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Discussion Is your inceldom fixable?

Is your inceldom fixable?

  • Fixable high cost (>5000bucks)

    Votes: 38 25.5%
  • Fixable low cost (<5000bucks)

    Votes: 15 10.1%
  • not fixable (complete truecel)

    Votes: 67 45.0%
  • Fixable but can't afford shit

    Votes: 29 19.5%

  • Total voters
Nah.. I'll be hitting 29 soon this month, it's pretty much over. As soon as you're on your own and out of school, etc. It's pretty much a dead end for your life as a man. Foids didn't like me then, so why would I expect them to like me now? Lmao

Fixable with foids lowering their standards but they never will so ya, it’s over.
Yes. I just need more showers
Nah.. I'll be hitting 29 soon this month, it's pretty much over. As soon as you're on your own and out of school, etc. It's pretty much a dead end for your life as a man. Foids didn't like me then, so why would I expect them to like me now? Lmao

This after you finish uni/college its pretty much over, we simply don't have physical enviorments and communities to interect with w0men, I read many litriture of medival times and undersirable man were always matched by the community with single w0men, single w0men were viewed with fruad, and the more single they were the more their value has fallen.

I miss medival time, no schools, no banks, no j00s, no police state, no social networks.
This after you finish uni/college its pretty much over, we simply don't have physical enviorments and communities to interect with w0men, I read many litriture of medival times and undersirable man were always matched by the community with single w0men, single w0men were viewed with fruad, and the more single they were the more their value has fallen.

I miss medival time, no schools, no banks, no j00s, no police state, no social networks.
Despite the harshness of the medieval times, I agree. It was much more simpler imo. You could live off the land as well, it was much harder to track people, etc. You were, ironically enough (with the time period we're presently in) more free. Technology quite literally fucked everything up. We as humans aren't meant to be living the way we are. This modern world is complete cancer.
Despite the harshness of the medieval times, I agree. It was much more simpler imo. You could live off the land as well, it was much harder to track people, etc. You were, ironically enough (with the time period we're presently in) more free. Technology quite literally fucked everything up. We as humans aren't meant to be living the way we are. This modern world is complete cancer.
Exectly, imagine that you owned your own land, you were married off young and if not then you could either go raid and get a w0men and some land or you could buy one (In skyrim). Incels were literall cripple man and even then many manged to have a w0men.
Exectly, imagine that you owned your own land, you were married off young and if not then you could either go raid and get a w0men and some land or you could buy one (In skyrim). Incels were literall cripple man and even then many manged to have a w0men.
Especially since brothels were also allowed. It was easier for men who had physical / mental disadvantages to still have some sort of luck. Seriously, fuck modern times. I feel more like a slave than anything else. Suicide rate is at an all-time high compared to anything of the middle ages. Some of us were just born in the wrong century, bro.
Especially since brothels were also allowed. It was easier for men who had physical / mental disadvantages to still have some sort of luck. Seriously, fuck modern times. I feel more like a slave than anything else. Suicide rate is at an all-time high compared to anything of the middle ages. Some of us were just born in the wrong century, bro.
I believe that 60-70% are not comepetly deformed here, and many are incels due to combination of Low status, low income, mental issues, not good looking enough but not ugly either, and because of social networks and degenracy. Hack if social networks were not a thing, then at least 30-40% of man where would be having w0men right now.

Im a millenialcel I remember the times before social networks, I just had bad luck, I remember even guys that looked worse then me and were shorter slayed while I rotted in my home, due to anxiety. Caused by me being an immigrent, being a poor slavcel and with a single mother who herself is a daughter of a single mother!!!!.
Every thing can be fixed with money
real housewives insult GIF by RealityTVGIFs
my only way out of inceldom is LL which i can't afford
No fix for autism.

No fix for oldceldom.

No fix for lonely teenage years.

No fix for arrested development.

No fix for gay alien skull.

No fix for a feminine frame.

Last edited:
truecel tier 5'5 3/10 and disabled
Fixable with a bullet in my head
requirements to become dateable with approx cost in CAD:

- Hair transplant (3500 avg in Turkey)
- Loose skin removal surgery (Approx 40,000 total)
- Limb lengthening 2-3 inches (50,000)

current I have 300 dollars in my account.

i am not going to whip out a bare minimum of 90k after taxes spare money to become dateable before I am dead, I am currently 24 and am estimating I will die at 50-55 due to my health.

Simply not gonna happen. And it's either all or nothing for me, no point in getting a hair transplant because even if I do the other 2 are basic requirements not optional things. Without these 3 things being done I am an incel.
At least AI girls won't care how we look. Tired of foids being so fucking picky.
Yes, if I can locationmaxx
i am a pajeet, what do you think.

