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SuicideFuel it's sad to think all my ancestors' hard work will end for nothing



Apr 8, 2018
my great-great-great...x100 grandfathers all finding a mate and reproducing, living in hard conditions. meanwhile im in the 21st century and will die a kissless virgin incel. It just is too sad. I feel my ancestors looking down at me like i'm scum
your ancestors would mostly likely be incel in this trash hypergamy degenarate hypergamy society
You know that Chad shares your great-great-great....x100 grandfather, right?
The only people you need to worry about disappointing is your parents if you're the only child, or if your siblings also aren't going to be having kids.
your ancestors would mostly likely be incel in this trash hypergamy degenarate hypergamy society

i blame the jews, they invented hypergamy and feminism. meanwhile they are fucking all the shikse women bc theyre rich
i blame the jews, they invented hypergamy and feminism. meanwhile they are fucking all the shikse women bc theyre rich

yes allah has warned us about the jews in the holy quran, and know the jews use the media to be against islam, and know they use feminism to be against islam
Your genes would be completely diluted in several generations anyways so it doesn't matter.
TFW you will never be a royal family who keeps the genes in the family by marrying your first or second cousin or niece
Aye, it's very depressing. The end of the line of previously successful people.
Nah I blame them, if they had better genes I'd have been better.
technology + increasingly high standards of females = incels.
Your ancestors' hard work... Yeah. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who reproduces and leads to an incel existing. Mine can burn in hell for all I care, not like I asked to be here and carry a worthless legacy.

When will you guys get life is meaningless and your bloodline doesn't mean shit? Some of you aren't blackpilled enough.
this "muh ancestors had subhuman genes" is really dumb. you can have incel parents and win the genetic lottery. It is the genetic lottery for a reason. My mom's cousin has a mother with a small skull, short height, recessed chin (( heavily recessed )) and is a good looking guy. Not chad bit upper tier. As well as manlet genes; there is thousands of genes that contribute to height.
When will you guys get life is meaningless and your bloodline doesn't mean shit? Some of you aren't blackpilled enough.
Because nihilism, while rationally true, is functionally a coping method?

Only guys who are unattractive, depressed and can't have children are nihilists and antinatalists. Let's be frank about this. That should tell you something about the philosophical validity of pure reason.
this "muh ancestors had subhuman genes" is really dumb. you can have incel parents and win the genetic lottery.
This. Hating your ancestors for transmitting "bad genes" displays a terrifying ignorance of genetics, meiosis and former social structures.

As I often say, look at the child of Viggo Mortensen and look at the children of Joseph Goebbels. There is no strict Mendelian heredity when it comes to looks.
Because nihilism, while rationally true, is functionally a coping method?

Only guys who are unattractive, depressed and can't have children are nihilists and antinatalists. Let's be frank about this. That should tell you something about the philosophical validity of pure reason.
Irrelevant if it's coping or not.

You can try to look smart and say whatever you want about it, but it doesn't change the fact that life is meaningless. I have no desire to be part of this world. Between being born a Chad and not being born at all, I'd choose the latter any day.
Irrelevant if it's coping or not.

You can try to look smart and say whatever you want about it, but it doesn't change the fact that life is meaningless. I have no desire to be part of this world. Between being born a Chad and not being born at all, I'd choose the latter any day.
I deeply sympathise with nihilism and I will always be somewhat of a nihilist. I also agree with the fact that having children is in itself a cope to escape the reality of death and personal insignificance (see my topic "How do you feel about dying childless").

Yet, if you don't feel a bit sad and ashamed about breaking a chain of genetic transmission that went uninterrupted for 4 billion years, that reveals more about you than about the truth. For some reason you prefer rational truth to life itself. Only weak, anxious, tired, low-energy men are rationalists.
Yet, if you don't feel a bit sad and ashamed about breaking a chain of genetic transmission that went uninterrupted for 4 billion years, that reveals more about you than about the truth. For some reason you prefer rational truth to life itself.
What it reveals about me is I'm not as stupid as they were, to think it's a good idea to keep this bs going. I'm glad to give my ancestors a huge fuck you. If it weren't broken by me, it would still get broken anyways, so who cares. I prefer rational truth, because it's the only thing that makes sense in something as absurd and random as life.

