Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


Skinny fat
Facial asymmetry
Small frame
Negatively tilted eyes
High inhib
ugly face
no friendless
baggy eyes
0 confedance
women look at me with disgust
Only reason why i'm not hugless too is because I got hugged by a girl in middle school once because she thought I was gay.
No close friends
5'11, disgusting face and overweight. Would still be incel if I lost weight. Used to be skinny.
Growing disgust for women. I am getting more bitter by the day.
Hello everyone!

I am a 22 years old 5'7 kissless virgin that is low IQ, i hope to make friends here although i am too anxious even in social media = (
Hello everyone!

I am a 22 years old 5'7 kissless virgin that is low IQ, i hope to make friends here although i am too anxious even in social media = (
I'm exactly like you (age, height, low IQ, etc.) and last part you said applies to me as well.

Nice to meet you and cute avatar you have :)
Well damn I didn't see this till now.

Over 20, 5'9. I'm a big dude with lots of hair. I enjoy spending my free time gardening and cooking. Never had a relationship, gave up on looking after I got rejected because of my 'feminine hobbies'.

I'm not online often sadly, but I do like posting on here.
I'm exactly like you (age, height, low IQ, etc.) and last part you said applies to me as well.

Nice to meet you and cute avatar you have :)

thanks, your avatar is cute too :D

Nice to meet you to my friend:heart:
Hello everyone!

I am a 22 years old 5'7 kissless virgin that is low IQ, i hope to make friends here although i am too anxious even in social media = (
Another manlet to our club. All manlets are truecels. What's your wrist size?
26 KHV
4.5 inch dick
i fap 4 times a day
Hey, it’s HeebJesus here. Just gonna join in on the discussion. Incel here. Don’t plan on getting laid either, I don’t want to pass on poor genetics to another generation. I feel as though there are other things I should do in life.
20 y/o deformed mongol, yellow as fuck
22, German
poor, still living at home
mental problems

I like the internet
21 years old, Ukraine
KV, 5'9, skinnyfat
Coping slavic piece of trash
Online 12+ hours a day
Well met.
20 yo STEMcel tried being a gymcel but my genes left me skinny even after 6 months of daily visits. Still hopelessly waiting for a NAWALT.
39 irishcel just tiring to make sense of everything
Nice to meet you all
Bored maycel, here.

6x6 dick
Major depression
Greying hair

Paroled from state prison In February. Burned down a building and did 2 out of a 6 year sentence. A was facing life, but I plead out.
white male whit extreme overbite ,moles ,bad skin on face +++ other thing i dont see or now from my own look in mirror, 5.5 " (13.9cm) dick, low IQ , poor in shithole country in EE ,bipolar I , suicide tought every day + 1 try whit valium + alcohol , addiction to shit drugs ,no futere its OVER for me.....

when i discover this site my mental condition is out ot control i rly want to die ,when my hypomania kick in i want to do anything i dont give a shit about law or moral . my cope is to read how to survive and rode bike . i stop taking drugs i only drink coffe ....

im adopted i have no parents ,no friends ,no girls who want to fuck me and help me , no ralatives, no one only ENEMYES.
alone againts all

Paroled from state prison In February. Burned down a building and did 2 out of a 6 year sentence. A was facing life, but I plead out.

JFL thats some hardcore shit ngl
A 19 old French sailor. Before I was a neet for 4 years. Slowing moving into depression
HighIQcel, richcel, 6'2, gymcell, NW7 hairline at TWENTY FUCKING THREE years of age. Extremely asymmetrical, drooping face with negative canthal tilt. Borderline suicidal most days.

I have over 10 figures in the bank though which keeps me going.
Greetings, longtime lurker here, anyways...

KHHV oldcel
Ethnic living in America
Major depression, anxeity and a who knows what else I got going on up there.
5'10 (manlet? feels like it, I get heightmogged by school kids nowadays)
High Inhib
No Friends
Recessed chin (no forward growth)