View: https://i.imgur.com/No3HQ7w.png

This poll is dumb. Limb lengthening is something manlets don't get because of the risks and the pain. The cost is nothing because you will make way more money as a taller man. It pays for itself within a few years.
does it
Fixable. Just need to take a shower, get a haircut and hit the gym. Start 9 billion hobbies too

Too high of a cost, too late to do anything too. I'm 24 soon, no point in looksmaxxing.
I get your frustration and don't know your exact situation but realistically speaking, aren't a lot of guys unable to looksmax until they have a well paying job which would realistically be at 21 (unless you choose to finish school earlier to start a non-academic career which you can do in germany) plus you have to count in realistically spending money on other important stuff first, like passions or a car so I wouldn't feel too bad about not having looksmaxxed at 23 unless you need to actually spend 100.000 on surgeries. Guess it's over then
For me is over. I only can touch escorts or silicon sexdolls. Over for me, I'm the mostly ugly guy that I saw in my entire life
if I win the lotto yeah
Rn at 19 complete kissles virgin,
Was like complete truecel for like 10years of my life cause of severe 7mm overbite

But I believe its fixable (hope so if not I rope:fuk:), so I'm trying to looksmaxx to tiktok prettyboy level.
But it comes at a high cost

Braces to fix overbite cost 1700Euro
( Almost payed 3mm overbite left to correct)

Light Fillers for 500 a year
(for smile lines caused of lack of fat in face)

Leg hair removal 250euro x 6
(For carpet legs, need 6 sessions)

And like 50 euro a month for skinmaxx

How is it for you Brocels?
I have terrible negative canthal tilt, balding at 18, high functioning autism and 5’7 so I don’t think so.
Rn at 19 complete kissles virgin,
Was like complete truecel for like 10years of my life cause of severe 7mm overbite

But I believe its fixable (hope so if not I rope:fuk:), so I'm trying to looksmaxx to tiktok prettyboy level.
But it comes at a high cost

Braces to fix overbite cost 1700Euro
( Almost payed 3mm overbite left to correct)

Light Fillers for 500 a year
(for smile lines caused of lack of fat in face)

Leg hair removal 250euro x 6
(For carpet legs, need 6 sessions)

And like 50 euro a month for skinmaxx

How is it for you Brocels?
My entire face should be fixed, wouldn't afford it, plus wouldn't take the 24/7 pain that it would being
I would need to gymmaxx for two years, skinny as hell rn. It IS possible but I highly doubt that either my mind or body would get through that shit, maybe would rope after some months
Also would need a complete skin treatment I have scars everywhere, my arms are filled with scars my hands too, not counting my face, my legs have scars too, plus my skin looks awful don't even know if there's a treatment to fix the skin in your whole body
Would need a hair treatment my hair is atrocious, I completely shaved my head like ten times because I couldn't stand my fucking hair
All of this not counting my personality issues, mental illnesses and trauma, so 100% sure NOT-FIXABLE
I'm willing to break my fucking legs to be up to 5'6 or 7 but I need a huge sums of cash for that
No, even if I fixed the most major looks-related flaws (I'm working on some of them), I'm not just ugly, but also insane, high-inhib and lower middle class, without any redeeming qualities.
Definitely if i were a richfag at least i would game and make a good gym body
fixable with just a few meters of rope
even with ll I would be too short
plus tons of other issues
and competition being so insane, any improvements gets washed away by daily increasing pickiness
No its 100% over for me. Im 5'3, ugly, low IQ (93), zero personality and I talk funny

Forgot to say that im balding.

Even I gymmaxxed and lookmaxxed I’d be a dumb balding midget who’s quiet and boring. No woman will ever love me.
Too high of a cost, too late to do anything too. I'm 24 soon, no point in looksmaxxing.
Brutal when you feel that at 24 im 20 and i too think its too late
I'm non NT and that is the main thing that is holding me back. A girl hugged me once out of the blue so I'm KHV. I'm not gl but I'm not ugly.

>no fix for currycel

Actually there is.

Id need infraorbital rim implants, fillers, hair transplant/finasteride, and hell, even limb lengthening surgery if i really wanted. It's all fixable, I'm not completely deformed. And it would be expensive.
Yes just need to take one more shower
I can fix my inceldom anytime I want :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

But I'm a just individual so I won't.
I need two teeth implants, fix my balding, maybe get contacts, fix my eye bags, lose weight
i've tried consulting some surgeons and they said i'm not eligible for surgery even though i have a facial deformity, they would have to develop a new technique to fix it
even then i'm still too short
I'm non NT and that is the main thing that is holding me back. A girl hugged me once out of the blue so I'm KHV. I'm not gl but I'm not ugly.
are you sure you actually have an abnormal brain and you aren't just an abused dog that lacks socialization?
are you sure you actually have an abnormal brain and you aren't just an abused dog that lacks socialization?
I'm not sure I never got diagnosed or something, you are probably right maybe I'm an abused dog who lacks socialization.
My face is scarred from acne so no hope there really. There are treatments but they are a moneygrab and most people with deep scars like mine see barely any improvement.

I've researched it for years and at that time microstamped my skin for very minor improvements.

The only thing that in theory would work is dermal fillers. They're a temporary fix because they only tend to last for 2-5 years.

Which basically means spending at the very least in my case 4.5k for bellafill every 2-5 years just to have suboptimal but possibly acceptable skin for women to look at. Its all a gamble really.
Well I just found out autists end up developing Alzheimer's at a much higher rate compared to the general population, and much earlier on in life as well, so if I wasn't convinced that I was fucked before I'm totally convinced now. I'll probably make it to 25 then I'll kill myself.
I can't grow taller, so no, not possible to fix. Leg lengthening surgery is not an option, as I'd go from 5'5" to 5'7"-5'8", which is still manlet tier in the dating market.

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