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Discussion Is Angryrunt correct that racial slurs but not racial topics should be allowed in ID?

Is Angryrunt correct that racial slurs but not racial topics should be allowed in ID?

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he should be allowed, I don't mind when other incels call me shitskin/curry/masala nigger
I mean its true lol
ofc I return the favour as well:feelscomfy::feelscomfy:
Dude, I made a joke thread in ID about you earlier this year and you didn’t give a flying fuck (you even commented w/a shitpost). I thought you had thicker skin

Calling someone a retard is what in the south is commonly known as “fightin words”.

You could’ve gotten away with troglodyte, low IQ, dumbass, dummy, dunderhead, maybe even dumb fuck but you chose to instead use a word common for starting multi page epic flame wars even before the internet got ruined by the rise of the ultra libtard sensitive snowflake generation.

It’s never going to be acceptable to call someone you’re not already buddies with or close family members that out of the blue and not expect a harsh response back.

If I for example made a topic referring to you as either a “child fucker” or a “pedophile” out of the blue I doubt you’d just laugh it off. :feelsthink:
someone like jerkfaggot
Perhaps you meant it as a joke/roast but since I don’t know you I could only assume you were serious and return what I presumed to be the intended “gift” of butthurt back to sender by letting you seethe and dilate a bit yourself by choking on a two day slap on the wrist vacation. :feelsclown:
dilate tranny dilate
The fact that you give harsher warnings on insults compared to fakecels humblebrags speaks volumes. Don’t let this site remain as just another soy cesspool. I can kinda get limiting someone like jerkfaggot who dishes out onesided unjustified roasts, but he did it on the daily.
That you would needlessly insult not just an average staff member but one of the two existing site admins that has the authority to permaneantly ban you or ban you for whatever arbitrary length of time that we so choose speaks volumes about your intelligence level brah. :feelswhat:

Perhaps you meant it as a joke/roast but since I don’t know you I could only assume you were serious and return what I presumed to be the intended “gift” of butthurt back to sender by letting you seethe and dilate a bit yourself by choking on a two day slap on the wrist vacation. :feelsclown:

Alls I can say is get to know someone first as in buddy up to and befriend them if you want to call them a retard without various levels of negative consequences being directed your way as a response. :feelsugh:
Wait, so @cancerousgreed got a ban, for saying "retard"? People call each other that shit all the time, how the hell does that warrant a ban?
Dude, I made a joke thread in ID about you earlier this year and you didn’t give a flying fuck (you even commented w/a shitpost). I thought you had thicker skin

Calling someone a retard is what in the south is commonly known as “fightin words”.

You could’ve gotten away with troglodyte, low IQ, dumbass, dummy, dunderhead, maybe even dumb fuck but you chose to instead use a word common for starting multi page epic flame wars even before the internet got ruined by the rise of the ultra libtard sensitive snowflake generation.

It’s never going to be acceptable to call someone you’re not already buddies with or close family members that out of the blue and not expect a harsh response back.

If I for example made a topic referring to you as either a “child fucker” or a “pedophile” out of the blue I doubt you’d just laugh it off. :feelsthink:
Couldn't a "harsh response back", be something like an insult back? If regular users flame each other, then usually nothing big will happen, maybe a small moderation, that's how most forums work. However in this case it seems like m0ds can just decide if their feelings get hurt by a flame, it's easier to just swing the banhammer, because it helps calm their emotions down better than engaging in an equal battle?

  • Behavior:
    • Do not persecute, harass, or attack others.
    • Do not troll, bait
It’s always warranted a ban.

However if an attacked user doesn’t report the attack we could very well miss it and the offending user will then go unpunished.

That you may of seen this happen once or more times doesn’t mean we let it slide, it just means we missed it and or no one reported it.

With that said we of course will not punish users for this if we see that they are obviously friends engaging in what the mafia and or regular Italians may refer to as “ball busting” or “breaking one’s balls”. These terms basically mean the same thing as cg’s “roasting” term but once again usually only applies to friends and or people who know the other’s intent is not malicious.


As Serge told me in a private discussion long ago shortly after making me a moderator…

“Just because you’re a moderator doesn’t mean you have to take crap”.

If memory serves correct he then followed up by basically telling me since I had the power now I could then ban someone for offending me as any other mod would or might do were I just a regular user reporting my being attacked to them.

So what you and much of the userbase don’t seem to understand is that by becoming a staff member here that doesn’t automatically mean that I or anyone else has to acquiesce to being a verbal punching bag so that you or anyone else can feel comfortable with the power imbalance.