Only weak, anxious, tired, low-energy men are rationalists.
Whether or not this is true, someone has to be.
The one thing that'll be lost on my father is our last name.
He's got one brother and like him he had one son and one daughter.
Both my sister and cousin sister have children. I'm incel and while my cousin bro is tall and has had many gfs it seems like he doesn't want to settle and have kids. I suspect he might be gay but can't come out or something. I'm no longer in touch because his height and lawyer career are pure sui fuel for me.
They haven't failed, most men would be incel nowadays due to how crazy hypergamy is
they would probably be even more disappointed if i had to resort to being a betabux or cuck to carry on the bloodline.
make a diffEReNCe
What it reveals about me is I'm not as stupid as they were, to think it's a good idea to keep this bs going. I'm glad to give my ancestors a huge fuck you. If it weren't broken by me, it would still get broken anyways, so who cares. I prefer rational truth, because it's the only thing that makes sense in something as absurd and random as life.
You're probably more depressed than rational, tbh

Nihilism says nothing about whether it's a good idea to procreate or not. Your emotions do, on the other hand
The vast majority here can find a old uggo to procreate with. You "only" have to sacrifice your ego, self-respect and become a betabux. She will never love you and will probably cheat on you.
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The vast majority here can found a old uggo to procreate with. You "only" have to sacrifice your ego, self-respect and become a betabux. She will never love you and will probably cheat on you.

At this very precise moment I could find a 5- third-world woman or a 2- Western woman to procreate with. And all incels who are not NEET or grotesquely deformed can.

The question is, do you really want to? When I start to envision the process of growing up for my children, school, etc; I say no.
your ancestors would mostly likely be incel in this trash hypergamy degenarate hypergamy society
This, we are unlucky to live in the most materialistic degenerate age ever, were we all born a 100 years earlier we would probably be married by young age. But it still pains me that my clueless parents, who only hoped that their child would be happy, gets to see me rot away alone.
Most men would not be incel today if it wasn't for the conspiracy and attack on (sub 7) western men, using hypergamy, propaganda riddled with lies, and feminism as its arsenal.

My great great grandfather was 5'6, had a bowed left leg (hobble), was fully bald at 24, yet he manage to marry a slim, 5'5 woman white woman above him in class by 25. He wasn't rich.
The vast majority here can find a old uggo to procreate with. You "only" have to sacrifice your ego, self-respect and become a betabux. She will never love you and will probably cheat on you.

Doesnt matter, had sex
Most men would not be incel today if it wasn't for the conspiracy and attack on (sub 7) western men, using hypergamy, propaganda riddled with lies, and feminism as its arsenal.

My great great grandfather was 5'6, had a bowed left leg (hobble), was fully bald at 24, yet he manage to marry a slim, 5'5 woman white woman above him in class by 25. He wasn't rich.
Because mens looks were off the table back then. Every woman HAD to be married by a certain age, and your pool may be limited, especially in a small town. It is like car insurance. Even shit companies that meet bare minimum standards get customers, because you MUST have it.

After 23 or so women's marriage potential was approaching zero. No one can really understand that here. There was no career bullshit or cock carousel. There was a lady in my family (way back in the 20s) who got married at 31 because she was a semi-famous scientist. I read her notes, she said that would be like an 80 yo guy getting married. She married a widower and had 2 kids. She was not riding the cock carousel either. Had a bunch of patents, and she looked 19.
You’re still playing your role in the grand scheme.... dna makes many attempts and most of them fail. Your job is to fail and take some inferior genes with you
You're probably more depressed than rational, tbh

Nihilism says nothing about whether it's a good idea to procreate or not. Your emotions do, on the other hand
I don't care about what you think I am, my point still stands.
22% of US presidents have no living descendants.
There's also a bunch of rich celebrities who just decided not to reproduce. That's how we're different from animals: we can decide to override our biology.
my great-great-great...x100 grandfathers all finding a mate and reproducing, living in hard conditions. meanwhile im in the 21st century and will die a kissless virgin incel. It just is too sad. I feel my ancestors looking down at me like i'm scum
Hard work? I think you mean genetics.

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