Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


21 KHHV Berber(north africans that are very similar in term of look to mexicans and latinos) 1.72 cm short af in my country ugly af and what makes it worse iss that my dad and brotherr are 8.5/10 uni student my uni is filled with hot females and that makes me feel uncomfortable also baby face and people think i'm 16

Fakecel, 1,70cm is average for Moroccan man in Morocco.

MoroccoAfrica1.7275' 8"

Fakecel, 1,70cm is average for Moroccan man in Morocco.

MoroccoAfrica1.7275' 8"

i'm tunisian but you know that isn't even close to reality those studies are completely uselss like the penis size per country here most people over 40 are short af meanwhile the new generations are tall af you can even see it in our football team (i'm not saying this is average ofc but gives you an overall idea of how tall new generations are)


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Hi, I'm a 5'4, 3/10 who hates everything about himself. Nice to meet you!
Hi, 21 year old college student with SEVERE anger problems which caused me to drop out so I didn't pull a glock out in lecture.

I currently live with 3 roommates, which all openly hate me and throw parties while im locked in my room. Also both of my neighbors are fraternities which makes me want to rope even worse.

I hate women and pretty much everyone. I just sit in my room, play vidya by myself all day, punch stuff, drink, and watch youtube.

The only thing keeping me alive are my parents and distractions.
Hi. I'm effeminate and emotional. That's the thing I hate about my personality. I have no friends. I'm hideous, I have a cleft lip and a deformed headshape. Bloated face, am fat. When I moved to Europe I gained 50 kgs. I'm on a diet now but I'm scared.
Hi everyone I'm a 35 year old mentalcel. I suffer from a condition called gynophobia also known as caligynophobia or venustraphobia. This condition has been the bane of my existence, and holds me back from ever having the courage to approch a woman.
I'm 22 years old. 1,55 cm and 80kg. Hairy as fuck. 3/10. I am, actually, afraid of femoids specially because they have the power of fuck you on society. I have anxiety disorder and agoraphobia, because of that I quit college.
Hey im 22 yo kv ethnic. Im 182 cm tall ( average in my country ) 79 kg. I currently work a warehouse job and live with my parents. I cope with vidya, anime and the gym
19. Balding rapidly (genetic), chinlet and, as I learned today, massive nose. Framecel, Acnecel, but I'm 6'0 and white. Plans to surgerymaxx and SEA after getting my degree.
CompleteFuckingLoser, though. My only skill is that I know Japanese fairly well but I'm Japmogged by the majority of people who have put in the same amount of time as me.

I cope with heavy masturbation, anime, and web novels.
22 student balding fat 179cm no friends or life copeing since high school
21 Uni Student, 181 cm, 90 kg, weak lower third, wimp skull and possibly balding

Facemogged/Jawmogged by my siblings
Plans to surgerymax after graduation and continue to studymax
I would like to introduce myself.

I am an 18 years old middle easterner (kurdish, turkish) living in Germany.

175 cm, 50kg


bad hairstyle
big nose
weak lower third

My plan is to improve my appearance by letting my hair grow and then getting an undercut haircut. Would look very cool with my wavy hair I think. as well as grow a beard to hide my weak lower third and eventually make a nasal operation if I can afford it.
Viking origins.
Former Escortcel.
JBWmaxing in Thailand.
Creepy old gymcel. :feelshehe:
20yo 4/10 shozoidcel, self-diagnosed.
Single mother - check
Possible autism - check
Blackpill - check
Body stats:
6'2" or 189cm
~200lbs or 90kg
Former fatcel. Used to be ~300lbs or 135kg (no it didn't help)
Cope by STEMmaxing, vydia and anime
I want to prove the blackpill once and for all by a series of tinder experiments, and possibly irl stuff. I am inspired by the legend of /b/, the Catfishman.
Let the experimentation begin
23 and fat too but ugly also when I'm not fat.
I have a weak jaw and round face and even a beard doesn't help.
I'm german and kinda new to this page but definitively ready for the blackpill!

Yeah I like anime, and netflix and not much else.
I don't want to expose myself too much.
I never tried(so i can be considered as a volcel)
I am a skinnycel(92 pounds), manlet(5.5)
i have a chin.
Hobbymaxxing is the best cope, it makes me live in a diffrent reality.
22, student and ex soldier. From Manchester North West England. I work part time in security as a bouncer at a bar/nightclub. All my life I have struggled to talk to women, or even to be around them. Although I’m not a virgin having lost my virginity to a escort at age 18. Femoids tend to try and play with my feelings quite a bit, sort of developing me into a beta orbiter type character, although I try not to give them the feet kissing type attention most betas do. Won’t do any on the cringeworthy going out of my way for them etc. Based on my work you’d expect me to be a Chad or atleast some form of genetically superior beta male, but this isn’t the case. I’m 5.9 incredibly shy (probably borderline autistic) and don’t have decent bone structure/jawline. My face is at best average and just looks childlike. I’ve been slowly blackpilled over the last few weeks. I feel that this is the community I belong in. I thought it was just me, because id never met anyone else who like me was Hight mobbed, Dickmobbed, facemobbed, looks mobbed and mobbed in every way possible. its good to know im not alone.
28yo, oldcel, neet. Had medical issues as a kid and had to be homeschooled a lot. My mom was trying to get me on disability and died before she could, live with my dad now and mostly just stay in a room with a computer all day. No social skills, no survival skills. Have lived with family (parents and elderly) my whole life. Females my own age are but a dream... when my dad dies, I'll probably rope. I prefer scifi or horror. HR Giger. Star Trek is a favorite fantasy, as they seem to find uses for neets or let us stay in the hologram deck. Someone mentioned this place recently in WoW and I thought I'd check it out.
22yo. 5'4 Filipinocel KHV living in Canada. Im in uni and work part time at mcdicks. Cope by school maxing and vidia/anime maxing.
28yo, oldcel, neet. Had medical issues as a kid and had to be homeschooled a lot. My mom was trying to get me on disability and died before she could, live with my dad now and mostly just stay in a room with a computer all day. No social skills, no survival skills. Have lived with family (parents and elderly) my whole life. Females my own age are but a dream... when my dad dies, I'll probably rope. I prefer scifi or horror. HR Giger. Star Trek is a favorite fantasy, as they seem to find uses for neets or let us stay in the hologram deck. Someone mentioned this place recently in WoW and I thought I'd check it out.
Thats really fucked up. What is your exact medical issue?
26, khhv
1,80 m 61 kg

