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Hypocrisy Incels are hypocrites who only care about inceldom for egoistical reasons

didnt read GIF
Fuck traditional American values, I'm glad that faggot shit is being flushed down the toilet with each generation.

I really hate how overly polite white boomerfags are, saying "excuse me" in a sheepish voice for just walking past me in an aisle. Their pretentious small talk that they do with everything and everyone is gladly dying out too.
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I wanted to be a good person but when I am always rejected, why would I care when bad things happen to random people? They don’t give a shit about me
this. So fucking real. I always wanted to be a good person. Help people. But my face just didnt allow me to live a good life.
looks like the FBI knocked on someone's door.:fbi:
Fuck traditional American values, I'm glad that faggot shit is being flushed down the toilet with each generation.

I really hate how overly polite white boomerfags are, saying "excuse me" in a sheepish voice for just walking past me in an aisle. Their pretentious small talk that they do with everything and everyone is gladly dying out too.
I actually kind of admire that. you need to get checked fakecel.
I stopped reading halfway through but your argument largely stems from armchair evolutionary psuedo-pscyhology.

People think humans just lived alone in the woods and men come around and meet random women and live alone as a single-family unit the forest somewhere which is laughably inaccurate.

Humans have always lived in large tribes. They didn't rely on "A man" they relied on a ton of men (the tribe).

"but women want the best genes" you people have 0 understanding of genetics, so I won't bother giving a detailed answer you won't appreciate or even agree with anyway.

Phenotype (Looks) are not a reflection of your offspring's genes (genotype). If you think having kids with the 7' guy means your kids will be tall you'd be surprised how often that isn't the case. Also plenty of tall men come from average height families, it's common sense that there isn't such a thing as a 'tall lineage'. Tallfags don't come from a long line of tall people, it just randomly appears and disappears, otherwise humans would've accrued a ridiculous stature by now if it was cumulative.
sums up my jealousy and narcissism well, the "life is not all about sex" part is retarded bp drivel doe
i never particularly claimed to be moral, the reason why i'm not out there being a slayer is simply due to genetics
Also jfl @ women are not designed to be promiscuous evolutionary
Yes they pick the local maximum but they are literally designed to run off when a man chadder than their current one arrives
either way high iq and should go to must read
@gymletethnicel @GeckoBus what do you think about this
Btw there is nothing wrong with child marriage as foids are ready to be married as soon as they bleed to a full grown man.
Alright guys, since I'm very bored, I'm going to share my most honest opinion on incels in the present moment but before accusing me of "incel shaming" and "foid worshipping" please read the whole thread. I believe it exposes the truth about most incels very accurately. :feelzez:

I think men (even self-proclaimed incels) are more responsible than women for todays' gender-related problems (such as inceldom, faggotry and feminism).

As incels, we all like to mock and shame women for the way they became. "Foids are sluts", "foids are promiscuous", "foids can't love", "foids only want chad", "foids are too hypergamous", "foids have no empathy", etc.

And I completely agree women really are like that in our modern times. I mean, just look at statistics such as Bumble data, the hypergamy and promiscuity is way too obvious: only a bluepilled chad, an incel-in-denial coper or a normiecuck betabuxxer can still be a man and deny the blackpill in 2023.

But guess what.
If you rationally think about if for a few minutes, incels are hypocrites. Not only aren't they better than foids, but they are even worse and here's why.

They complain about being a nice friendly guy with a good personality and good intentions for the woman, yet getting endlessly rejected (IRL and on dating apps) just over an unattractive physical appearance, then seeing the same foids who rejected them going for a 6ft chad they barely know, maybe even a psychopathic abusive criminal low IQ chad.

Yes, maybe their despair is valid.
However, that's not an excuse to let your sufferings corrupt you to the point of becoming even worse than your sworn enemies (foids).

When I see you guys complaining about how foids are superficial for not seeing how much of a good man I am, THEN at the same time advocating for rape, child marriage, sexual assault, physical abuse towards women, and other forms of stupid misogyny, you can seriously still call yourself a moral man? You can seriously still believe you deserve a loving GF?
When you say that if you were a chad you would sleep with as many foids as possible, you can seriously continue to criticize women for being the way they are? You can seriously still consider yourself morally and sexually superior to women?

