Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Inceldom Is Actually A Blessing In Disguise (If You Let It Be)

Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

I can relate to that as a 27 year old dude. My friends from university and HS are having children now. It is really soul crushing experience.

I lack behind so bad, it is depressing. Everybody moved on with their lives, and i am still here. Kissless virgin living in a condo at age 27 when people of my age are moving and progessing in life.

Most people in here will move on with their lives too. It is really brutal when you think about it. We are losers even here in this forum.

A lotta sexually frustrated kids here in this forum will reflect back on these days with sad cringe a couple years later thinking "ah, i was just an edgy sexually-frustrated teenager back then".

We are the real losers here. Suicide inducing..

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
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Nice post. But when you're with an escort you don't ejaculate into a woman's body, only into a plastic condom
Normies get cucked. Only chad wins this game and that's only for a very short period of time until he hits 25 or so then he's aged out for young women.
Yes. I think more of this attitude is required. I am as miserable a feck but I'm also pretty positive and am always doing stuff and have achieved loads over the years. Being single has its benefits. This forum seems to make everyone sound like they are about to die and cant face getting out of bed.

I consider incel to be a hard life that only tough characters can handle. Its an accolade, not like these soft normal people with their easy wives and children. What we get is hard earned as its a harder life, always on the edge of suicide and death, but the glory of certain things can be there. Living free.

I think the problem comes in thinking big. If people thought big they might be surprised with what they can achive. God might have cursed you in one way, but that does not mean he wont bless you in other ways. I always look at it as compensation. In the back of my mind I often let loose with the complaining as I sort of figure it will result in compensation from the powers that be. Its not really like that but you can look at it like that.

For example, I am in Tampa Fl right now. You cant do that with a family.
Nice post. But when you're with an escort you don't ejaculate into a woman's body, only into a plastic condom

Actually some escorts let you go raw, I'm currently looking for one to do that. I'm pretty sure if you came with the morning after pill and bartered for it by offering to pay extra you could get all those so called "I only do condom" whores to go raw, think about it, you are dealing with a whore here, what she'll do is all down to conveniece and price, you buying and bringing the morning after pill yourself is very convenient for her, and you paying extra is the added incentive, there are very few that would refuse.
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Yes. I think more of this attitude is required. I am as miserable a feck but I'm also pretty positive and am always doing stuff and have achieved loads over the years. Being single has its benefits. This forum seems to make everyone sound like they are about to die and cant face getting out of bed.

I consider incel to be a hard life that only tough characters can handle. Its an accolade, not like these soft normal people with their easy wives and children. What we get is hard earned as its a harder life, always on the edge of suicide and death, but the glory of certain things can be there. Living free.

I think the problem comes in thinking big. If people thought big they might be surprised with what they can achive. God might have cursed you in one way, but that does not mean he wont bless you in other ways. I always look at it as compensation. In the back of my mind I often let loose with the complaining as I sort of figure it will result in compensation from the powers that be. Its not really like that but you can look at it like that.

For example, I am in Tampa Fl right now. You cant do that with a family.

I'm too broke and unaccomplished right now to do what you're doing lol, that's gonna change in a matter of years though, my 30's are gonna be the greatest years of my life, that I am sure of.
I just can't enjoy this life even if some benefits do exist. I would rather be severely mentally retarded or a normie
I'm too broke and unaccomplished right now to do what you're doing lol, that's gonna change in a matter of years though, my 30's are gonna be the greatest years of my life, that I am sure of.
That's the way to do it. I wish I had planned on making my 30's my best years. But right now i'm focussing on making each day memorable (failing badly) but its a start.

Great things to do:

Go to the Amazon
Climba volcano
learn a stupid langauge
buy a musical instrument and leave it some place with the intention of playing it
get a water colour set from amazon and becaome a painter.
buy a model 1:325 uss Missouri and spend 5+ years painting the hull and gluing one gun turret together, finish it your 50's

The list is endless.

And all that without a stupid woman gluing things in the wrong place, throwing out your musical instrument because she thought it was a hat stand and driving really slowly.
I just can't enjoy this life even if some benefits do exist

Not some, we have ALL the benefits, it just comes later in life with effort, they only get a small trial run of the happiness we'll have decades to enjoy. We just have to make it happen while their happniess pretty much fell into their laps, which is why it makes sense and balances things out that their happiness is so short lived.