:heart: LDAR
:fire: wage slavery
Any luck?
Without being able to brag, yes! :feelsautistic: It is definately preferable to nothern Europe. :feelsokman: My existence there was hell. But you know I wouldn't have joined this forum if SEA was what some believe it to be. True JBW only applies to 6+, I get mogged by Chad when he goes on holiday a lot. When asian foids say they want a white guy they mean a handsome white guy. Being able to speak the language or having a stable job here doesn't mean shit, they'd much rather get cum-dumped by a surfer-bum on the way to the beach. Seeing how easy Chad has it here can drive you insane :feelsseriously:... But jealousy is useless; I have taken the white pill and will focus on comparing to my old existence. :feelsthink:
I really hope I will be handsome once my body-fat is below 15% and I have worn braces for a few months. :feelstrash: Otherwise I will have to save up for jaw surgery. :feelsohh:

It is a good place to cope, I love the laid back culture and the people. I am able to save more money per month than in europe although my salary is significantly smaller.:feelshehe:

Here's a lot of prostitution around if that's your thing. A lot of escortcels in denial too! :feelsgah:
I've been lurking for just over a year and finally have gotten round to making an account. Nice to say hello to all of you.
19 y/o
NEET'ing since 15 and probably forever
Literally 0 friends
No hobbies outside of LDAR
37 years old, italian, 5'8", endomorph.
Got a degree in food sciences, currently working. I had only one relationship with a roastie, ex cute turned into a land whale looking for a beta provider. I wouldn't have gotten her attention when she still was in her golden years. It allowed me to lose virginity but was sleazy af. Sometimes I would put my dick into acid when i think about that. It lasted 9 months and i never experienced any kind of intimacy with any femoid again. I feel like i was revirginated.

Picture a dead average ricecel working in computer related field. Me so horny, me so sad, me so over

Shoutout Saint Elliot and Saint Cho

Let's get this bread

We the best music


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Picture a dead average ricecel working in computer related field. Me so horny, me so sad, me so over

Shoutout Saint Elliot and Saint Cho

Let's get this bread

We the best music
Your not short for a ricecel tbh. You work with majority white people?
but was sleazy af. Sometimes I would put my dick into acid when i think about that.
Was she that nasty? :what:
Your not short for a ricecel tbh. You work with majority white people?

Was she that nasty? :what:
I'm neet rn but I'll be working in a data field soon. Most likely going to work w lots of other ricecels and currycels lmao

Yeah I'm above average height for a ricecel, I think it's bc I grew up in a relatively wealthy suburb w lots of white people
Hello there,
20 years old, about 1.75m tall,
I'm a new guy, but actually, I've been lurking until now.
I'm currently in university, and this concludes my short presentation.
21 year old here ,about 1,76 m tall.
Framecel,skinnycel,wristcel,no chin and jaw and social anxiety:cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
23 years old
5'6, receeding chin,
Am ugly...lol
Offical cuck hunter. Leader of the Cuck Resistence Militia Movement
live in freedomland
22 years old
I have bad anxiety and social anxiety. I dislike using boards like /r9k/ with its tranny/gay propaganda and the tryhard vocel imageboard wizchan, so I came here.
5 10
Low level degreecel

Had a previous account of downunderlegattacks but lost my info so I’m starting again.
I'm giving this a go around because I don't have shit else to do
26 y/o. Diagnosed with Asperger's, OCD, and dysthymia. Interested in pharmaceuticals and the blackpill. twfnogf.
22, student and ex soldier. From Manchester North West England. I work part time in security as a bouncer at a bar/nightclub. All my life I have struggled to talk to women, or even to be around them. Although I’m not a virgin having lost my virginity to a escort at age 18. Femoids tend to try and play with my feelings quite a bit, sort of developing me into a beta orbiter type character, although I try not to give them the feet kissing type attention most betas do. Won’t do any on the cringeworthy going out of my way for them etc. Based on my work you’d expect me to be a Chad or atleast some form of genetically superior beta male, but this isn’t the case. I’m 5.9 incredibly shy (probably borderline autistic) and don’t have decent bone structure/jawline. My face is at best average and just looks childlike. I’ve been slowly blackpilled over the last few weeks. I feel that this is the community I belong in. I thought it was just me, because id never met anyone else who like me was Hight mobbed, Dickmobbed, facemobbed, looks mobbed and mobbed in every way possible. its good to know im not alone.
Good color choice.

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