AWALT, no matter the country. Sad but true. It's better to be blackpilled as fuck than be a spineless bluepill cuck. Russian foids are absolutely disgusting, they will go great lengths just to fuck a foreigner or a native minority because "they're cool". There are no virgin women after 18. When I was in school literally every girl in my class has fucked someone before graduation. We had a case where a 15 year old fucked a 21 year old teacher.
And simultaneously it's absolutely over for blackpilled men in here. If you're not a cuck who's willing to do anything for a vagina, you will be overlooked with the great disgust by both foids and cucks. It's literally impossible for the father to get custody over his kids if we're talking about divorce.
You can actually make a complete stranger pay alimony in Russia because if the father is unknown Russian justice system allows woman to point at any guy she knows and he will fucking pay those alimony, there's no escape. Also women love to play pedo card, you can be accused of being pedo just for being in proximity to a child. There are hundreds of cases where men were brutally beaten and even falsely imprisoned just because foid decided to play pedo card.
It's so bad it's better not to interact with foids in Russia at all. They're all raging whores that are protected by gynocentric system.
Here are couple of examples how bad it is in Russia:
Russian man got 13
years in prison for pedophilia. Schoolgirls that have accused him of rape told jury that they have faked all accusations. But his sentence was not lifted.
[UWSL]A Russian man was
mistaken for a pedo, beaten brutally to death by a crowd. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]Russian woman
falsely accused her ex-husband of being a pedo because she just didn't like him.[/UWSL]
In tries to win custody over children, wife
accused her ex-husband of pedophilia.
Fitness coach from Ekaterinburg was
accused of pedophilia because he was sitting on the one sofa with little girl.
man was brutally beaten, raped and killed because crowd suspected he might be a pedo.
man was reading magazine next to a kid, got 8 years in prison for being a pedo.
Daughter falsely
accused her father of being a pedo. Judge refused to let him free even after the girl herself openly telling that she had lied.
Little girl has
drawn a cat in psychology class in school, a lesbian psychologist mistook a cat for a penis and reported drawing to the police. Father got 13 years in prison.
After a fight with ex-wife Russian man was
accused of pedophilia and put in prison.
accused husband of pedophilia because his salary was too low for her likings and lifestyle.
[UWSL]Russian man was falsely
accused of pedophilia because he lived in a communal apartment next to someone's kid, got 12 years in prison.[/UWSL]
After a fight with relatives, Russian man was
accused of pedophilia despite never having any contact with children. Got 12,5 years in prison.
Also there was a case where some foid got absolutely shitfaced on vodka at some party and "regretted having sex" later. And several men were convicted of rape and got jail sentences.
So yeah, Russia's cucked. I've seen countless times how alt-right fags on Reddit and 4chan were creaming all over themselves because of something Putin have said. Meanwhile ethnic groups have more rights than Russian people and Russia is absolutely gynocentric.
I would've be fucking over the moon if Russia would've been that "last bastion of traditional values" how it's portrayed. But it's not. And btw, church girls/muslim girls are absolute whores too. It's all just a facade so their trad parents wouldn't throw them out