Reminds me of what I heard Tom Leykis said in one of his shows, along the lines of this - "See those girls you in their 20's you struggled to get when you were in your 20's, you'll get that later, your 20 year old is still in pre-school right now, as long as you have reasonable means you will get yours when you are older"

Let me give you the background of two women I work with

1 - thin, average female height, model like figure, fiesty, very cute, alright to be around, still very judgy though (have no chance with her). Thought she was just "living the good normie life", guess what, I think she can't get pregnant, heard about her through office gossip, she is possibly barren, heard her herself talk about some operation she had to get in relation to her reproductive system, likely is just fucking random dudes to cope.

2 - A bit thicker than #1, but not by much at all, fair skinned, very nice person, smiles a lot, jokes a lot, also no chance with her, the guy she was last dating before she had her son (young, like 3 or so) got killed in an accident and she is just miserable and puts up a "happy front" to cope, her face is always tired, her son based on her description of his behavoior is spoiled and feminine like (not surprising being raised by a single mother). Sounds very weak, and I don't mean physical, I mean mentally. She has to squeeze in time to ride the cock carousel because like I said WHEN YOU HAVE A CHILD ITS LITERALLY OVER, YOUR LIFE IS OVER, IT IS THEIR LIFE NOW, THEY OWN YOUR TIME AND MONEY.

Notice the contrast in life, once can't have a child and is unhappy, the other did and is unhappy lol, normies are screwed no matter what because their plans for life are INHERENTLY FLAWED.

The guy who cheated on his GF I mentioned above already and some of his story. don't want to give out too much details lol.

Those smiling faces you see on facebook pics and snap chats are just an illusion...... a shall we say..... FACADE ;)
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High IQ post (hedonistic pleasures are actually worthless) until OP began to mention escorts.
Sticky this to the top.

This is gold.

But it won't make it to the top because we have to many people here that are satisfied with NEETdom
Not some, we have ALL the benefits, it just comes later in life with effort, they only get a small trial run of the happiness we'll have decades to enjoy. We just have to make it happen while their happniess pretty much fell into their laps, which is why it makes sense and balances things out that their happiness is so short lived.

Let me give you the background of two women I work with

1 - thin, average female height, model like figure, fiesty, very cute, alright to be around, still very judgy though (have no chance with her). Thought she was just "living the good normie life", guess what, I think she can't get pregnant, heard about her through office gossip, she is possibly barren, heard her herself talk about some operation she had to get in relation to her reproductive system, likely is just fucking random dudes to cope.

2 - A bit thicker than #1, but not by much at all, fair skinned, very nice person, smiles a lot, jokes a lot, also no chance with her, the guy she was last dating before she had her son (young, like 3 or so) got killed in an accident and she is just miserable and puts up a "happy front" to cope, her face is always tired, her son based on her description of his behavoior is spoiled and feminine like (not surprising being raised by a single mother). Sounds very weak, and I don't mean physical, I mean mentally. She has to squeeze in time to ride the cock carousel because like I said WHEN YOU HAVE A CHILD ITS LITERALLY OVER, YOUR LIFE IS OVER, IT IS THEIR LIFE NOW, THEY OWN YOUR TIME AND MONEY.

The guy who cheated on his GF I mentioned above already and some of his story. don't want to give out too much details lol.

Those smiling faces you see on facebook pics and snap chats are just an illusion...... a shall we say..... FACADE ;)
I agree and most Normies are frauding to improve their social status in front of others. But I still can't disable my cravings for human relationships. I can never change my desires and anything else would be a cope. I think some people don't care about it that much but that doesn't work in my case.

I guess I am a hopeless case
High IQ post (hedonistic pleasures are actually worthless)

Can you even objectively validate this argument, what about it is "worthless" and also give me an example of something in comparison that actually has "worth". Seems like you're just stating arbitrary BS as though its true merely because you say so. I hate it when people bother to make posts of things like they are absolute truths and can't be bothered to add a few lines to explain or validate said statement.

I enjoy eating food, if I make a post about "enjoy life" and then I mention the foods I pay for and eat, does that now invalidate everything I said, do you thinking enjoying food in this day and age when we can order and greedily scarf down almost anything at a whim is any less "hedonistic" that paying for sex, if so how?
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Any tips for moneymaxxing?
I agree with this but who's to say escortcelling and being promiscuous (degeneracy) will not also get boring as well.

Also, when you have a kid in a wholesome family, they will look after you in your old age, so it's not all bad.

