia and keeps forgetting stuff more than i do and she is also often paranoid, which can be really stressful. But ill take that any day over my narcissistic psycho mom
What does she get paranoid over?

And dementia is pretty common, most people do get it to some degree as they age, it's basic biological facts.

But yeah, I see what you mean: My parents aren't divorced, but if they were I'd take my dad over my mom tbh.
They cant even provide me any good argument to go outside, other than for the sake of it. If i want fresh air, ill open my window. As simple as that. My parents are acting like that and then they wonder why i almost never v
You should at least maybe try & naturemaxx & go for walks. If I lived in a place with a much more decent climate -which suites me physiologically due to European genetics- I would probably go for walks in nature almost everyday tbh.

But yeah, mine can never provide any good reasons to do something other than "because I said so" or "because...well it's just what everyone says"

Just shows how complacent & adherent to any kind of bluepilled advice jfl.
Vidya cant replace the need for social and sexual validation
I know, but it masks it for a bit at least.

Those games, especially when you can mod them, take up a lot of time & are very engaging to say the least.

I need to really save up for a PC so I can fulfill a "dream" I've had for years to mod Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and other games on PC I couldn't really do on console-it's pretty sad that's one of my main life goals jfl.
I'm going to just play video games all summer
I'm going to just play video games all summer
Which ones? Maybe check these out if you need more ones to play:
Maybe look for new games to play as well?
-Starfield is very good imo, I'm still playing that.
-Baldurs Gate 3 is great, minus the faggotry which infests all modern games.
-Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are some of my favorites-since you have PC you can also mod them to the maxx.
-AC Valhalla & Odyssey are two of my favorites, though they're not exactly AC games to be fair: More of historical-fiction RPGs with some stealth elements, though I prefer to play them as either a Viking Berserker or Greek Spartan jfl.
Dont come to croatia its so expensivw here not even midddle class crosts cant afford
Dont come to croatia its so expensivw here not even midddle class crosts cant afford
Last few times i went to Croatia it was cheap, at least compared to Germany
Last few times i went to Croatia it was cheap, at least compared to Germany
these last 2 years its gotten super expensive. if ur going avoid far south and Istra peninsula- its the most expensive there. also avoid island Pag- biggest sex haver location in all croatia, lots of parties 24 7 and a bunch of drunk normies and drug addicts. and avoid big cities split, zadar, sibenik. i usually go to Kvarner
these last 2 years its gotten super expensive. if ur going avoid far south and Istra peninsula- its the most expensive there. also avoid island Pag- biggest sex haver location in all croatia, lots of parties 24 7 and a bunch of drunk normies and drug addicts. and avoid big cities split, zadar, sibenik. i usually go to KvarnerView attachment 1194475
I see, but i dont think i will do summer vacation the next years. No point making vacation alone just to get mogged into oblivion
Just buy steak and beer.
What food do you buy?

A normal sized rump steak is cheaper than a "meal" at McDonald's.
I often eat minced beef or Chicken. Maybe i can convince my grandma to buy a small or normal steak next time
Alcohol and Games will Keep you Occupied , and Remind yourself in what Shit you are in ( Sometimes ) .
Alcohol and Games will Keep you Occupied , and Remind yourself in what Shit you are in ( Sometimes ) .
i prefer weed but maybe ill drink something here and there
What do you drink?
I dont drink often, but when i do its often cocktails. I like Whiskey, Rum, Gin is okay, sometimes vodka and also recently tried Chinese Plum wine. Tasted very good but had way too little alcohol to get drunk
I dont drink often, but when i do its often cocktails. I like Whiskey, Rum, Gin is okay, sometimes vodka and also recently tried Chinese Plum wine. Tasted very good but had way too little alcohol to get drunk
Buy steak and beer.
was meinst du ? Ja ich muss Berichtsheft schreiben
I procrastinated writing it for the first 2 Years of Ausbildung, like everyother classmate. Then days before Prüfung i had to speedrun writing it. Ausbilder didnt care lol
I procrastinated writing it for the first 2 Years of Ausbildung, like everyother classmate. Then days before Prüfung i had to speedrun writing it. Ausbilder didnt care lol
I always write it asap, i hate pressure

Also why do you keep switching language from German back to English/Denglisch ?
What does your grandma think about you being a kiffer? My grandmother would honestly kill herself if she found out that I used to smoke.

Also this is such bullshit, I knew that doing a Praktikum is hard, but them basically making your life a living hell. I'd honestly leave if they'd favor Stacies and Normies over me. That shit is active discrimination and basically means that your work environment is toxic.
What does your grandma think about you being a kiffer? My grandmother would honestly kill herself if she found out that I used to smoke.
I dont tell her that i smoke and i make sure they dont see me when i smoke. Once i had such red eyes from edibles that she directly accused me of taking stuff, so she might suspect it but doesnt know for sure.
Also this is such bullshit, I knew that doing a Praktikum is hard, but them basically making your life a living hell. I'd honestly leave if they'd favor Stacies and Normies over me. That shit is active discrimination and basically means that your work environment is toxic.
Are you in a Praktikum or how did you came up with that topic ?
Are you in a Praktikum or how did you came up with that topic ?
Not right now but some of my college are. I recognize the misery although they don't have it as tough as you they are all Ausländer (Pakistan, Ukraine etc.).
Outed yourself as a kidcel. Summer holidays btw :feelskek:
Outed yourself as a kidcel. Summer holidays btw :feelskek:
Sounds like you never heard of apprenticeship. Try better next time, smartass
Sounds like you never heard of apprenticeship. Try better next time, smartass
It's usually 16 year olds that do apprenticeships becauses they pay about £4 an hour
It's usually 16 year olds that do apprenticeships becauses they pay about £4 an hour
At my work there are guys and foids who are years older than me and still do an apprenticeship. Generally speaking, its hard to find well paid jobs in Germany without an apprenticeship
already on holiday and same
All I do is game, work out and study for next year.
Going shopping with relatives is my only chance to "socialise".

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