Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

It's a TL;DR, but I want to properly introduce myself

Post on looksmax.org and get ratings on your face. The one time i posted my face i only got replies like "my condolences".
there you go, this isnt your place buddy and you know it but anyways im not gona ramble about it anymore it seems like alot of failed normies are here and no point gained for me in fighting it. Enjoy your stay.

Am I too old, or too tall, or too white for you?

Foids have never liked me, often outright hated me. I've experienced all sorts of shitty treatment and occasional violence. I'm a weirdo at best, a punching bag and scapegoat at worst. I'm sure as hell not a normie and I'm involuntarily celibate. And I'm very much a truecel by definition. It sucks, but it's real.

Black pill is unfiltered reality. What is is. And this is my reality. This is real.

It's like when foids say, "ALL men are privileged. If I were born male, I'd have so many more opportunities. No men ever go through what women go through, we have it worse." They have no concept, no frame of reference of how varied the actual male experience is. So here I am, hated by women, and now under suspicion by young and/or short and/or ethniccels.

If you say to yourself, "If I was a little bit taller, and whiter, and born in the 1980s, there's no way I'd ever be an incel, it would be impossible," then you'd be denying the reality that outliers like me exist (I'm 5'9 mayocel from burgerland aged 40); and you'd be living a delusion just like the foids who claim ALL men are privileged simply for having a penis. But it's the truth. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, why I'm treated the way I am, why I'm hated. I wish this weren't real. For years, I coped believing things would get better with time, I'm supposed to have all these alleged privileges. But I don't have them and things never got better.

I've bookmarked tons of posts here that I think are brilliant, shit I could have written myself. Conclusions I could have come to. I might have to necropost, because so much of this stuff explains me well. I'm sorry if I'm shattering your views of reality. Like when normies get upset if you question their bluepilled beliefs, I'm a wrench in your belief system, so I'm simply a "failed normie" to you, when I'm really involuntarily celibate/trucel. Didn't choose this, don't want this, can't believe this, and my life completely sucks.

And it's disheartening how much this place seems like some fucking country club. Even here I'm not welcome. It's like I'm meant to be reject/hated/misunderstood everywhere, even at the bottom of the barrel. Thanks.
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Post on looksmax.org and get ratings on your face. The one time i posted my face i only got replies like "my condolences".

I don't think men can accurately rate other men. We're not foids, we don't see what they see through their eyes. That's not to praise foids, merely to acknowledge that our perception of what makes a man good-looking or ugly may not align with how foids (the choosers) judge men's looks.

That's why I posted my thread on duck theory: https://incels.is/threads/duck-theory.492896/

When I first saw the Virgin/Chad meme, I was amazed at how much I looked like a cartoon virgin. I'd describe my looks as very similar to a white Hamudi. I have brown hair and eyes, but white skin, not Arab. But I have that same round face with flab under my chin. Not fat, I have the "dad bod" body, but never had a defined jawline and have a bunch of flub under my chin.

I grow a beard to hide it, but my beard is rapidly turning gray, especially the lower part by the throat. People think I'm closer to 50.

One of the things that I think fucked me was that I had childhood acne. I had pimples since single-digit age, and facial acne lasted until I was in my early 20s. I no longer get facial acne (except the occasional blemish), but my back is covered in pimples or pimple scars. I wear glasses, though plan to soon surgermax with laser eye surgery (PRK surgery, not LASIK). There's never been a time I didn't have either pimples and/or eyeglasses.

But maybe I'm a mentalcel and Autism is real and my mannerisms are also part of the problem, because the treatment I receive is fucked up and it's never gotten better. I wanted to find a place where I could feel at home.
You re tall and white and sound like a smart dude maybe u have some NT issues coupled with trauma from when you were a kid regardless of the blackpill being real or not i dont see why you cant have a gf if u actively seek it i guess you are just unlucky eith your environment, if i was you i would work on what im lacking in proper communication with women because your looks is not the problem.

I'm not trying to insult you, please understand I'm trying to be completely honest here:

You sound like my shrink. I've been seeing a psychologist since February. I think therapy is bullshit, but I want documentation for possible NEETbux. He's an old Jew, over 70. I didn't tell him about being incel or blackpill, but I've told him about my fucked-up experiences (like being strangled by a dude in a public place, and almost being run over by a she-boon co-worker who hated me, and other stories, and the workplace mobbing).