It's over.
27 year old
truecel (I have kissed and cuddled tho)
no friends
probably autistic
nordic aryan facial features
small pecker
dark circles under eyes
bad posture
skinny fat and weak looking
lives in a garage (no joke, i sold my house because i want to live in a rural area instead)
I had fucked some escorts;
STEMcel (computer science)
I had, but these are unique. Count is 39 now
damn son you move quick. How much for how long. It is about a hundred dollars for about as long as I need, which isn't that long but I get what I need. Honestly, I dont feel like its betabuxxing or degrading.
damn son you move quick. How much for how long. It is about a hundred dollars for about as long as I need, which isn't that long but I get what I need. Honestly, I dont feel like its betabuxxing or degrading.
I do it mostly in Thailand where it is $60-$100 for long time (full night), sometimes the girls stay almost a day lol. Short times (1hr) would be half the rate.
I do it mostly in Thailand where it is $60-$100 for long time (full night), sometimes the girls stay almost a day lol. Short times (1hr) would be half the rate.
I'd be wary of the trap (read ladyboy) but sounds like a dream come true till you get that one that is weirder than you can tolerate for the WHOLE day like obnoxious/rude
20 years old
Work in STEM at entry-level
Kissless, hugless, handholdless, virgin

I don't know what else to put here, I don't really go outside and I haven't had friends since my best friend moved to Guam when I was like ten, so I don't have any cool stories or anecdotes. I have experienced rejections so I'm not a fakecel, though most of them were online. I don't really do anything besides work and play some vidya, then lurk here.
My name is Brad in real life, but it’s ironic because I am repulsively ugly.

I was bullied all my life in school for being short, and that is still true today for I am a 5’7” manlet. People don’t really pick on my height too much anymore, but they always pick on me for having the most chronic baby face on the planet.

I am 19 years old and look like I’m 12. My frame is very narrow (17inches) and I am severely underweight mostly due to depression and not wanting to eat for days on end.

I am a mentalcel and have been suicidal since the age of ten, so my life today just consists of me being unable to hold conversation and even regard any other human being in general.
21 years old ugly balding mixed race black/white i have had braces and a rhino/septoplasty ( still ugly) my face is recessed
brother is a chad looks like reece king but more masculine with a nw0 mom always treated us differently and refers to him as the good looking one when with her friends and me the smart one. ( i overheard this when i was like 15-16 and it still kills me) .
Extended family member we didn't even know existed that live in another country have cancer now they come asking for money and my mom is giving them money when she knows how depressed i am about constantly being mogged by my brother and am saving for surgery yet she wont help me (dad will help me) but will help this leach family member made me realise she doesn't even give a fuck about me its the beginning of the end for me now i dont even care about sex anymore i just want to ascent so i can finally be looked at as the same speicies as my brother
I'm Johnny.. living in Portland oregon... I'm 48 now, been an incel pretty much all my life, without realizing what it was! Turns out I'm ugly, old, heavyset, anti-social, and also poorer then a church mouse, and been that way All my life... women have had Zero interest in me all my life, but even more so after 25... however, I have a unique personality, high intelligence, quick wit, and I'm very different in almost every way from the vast majority of males..
To be honest, I'm so different, I think women can sense that subconsciously, and therefore want Nothing to do with me... kinda like something considered "alien" to whatever men are sup posed to be.. that's just one issue, and I have many! Well, just introducing myself.. hi everybody..
My name is Brad in real life, but it’s ironic because I am repulsively ugly.

I was bullied all my life in school for being short, and that is still true today for I am a 5’7” manlet. People don’t really pick on my height too much anymore, but they always pick on me for having the most chronic baby face on the planet.

I am 19 years old and look like I’m 12. My frame is very narrow (17inches) and I am severely underweight mostly due to depression and not wanting to eat for days on end.

I am a mentalcel and have been suicidal since the age of ten, so my life today just consists of me being unable to hold conversation and even regard any other human being in general.
Someone give that boy a Sandwich!
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Hi brothers,
I'm a 25 year old manlet, 3/10, and animecel.
Let's kick it!
6"2 5/10 lonely and depressed
I am looooser, and everyone knows it
20 year old
Short cell
Mental cell
I am balding too , got thin as fuck hair
I am fat too ( over 93kg )
No full face beard and no strong mostache to cover my weak jaw and face structure
I got stretch marks all over my body , that's why don't go to swimming
I also have weak eyes so I have to wear glasses
I also have yellow teeth even after brushing them 2 times a day
Have a soft voice
I have a hairy back and chest too

I am literally gifted with all the worst genes .. so , all this " you can make yourself better , have confidence " is bullshit for me... I stopped trying to talk with girls a long time ago as I never even been in a relationship and no girl show any kind of positive vibes while talking with me rather show a face of disgust and misery.

I hope , this would tell a little about me.

