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RageFuel A sorWHORity girl tried to lecture me for not being inclusive, the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this BITCH, IT can't touch this

Feminism Sucks!

Feminism Sucks!

I love Dr Verwoerd, I love Apartheid, VIRGIN PRIDE
Jul 25, 2022
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

I also would like to make it very clear to anyone reading this that I am venting, and that while I absolutely despise sorWHORity girls, the most I will ever do is rant about them on the internet. I am a law-abiding man, so I would never harm them or commit any crime, and most importantly, I would like to say thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid. Thank you cheap brandy, I could not make it through the day without you.

When President Trump was running in 2016, a sorWHORity girl who didn't even go to my school (University of ***********) tried to lecture me on Fakebook about Trump being sexist and racist, and about how she hates Trump because she wants everyone to feel welcome and included in America. (I knew this female from high school) Well, bitch, the whole entire point of sorWHORities is that it's exclusive and exclusionary, and not everyone is included. If they allowed everyone in, they would have no purpose, just like if everyone could get listed in the Social Register, it would have no purpose. Someone who chose to join a group centered around exclusion has no right to judge me for being exclusionary. I am proud of being exclusionary, but I don't pretend to be some super-empath who wants to be good to everyone. No, I hate this shithole world and everyone in it and I vote for whichever candidate will cause the most people to feel hurt and angry inside, because I am hurt and angry inside and I want everyone else to feel the same way. A sorWHORity girl would never date a guy like me, or even hook up with a guy like me, but that's okay, because I hate them so much that the thought of fucking them makes me want to puke.

This is the hate that hate produced, sorWHORity girls made me hate them with their own actions. Let's look at Paul Stanley from KISS, who grew up as an incel (chubby awkward kid with one ear - growing up insecure with low self-esteem fucks you up psychologically for life) and ascended through rock and roll, even normies admit his music has incel vibes to it, and he wrote lyrics like "girl you want me to cry, feel like I want to die, girl you want me to plead, feel the thrill of my need, girl you want me to bed, wish to Hell I was dead, 'cause you love me to hate you, and the more that I hate you, I love you"

Normies admitting Paul Stanley writes incel-ish music (sadly I was banned from reddit for posting extreme hate speech and any new accounts I make get banned within 2-3 days, so I can't contribute to any conversations there):
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/KISS/comments/j5etg1/paul_stanley_is_insecure_and_mad_at_women/

The weird thing is that she actually seemed kind, intelligent, and empathetic (by foid standards, to be fair, which is a pretty low bar given that most foids are completely psychopathic when it comes to men who aren't Chads. Even I am not a psychopath or even a sociopath. I have some sociopathic traits [a result of being shitted on by the world my entire life and toughening up as a defense mechanism] but I'm not even a full-blown sociopath. I'm more sociopathic than the average person, but I don't even qualify as a borderline sociopath, unfortunately). She even talked shit about everyone having a valuable perspective (which is the same shit YE [aka Kanye West] said on InfoWars, but because he's not a sorWHORity girl, he was chastised for it) But when she chose to join a sorWHORity, she revealed her true character as a mindless plastic conformist spoiled rich bitch who loves being exclusionary, which I wouldn't care about if she didn't try to put herself above me morally. She talked about people having a kind heart, but what would she know? A sorWHORity girl wouldn't know love if it knocked down her door. She wouldn't know it now, she never knew it before, if it feel in her hands from the heavens above, she wouldn't know love.

She even bitched on social media about her mental health, and about how she felt depressed and had ADHD, and how if she wrote a memoir she would talk about how her troubles are actually. First of all, females can't have ADHD, just like hemophilia, it's a men-only disease. I was falsely accused of having ADHD by a, I'm not going to say what religion, what people, doctor. We all know I can't say that. Second of all, bitch, what do you have to feel depressed about? You're attractive and popular, a member of a sorWHORity, you can get laid whenever you want, what the fuck are you depressed about? It makes me so mad because I actually have shit to be depressed about, yet I have never identified as depressed or gotten diagnosed, although I probably could get diagnosed as at least mildly depressed if I actually went to a psychotherapist, but I don't trust them because they are PyschoTheRapist.

