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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

is "itsOver" the only guy who escaped inceldom and has a future?

But really there's no convincing copers. You've got it into your heads Asian women are only after money. You 'know' this because the white roasties and their feminist controlled media who hate you told you so. Never actually seen anything for yourself, but those white roasts wouldn't lie to you now, would they...
agree. feminists don't want to open the global markets because they know their SMV will fall drastically
I hate whiny faggots like gentsupreme and others like him ITT that get mad at others that simply are more motivated and less lazy than they are
lazy? I'm willing to work and earn money as soon as I find a job that fits me and isn't humiliating
agree. feminists don't want to open the global markets because they know their SMV will fall drastically

Honestly I think if the average guy in the west knew how bad he had it there'd be riots in the streets.

Women, high cost of living, bullshit live to work culture...If they ever saw a different way to live they'd be demanding change.
Makeup is part of a girls overall looks nowadays. You 'deserve' a 5/10 with makeup. You don't deserve a 7/10, her being 'high status' or a virgin, sorry.

You don't deserve the cream of the frickin crop because you're not the cream of the crop. If you were you wouldn't be posting here.

BTW you're kinda an arse if you would reject a really nice girl just because she worked as a cashier or call centre worker or whatever. No worries though, you'll never approach and as you're not gigachad no one's gonna approach you. Enjoy inceldom, your requirements are ridiculous. You're massively overvaluing yourself.
I disagree in previous generations this was very possible it happened all the time a guy like me would have had no problems finding a girl of this quality. Just because female privilege is at an all time high and the value of the male has gone down doesn't mean that I should degrade myself to beneath my level. I see that as just endorsing female privilege I'm sick and tired of seeing average looking tall guys with decent jobs dating fat, disgusting women it is wrong. If that means I have to live as an incel then so be it, but you cannot tell me I don't deserve a woman like that.
Go get a job in mcds, save up for 3 months, there you go. If you don't have a college degree you'll need that too but everyone can get loans for them these days (which you then cuck the creditor for the repayments when you move abroad).

3 months and then I can live in Thailand forever? I need some monthly income to live there. I'm not looking for just vacation
3 months and then I can live in Thailand forever? I need some monthly income to live there. I'm not looking for just vacation

Do you have a college degree in any subject?

If no, get one.

If yes you can get work there teaching English. The 3 months in mcdicks is just for your start up funds.
I disagree in previous generations this was very possible it happened all the time a guy like me would have had no problems finding a girl of this quality. Just because female privilege is at an all time high and the value of the male has gone down doesn't mean that I should degrade myself to beneath my level. I see that as just endorsing female privilege I'm sick and tired of seeing average looking tall guys with decent jobs dating fat, disgusting women it is wrong. If that means I have to live as an incel then so be it, but you cannot tell me I don't deserve a woman like that.

A 5/10 woman isn't fat and disgusting dude...

In no point in human history would a PSL 7 have approached you. Back in the so called good old days like you allude to, men still had to approach.

I can tell you you don't deserve a 7/10 high class woman as:

1) you're not a 7/10
2) you're not high status
3) you're prepared to put absolutely no work into accomplishing this goal.

With standards like yours, you 'deserve' to be incel tbh. It's like me saying the only girl I'm willing to date is Megan Fox...well, good luck with that one buddy boyo...
A 5/10 woman isn't fat and disgusting dude...

In no point in human history would a PSL 7 have approached you. Back in the so called good old days like you allude to, men still had to approach.

I can tell you you don't deserve a 7/10 high class woman as:

1) you're not a 7/10
2) you're not high status
3) you're prepared to put absolutely no work into accomplishing this goal.

With standards like yours, you 'deserve' to be incel tbh. It's like me saying the only girl I'm willing to date is Megan Fox...well, good luck with that one buddy boyo...
I was better looking in high school and average looking girls did show interest in me but I brushed them off because I wanted the hotter girls. So I don't think I am that hideous looking. At that point I did have ridiculous standards. Right now I will get rejected by any girl even if she is a 2/10. I judge girls without makeup if she is a 5/10 without makeup then I am ok with that. The only option for me is to become rich and use money to attract women because at this point it is truly over for me.
Did you know if you order a small pizza from Papa John's with nothing but pineapple, the price comes out to $18 and some change? Don't forget about the tip as well.

Everything is becoming comically expensive.

Add to this the fact that it's a fuckin' struggle to find work, especially for incels, and it's a wonder why we even bother.
Why are you going to drop?

Cos they need to shave all your hair off so it obviously takes a few months to grow back.

So PSL 4 now and then bald = PSL 3 time boyos.
Always a cope though. If the girl comes with you for a one night stand it's because she was hoping for a relationship to take
Just tell me one thing...Why do you ascribe premium importance to a white females judgement of attractiveness, and believe that judgement carries all over the world? Are you another white femoid worshipper?
I’m thinking of getting a hair transplant too but for forehead reduction (I’m NW1)

Will they have to shave me bald too?

No idea tbh. For FUE it's standard procedure to shave the head. I think you'd be shaved too tbh buddy boyo.
I guess I’ll have to run SnapBack game temporarily if I do go through with it.

I think the jaw, upper eyelid and chin fillers should take priority though. Also the canthopexy.

It’ll probably be something I get once in uni

Best off getting it during the summer holidays since I can't see you looking good with no hair. Then at least it's grown back a bit by the next semester.

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