In reality, this thread is correct about how most normies are coping but you seem to just be balancing degeneracy (fucking around) with degeneracy (normies being adulterous and lying).
Most high IQ post i've read here to be honest.

Anyone replying cope is just bothered by his views being challenged.
I guess I am a hopeless case

I guess you don't see yourself as absolute filth yet, that's the irony of how I got to this point and found so much peace and happiness in just indulging in the simple pleasures of life. I hated myself, then I just gave up on myself completely, not myself as in "the being", but myself as in "the person", I thought that there was no one lower than me, no one more ruthless and evil, I had truly become a fucked up individual after years of rejection, my empathy was gone, I felt basically nothing for no one, and that's when I finally let go.

That's probably why the anime Berserk holds "a special place in my heart", that scene where griffith says "I sacrifice" is so relatable, to give up on everything that is holding you back and attain your true self.

Its like the saying I have that I've mentioned before - "A craving that cannot be satisfied is a curse", and that understanding was the basis of my transformation, having an ego with the life I live, is a curse, it will never be satisfied, its like having a hunger that never kills you from starving, you just starve endlessly, its pointless to hold onto such a craving, so I gave up on my ego, I stopped seeing myself as someone "worthy" of love, "worthy" of desire, etc. If you read my signature you can see a line in relation to this, the concept of "deserving" or "being worthy" is false, nobody deserves anything, all thoughts like that are EGO DRIVEN.

Once you abandon you ego you'll find yourself seeing the world in a different light, you'll notice things that were in your face before but for some reason were never apparent, its like you had the blinders taken off. I believe abandoning your ego is possibly the final step of the black pill, its like taking another black pill even blacker than the first, a "Vanta Black Pill" lol (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/vantablack-20-color-black_us_58dd2df3e4b0e6ac7092edd7)

Abandon your ego and attain your true self.
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I love this post. People will call it cope, but this is the mindset we need.
We need more people like @BlkPillPres
I agree with this but who's to say escortcelling and being promiscuous (degeneracy) will not also get boring as well.

Also, when you have a kid in a wholesome family, they will look after you in your old age, so it's not all bad.

In reality, this thread is correct about how most normies are coping but you seem to just be balancing degeneracy (fucking around) with degeneracy (normies being adulterous and lying).

Not everybody wants kids. I think having kids is deeply immoral and wouldn't want one even if i was a chad.
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So what you are saying is that you are gonna be some rich guy that is gonna fuck hookers.
I guess you don't see yourself as absolute filth yet, that's the irony of how I got to this point and found so much peace and happiness in just indulging in the simple pleasures of life. I hated myself, then I just gave up on myself completely, not myself as in "the being", but myself as in "the person", I thought that there was no one lower than me, no one more ruthless and evil, I had truly become a fucked up individual after years of rejection, my empathy was gone, I felt basically nothing for no one, and that' when I finally let go.

Its like the saying I have that I've mentioned before - "A craving that cannot be satisfied is a curse", and that understanding was the basis of my transformation, having an ego with the life I live, is a curse, it will never be satisfied, its like having a hunger that never kills you from starving, you just starve endlessly, its pointless to hold onto such a craving, so I gave up on my ego, I stopped seeing myself as someone "worthy" of love, "worthy" of desire, etc. If you read my signature you can see a line in relation to this, the concept of "deserving" or "being worthy" is false, nobody deserves anything, all thoughts like that are EGO DRIVEN.

Once you abandon you ego you'll find yourself seeing the world in a different light, you'll notice things that were in your face before but for some reason were never apparent, its like you had the blinders taken off. I believe abandoning your ego is possibly the final step of the black pill, its like taking another black pill even blacker than the first, a "Vanta Black Pill" lol (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/vantablack-20-color-black_us_58dd2df3e4b0e6ac7092edd7)

Abandon your ego and attain your true self.
I know that nobody deserves anything and that there is no such thing as a fate. Desires create suffering and they can drive someone insane. I still feel like an empty shell even when I throw my ego and everything away. I can tell myself.1000x times that I won't get something but I will still have a craving I might try some LSD with a heroic dose in order to give myself a new outlook on life. It's hard to convince others from a certain outlook on life because each person has a different "baseline" outlook. All of my thought processes are based on experiences that happened during my childhood and everything that came after that. I need something that makes my days brighter. I need something where I can look forward to.I know that suffering is a constant part of life but most normies have a balance between suffering and pleasure. I guess I have to try other things
Thought-provoking post.

