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Venting Incel Support Group Session 1

  • Thread starter IamJacksBrokenHeart
  • Start date


May 7, 2018
I feel like venting , i feel like writing what comes to my mind ,
will probably just be another edgy wall of text , some kind of knockoff philosophical bullshit cope , i dont know , lets see .

Lets open our heart chakra , go into our cave and find our power animal .


You dont have to read the rambling i write , just share for yourself .
what comes to your mind , how youre feeling right now , just go for it and see what you end up with .
Dont think about it twice , just click on the reply button .

Like anonymous alcoholics , aight imma go first .

Hi , Im Jack .
And i feel like shit 24/7 , cause all my copes are used up and it sucks to face reality .

im literally stuck in a loop , doing the same shit over and over again and still my brain tells me theres hope

still expecting things to change

having deja vu 3 times a day , everyday exactly the same , timidly rotting away

and with each round in this loop ,
my brain gets more and more atrophied ,
like a muscle you never use ,
cause why would i need to use my brain if i do the same shit every single fucking day for years on end .

i guess humans need conversations with real people ,
they need to have themselves be reflected in the eyes of another person , so to speak .
Getting feedback , be it positive or negative ,
just satisfying this monkey in our heads .

Social stimulation , sharing stories or even feeling the touch of another person .
I guess thats natural , that comes naturally as a part of a normal life .. i guess .

All i have left is to live vicariously through someone else ,
through the reality someone else created ,
movies or music or whatever , youtube videos idk .

The Illusion of Friendship ,
The Illusion of Company , tricking your brain into feeling satisfied , but never fully .
Like deep down it knows that its not enough .

And the remaining doubt is silenced by drugs , patched over by addiction .. weakness .

Maybe it isnt the Jews fault or the fault of anybody really ,
maybe capitalism has become some kind of entity that feeds itself , that fuels itself ,
a giant machine that runs by itself after being fed and polished for centuries , without a human being in control of it .
And still it rules us all , since the industrial revolution , influencing every single aspect of Life , trimming it down , optimizing it ,
to make it efficient , even when it doesnt seem to be .

What do you see , when you look at lonely , depressed people ?
I see profit .
I see a TV being sold for every single person instead of just one for a whole family .
I see Mental Illness , feeding the pharma industry , creating jobs , therapists , caretakers , institutions , clinics and so on .
I see people immersing themselves into dream worlds to run away from reality , videogames , movies , pornography .
I see them immersing themselves into the Reality that someone else created instead of creating their own .

Miserable people who live unnatural lives , those are the best kind of consumers .
Eating junk food that makes us sick , addicted to everything under the sun .

Just Zombies , Casino Zombies ,
sitting there and gambling life away for a short rush of dopamine .
Aligning our brain chemistry to the system , indoctrinated from a young age so we know nothing else anymore .
This is our world now .
Ruled by an ever expanding , ever hungry demon .
Metaphorically the closest thing to the actual devil , just hidden in plain sight .

Most of us are stuck in this Loop .
We are all part of this Trip , this sad joke that slowly swallows the earth .

We can run , we can hide , we can laugh about this so called clown world .
But we cant escape , and we cant turn back time .

Maybe i just need someone or something to blame other than myself ,
maybe this system can be a chance for other people who got the Willpower , who got the drive to survive against all odds and overcome these obstacles .
Maybe your survival is still entirely dependant on your genetics , even if we think we have grown beyond that , as a species .

Im just venting .
Its just the thoughts of a dying man who will soon become part of the statistic .
A number on a chart .

When i was born , my parents didnt expect much from me .
They just wanted me to be happy .
Out of the womb into the void .
Thrown into this machine , i made it soar ,
like a cog that didnt quite fit , never running in sync , never catching up , just dragging behind in the distance .

Missing all those developmental milestones .
Friendship , Teenage Love , the first time holding hands , the first kiss , the first party ,
graduating , finding a job im interested in , breaking up for the first time and rationalizing it afterwards ,
chasing pipedreams and growing up , finding a place in life where im content , happy ..
just normal things i guess , things that come naturally as a part of growing up .

i stumbled at every step i took , even back when i was still bluepilled ,
back when i still had the energy , the drive , i was still miles behind everyone else .
But now im so far behind , im like in a different world .
Im in my own little world with nothing but regret and misery .
Self Pity from time to time , just so i can let go for a moment and breathe for a second .