(Small parenthesis: Now, I'm going to be fair and admit that I don't feel better than the incels I'm criticizing in this thread. I'm a hypocrite too. I advocated for rape and domestic abuse in the past. But today I realized that's not a smart thing to do. I'm admitting my fault, I changed my mind.
I'm not doing this thread because I hate incels, I'm technically still one and fully understand the sufferings inceldom can cause to a man, I'm just venting about my realization of the truth. That being said, let's continue.)

A sane man can't advocate for rape then claim to be a nice gentleman who deserves love from the opposite sex, that's a literal contradiction.
You can't either be against female promiscuity then admit not being a promiscuous man due to having a low SMV, that's hypocrisy.

Oh, I already hear your response.
"B-but it's foids who started first, I advocate for these things because of their promiscuous hypergamic nature, I'm just a victim of their behaviour!!! :soy::soy::feels::feels::incel::incel:"

Let's debunk your pathetic argument.

First of all, I don't believe promiscuity is part of womens' nature. From an evolutionary stand of point, it doesn't make any sense.
Women are the ones who should sleep wisely with the opposite sex, to get the best possible genes for the most genetically healthy possible baby.
The main primitive reason men value women is because of their holes. Therefore, it is in the woman's interest to be monogamous and not easily give her body to tons of random men either for free or for a cheap price, in order to increase her value and sexual power.

I think the real reason modern women are promiscuous is because of men.
They're the ones naturally promiscuous, not women. From an evolutionary stand of point again, men should spread their seed as much as possible to get as many descendants as possible, so it makes sense in their case.
So the dream of a man is a promiscuous woman.
Throughout history, men did their best to turn women into promiscuous beings. By paying them with money for sex (prostitution), sending them gifts, sexualizing them, complimenting them, etc.

And you gotta understand that women are the weak gender, the emotional gender, the intellectually and physically inferior gender. From (again!) an evolutionary stand of point, they depended on the man's protection against savage beasts or other dangerous men. A woman needs to be lead by a man, she is supposed to be dependent to her man in order to be a feminine person and a good mother for her offsprings. Women are dumber and more vulnerable, that's why they're worse than men as leaders, that's why they use primitive arguments when disagreeing with other men, that's why they're more likely to be indoctrinated than men by the jew agendas. They don't have a human essence of their own, they're nothing more than an empty shell that's waiting to be filled by a man. And if the man they got can't control his sexual urges, or is an abusive narcissist, or a low IQ thug nigga, or a leftist wokefag, then guess what: that's what the woman will become: a promiscuous, masochist, communist, psychopath-worshipping whore. Sex naturally is more of an emotional thing for women than for men, so when a man has sex with her, she absorbs his traits like a sponge trough her pussy, aka her natural point of emotional control that's meant to be activated by the man's cock like the press of a button, in order to dominate her, to fill her with his essence as a way to put her in a state of total submission.
It can only men's fault (since women lack a will of their own) and as an incel you are not superior to these women EXCEPT for the fact that you're not a vulnerable empty shell like them. But in terms of morality and promiscuity, please don't deny the truth: if you were a chad you would sleep with as much stacies as possible, and by doing that you would have only worsened the problem of low-quality promiscuous women and made more men suffer from inceldom which is EXACTLY the problem you're advocating against: You want validation and are trying to look superior, but are actually egoistical and only care about yourself, like the hypocrite you are.

Secondly, yes it's true that women are hypergamous, after all the want the best possible genetics for their offsprings and want the largest possible amount of resources. But if they're naturally monogamous, what's wrong with it? It's normal even for men to want the best possible partner. Hypergamous is only problematic when combined with promiscuity because that's when inceldom appears in society.

Finally, I don't think it's natural either for women to love psychopathic men that physically abuses them. Why?
You gotta understand that trauma, especially early childhood or generational trauma, can shape a person's sexuality.
For example, if a young boy is raped by his father on a daily basis, the trauma from rape is very likely to cause the young boy to become a faggot later in life, there's statistics that literally prove that. There's something about the developing human brain that causes it to sexualize traumatic experiences, probably as a self-defense mechanism to forget about the pain associated with the event, or even to "own" the event by turning it into something pleasurable instead of painful when exposed to it again. I think this explains why women send love letters to criminals or have rape fantasies: They're the ones who were most likely physically assaulted or sexually abused in the past by violent men. Or their mothers received this atrocious treatment from other men, because there is scientific proof that traumatic experiences alter your DNA therefore causing you to be born in this world with trauma from your ancestors to some extent.
Additionally, I believe women are more vulnerable to these traumatic sexual alterations than men, not only due to being more sensitive and emotionally weaker, but also due to being this empty shell on their own in the absence of a man like previously stated above. And psychopathic men are better at emotionally controlling women than the average man. So, by advocating for sexual and domestic abuse towards women, you are admitting that if you were a chad, you would further contribute to make incels' lifes more miserable just for your own pleasure, further proving that you're a selfish moral monster.