She also talked shit about making sure to include all TOILET SLUTS (she used the euphemism "women") in activism, but bitch, come on, you showed your true colors years ago. You don't get to claim to be inclusive now when you joined a group dedicated to being exclusionary. Everyone is, as far as I'm concerned, the worst thing they have ever done. The worst thing I have ever done is underage drinking (I'm 26 now, so past the statute of limitations for underage drinking, so I cannot get in trouble for admitting this). I don't care about others being exclusionary except if they judge me for being exclusionary and try to claim the moral high ground above me because of it. If this female had just accepted my love of President Trump (who will get his rightful position back on January 20, 2025 and send Sleepy Joe Brandon back to the dementia care facility and he can visit his crackhead son Hunter aka CUNTer in rehab) and not judged me for it, I would not be writing this post today.

How can I now allow this bitch to hold dominion over me as I stare into the void of a sorWHORity world? Answer: I won't, so she can't. She belittled me and laughed at me for supporting Trump, but she was the one crying on Election Day as I laughed my ass off. What goes around, goes around, goes around comes all the way back around. PS: she have a really nice ass. I wonder if she likes anal.

Incels and sorWHORity girls are incompatible, just like Mentos and Diet Coke. I would never hurt them, but I try to avoid them at all cost. Just like Valjean and Javert, there is nothing on Earth that we share. I once was on a train and some sorWHORity girls got on, so I left me seat and went to another compartment, even though there was only standing room there. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Think about it, to sorWHORity girls, I'm just a lowly GDI (god-damned independent, someone whose daddy didn't buy them Greek-letter friends), not worthy of being pissed on if I were on fire, but to Dr. Verwoerd, I would be a superior person by virtue of being White. Is it any wonder that I would prefer the system that would lift me up over the system full of stuck-up mindless conformist toilets who use their talent to dig me under and make me feel like dirt?

As YE said on his magnum opus 808s & Heartbreak "I'm just not there, life's just not fair, life's just not fair". My dad had no right to prevent my from joining a frat. I bet if I had joined I would have been cool and popular instead of a shut-in loser like I was. Fucking bullshit cocksucker bitch cunt toilet used public urinal foid POS sleazy sorWHORity slut skank pussy-ass bitch.

My former oneitis (I haven't had a oneitis since 2017) joined a sorWHORity in college (we went to different colleges, I went to the University of *********** and she went to a school in Commiefornia). But nowadays, I completely hate her. She had a nice rack, but she revealed her character as a disgusting slut hoebag used public urinal bitch, and now I regret ever being attracted to her. It's been 6 years since I had a oneitis, and I will not allow myself to catch feelings for a foid ever again, for the same reason a Holocaust survivor wouldn't let themselves catch feelings for a NAZI.

The entire point of sorWHORities is to be exclusive and exclusionary, if they accepted anyone, then they would serve no purpose. They are just there so spoiled little rich daddy girls can buy friends and feel better than everyone else. One slut I know in high school had her daddy caught up in a #MeToo scandal, but she herself was constantly flapping her cocksucking lips about #MeToo garbage. LOL Apartheid is also exclusionary, but Apartheid is exclusionary in order to preserve Western Civilization. SorWHORity girls are exclusionary in order to be stupid drunking cunt whore bitches who lack feminine virtue.

