Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


Future wagecuck and permavirgin
-teen/early twenties
-chechencel w/ straight sandpaper beard that poorly grows
-certified commander of the Incelistan Purification Unit operations (PM inquiring about info if interested in joining. recruiting always open.)
mid twenties
given up entirely , i don't even leave the house anymore.
I forgot to add

-Pale skincel

Shit, we're nearly the same besides the manlet part.
>19 y/o KHHV
>Mostly German
>Socially anxious
>Chernobyl-tier skin

Good luck, bro.
28. I have a condition called scoliosis. My spine looks like its trying to escape my body. People stare at me when i go outside. Some retail workers have refused serving me and told me i was scaring their customers. I'm not considered disabled by the goverment so i don't get any free stuff. Just looking to chat with people in similar situations
28. I have a condition called scoliosis. My spine looks like its trying to escape my body. People stare at me when i go outside. Some retail workers have refused serving me and told me i was scaring their customers. I'm not considered disabled by the goverment so i don't get any free stuff. Just looking to chat with people in similar situations

im rly sorry to hear that, isnt there surgery for it?
28. I have a condition called scoliosis. My spine looks like its trying to escape my body. People stare at me when i go outside. Some retail workers have refused serving me and told me i was scaring their customers. I'm not considered disabled by the goverment so i don't get any free stuff. Just looking to chat with people in similar situations
My god, enjoy your stay

How’s your social situation?
im rly sorry to hear that, isnt there surgery for it?

Yes, they open up your back, stick a metal rod into it and tie your spine to it to make it straight. The doctors Ive seen don't want to do it, they say it's too risky. Last time i saw a surgeon he told me to look for other ways to deal with my pain and referred me to a yoga instructor

My god, enjoy your stay

How’s your social situation?

I have no friends. I have a helpdesk job which i can do from home. I stay inside and watch tv and play videogames
Yes, they open up your back, stick a metal rod into it and tie your spine to it to make it straight. The doctors Ive seen don't want to do it, they say it's too risky. Last time i saw a surgeon he told me to look for other ways to deal with my pain and referred me to a yoga instructor

I have no friends. I have a helpdesk job which i can do from home. I stay inside and watch tv and play videogames
Does that account belongs to Kointo? Well, i guess i shouldnt be suprised at this point.
I don't realy know, but he has a ton of alts so it's possible.
Black subhuman
Shitty voice
Transracial curry
Can’t drive
Still haven’t given but knows its over.
Victim of the racepill

6ft4 godlikeframe deathnick

Neet loser khv

Can't drive

Medicore sized dick

Always injure myself from gymcelling because I love to overtrain to cope with my shit life

Not white
What must i say
@ everyone
My name is imem
I live in the uk
I come from tunisia
16 year old love roblox and minecraft
Mostly minecraft
I used to lurk on main sub
I googled
No one is ger

I m nausea

I got nausea
Ah what the hell...

late 20s guy..Freaking out staring down the barrel of a gun named the 30 year old virgin.
''white'' european slim to average? build with a bit of muscle shape, although I was in decent shape until I had to quit the gym. around 5'9-5'10 or so. Black hair.. No facial hair.
kinda unique but not in a ''good'' way..

A bit about me.. I'm both antisocial and social at the same time.. I go out to events, and shows, travel when I can. Try to immerse myself around alot of people although I pretty much hate alot of people and the general construct of society as it is today. Back and forth I am constantly struggling with my ongoing contempt for people who act the way I don't like or can have what I can't. I often hate myself for it and them also. Envy Is a sin I am guilty of pretty badly. I hate alot of types of people, but my base nature is alot different as I will generally always be nice or friendly to people who actually take the time to talk to me or go out of their way for me who don't just want something. I feel alot of pitty for people I see struggling with money or any other issues and try to help whoever I can. I Donate when I can and really want to become a better person. But in the same time I have big hate towards the countless selfish bastards out there who don't care for others. Empathy is a good trait to have, but only towards those who deserve it. Anyway......