All he says is, "You seem so smart, you can do anything you want. And you're so young." I'm fucking 40, but to this 71-year-old I'm "young." He says, "Life isn't like this, people don't care what you look like. You've just been unlucky." He thinks I kind of look like John Lennon. (Which is funny, because again LOOKS come into play. He meant it as a compliment, an old boomer seeing a resemblance to one of his idols. But even he's demonstrating the blackpill without realizing it.)

But this is typical. I do get along with some men, usually much older (or younger). They think I'm fine, but can't relate or even fathom the shit I go through on a regular basis.

And on Autism sites, I've read stories where people say things like, "I've had professors who loved me, thought I was so smart. I entered the workforce and everyone HATED me." Maybe I am a mentalcel, but my inceldom and the horrible treatment I've received is REAL. Even if you don't think it's possible for a 5'9 mayo born in the early 1980s to have experienced this, it has happened to me.
Why do you tolerate being disrespected tho? That has nothing to do with inceldom im 5'4 and ive been in fights all my life i went to jail when i was a kid for scratching one guy s eye out idc about your jew 70 therapist. Therapy is just buying a friend as i said your problem is you re not NT, lack of self respect, maybe you have low T too u need to get that checked and unlucky environment America is possibly the worst country in the whole world in my opinion.

Honestly, part of it is shock at what's happening. I was told life was supposed to be one way, when this weird shit that normies can't fathom happens to me, I can't fathom it either. And I do think I'm a mentalcel. There's a lot of confusion and delayed response when someone attacks me, not so much fear, more of a dream-like "What the hell is happening here? I didn't see this coming. Is this really happening?" response. They seem to get aggressive out of nowhere, no lead-up or signs of indication that I'm in danger. It's out of the blue.

Plus, I never have any real social allies. When I've stood up for myself, orbiters will say that I was the problem. I also fear getting arrested, treated like shit even further, having even more strikes against me. Plus, I don't even know why there's so much intense hatred toward me. I can be critical of others, but I'm not out to fuck anyone over. I don't really care about others, I go about with neutrality. Yet, I seem to evoke INTENSE HATRED from random people by just being.

People here have claimed Autism isn't real, it's just a coping mechanism for a life of being ostracized for being ugly. That may be true. But it seems like you're telling me there are other ways to become incel regardless of looks. You're saying my situation isn't lookism, but something about my personality/behavior?
Am I too old, or too tall, or too white for you?

Foids have never liked me, often outright hated me. I've experienced all sorts of shitty treatment and occasional violence. I'm a weirdo at best, a punching bag and scapegoat at worst. I'm sure as hell not a normie and I'm involuntarily celibate. And I'm very much a truecel by definition. It sucks, but it's real.

Black pill is unfiltered reality. What is is. And this is my reality. This is real.

It's like when foids say, "ALL men are privileged. If I were born male, I'd have so many more opportunities. No men ever go through what women go through, we have it worse." They have no concept, no frame of reference of how varied the actual male experience is. So here I am, hated by women, and now under suspicion by young and/or short and/or ethniccels.

If you say to yourself, "If I was a little bit taller, and whiter, and born in the 1980s, there's no way I'd ever be an incel, it would be impossible," then you'd be denying the reality that outliers like me exist (I'm 5'9 mayocel from burgerland aged 40); and you'd be living a delusion just like the foids who claim ALL men are privileged simply for having a penis. But it's the truth. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, why I'm treated the way I am, why I'm hated. I wish this weren't real. For years, I coped believing things would get better with time, I'm supposed to have all these alleged privileges. But I don't have them and things never got better.

I've bookmarked tons of posts here that I think are brilliant, shit I could have written myself. Conclusions I could have come to. I might have to necropost, because so much of this stuff explains me well. I'm sorry if I'm shattering your views of reality. Like when normies get upset if you question their bluepilled beliefs, I'm a wrench in your belief system, so I'm simply a "failed normie" to you, when I'm really involuntarily celibate/trucel. Didn't choose this, don't want this, can't believe this, and my life completely sucks.