Avoiding the trappings of marriage and children is, indeed, a blessing in disguise for any man. Missing out on no-strings-attached sex is more concerning to me, however. I wish that I could suppress my natural urge to get my dick wet (preferably without a condom), but that won't be happening anytime soon. As such, I have concluded that escortcelling is the optimal path for me, given the lousy alternatives of slaving away for some unappreciative bitch for the rest of my life or resorting to only using my right hand to get myself off. All I can do is try and make the best of a bad situation when it comes to women and society in general.

Earlier today, I was thinking about the distinction between foreveraloners and blackpilled incels. Both groups are shunned by women, but want different things from them. Foreveraloners are basically wannabe cucks. They cry about not being able to experience "love" from a woman, not realizing that women are incapable of actually loving a man. We, on the other hand, have rightly concluded that women bring absolutely zilch to the table besides a warm body where we can deposit our sperm. That is all they can offer because their personalities are utter shit and they are pretty much guaranteed to be a financial liability in any relationship. The black pill is a bitter one to swallow, but is necessary if we want to avoid being trapped like betabuxxers are.
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Can you even objectively validate this argument, what about it is "worthless" and also give me an example of something in comparison that actually has "worth".

When you die, everything that you have ever experienced dies with you. The worms that eat your brain don't give a shit about how many women you have screwed; they just enjoy the fatty acids they find in your skull cavity. For them, a neuron with a memory of two vaginas is the same one as a neuron with a memory of one vagina: tasty molecules.

Which means that in the end, nothing you did when it comes to "pleasure" and "experience" really mattered. It may have mattered for you, but now you're nothing. You're now indistinguishable from the lowest slave who lived the lowest existence.

A man's life, before the 1960s cultural revolution, was about leaving stuff behind; leaving a legacy behind (children, works of art and literature, scientific discoveries, kingdoms and empires). When philosophers and rulers realized that this was too hard to do for most men, they invented the idea of the eternal soul. This became the legacy of the commoner. The goal was to go to heaven and avoid hell. Probably beats trying to screw as many escorts as possible, even if you don't believe in heaven and hell. At least you avoid STDs.
When you die, everything that you have ever experienced dies with you. The worms that eat your brain don't give a shit about how many women you have screwed; they just enjoy the fatty acids they find in your skull cavity. For them, a neuron with a memory of two vaginas is the same one as a neuron with a memory of one vagina: tasty molecules.

Which means that in the end, nothing you did when it comes to "pleasure" and "experience" really mattered. It may have mattered for you, but now you're nothing. You're now indistinguishable from the lowest slave who lived the lowest existence.

A man's life, before the 1960s cultural revolution, was about leaving stuff behind; leaving a legacy behind (children, works of art and literature, scientific discoveries, kingdoms and empires). When philosophers and rulers realized that this was too hard to do for most men, they invented the idea of the eternal soul. This became the legacy of the commoner. The goal was to go to heaven and avoid hell. Probably beats trying to screw as many escorts as possible, even if you don't believe in heaven and hell. At least you avoid STDs.
The most logical thing that you could do according to your reasoning is suicide.
yawn, oldest cope in the book. Trying to claim everyone in a relationship is miserable so we're not actually missing anything
I agree with this but who's to say escortcelling and being promiscuous (degeneracy) will not also get boring as well.

You are being disingenuous here, or just vague, so let me be specific.

Physical stimuli NEVER GETS BORING, what gets boring IS THE SAME STIMULI OVER AND OVER

Do you enjoy watching movies and shows, I'm sure you do, they will NEVER GET BORING as a COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCE. By that I mean watching movies and shows itself won't get boring, now if you WATCHED THE SAME MOVIE AND SHOW OVER AND OVER THEN YOU'D GET BORED

So its not escortcelling that will get boring, its fucking the same woman or even the same kind of woman that will get boring. I've never really liked black women in porn was literally not arousing enough to me, masturbated to asian and white porn for years, but like 2 years back asian and white porn stopped being really arousing (and asian women are my favorite, which shocked me), guess what really gets me hard now...... black women in porn, because my mind has grown too accustomed to seeing "pale skinned" women fuck. I actually cycle it, one month black, next month asian, next month black, next month white, etc, etc, <insert other fetish> (especially rape porn). Your brain can go back to older shit once you've sampled something newer. Just like how you can rewatch a "favourite" movie every once in a while.