So no, I don't feel bad about supporting Apartheid even though it is exclusionary, when sorWHORity girls are just as exclusionary, it just bothers me when they try to act as if they have the moral high ground over me, speaking of the high ground, this GIF describes how I feel about sorWHORity girls:


I hate how sorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, they think their shit doesn't stink, but they are Mrs. P-U, and I see them in my nightmares, but how did they get there? At least guys like me know we're mean. SorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, like "oooh gurrrrl let's get wasted and suck some Chad's cocks teeheehee I would never fuck a lowly GDI. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Although they went to different schools, they played the game by the self-same rules, that's what I think, although the ref may not agree. I don't even want to ascend any more because of how angry I am at attractive popular girls. I just want to lay down and rot, I give up. Even if I could ascend, being circumcised (and thus missing 70% of the nerves/sensitivity/pleasure in my penis because Dr. Mutilator wanted some easy money and my parents were too cucked and normie to look out for me) means I'd never really enjoy the sex and my formative years being spent as a chubby awkward incel means I would always resent attractive popular foids even if I was able to ascend and make them want me. I've just given up. Alcohol is the only good thing left in my life. Don't worry, I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just going to keep drinking and not aspiring to anything else in life.

Recently some leftists have being calling to abolish Greek life (sorWHORities and fraternities), because they think it's bad that they are mostly full of rich White people and they think it reinforces patriarchy or whatever. I don't care about that, I hate them for other reasons (they excluded me, a White man from a good family from their events because my dad didn't let me join a frat because he was worried I would take advantage of drunk girls, which is a stupid thing to care about because it's not his daughter, but I already made it clear also that I would never do anything illegal, and they are slutty, promiscuous, mindless sheeple conformists who lack feminine virtue and care more about drinking, partying, and fucking than about their studies, to be fair, I didn't care about my studies either), fuck college in the ASS, MOUTH, and CUNT, I especially hate the University of ***********, I hated every gorillisecond that I wasted there.

Oh, wow, so impressive, your rich daddy bought you friends that you had to get hazed (through illegal acts of sexual assault [KEEP IN MIND I HAVE NEVER ASSAULTED ANYONE OR COMMITTED ANY CRIMES BEYOND UNDERAGE DRINKING, SO ACTUALLY I HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND HERE] that should have landed your slutty skank bitch ass in prison with men with many tattoos and questionable citizenship) to socialize with, it's no fair I never got to be fucking hazed, to actually be bonded by trauma into a group with an unshakeable bond, I never got anything out of all my trauma growing up as the awkward chubby kid with strict overbearing parents, so no, I don't care at all if others are discriminated against, I didn't get what I wanted out of life, why would I care if others also don't get what they want out of life. At least in an Apartheid state I would have some social status by virtue of being a White male.

Here's an example of sorWHORity girls sexually assaulting men during hazing, this bitch is still on Quora, feel free to go give her shit if you'd like, not that I'm suggesting anything, nor would I ever ;)

Foto no exif

As I have made clear, I hate sorWHORities, yet despite all this, I don't seek to abolish Greek life. Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And abolishing Greek life definitely won't make me any happier, since it won't change the fact that I didn't get to be part of it and most of my peers (and my brother and sister) did. It just ruins it for the next generation, and while I don't give a shit about the next generation, I'm only willing to side with the left if it makes people I actually hate hurt and angry inside. I don't hate the next generation, I just DGAF about them whatsoever, whereas I actively despise the left, in fact, I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, in part because the left played a big role in the destruction of Western Civilization in South Africa. Dr. Verwoerd was murdered in cold blood by a radical leftist quadroon POS. Dr. Verwoerd had a family who loved him and a country who needed him, and it wasn't fair that Tsafendas murdered him in cold blood. Tsafendas thankfully spent the rest of his life in prison, and I have not one shred of doubt that Tsafendas is currently burning in Hell for all eternity.

I said I loved Apartheid, but I lied, because this is more than love I feel inside.
I said I loved Apartheid, but I was wrong, because love could never ever feel so strong.

If you are okay with sorWHORity girls, you have no right to criticize Senator Strom Thurmond. (RIP) He discriminated against the blacks just like sorWHORities discriminate against guys like us, but at least he was willing to have sex with the blacks, whereas no sorWHORity girl would ever fuck a guy like me, but I'm actually okay with it because I hate them so much at this point that the thought of sleeping with them makes me physically nauseous, it's like asking a Holocaust survivor to sleep with a Nazi, and I hate sorWHORity girls more than I hate a Nazi. Just remember, if the misogynist (like me) didn't exist, the feminist would create him.