So, if you advocate for rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault. If you believe foids are naturally promiscuous. If you believe foids naturally enjoy getting beaten. If you believe you're morally superior to these foids you keep criticizing.
And, most importantly, if you believe you have empathy for you "fellow brocels" and wish the best for them.

Take your mask off.

You wish you could be as promiscuous as all these foids even if it would mean worsening the overall problem of inceldom.
You wouldn't hesitate to make these "fellow brocels" suffer even further by fucking their oneitises in exchange of some short-lived sexual gratification.
You wouldn't feel bad for 1 second after raping a woman, despite contributing to create a generation of promiscuous masochist whores that are an incel's nightmare.
You are a narcissist with main character syndrome who feels entitled to a woman's body as a result of your jealousy towards sex-having chads and foids.

Incels are immature, arrogant, entitled, insecure moral monsters.

The real reason why you hate chads and foids isn't because they're promiscuous and egoistical. That's only the justification you've made up to erase your sense of guilt.
The real reason is jealousy. You're insecure and hate them because they can get the only thing you cared about since the beginning: sexual intimacy.

Being victim of a problem doesn't necessarily make us better than the abuser, and if we use it as an excuse to become like the abuser, then we deserved to be abused.
One harsh lesson that I learned early in my life is that people only care about the problems they're concerned about.
If the problem doesn't concern them, they either forget about it, or brush it off and make fun of those who are affected by the problem.
That's why you can't trust anyone in these kind of communities: the moment they escape from the problem, they won't hesitate to betray you and belittle you to make themselves feel better and superior.
You can't trust someone you only know from the internet and, ideally, you should avoid online friendships altogether.

Inceldom is mainly caused by egoistical promiscuous chads (a category you would've been part of if you had the chance to), who don't give a fuck about lonely men and shape women using sex to make them promiscuous too.

Feminism is caused by weak men who didn't have the balls to say "no" to foids who started rebelling against them, despite having the responsibility to do so as the stronger gender. It's also caused by sexual abusers and other kinds of evil men who went too far with removing their rights.

Faggotry is a mental illness that can be acquired from sexual abuse from an older man in your childhood.

I strongly believe gender-related issues are mainly mens' fault, why? Because they're the most powerful gender, and with great powers come great responsibilities.
The man is the pillar or humanity.
Humanity literally owes men scientific, mathematic, technologic progress.
The woman is just a puppet who's too easy to manipulate and corrupt.
So, what happens when the man becomes weak, irresponsible, immature?
Women start becoming crazy and gaining too much power.
And then, we get to the final result: societal collapse.


Be aware too, that as an incel, you're only playing the jews' game. You're tricked into believing that you're outside of the matrix, but you actually aren't.
They need more misogynist extremists to create further tension between men and women, to destroy traditional family even further.
Because yes, they have an agenda of division. They're trying to divide us as much as possible, by gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc. because in the end what they're seeking is societal collapse. That way, they'll remove more of our liberties and control us even further. Also don't forget there's secret organizations that record everything on the internet. They could use your .is activity to know more about your psychology and manipulate you even further, by using your emotional weaknesses against you: if you can know the population's deeper thoughts in detail, you'll know what to say that'll seduce them or piss them off.

Plus, let's be serious. There's more to life than just sex. You can't keep whining your whole life about not being able to have sex, that's cringe and immature.
I bet most of you are fakecels anyways who are chronically online, either obese or anorexic, and without hygiene, kinda like the guys in the "Discord moderator" memes.
Like, come on, go touch some grass, stop being lazy, try to enjoy your one and only life as much as possible instead of wasting it.
Even if you're a legit truecel, I'm sure you'd be able to find something meaningful enough to numb the pain of sexlesness to a sufficient degree to enjoy life again.
There's more to life than sex and relationships, period. And if you can't get over it, then why not kys?
True for most people here but not me

I have some values in my life
Yes they pick the local maximum but they are literally designed to run off when a man chadder than their current one arrives
It’s no different than men

I would fuck a hot young slut when my older slut got older

If I can
I think men (even self-proclaimed incels) are more responsible than women for todays' gender-related problems (such as inceldom, faggotry and feminism).

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