This is just an early "proof of concept" for how relationships turn out, you will ALWAYS get bored if its the same person, notice women are always talking about doing shit to "spice things up in the bedroom", it happens a lot earlier in the marriage than you'd think, likely 2-3 years in, this is why people end up cheating, because they denied an obvious black pill, but unlike normies we already know all this shit, we have a head start, we don't have to make the same foolish mistakes.

Escortcel fucking some black women, then some white women, then some arabian women, then some asian women, then some spanish women, maybe you go do some "illegal sex tourism" in africa and experience "an original black woman" (I plan to do that shit, rich areas in africa of course, don't want to risk and get a disease). Its impoosible to get bored of this shit, my libido will fade away naturally before that could even happen.

Also, when you have a kid in a wholesome family, they will look after you in your old age, so it's not all bad.

I don't want to be "looked after", when I reach the age where I'm unable to wipe my own ass I'd prefer to die lol. Also as a parent I could not even do something that so fucked up, guilting your children into wasting the time of their good years taking care of you due to some moral obligation is just fucked up. I want no part of that shit, go enjoy your damn life and leave the elderly to do what we do best, DIE. I think Abasute is way more awesome and honorable than the sad shit existence old people have today, yet another thing to admire about japanese culture - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubasute
yawn, oldest cope in the book. Trying to claim everyone in a relationship is miserable so we're not actually missing anything
maybe not miserable, but normie life is extremely stressful for people who weren't built for it. Not sure if it's worth it from a cost-benefit perspective.
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This needs to be stickied tbh
yawn, oldest cope in the book. Trying to claim everyone in a relationship is miserable so we're not actually missing anything

You've obviously never talked to people much in relationships or really observed them, they are all miserable, but clearly you can't read, because I basically also said they all are happy, its just that their happiness doesn't outweigh their misery. Also happiness is like a depreciating asset, their happiness is like a woman's beauty, and their misery is like a man's wealth, as time goes on, one keeps getting worse and the other keeps increasing.

You're just never around for the "breaking point", I have been observing and basically studying normies for years lol. If you befriend them enough to be honest, they tell you everything about their lives, their lives start of great but most all end up like shit, because they realize all too late the ultimate black pill, your body just drives you to seek out simple pleasures, taste of food, satisfying your thirst, orgasms, the relief and comfort of sleep, etc. Those are actually the things that matter and truly determine happiness, we as humans like to look for "deeper things" because were blinded by ego and of course "GREAT BEINGS LIKE OURSELVES CAN'T BE THAT SIMPLE AND STRAIGHT FORWARD LIKE ALL THESE LESSER ANIMALS" (said the normie)

There are not "deeper things", there are no "greater pursuits", there are only "simple pleasures". Even heaven is described in holy texts by all the simple pleasures it provides (and various luxuries), not for the deep wonder and new things to discover and feel lol.
Alright boyos, we have Tai Lopez of inceldom here in his mom's basement - just coped with this new, uh, relevation here, it's fun to post up here on the incels.is forum. But you know what I like a lot more than celibacy - KNOWLEDGE! In fact, I am lot more proud of these 7 new anime DVD series I just bought....

Give me a break! If inceldom truly was such a blessing, it wouldn't merit 10 paragraphs to try and justify it. I want to guess that over half of normie marriages sizzle after 1 or 2 years and become this metaphorical prison that you talk about, but I genuinely think that the other half (at least for a longer period of time) genuinely enjoy raising a family together, even if the bedroom becomes dead.

Also, if it was such a blessing, why would this site even exist and why would half of the posts have a SuicideFuel tag on them?

I think you are desperately trying to cope, but the fact of the matter is that most of us here envy the normie life, whether we admit it or not. I will not sit idly by and LDAR the rest of my life, but still await for the day of my ascension when I can rid myself of this fucking site.
You've obviously never talked to people much in relationships or really observed them, they are all miserable, but clearly you can't read, because I basically also said they all are happy, its just that their happiness doesn't outweigh their misery. Also happiness is like a depreciating asset, their happiness is like a woman's beauty, and their misery is like a man's wealth, as time goes on, one keeps getting worse and the other keeps increasing.