I'm a bum, I havn't worked a longterm fulltime job in years since my shop closed down and I can't find fulltime for the life of me. So I make my money as an opportunist taking short term work when I can and making money over the internet as of recently.

Worry all the time..

My hobbies are Sleeping, eating, listening to music, doing guitar, drawing. going to metal shows, shopping? movies, games, driving, going for bike rides.. looking after family.. goingon long trips, day and night... I lose track of time, can hardly remember things. hell is all the same these days. been off my face in a trance for a long time..

That's pretty much me..
I'm basically just an ugly dude with nothing of value in life. No friends IRL, no real social life. I spend my days watching movies and wasting away. I'm very awkward and very lonely... Females sees me as rubbish
23 - ethnic - 3rdworldcel - 5 '11 - on my way to truecel

I went through the whole bluepilled into falling for the PUA scam/bullshit, into somehow redpilled until I finally found the blackpill and my life experiences started to make sense.

I went through 5 years of uni until I decided to drop out, during that period I tried cold approaching several times with no results (It was extra hard due to my introverted nature), I got a number once and the moment I texted "Hi" I got immediately blocked. Also I was into sports (soccer mainly) so I joined the university's club, I made a few acquaintances, some were okay, others took advantage of me, at the end I didn't make any real* friends.

When you are bluepilled even redpilled (in my experience) if you don't have success you are supposed to blame yourself and so I did, "maybe i acted too nervously, maybe I asked the wrong question, maybe my body language showed lack of confidence, maybe I'm just boring", and the list goes on and on....
So after I found the blackpill, the truth literally set me free from this self loathing cycle, now instead of wasting my time I can either focus on what really matters or spend my time and energy elsewhere, this shit kinda improved my life, but tbh anything is an improvement when you are at the border of suicide, so take that as you will.

Anyway, sorry for the long intro post, I made a serious one like the retarded sperg I am.
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I'm old. Let's leave it at that. KHV till 23, virgin till 28. Somehow I got married, but she divorced me and I've been incel the three years since. Mentalcel to the max. I have extreme social anxiety and need to take meds to keep my anxiety manageable. Oldcel, mentalcel, metalcell, guitarcel, gymcell, corporate peon, just an all around loser.
40, autistic, sick of it all. Finally decided it's time to meet others.
Ricel of vietnamese origin. 25 years old. When I was a kid I knew I had difficulty with women, but I'd always thought eventually I'd find someone. The older I get the more I realize that's never going to happen.

But I've been through all kinds of shit, and being lonely is just one of my problems. Society chose to fuck with me big time. Now I have decided to fuck with society. I've been through the worst of times, now the future is brighter. But all the shit I've been through made me emotionally hardened. As a result, I have very little regard for those I harm, especially if I feel they deserve it for whatever reason.
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40, novelty-tier tall (over 6'5"), fat gut and butt, skinny arms, no job, stem degree, hairline looks like a penis and don't wanna support the bald look, crooked yellow teeth, nose off center, anger issues, and newly discovered alcoholism. Life is fun. Dick is ok size but nothing special. Looks small on a giantlet. I may get attention from women in public for height, but they quickly lose interest when I talk
I'm Mentalcel, Germancel and extremely short (5'4) and I don't get how people here can be insecure about their height when they're 5'7
I never actually posted in here, so I may as well:

-I'm 22 at the time of writing this and I'm still a virgin.
-Grew up in Ohio, still live there to this day.
-Have a full time engineering job with an engineering degree.
-Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.
-5'10" tall, white (Austrian-German background), weight fluctuates between 180lbs. & 220lbs.
-Was really fat (and autistic) as a child and teen, lead to extremely negative formative years. Parents divorcing only made it worse. Lost a fair amount of weight at 17, but it was too late.
-Subhuman eye area (eyes way too close together), weak frame, nonexistent jawline.
-As a positive, decent chin, nose, and thighs. Not balding as well.
-Extremely conservative Lutheran Christian. Voted for Trump. Believe in the Holy Bible in a literal understanding. Martin Luther is the wisest man since Paul the apostle who was the wisest man since Christ.
-I'm prone to suffering from oneitises due to a blue-pilled youth.
-Swallowed the redpill at 19, swallowed the blackpill at 20, still trying to spit up the redpill.
-Amateur, closeted weeaboo. Still secretly have a waifu.
-Massive misogynist. Believe women have a role as homemaker and not breadwinner.
-At the current juncture, I would only date a virgin woman. This may change as I get older and more desperate.
-Hobbies include playing guitar (mostly metal), Japanese-style video games, and watching sports (mainly baseball and hockey).
Hello,lol! At these abbreviations! I'm from Twitter where a wretched sub human feminist supremacist sjw not only got me banned,for "stalking" her from 3000 miles away,but also doxxed me, with Twitter assistance(I thought that was a no no, I guess it's a ok) THEN the bitch sends the cops to my house! So, F Twitter.im 52, lifelong incel, very little hair left, needed a nose job decades ago, 5 '6' very screwed up teeth due to night time bruxism.i think about suicide several times daily.no actual reason to be here,and one lonely future to look forward to.
5'6 fit mixcel... schizophrenic... been a incel a few years
ADHD mentalcel, scared of women falling to their bait and switch traps. Been rejected by fat girls, ugly girls even otherwise *I spread my legs for anybody who asks* girls. I have severe depressions and anxiety attacks when sex topics are brought up and I no longer can sustain a doable functional erection.
Severe mentalcel. I just diddled and passed around for a few years in elementary school, then repressed it through my teenage years. I don't look bad, I'm just too messed up and socially stunted because of my childhood. Now I'm too old for anyone to want to teach me social skills. So I'm doomed.
I'm here to hang out and chat, as well as discuss important topics affecting too many men today, many of which are incels. I heard about the forum from YouTube videos, and I liked what I saw! I have enjoyed looking through the posts on here and wanted to join in on the discussion.

Looking forward to meeting you all! :)
22 year old ricecel that's a NEET at the moment. Nice to meet you all, and hoping to get along with all of you on his forum :)
20 yo incel here. Just gotta make it a couple more months, then I can finally begin drinking myself to death. I'm 5'9" with, at least, average looks, and not a lazy fatass, so I guess that means I'm a mentalcel. I matured pretty damn late, in fact, my voice still sounds like it did when I was fourteen and I could probably pass for a middle-schooler when I shave. Just goes to show that "looking younger" is no fucking perk. It probably doesn't help that years of sleep deprivation and seething anger has made my resting face look like a drugged-out psycho. I've never been to a psych or gotten a diagnosis of any mental disorder, so I'm not gonna pretend I know what's wrong with my head. That being said, something is fucked. All of my emotions are dulled except for anger. I've never felt love and haven't cried in years. If I'm not angry I just feel empty and miserable. I've been trying to better myself and live a happy life, but I've made little progress. The little bit of progress I did make is now gone and I'm in an even worse state than I was before. I've finally given up. Sex is just a fantasy and even making friends seems impossible. I completely missed the boat in my teen years, and there is no way of making up for it. Everyone I meet resents me as soon as they talk to me and those that I have called friends have just lied to me. Now, I'm just gonna hang with you guys until I finally decide to go ER.
Not incel. Wandered into incel from mgtow. Antifeminist. Avoid women by choice. Here for the memes and the optimism.
Please no ban, just asking a question, but is it bluepilled to want to strive for the same considerations given to the literal dozens of other angry and troubled people? I've posted elsewhere earlier, I believe there's a double standard in society. Usually when someone is consumed by rage and sorrow,and they do something or say something or think something "extreme," the world is willing to understand that the world broke that enraged and ensorrowed soul. Nobody likes what Nasim Aghdam or Seung-Hui Cho did. They don't condone it. But everyone WILL extend this consideration to them: It was a mental health issue. These are depressed people. These are people who need our help.

But not us. We "chose" to be this way. We don't have the right to plead "depression" like the Chos and the Aghdams. We don't have the right to plead "Fucked up by life/mental hindrances." And scour as I might, I cannot find one Norman who can justify this. And so my goal is to point out this double standard as long and as hard as I can until it's addressed in the mainstream.