Star Wars is mostly a stupid nerd cuck movie series, but I love the scene where Darth Anakin Vader Ginsburg gets burned because I feel like life has been burning me since the day I was first born onto this fucking worthless miserable little planet. Here's a GIF that describes my feelings.



You spoiled little L.A. girl
You're just an L.A. girl
You need to stop it now

Oh, you're kidding me
You must be joking
Or you are smoking
Oh, oh, you're kidding me
Oh, you're kidding me
Haha, that was a good one
Your first good one in a while
You need to stop it now​

PS: IT cannot touch this thread because there is no rebuttal to this. Everything I said here is 100% factual, so them trying to rebut this would be like them trying to say the Earth is flat. IT users are complete retards and most of them are dirty whores like that skank bitch Princess Kitty (fuck you bitch, in case you read this, I hate you you stupid cunt whore you are worthless and your parents must be ashamed to have a dirty whore urinal cunt for a daughter), but even if they were all geniuses, they couldn't rebut this because there is no rebuttal to the truth. I got so drunk so that I could connect with the truth on the deepest possible level.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Last edited:
In this text, the author begins by dedicating the thread to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and expresses strong feelings against sorority girls. The author clarifies that their expression is a form of venting and disavows any intention to harm or commit crimes against sorority girls. They also express gratitude to Dr. Verwoerd for his role in creating Apartheid.

The author recounts an incident where a sorority girl criticized President Trump, highlighting the irony that sororities are exclusive by nature. The author questions the sorority girl's moral stance on inclusivity given her membership in an exclusive group. They also express frustration with her discussion of mental health and ADHD, given her privileged position.

The author asserts their unwillingness to let the sorority girl affect their life and mentions a past election outcome. They emphasize the incompatibility between incel and sorority cultures and recall a former attraction that has now turned to regret.

The text concludes with a comparison between sororities and Apartheid in terms of exclusivity, and the author expresses their lack of guilt in supporting Apartheid when sororities also practice exclusivity.
Everyone will read every single word
Crystal Ball GIF by Fall Out Boy
In this text, the author begins by dedicating the thread to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and expresses strong feelings against sorority girls. The author clarifies that their expression is a form of venting and disavows any intention to harm or commit crimes against sorority girls. They also express gratitude to Dr. Verwoerd for his role in creating Apartheid.

The author recounts an incident where a sorority girl criticized President Trump, highlighting the irony that sororities are exclusive by nature. The author questions the sorority girl's moral stance on inclusivity given her membership in an exclusive group. They also express frustration with her discussion of mental health and ADHD, given her privileged position.

The author asserts their unwillingness to let the sorority girl affect their life and mentions a past election outcome. They emphasize the incompatibility between incel and sorority cultures and recall a former attraction that has now turned to regret.

The text concludes with a comparison between sororities and Apartheid in terms of exclusivity, and the author expresses their lack of guilt in supporting Apartheid when sororities also practice exclusivity.
Nice ChatGPT bro

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Nice ChatGPT bro

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
yep just used it to summarize your text
yep just used it to summarize your text

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
i read the whole thing. tldr: sorority girls are bad for the known reasons and more. also he likes apartheid.

based pfp though. i have a rhodie flag in my room and even got in touch with a vet or a vets son or something buying a pin off ebay. sent me a issue of rhodesians worldwide
In this text, the author begins by dedicating the thread to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and expresses strong feelings against sorority girls. The author clarifies that their expression is a form of venting and disavows any intention to harm or commit crimes against sorority girls. They also express gratitude to Dr. Verwoerd for his role in creating Apartheid.