And it's disheartening how much this place seems like some fucking country club. Even here I'm not welcome. It's like I'm meant to be reject/hated/misunderstood everywhere, even at the bottom of the barrel. Thanks.
I think you should keep in mind that in this forum there's this funny little phenomenon: People think their reason for inceldom is the most "truecel" reason. For example someone who has everything right but is 5'1 at 30 years old will obviously think height is the most important thing when it comes to attractiveness. Or a mentalcel will think if youre NT you're fakecel. I'll admit as a ethnic nosecel I used to think being ethnic was the single true requirement for being truecel and all whites were fakecel. I've grown out of these types of mindsets. But most here haven't. So make sure to mention ALL of your negative qualities (like chin, acne and possible autism) otherwise you will only get called fakecel here.
Why do you tolerate being disrespected tho? That has nothing to do with inceldom im 5'4 and ive been in fights all my life i went to jail when i was a kid for scratching one guy s eye out
You're still disrespected, you just behave like a nigger
I think you should keep in mind that in this forum there's this funny little phenomenon: People think their reason for inceldom is the most "truecel" reason. For example someone who has everything right but is 5'1 at 30 years old will obviously think height is the most important thing when it comes to attractiveness. Or a mentalcel will think if youre NT you're fakecel. I'll admit as a ethnic nosecel I used to think being ethnic was the single true requirement for being truecel and all whites were fakecel. I've grown out of these types of mindsets. But most here haven't. So make sure to mention ALL of your negative qualities (like chin, acne and possible autism) otherwise you will only get called fakecel here.
Thanks. I think anyone who is involuntarily celibate is an incel, and then it's good to try to find out the reason. There can be a plethora, mainly boiling down to looks.

As an ethnic, it's not wrong to note that many ethnicfoids prefer mayo normies. This is an accurate observation, and could be a reason for your inceldom in your location if you're an ethniccel. But it doesn't mean every mayo is a normie. There are mayocels as well. I'm not the one 'stealing your women.' No foids are interested in me, not even noodles.

In fact, at my last job, it was mostly ethnic zoomer girls that got really hostile. Remember, I'm an oldcel, so an old white guy is often perceived to be a creep by these ethnic whores. I'm sure your ethnic mothers warned you to stay away from the old white guys when you were kids, since we're all allegedly creeps.
Do you understand why I asked the questions I do?
I did understand those questions, officer.

By the way there is no neetbux for mild/medium cases of mental issues, only severely disabled people get neetbux (schizophrenics, mostly; but also some cases of severe autism, mental retardation, etc.
maybe it goes beyond my ugly looks to the way I communicate and inquire
Not maybe, bro.

NVLD, autism etc. Affect all of your social interactions, even written posts on a forum such as this. Word choice, etc. Gives away your spergy vibes.

By the way, this "officer" thing is mostly banter. It's 90% joke, but there are some officers around here, sometimes fedposting, other times trying to ferret out the "next ER" etc.
Poor communication goes hand in hand with looks, though. Obviously, if you're an ugly male and nobody wants to be near you, your social skills will erode. It can work the opposite way too with more girls these days sounding retarded because everyone sucks up to them and there is no wrong choice of words.
I was going to tell you off for writing so goddamn much but ended up reading every word and it's spot-on. Very painful existences we live. Welcome.
Not maybe, bro.

NVLD, autism etc. Affect all of your social interactions, even written posts on a forum such as this. Word choice, etc. Gives away your spergy vibes.

Thanks for responding.

So when you first read my post and asked if I was NT, you weren't just asking. You could already tell? Does this also apply to mannerisms? If I haven't actually spoken a single word to the cashier, and she instantly gets cold upon looking at me, is that just my face, or are subtle spergy mannerisms that we're not even aware of also coming into play?
You could already tell?

Does this also apply to mannerisms?
Doubly so.
If I haven't actually spoken a single word to the cashier, and she instantly gets cold upon looking at me, is that just my face, or are subtle spergy mannerisms that we're not even aware of also coming into play?
Spergy mannerisms are picked up miles away (literally).

The way I walk, bob my head, move my arms, etc. Give away spergy vibes... even a drone up in the air would catch me dragging my feet and flailing my arms and stretching my neck like a total sperg miles up in the air.

Normies' brains have an inbuilt sperg-detection neural circuit that enables then to pick a sperg in a crowd, from far away, even in their peripheral vision. They notice the sperg and feel revulsion. It's remarkable, actually. Funny that "personality detectors" do indeed exist, but they serve the purpose of enabling anti-sperg discrimination instead of the purported use of avoiding dangerous and violent men -- which are, in fact, more affective to foids.
Hey, all. I call myself eldercelder. This is my first post. I've lurked a bit and decided to join, Below, I'll copy paste what I wrote when I registered. It's long, but it's here for anyone who wants to read it. Thank you for having me.