All we have to do or should do is be fair and make the punishment fit the crime.

Dude that I don’t know calls me a retard I’m immediately going to think he did it with malicious intent in order to make me angry, piss me off, live in my head rent free etc, etc.

Well knowing that this attack cannot go unanswered, while at the same time maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor as an admin to the potentially viewing/lurking/onlooking userbase I’m certainly not going to engage in a retarded and demeaning pages long back and forth totally ridiculous and ultimately pointless flame war with the dude that will only serve up entertaining infighting content for our enemies of IT to screenshot and laugh about as well the lowest of the low drama cravers here that just want to grab some popcorn and watch another stupid e-fight.


I’m going to handle the issue decisively and return any intended butthurt that was gift wrapped especially for me right back to the sender with an all paid two day vacation to ban land.

Plain and simple.

I’m sorry if he didn’t mean it the way that I thought he did but it’s a risk that anyone takes when they engage in ball busting/roasting of a person/user they don’t know.

And I hate to use a convicted and deceased serial killer’s quote to end this with but since his words are appropriate for this post in particular here goes nothing:

“They wanted to play with me but I didn’t want to play.”-The iceman Richard Kuklinski
All forms of racism should always be allowed site-wide whether if it's racepill or just NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER spam threads. The lounge and sewers should take care of spam/racebait threads. Racepill shouldn't be removed as it's a major part of the blackpill.
True freedom of speech includes racism.
Well knowing that this attack cannot go unanswered, while at the same time maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor as an addmin to the potentially viewing/lurking/onlooking userbase I’m certainly not going to engage in a retarded and demeaning pages long back and forth totally ridiculous and ultimately pointless flame war with the dude that will only serve up entertaining infighting content for our enemies of IT to screenshot and laugh about as well the lowest of the low drama cravers here that just want to grab some popcorn and watch another stupid e-fight.
This is a fair point I suppose (well, I'll just give you the part about not going unanswered at all), since a flame war would just be laughed at by IT and other users, however:
The fact that you give harsher warnings on insults compared to fakecels humblebrags speaks volumes.
Dude, I made a joke thread in ID about you earlier this year and you didn’t give a flying fuck (you even commented w/a shitpost). I thought you had thicker skin
It seems this is his first offense for a flame, and it warrants a 2 day ban? I doubt if another user reported it, it would be 2 days, it would be say 20-40% warning. Automatic temp ban seems harsh, unless maybe he already had a high warning percentage.
Depends. Blatant race baits designed to divide the community on racial lines are probably not a good ideas. As for racial slurs like kike, spic, mayo, curry, rice, etc they are pretty much trademark meme names at this point.
You can’t say nigger anywhere else on the internet, saying nigger here makes this place special
Based. I don't even hate blacks. I just like saying nigger and making fun of the thuggish ones chimping out in shitholes. I consider real blackcels to be fellow brothers.
I think racial slurs are fine,I think most people here don't even care. I think anyone can understand that these words mean little to nothing here.

That being said this forum should remain a Inceldom forum only. If people want to talk about supremacy, nationalism, racism, religion, etc there are plenty of other forums/boards to do so (way more than inceldom forums), not here. Or else this forum will just be another /pol/ that is unusable these days.
Racial slurs basically already are allowed in ID :lul: never seen anyone banned for racial slurs in ID

What is Ismail in this?
Political correctness is for fags only. :feelsjuice: :yes: :blackpill:

  • Behavior:
    • Do not persecute, harass, or attack others.
    • Do not troll, bait
It’s always warranted a ban.
btw, I just found this thread:
It says this:
Making garbage insultive or nothing spam responses on Incel Discussion will from here on out result in an automatic 1-4 day ban the length of punishment days I leave entirely up to m0derator discretion meaning if you post some trash like “tl;dr” to a well thought out lengthy thread or insulting, distraction base rubbish like “Are you gay?” to such threads the m0d in question can decide to give you any amount of that ban time of 1-4 days, so don’t be surprised or whine if that same m0d gives someone less days for the same offense as again the punishment is entirely up to mod discretion using my laid out parameters.
It seems these rules weren't always in effect, I guess they are now?

Seems different than what this survey's results were about what users wanted.
74-26 users said people need to "toughen up", guess a survey is just a survey then.

@cancerousgreed thoughts? It seems this site is headed towards being more soft than tough.

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