That's why I'm here. I'm... ffffffourty-four. Going on 45. Heightcel'd at 5'5. Baldcel. But it's not my current incelness that I lament. If I was to have sex with my looksmatch today, let's say. By some miracle. It wouldn't solve my deeper issue: I want my youth back. Fantasies of college fast times were drilled into me from a young age and it was something I promised myself I would participate in. And when I went to college I saw it happening all around me. Raucous partying and dorm house hijinks. But I must've mentalcel'd my way away from getting to take part. So now I mire myself in porn and whatnot to, if nothing else, find out where I went wrong.

I can't have my youth back. But I think what would maybe also be almost as cool as being 20-something again and barebacking out on the campus quad for CollegeRules, would be reaching the Normans on a large scale, and getting some actual dialogues going about why we are the way we are. Making it understood that incels were and probably still are good men, good men who broke under pain of life. If Cho and Aghdam get to just break under the pain of life, why not us?

My hope is that someone is out there listening, and will actually talk to us about this. And then maybe it'll be on the news or something. Maybe part of some Movember Mental Health Initiative. I dunno.
Indian outside India here... 30 + years old (< 35)
I think I fit the description.
Its almost like I scored 1 point below the requirement for every category that would have made me a normie. My relative value compared to everyone else is lower.
hello all , im 26 , anti feminist as hell , hate women , plan some action against feminist group :)
21yo,collegecel,shortcel,,currycel,fatcel,uglycel. Looking up for suicide motivation here.Never ever had a girlfriend or even girl friend. will never have any either. Hate women not because they don't like me but because they are degenerate whores, mostly into hypergamy. Will never get married even if my parents forcefully arrange one as I know she'll be an impure femoid fucking other men even after marriage.
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Hi, all. I heard about this group from a Reddit community member who was sharing about how painful it's been being alone his entire life but who then warned me away from this site. I immediately checked you guys out then thanked him for introducing me. Taking my enthusiasm as a sign I was about to do something illegal and extreme, he then refused to speak with me further. Oh well.

Anyway, as with many here, my appearance has inspired immediate alienation everywhere (else)--in real life or online. I've lived all over the world (throughout the US, Latin America, Europe, North Africa, The Middle East, throughout Asia). My consistent experience has confirmed my opinions of myself and many of the generally unpopular conclusions of fellow incels. I was for the longest time content reading MGTOW posts elsewhere and just eating myself into oblivion to numb the pain of a lifelong sentence of social isolation. But with the recent happenings in Toronto and elsewhere, society has gone into witch-hunt mode to find and ridicule/harass to death incels, even making the very mention of "incel" tantamount to breaking the law. That was the final straw for me. Not only does society at large deprive us of even the barest modicum of dignity and civility regardless how else we might try to conform to many of its irrational rules, but then they kick us when we're down, thanks to their having tripped us in the first place. I can't remain any longer within society's acceptable-think-and-speak boundaries--acceptable as a condition on us, not society itself.

Now I'm certain none of my lifelong hopes for companionship have any chance of being realized, I need a safe space where I can both vent and read others' experiences that corroborate my own. This as a curative to the gnawing self-doubt that often evolves out of the contrast between the public's vapid platitudes and the incel's moment-by-moment consistent life experiences. Glad to be here.
Hi, 24 incel here
My username is Teethcel because my teeth fuck me up and I can never smile or just talk long sentences without people staring at them trying to hide their disgust. I've been bullied about them from elementary school (yes), to high school.

On top of that i'm skinny, short (5'6), black living in france and poor lol, so I can't afford looksmaxing or anythign of that sort, i just own the basic equipment to get to work and back without being mistaken for a kid or a druggie!

I mostly just play video games and draw on my spare time o/
Still suffering through highschool. Fucked by my parents' genes. 5'5" acne and 4/10 on a good day
30+ ugly, fat, balding, NEET, mentalcel. Glad to be here :feelstrash:
19 yr old incel from the US
no muscle

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