I'm an incel, never had sex or been in a relationship with a woman at the age of 40. In addition to that, my life has been a living hell of discrimination and weird behavior from people. I didn't know about the black pill until a few years ago, but in the past I was on love-shy forums and came to see myself as an omega male.

Some of the posts here seem like things I could have written myself. And it's amazing, because some of these people are half my age. When I was in my early 20s, there was no community or way to compare notes with others.

I've been hated in --and fired from-- nearly every shitty wageslave job I've ever had. I always seem to be blamed for everything, whether it's my fault or not. No one gives a shit about my suffering. I even had a nasty she-boon co-worker try to run me over in the parking lot at one job. Management did nothing about it and later found an excuse to fire me, like at every job.

If a foid is kindly or simply neutral toward me, I'm lucky. So many of them are hostile to me for no real reason, even if I'm not even attracted to them. It's even MORE insulting when it's the ugly ones. I get looks of disgust, hatred, and suspicion whenever I'm in public. And it's scary, because I need to be able to interact with people to some extent in order to survive.

Normies don't have these problems. If they need to deal with a bank teller, or secretary, or cashier, they don't have to factor in this extra layer of problems that stem from the hostility of said service worker, but I almost always receive it. I totally relate to the young female cashier being friendly with the guy in front of me, and the guy behind me, but getting all cold, hostile, or nasty when I step up to the register. I thought I was the only one who experienced this.

It's not just sex and dating, I've been rendered a social pariah and have had some very bizarre experiences. The few men I get along with at work are often confused. They think I'm a nice guy, but can't fathom WHY I have these problems with their fellow normies (who they have no problem getting along with). Men I get along with will often ask me, "What did you do to piss that woman off?" or "What did you say to make that guy so mad?" when, in reality, I haven't done anything, simply existed looking as I do.

Someone here put it best once, "I knew looks mattered, but I didn't know HOW MUCH they mattered." Even if it goes beyond just the face, mannerisms are a part of looks. I think even men or older women who don't care about my face still pick up on that uncanny valley, they can "see" something is different about me and act subconsciously.

It's a living hell.

Despite a few friendly acquaintances, I've never had any real long-term friends. As a kid in school, I was often the "starter friend" (a term I learned here). A new kid would latch onto me at first, then, once established in the social hierarchy, quickly discard me. In my 20s, I used to hit on women, all to no avail. I remember one time a girl did give me her number. When I called her a few days later, she was all nasty, "Who is this?? I'm at the movies right now! I'll call you later." Of course, she never called. I gave up trying years ago.

Inceldom isn't new, but it may be on the rise. I was in high school in the late 1990s, and was just as much of an incel then as I am now. I had a lot of hopium and a lot of confusion because there was no black pill theory. No one ever validated my thoughts and feelings. I didn't know there were others like me, so I kept trying to tell myself it was ME, all my fault, or I was doing something wrong.

I also thought into adulthood, people would "grow-up" and I'd eventually find a girlfriend to become my wife. "There's someone for everyone." By my mid/late 20s, I figured I was destined to be alone, but didn't realize lookism extended beyond sex/dating. It makes so much more sense now.

And it's true, once you've seen the black pill, you can't unsee it, it's everywhere. And normies get hostile or go into denial mode when you even hint at these truths.

There are a ton of stories I could share. One time, over 10 years ago, some nasty pig-looking foid manager I had said she got a complaint from a female customer about "one of the male workers" being inappropriate. Manager lady politely asked my male co-worker if it was him. When he said no, she immediately accused me. Said angrily, "WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID!" I was shocked and confused and had no idea what she was talking about. She said, "I know you're lying!" I wondered why she was so easy on the first guy but so hostile and quick to point fingers at ME.

Turns out, it was a third male co-worker who she hadn't even considered. But she politely asked the first guy, took his word for it, then went on a tirade against me. At the time, I didn't know why she hated me so much or what made me any more/less a suspect than the first guy (or any other male co-worker).

I've had problems with tallfags. One asshole manager who was about 6'4 used to say, "When I was a kid, we used to beat guys like you up all the time." Another tallfag co-worker assaulted and strangled me once out of the blue.