The author recounts an incident where a sorority girl criticized President Trump, highlighting the irony that sororities are exclusive by nature. The author questions the sorority girl's moral stance on inclusivity given her membership in an exclusive group. They also express frustration with her discussion of mental health and ADHD, given her privileged position.

The author asserts their unwillingness to let the sorority girl affect their life and mentions a past election outcome. They emphasize the incompatibility between incel and sorority cultures and recall a former attraction that has now turned to regret.

The text concludes with a comparison between sororities and Apartheid in terms of exclusivity, and the author expresses their lack of guilt in supporting Apartheid when sororities also practice exclusivity.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
i read the whole thing. tldr: sorority girls are bad for the known reasons and more. also he likes apartheid.

based pfp though. i have a rhodie flag in my room and even got in touch with a vet or a vets son or something buying a pin off ebay. sent me a issue of rhodesians worldwide
Based as fuck- I love Rhodesia also.
Based as fuck- I love Rhodesia also.
I did a presentation in a class last year about the bush war and had most of the class agreeing that Rhodesia was right by the end of it :feelzez:
i read the whole thing. tldr: sorority girls are bad for the known reasons and more. also he likes apartheid.

based pfp though. i have a rhodie flag in my room and even got in touch with a vet or a vets son or something buying a pin off ebay. sent me a issue of rhodesians worldwide
Thanks! I'd love to get a Rhodie flag but I'm a NEET and I still live with my parents and they would yell at me and probably confiscate it if I did.
Based as fuck- I love Rhodesia also.
Thanks! Rhodesia is a million times better than Shitbabwe will ever be.

I did a presentation in a class last year about the bush war and had most of the class agreeing that Rhodesia was right by the end of it :feelzez:
That's awesome! If you email John Edmond, he usually responds, or at least he did when I emailed him a couple of years ago. Nice guy, I love his Troopiesongs.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
You coud just write that you hate whores from unis. Either way, an interesting post
In this text, the author begins by dedicating the thread to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and expresses strong feelings against sorority girls. The author clarifies that their expression is a form of venting and disavows any intention to harm or commit crimes against sorority girls. They also express gratitude to Dr. Verwoerd for his role in creating Apartheid.

The author recounts an incident where a sorority girl criticized President Trump, highlighting the irony that sororities are exclusive by nature. The author questions the sorority girl's moral stance on inclusivity given her membership in an exclusive group. They also express frustration with her discussion of mental health and ADHD, given her privileged position.

The author asserts their unwillingness to let the sorority girl affect their life and mentions a past election outcome. They emphasize the incompatibility between incel and sorority cultures and recall a former attraction that has now turned to regret.

The text concludes with a comparison between sororities and Apartheid in terms of exclusivity, and the author expresses their lack of guilt in supporting Apartheid when sororities also practice exclusivity.
Long winded but based nonetheless
Started reading but then realised it was a novella and went to Youtube.
IT will touch this because everyone knows you repost all your drivel there
based if only niggers appreciated what whites did to them
Rhodesia was much better for blacks than any modern majority black country or even community: Rhodesia was segregated, but it took care of all its peoples regardless of race, blacks lived in decent communities, etc.

Now modern day (((Zimbabwe))) lacks any kind of solid living standards, has sky-high inflation, and has food shortages since they forced out all the White farmers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1720spO4yQ

@B/W muttcel
Rhodesia was much better for blacks than any modern majority black country or even community: Rhodesia was segregated, but it took care of all its peoples regardless of race, blacks lived in decent communities, etc.