You're just never around for the "breaking point", I have been observing and basically studying normies for years lol. If you befriend them enough to be honest, they tell you everything about their lives, their lives start of great but most all end up like shit, because they realize all too late the ultimate black pill, your body just drives you to seek out simple pleasures, taste of food, satisfying your thirst, orgasms, the relief and comfort of sleep, etc. Those are actually the things that matter and truly determine happiness, we as humans like to look for "deeper things" because were blinded by ego and of course "GREAT BEINGS LIKE OURSELVES CAN'T BE THAT SIMPLE AND STRAIGHT FORWARD LIKE ALL THESE LESSER ANIMALS" (said the normie)

There are not "deeper things", there are no "greater pursuits", there are only "simple pleasures". Even heaven is described in holy texts by all the simple pleasures it provides (and various luxuries), not for the deep wonder and new things to discover and feel lol.
Disagree - normies I know still have happy families, still escortcell or cheat, still enjoy food, and still sleep great.

Keep coping Tai Lopez.
Earlier today, I was thinking about the distinction between foreveraloners and blackpilled incels. Both groups are shunned by women, but want different things from them. Foreveraloners are basically wannabe cucks. They cry about not being able to experience "love" from a woman, not realizing that women are incapable of actually loving a man. We, on the other hand, have rightly concluded that women bring absolutely zilch to the table besides a warm body where we can deposit our sperm. That is all they can offer because their personalities are utter shit and they are pretty much guaranteed to be a financial liability in any relationship. The black pill is a bitter one to swallow, but is necessary if we want to avoid being trapped like betabuxxers are.

Exactly, a lot of the guys on this site are more like foreveraloners, they are still attached to their egos, they've yet to abandon it, they want to feel desired, loved, admired, etc by a woman than to have sex, to me that is the logical equivalent of wanting to feel feared, respected, etc by an animal that is your food source more than you want to eat it. Imagine if a guy told you that he won't eat any animal he hasn't killed himself for that reason, its the same thing with guys on here that want these ego based cravings satisfied, they are illogical and they just cant see it because they are blinded by their egos. Its food, you eat it because its nutritious and tastes good, who cares what the thing you are now eating thinks about you lol.
You are being disingenuous here, or just vague, so let me be specific.

Physical stimuli NEVER GETS BORING, what gets boring IS THE SAME STIMULI OVER AND OVER

Do you enjoy watching movies and shows, I'm sure you do, they will NEVER GET BORING as a COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCE. By that I mean watching movies and shows itself won't get boring, now if you WATCHED THE SAME MOVIE AND SHOW OVER AND OVER THEN YOU'D GET BORED

So its not escortcelling that will get boring, its fucking the same woman or even the same kind of woman that will get boring. I've never really liked black women in porn was literally not arousing enough to me, masturbated to asian and white porn for years, but like 2 years back asian and white porn stopped being really arousing (and asian women are my favorite, which shocked me), guess what really gets me hard now...... black women in porn, because my mind has grown too accustomed to seeing "pale skinned" women fuck. I actually cycle it, one month black, next month asian, next month black, next month white, etc, etc, <insert other fetish> (especially rape porn). Your brain can go back to older shit once you've sampled something newer. Just like how you can rewatch a "favourite" movie every once in a while.

This is just an early "proof of concept" for how relationships turn out, you will ALWAYS get bored if its the same person, notice women are always talking about doing shit to "spice things up in the bedroom", it happens a lot earlier in the marriage than you'd think, likely 2-3 years in, this is why people end up cheating, because they denied an obvious black pill, but unlike normies we already know all this shit, we have a head start, we don't have to make the same foolish mistakes.

Escortcel fucking some black women, then some white women, then some arabian women, then some asian women, then some spanish women, maybe you go do some "illegal sex tourism" in africa and experience "an original black woman" (I plan to do that shit, rich areas in africa of course, don't want to risk and get a disease). Its impoosible to get bored of this shit, my libido will fade away naturally before that could even happen.

I don't want to be "looked after", when I reach the age where I'm unable to wipe my own ass I'd prefer to die lol. Also as a parent I could not even do something that so fucked up, guilting your children into wasting the time of their good years taking care of you due to some moral obligation is just fucked up. I want no part of that shit, go enjoy your damn life and leave the elderly to do what we do best, DIE. I think Abasute is way more awesome and honorable than the sad shit existence old people have today, yet another thing to admire about japanese culture - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubasute

1) Makes sense. Although some couples (the exception) seem to overcome the boredom and keep going through - that doesn't seem to exist at all in the modern day but I noticed how people don't seem to get tired of masturbation.

2) Lol, I understand what you mean but I didn't mean that far. I just meant financial support when you needed it. If you're actually dying, that's a different matter, I agree with you there.
genuinely enjoy raising a family together, even if the bedroom becomes dead.