It's getting harder as I get older. Nothing has really changed, high school never ends, etc. In fact, I think I was bullied more in my 30s then when I was a kid. Even when things are going okay, I'm paranoid about the next catastrophe, or re-living all these traumatic events from my past 4 decades.

Also, until my later 30s, I never understood that men and women have different sets of attractiveness in viewing faces. I can tell a Chad from a circus freak (the two extremes), but I used to see some of the guys that the girls went nuts over and think, "What the hell's so special about HIM? He doesn't look like a model. He looks like a regular nobody." I used to think to myself, "I'm not a model, but I'm not a circus freak either. I look no different from any other regular guy. I should have all the same opportunities as them." But it didn't happen. Girls have called me gross and ugly to my face, while other men (who don't look like anything special to me) are treated normally or even crushed on by foids.

To get an accurate rating on how good or ugly looking a man is, you CANNOT trust another man's opinion or your own. You'd have to survey 100 foids of various backgrounds and ages. Their average rating will tell you how attractive a man is or isn't IN THE EYES OF WOMEN. I guess I'm uglier in the eyes of foids than I ever realized when I was younger.

In conclusion, I'd like to join and share experiences and interact with the only people on earth who can seemingly relate to me.
I understand you. I'm 26, and a KHHV, forever. I am a 2/10 in looks, definetly not more. My head, skull and face and the facial features are just not write and I have extreme eye asymmetry and everything just looks very strange and out of proportion and I'm not exaggerating
So we've established OP is a 5'9 ethnic oldcel. Tell us what career job you have? Have you moneymaxx'ed? Judging by your posts you live in Either Canada or USA.

Btw, the 1990's was no walk in the park if you were a teenager with no freedom. Foids back then were also very hypergamous, just not as bad as post-Tinder. If you were not textbook attractive you would get no gf in highschool or uni.
I don't think men can accurately rate other men. We're not foids, we don't see what they see through their eyes. That's not to praise foids, merely to acknowledge that our perception of what makes a man good-looking or ugly may not align with how foids (the choosers) judge men's looks.

That's why I posted my thread on duck theory: https://incels.is/threads/duck-theory.492896/

When I first saw the Virgin/Chad meme, I was amazed at how much I looked like a cartoon virgin. I'd describe my looks as very similar to a white Hamudi. I have brown hair and eyes, but white skin, not Arab. But I have that same round face with flab under my chin. Not fat, I have the "dad bod" body, but never had a defined jawline and have a bunch of flub under my chin.

I grow a beard to hide it, but my beard is rapidly turning gray, especially the lower part by the throat. People think I'm closer to 50.

One of the things that I think fucked me was that I had childhood acne. I had pimples since single-digit age, and facial acne lasted until I was in my early 20s. I no longer get facial acne (except the occasional blemish), but my back is covered in pimples or pimple scars. I wear glasses, though plan to soon surgermax with laser eye surgery (PRK surgery, not LASIK). There's never been a time I didn't have either pimples and/or eyeglasses.

But maybe I'm a mentalcel and Autism is real and my mannerisms are also part of the problem, because the treatment I receive is fucked up and it's never gotten better. I wanted to find a place where I could feel at home.
Send me a face pic, front & side profile, I'll tell you what I think.
Send me a face pic, front & side profile, I'll tell you what I think.

Your opinion is irrelevant. You're not a foid. Men can't really judge the attractiveness of other men to the opposite sex as well as they think they can.

But as a self-proclaimed Aspergerscel, does my writing style strike you as Autistic/Aspie in nature?
So we've established OP is a 5'9 ethnic oldcel.

No, I'm a mayocel. I've said this multiple times. I thought mayocel = white. Ethniccel = non-white. Yes, white incels from my generation like me do exist.

Tell us what career job you have?

Shitty minimum wage retail jobs.

Judging by your posts you live in Either Canada or USA.

I've said several times in my posts that I live in Burgerland. That means USA.

Btw, the 1990's was no walk in the park if you were a teenager with no freedom. Foids back then were also very hypergamous, just not as bad as post-Tinder. If you were not textbook attractive you would get no gf in highschool or uni.

Yes, youngcels idolize the past, or fantasize that things were better "back in the day." The key difference between my teenage years and now in my 40s is that when I was in high school, the school was just getting dial-up Internet. I even took a crash course in computers and the brand new Internet. And the Internet then was very limited in scope, a lot of homemade pages about whatever the author's favorite subject was.