Have a good day to anyone who read my bio

18 Years

Almost all the Problems like my fellow above….
I'm Ze-Ze-Zesto!
17 yrs
Dickmogged, heightmogged, fucking lifemogged tbh.

For years I thought that this problem was either unique to me or society refused to accept or acknowledge it. Then a couple of years ago I watched the news from the USA showing the terrible mass shooting by Elliot Rodger and I knew the turmoil and pain that drove him to do what he did. The media used the term Incel but instead of trying to show empathy, understand or acceptance that there is a real problem affecting males – society frowns upon such things. There has been no attempt to learn about or explore why certain males are tormented through life. Yet if a female were to suffer from Anorexia nervosa society would try and help.
Hi, my name is Lorenz im 22, i am a 1year law student and well i think i might be an incel, only date one girl in my entire life, a girl that used me and dumped me the moment she got the attention of a Chad, i suffer from depression and i think i might be a functional sociopath, girls tend to dislike me, think im creepy or just be neutral towards me, i noticed you have different categories for incels and i kind of want to know in wich one i fit, maybe push through my problems with lots of work, some may call it cope an think its pointless but hey, atleast i may get some personal growth out of it, i think that may be better that going ER.
Right-wing Conservativecel
Loneliness is my wife :feelsrope:
This is actually the same text I used when registering, but I feel it explains my situation really well. I hope no one has anything against that.

Have been lurking for several months now.

I have Möbius syndrome, which has symptoms that vary based on severity. For me it means I cannot move my eyes side to side and my eyes are permanently cross-eyed. It also makes my voice really mumbled. I had to go to lengthy speech therapy to speak normally. I also have atopic dermatitis and horrible acne on my face (not sure if they are related, probably are). I am also somewhat short and round. That has to do with weight yes, but there is probably some genetics there too. So one could say my genetic base sucks really bad. Otherwise I am normal, and of normal intelligence. I'm European. I am 19 years of age and I just began university.
Links to Wikipedia:

I was bullied in elementary and senior high school and that left me very cynical and hesitant to make friends. I get along very well with the few friends I have.

As one might imagine. my situation is one where girls are not interested in me. Really, the worst bullying came from girls. I despise slutty women and shirts that leave someone's belly exposed. I hate makeup. I hate modern culture as a whole, because I find it distasteful and that it breeds weak mindedness. Especially the culture of people my age, the teenagers and almost adults.

I fear rejection so I don't really try. I also feel that rejection is inevitable. Everyone seems to think that I, as a slightly disabled person, must be asexual.

I am not interested in procreation. I'd hate to leave my poor genetic base as a legacy for my offspring. I only want a girl who respects me and herself. Unfortunately, it seems girls like that are dwindling down in our modern society.

Am I an incel? I'd say so, yes. My standards are rather low. I guess someone could call me volcel, since I don't really try, but I'll let you be the judge on that.

I heard about incels after the Alek Minassian attack. Before that I thought I was alone in my struggles. The media of my country took a collective shit on the incel communities, but I found myself instatnly at home.You guys seem to understand everything I feel, so I want to join your community.
21 KHHV Berber(north africans that are very similar in term of look to mexicans and latinos) 1.72 cm short af in my country ugly af and what makes it worse iss that my dad and brotherr are 8.5/10 uni student my uni is filled with hot females and that makes me feel uncomfortable also baby face and people think i'm 16
Sorry my account is already a few days old but I just saw this thread. 23 KV from the Central United States. I am tall (195 cm) and have an athletic build but I also have chronic cystic acne from a genetic skin condition as well as a deformed skull and facial features. It basically looks like somebody bashed my face in with a frying pan and then scattered acid on my skin. I've attempted to sui three times but I've been too much of a pussy to actually use a tried and true method so I've just gotten sick from my past attempts. I'm a former athlete in college but being around Chads all day absolutely drained me of my willingness to participate any more, so I transferred schools and graduated last year with a biochemistry degree. Hoping to cope here and keep on blackpilling.
I’m 31 but people think I’m 18 or 20. I’m an Incel but didn’t realize there were different categories so I’ll just saw Incel. I have aspergeres and apparently a sociopath. Ive had issues with women for a long time. The hatred for women didn’t hit me until high school when you see everyone dating etc... Before that I was just lonely. Currently the hatred is so unbearable, just the sound of a woman’s voice angers me. I always feel like I’m so close to snapping some woman’s neck.

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