You might as well make the best of a shitty life, but its pretty much a cope, especially in this era, can you really be proud of all that effort if your son ends up a transgender and your daughter some whore that gets gangbanged at college, like I said, were not in the 1950's era, its not worth doing this shit in these times.

Also, if it was such a blessing, why would this site even exist and why would half of the posts have a SuicideFuel tag on them?

You are leaving out the fact that most of the users here are weak willed LDAR idiots, some are neets and don't even want to work. Also please stop being disingenuous and leaving shit out, if you'd have bothered to properly read and quote me you wouldn't have said this stupid shit, because I clearly remember saying it is a blessing BUT WE HAVE TO MAKE IT ONE.

I said:
"Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies."

I think you are desperately trying to cope, but the fact of the matter is that most of us here envy the normie life, whether we admit it or not. I will not sit idly by and LDAR the rest of my life, but still await for the day of my ascension when I can rid myself of this fucking site.

Keep waiting then lol, but it may never come, I like how you are trying to paint me as the foolish one when your strategy is basically to hope and wait.
Disagree - normies I know still have happy families, still escortcell or cheat, still enjoy food, and still sleep great..

Oh yeah, I remember when I said and/or alluded to saying that normies can't enjoy food, enjoy sleep, fuck escorts or cheat, yeah its all coming back to me.................... your reading and comprehension skills are absolute shit, I can't tell if you are trolling me right now or just this shit at reading and understanding simple arguments.
You might as well make the best of a shitty life, but its pretty much a cope, especially in this era, can you really be proud of all that effort if your son ends up a transgender and your daughter some whore that gets gangbanged at college, like I said, were not in the 1950's era, its not worth doing this shit in these times.

You are leaving out the fact that most of the users here are weak willed LDAR idiots, some are neets and don't even want to work. Also please stop being disingenuous and leaving shit out, if you'd have bothered to properly read and quote me you wouldn't have said this stupid shit, because I clearly remember saying it is a blessing BUT WE HAVE TO MAKE IT ONE.

I said:
"Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies."

Keep waiting then lol, but it may never come, I like how you are trying to paint me as the foolish one when your strategy is basically to hope and wait.
It was quite long winded, like those Tai Lopez videos, so forgive me if I missed something. But yes, I truly do enjoy the freedom some days and have lived my life without depending on friends or girlfriends the best I can, but that still doesn't mean I sometimes don't want to be a normal person.

As far as me doing nothing, I am spending lots of money on surgery and cosmetic procedures, but thank you very much!
Oh yeah, I remember when I said and/or alluded to saying that normies can't enjoy food, enjoy sleep, fuck escorts or cheat, yeah its all coming back to me.................... your reading and comprehension skills are absolute shit, I can't tell if you are trolling me right now or just this shit at reading and understanding simple arguments.

You keep calling out people for not reading or not comprehending, yet you write a fucking novel each and very time and expect people to read and understand all the nuances of your shitty prose.

"If you befriend them enough to be honest, they tell you everything about their lives, their lives start of great but most all (1 end up like shit, (2 because they realize all too late the ultimate black pill, your body just drives you to seek out simple pleasures, taste of food, satisfying your thirst, orgasms, the relief and comfort of sleep, etc"

When you said their lives end up like shit (1 and then immediately proceed to list those things afterwords (2 in stark contrast, you ARE fucking alluding to the fact that they can't enjoy those things or at the very least it is too late to enjoy them.
The difference maker is that normies are free to drop out of life whenever they want and live like an incel while incels don’t get to choose to live like normies

Also this is a lot of words for a cope
"If you befriend them enough to be honest, they tell you everything about their lives, their lives start of great but most all (1 end up like shit, (2 because they realize all too late the ultimate black pill, your body just drives you to seek out simple pleasures, taste of food, satisfying your thirst, orgasms, the relief and comfort of sleep, etc"

When you said their lives end up like shit (1 and then immediately proceed to list those things afterwords (2 in stark contrast, you ARE fucking alluding to the fact that they can't enjoy those things or at the very least it is too late to enjoy them.

