there´s just so much you need in or dor to get in the DOOR WITH WOMEN LET ALONE FUCH THEM. 6f+ min, 8 inch peenor, wealthy, manly voice, perfect skin, dominant and AT ALL TIMES be an alhpa male, JFL, this is why I swallowed the blackpill, there just is no hope, fuck being perfect and still getting cucked in the end, way too much work, fuck women. I never thought of my voice, fuck this shit srsly, who cares about voice, fucking femoids low iq creatures. Can´t wait til gigachad 1:1000000 passes a 5/10 foid and she notices he only has a 13 inch peenor, like a guy can even affect his fucking penis size and she´ll not even consider him any further, meanwhile woman can be as fat ang ugly as it gets. JFL, the blackpill is the truest truth there is, save yourselves some time, boyos. it been over.there´s just too many attributes that need to be aligned perfectly for women to see you as a sexual being, just too much, not worth it for a wet hole imo