Nowadays, because of the evolution and proliferation of the Internet, the true nature of foid behavior is much more obvious and can't be swept under the rug the way it used to be. It's not just that the Internet allowed for foids to suddenly be this way --- they were ALWAYS this way --- the Internet has allowed men to actually see it. Can't deny it. Can't pretend it's all in your head, or be as easily gaslit as in a pre-Internet world.
Your opinion is irrelevant. You're not a foid. Men can't really judge the attractiveness of other men to the opposite sex as well as they think they can.

But as a self-proclaimed Aspergerscel, does my writing style strike you as Autistic/Aspie in nature?
True but I like to think I know what I'm looking at after studying blackpill & observing ppl while comparing their dating lives.

Yeah you come across as somewhat sperg, what score you get on the autism spectrum quotient if you've taken it?
True but I like to think I know what I'm looking at after studying blackpill & observing ppl while comparing their dating lives.

Yeah you come across as somewhat sperg, what score you get on the autism spectrum quotient if you've taken it?

Yeah, sometimes when I read a book or an essay, I want to know what the author looks like. I get it. Lookism affects us all.

That said, I can't risk doxxing myself as I still have to wageslave. Tell you what, PM me, send me your images, and I'll consider sending you mine. I'm not "free" to put myself out there just yet. If I were on NEETbux, it would be a different story, but I'll consider it.

It's been a while since I've taken an online Asperger's test, but every time I've taken them, I've ended up with that score of You most likely have Asperger's. As a kid, Asperger's was unknown in my generation. I first learned of it in my mid-20s, and have suspected it ever since, 15+ years later.
>first post
400 posts

I don't keep track of my post history or my status. Am I at 400 posts? Really?? I find that hard to believe. Regardless, it's irrelevant.

I recall you were temp-banned for being disruptive. Watch your step, son.

I only replied to this thread because I got a notification that it had been bumped and wanted to reply to people communicating with me.
I don't keep track of my post history or my status. Am I at 400 posts? Really?? I find that hard to believe. Regardless, it's irrelevant.

I recall you were temp-banned for being disruptive. Watch your step, son.

I only replied to this thread because I got a notification that it had been bumped and wanted to reply to people communicating with me.
Shut up nigger
Hey brother do you happen to have any Jihad videos of Islamic fighters offing Muricans IRL? I'm just adding a good big collection of that stuff on my hard drive. Send me a message if so.
Yes, I have videos from pre-2010 in an archive.org collection. They deserved it, and most people who aren't sympathetic towards certain organizations feel the same way.
Yes, I have videos from pre-2010 in an archive.org collection. They deserved it, and most people who aren't sympathetic towards certain organizations feel the same way.
plz post the URL or send to me a message with it
Pepe toast

Welcome welcome brother, nice intro. I've just started my 42nd orbit around the sun myself.

There are a lot of dumb kids here who like to call people faggots, but after a while you'll start to see that as cute, I know I do.

I count myself very lucky I've never received the random insane hate that you describe. I managed to stay in school and get into a career where I can make my employers a steady $300k every year while training up their new grads to do the same. So work and career have been a good long-term cope for me.
And it's disheartening how much this place seems like some fucking country club. Even here I'm not welcome. It's like I'm meant to be reject/hated/misunderstood everywhere, even at the bottom of the barrel. Thanks.

I miss r/Braincels for that reason, there was a much more positive collegial spirit there, and a lot less raging little haters than we seem to have here.

There are a lot of young retards here who think they are the only real genuine incel, nobody else has ever suffered like they're suffering, just ask them. You need to remember that a lot of them are very young, and lacking in perspective, and still in the denial or bargaining phases of grief. It's up to you to be the adult in the relationship, because they aren't going to.

Or you might enjoy the forum much more if you learn to just ignore them. For the ones who really contribute nothing positive and you'd rather not see their posts, there's a button for that:

My favorite button
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You re tall and white and sound like a smart dude maybe u have some NT issues coupled with trauma from when you were a kid regardless of the blackpill being real or not i dont see why you cant have a gf if u actively seek it i guess you are just unlucky eith your environment, if i was you i would work on what im lacking in proper communication with women because your looks is not the problem.

:feelskek: Imagine thinking you know any of that.


He's been getting rejected by women - all women - since before your father coomed inside your mother. That's what incel means.

If anybody wants your approval to post here, they will ask. You may have noticed nobody ever asks?
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