It feels so surreal when i see normal people ,
when i walk by couples , groups of teenagers ,
when i walk beside a restaurant and look through the window ,
people smiling and laughing , families who didnt start to hate each other .
Living the life .

In this community , we use derogatory terms for '' normies '' or '' NPCs '' ,
but maybe it is born from jealousy ,
maybe ignorance IS bliss .

i would be happy if i could even cry , not even thinking about smiling or laughing .
When i laugh it is always with this sick desperation , never born from true happiness .
I cant cry anymore so this laughter has become my replacement .

First you start crying , then you start laughing and when you start to just scream in pain , you know its all over .

Then you either kill yourself or go completely silent , staring at the ceiling , waiting for death to come and save you .

Cause why make a scene , why cry for help , why seek attention if there is nobody to listen , nobody to give a damn .

Thats life , what u gonna do ?

In the end just another human ant , part of the collective , the hivemind , enslaved by instinct , like everybody else .
Just another Space Monkey crawling through the mud , through the dirt of this shitty planet .
In a Society that never gave a fuck about you , spit on you at every step of the way .

... im still contemplating , is it based to commit suicide or not ?

On the one hand , if you kill yourself , it feels like letting them win ,
your bullies , your enemies ,
it feels like you shake the hands of fate ,
it feels like accepting defeat and being submissive to your worst enemy .

On the other hand ...
from a purely rational standpoint ,
its the most logical thing to do ,
the reasoning is self evident and written in everyones faces ,
the only thing keeping us from doing it is our survival instinct .

Maybe its a Test , if we are strong enough to overcome our deepest , primary instinct .
I hate it when peoples say suicide is a cowardly act , imo it takes a lot of courage and a clear mind , without any doubts ,
without any comforting lies , without self deception and copeing mechanisms .

In a way tho , LDAR is death , its like being a walking dead , just wasting away .
I feel like its either all or nothing , everything else is just different variations of cope .

... that was way more edgy than i thought it would be ,
but whatever , dont read it twice just SEND IT .
sorry 4 no reply
Dont think Dont hesitate. Just move forward. It will shock you how far you can go from where you began. I willl shock you how capable you can be. The worst thing a dpressedcel can do is stare at the clock and worry
Hi I'm AAAAAAAAAAAcel. Idk why I chose this name, I guess I just wanted to make something different for once.

Anyway, depite being born in a shithole, I've had the luck to have some of the most beautiful cities of this world only a few hours by train away. I've always loved beauty and I've always appreciated the beauty of life, and yet it all feels so distant to me, I couldn't catch it anymore.

So I turned to uglyness, I've started watching videos of people dying and to read about the most tragic events in this world's history. But I never felt sadness for it, only a great desire to see more, to feel more, perhaps even to make more

But that grew distant as well, now I truly have nothing going on for me. I spend my days watching the sun in the hope that it would do something. Of course it never will, nothing can save me now.

My own thoughts are so far away, they almost feel like dreams

I'm stuck

I'm stuck in a past never existed, in a picture that was never drawn, in a war that was never fought.

Everyone and everything goes on and I just stay here

Looking at the sun

Thank you @IamJacksBrokenHeart for making this thread, sincerely
Dont think Dont hesitate. Just move forward. It will shock you how far you can go from where you began. I willl shock you how capable you can be. The worst thing a dpressedcel can do is stare at the clock and worry
yeah , that what makes a man .
Energy .
Willpower .
Whatever you wanna call it , its the same shit , its Testosterone .

doing things , and doing them with 100% focus and determination .

fighting long and hard just for a short moment of perfection .
yeah , that what makes a man .
Energy .
Willpower .
Whatever you wanna call it , its the same shit , its Testosterone .

doing things , and doing them with 100% focus and determination .

fighting long and hard just for a short moment of perfection .
It's hard not to worry and have anxiety when the world hurls it involuntarily at you. To ignore everything and just march forward seems sociopathic. But These are the cards we are dealt. And if we are to live our ambiitions that is the only way.
It's hard not to worry and have anxiety when the world hurls it involuntarily at you. To ignore everything and just march forward seems sociopathic. But These are the cards we are dealt. And if we are to live our ambiitions that is the only way.
you know
normally a male has a woman to motivate him
its the biggest motivator in existence and it is taken form us

from us

soi thats a big hit for our discipline

Oneitis is such a great motivator ,
nikola tesla said it better than me nbut i cant find the quote

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