No you fucking idiot, I didn't have to allude to anything because I meant SPECIFICALLY WHAT I SAID IN DETAIL (one of the benefits of writing a novel lol)

Its plain as can see and anyone can see it, all I simply mean is that all every human really wants are the simple pleasures, and norimes realize all to late that they wasted their time chasing "deeper meaning" BS when at the end of the day what they really enjoy are the simple pleasures. Do you realize how retarded you sound quoting me saying that humans (notice the part where I say "your body drives you", as in HUMANS IN GENERAL) are driven to seek out simple pleasures, when you previously argued that I was alluding to or saying that they can't enjoy simple pleasures.

Are you getting the point retard, maybe you should practiced writing a few more novels like myself, it'll increasing you reading and comprehension skills. You are literally contradicting yourself. On one hand you say I alluded to them not being able to enjoy simple pleasures (eating, etc) and then you fucking quote me saying that later in life normies realize that those are the things they really enjoy lol. Please just quit while you're ahead, you have retard tier debating skills, ITS OVER.
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The difference maker is that normies are free to drop out of life whenever they want and live like an incel while incels don’t get to choose to live like normies

Yeah that guy with five kids and a mortgage to pay off can just drop out of normie life whenever he pleases and live like an incel...... you didn't think this through did you lol.

You are only technically correct, of course it depends on WHEN they attempt to drop out, and in most cases THEY ONLY REALIZE THEY ARE TRAPPED WHEN ITS TOO LATE TO DROP OUT. You can't just drop out when you have kids, you can't just drop out as a man when you have a wife because she can divorce you and leave you broke and still paying alimony on top of that.
No you fucking idiot, I didn't have to allude to anything because I meant SPECIFICALLY WHAT I SAID IN DETAIL (one of the benefits of writing a novel lol)

Its plain as can see and anyone can see it, all I simply mean is that all every human really wants are the simple pleasures, and norimes realize all to late that they wasted their time chasing "deeper meaning" BS when at the end of the day what they really enjoy are the simple pleasures. Do you realize how retarded you sound quoting me saying that humans (notice the part where I say "your body drives you", as in HUMANS IN GENERAL) are driven to seek out simple pleasures, when you previously argued that I was alluding to or saying that they can't enjoy simple pleasures.

Are you getting the point retard, maybe you should practiced writing a few more novels like myself, it'll increasing you reading and comprehension skills. You are literally contradicting yourself. On one hand you say I alluded to them not being able to enjoy simple pleasures (eating, etc) and then you fucking quote me saying that later in life normies realize that those are the things they really enjoy lol. Please just quit while you're ahead, you have retard tier debating skills, ITS OVER.
End up like shit BECAUSE...BECAUSE

You really overcomplicate things and are unable to see simple truths.
The difference maker is that normies are free to drop out of life whenever they want and live like an incel while incels don’t get to choose to live like normies

Also this is a lot of words for a cope
This guy is a mega coper full of himself. I can already guess at his age. Might be a larping normie who is practicing his creative writing skills on here.
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End up like shit BECAUSE...BECAUSE

You really overcomplicate things and are unable to see simple truths.

Lol nice avoiding my arguments, guess you do have some intelligence because the lack of depth in this response proves you can actually comprehend some simple arguments and became aware of the contradiction you made, so you decided not to dig yourself any deeper but instead just respond with some vague pointless nonsense that amounts to nothing but a deflection.

Again for closure:
"You alluded to normies not enjoying simple pleasures"
(Now let me quote you saying that normies realize later in life that the simple pleasures in life is what they truly enjoy)

Guess there's nothing left to say -
Lol nice avoiding my arguments, guess you do have some intelligence because the lack of depth in this response proves you can actually comprehend some simple arguments and became aware of the contradiction you made, so you decided not to dig yourself any deeper but instead just respond with some vague pointless nonsense that amounts to nothing but a deflection.

Again for closure:
"You alluded to normies not enjoying simple pleasures"
(Now let me quote you saying that normies realize later in life that the simple pleasures in life is what they truly enjoy)

Guess there's nothing left to say -

You win then internet tough guy!! I guess i better skidaddle out of here. At least I know what the word 'because' means.
I can only speak for myself, but most of the things normies enjoy is literally WORK for me. The rewards are rarely worth the amount of effort it takes.
I can only speak for myself, but most of the things normies enjoy is literally WORK for me. The rewards are rarely worth the amount of effort it takes.

Same, I think its more like they "enjoy the hunt" more than "eating the meat", which again adds to my argument that they are driven by ego and blinded by it, I care nothing for the hunt, I have no problem just buying the meat at a store lol, its not going to taste any better because unlike normies I can't season the meat with my ego, its long gone.

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