QuantumDummy said:
Beauty is beauty, there are hot girls in every country. I'm attracted to every type out there. EE women are bitches to be honest, though, moreso than other races.
You and your 'genetic quality'. Not even the best genes will surive when a meteor hits or Yellowstone blows. Do you realize how weak and insignificant the human race actually is?
A human being is an expression of the universe, a human could be compared to a "lens" through which the universe is trying to examine itself.
I would say that the fact that we as individuals die, and leave the fabric of existence, renders our individual lives almost completely meaningless. Although, when viewing life as a whole, human life is just one small drop in an ocean of life's diversity. Humans will come and go, just like countless of other life forms before us. Although when viewing life as a whole, and having some knowledge of the past, we can see that life is moving towards higher informational complexity.
We started out as inanimate molecules, and by the hand of the forces of nature those molecules got shuffled, mashed together and produced complex molecules such as RNA and then later DNA, molecules that were able to replicate themselves, soon simple single-celled
life emerged,followed by multicellular life which formed the first organisms, those organisms through the hand of natural selection grew into the wide diversity of life we see today. Although humans might be just one part of this vast lineage of life, we are the first animal on this planet to reach the degree of such informational complexity, where we gained self-awareness and consciousness, we are finally able to understand our own place within this mysterious existence of ours.
Imagine this example, humans and all of life that there is and was being stuck in the Antarctic ocean, trying to reach the surface, so they could inhale, every life that there was or is occupies a certain depth level in the ocean, and all of life is moving towards the surface, the closer you get to the surface, the better you can see, because more of sun rays are able to penetrate the deep layer of the ocean. All of life is moving towards the surface, and all of life occupies a different point in this quest for surface, but only man, has been able reach the surface, to stick his head out of the water, and the existence, once broken this barrier takes a whole new order of complexity.
So while man might be just one of many of
life's forms, we are special precisely because we have reached the surface and in effect gained self-awareness, we are capable of abstract thought, planning, synthesizing of ideas... we were able to change our world like no other animal before us. And of course, the journey doesn't end with just the surfacing,
life is still heading forward. Whether it will be man, or a descendant of man, or some other variation of life, the "yearing" or the "will to live" will continue to shape new life forms, in order to they natures grand plan,
whatever it might be.