Now modern day (((Zimbabwe))) lacks any kind of solid living standards, has sky-high inflation, and has food shortages since they forced out all the White farmers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1720spO4yQ

@B/W muttcel


and yeah I do agree Rhodesia was 20x better than any nigger built country.

by the way my pisscord account got disabled
Honestly I agree with putting white people in power in Africa for the sole purpose of development and better living for people cause blacks cannot run their own countries it seems. I just disagree with segregating the races completely because whites will obviously have better facilities in comparison to the other races, doesn't mean I stand for affirmative action or any handouts, you need to show that you're worthy of being in good facilities. would want to give everyone equal opportunity.
Based realist rationalist
Dnd read shut the fuck up gentile
Fucking id rape that sorowhority slut until her vagina bleeding
Dnd read shut the fuck up gentile
Fucking id rape that sorowhority slut until her vagina bleeding
Fucking bullshit cocksucker bitch cunt toilet used public urinal foid POS sleazy sorWHORity slut skank pussy-ass bitch.
She had a nice rack, but she revealed her character as a disgusting slut hoebag used public urinal bitch, and now I regret ever being attracted to her.

I'm still a bit confused. Are you saying you don't like sorority girls?
It's so ironic when they talk about inclusivity while not including us in their hooking up
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

I also would like to make it very clear to anyone reading this that I am venting, and that while I absolutely despise sorWHORity girls, the most I will ever do is rant about them on the internet. I am a law-abiding man, so I would never harm them or commit any crime, and most importantly, I would like to say thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid. Thank you cheap brandy, I could not make it through the day without you.

When President Trump was running in 2016, a sorWHORity girl who didn't even go to my school (University of ***********) tried to lecture me on Fakebook about Trump being sexist and racist, and about how she hates Trump because she wants everyone to feel welcome and included in America. (I knew this female from high school) Well, bitch, the whole entire point of sorWHORities is that it's exclusive and exclusionary, and not everyone is included. If they allowed everyone in, they would have no purpose, just like if everyone could get listed in the Social Register, it would have no purpose. Someone who chose to join a group centered around exclusion has no right to judge me for being exclusionary. I am proud of being exclusionary, but I don't pretend to be some super-empath who wants to be good to everyone. No, I hate this shithole world and everyone in it and I vote for whichever candidate will cause the most people to feel hurt and angry inside, because I am hurt and angry inside and I want everyone else to feel the same way. A sorWHORity girl would never date a guy like me, or even hook up with a guy like me, but that's okay, because I hate them so much that the thought of fucking them makes me want to puke.

This is the hate that hate produced, sorWHORity girls made me hate them with their own actions. Let's look at Paul Stanley from KISS, who grew up as an incel (chubby awkward kid with one ear - growing up insecure with low self-esteem fucks you up psychologically for life) and ascended through rock and roll, even normies admit his music has incel vibes to it, and he wrote lyrics like "girl you want me to cry, feel like I want to die, girl you want me to plead, feel the thrill of my need, girl you want me to bed, wish to Hell I was dead, 'cause you love me to hate you, and the more that I hate you, I love you"

Normies admitting Paul Stanley writes incel-ish music (sadly I was banned from reddit for posting extreme hate speech and any new accounts I make get banned within 2-3 days, so I can't contribute to any conversations there):
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/KISS/comments/j5etg1/paul_stanley_is_insecure_and_mad_at_women/

The weird thing is that she actually seemed kind, intelligent, and empathetic (by foid standards, to be fair, which is a pretty low bar given that most foids are completely psychopathic when it comes to men who aren't Chads. Even I am not a psychopath or even a sociopath. I have some sociopathic traits [a result of being shitted on by the world my entire life and toughening up as a defense mechanism] but I'm not even a full-blown sociopath. I'm more sociopathic than the average person, but I don't even qualify as a borderline sociopath, unfortunately). She even talked shit about everyone having a valuable perspective (which is the same shit YE [aka Kanye West] said on InfoWars, but because he's not a sorWHORity girl, he was chastised for it) But when she chose to join a sorWHORity, she revealed her true character as a mindless plastic conformist spoiled rich bitch who loves being exclusionary, which I wouldn't care about if she didn't try to put herself above me morally. She talked about people having a kind heart, but what would she know? A sorWHORity girl wouldn't know love if it knocked down her door. She wouldn't know it now, she never knew it before, if it feel in her hands from the heavens above, she wouldn't know love.

She even bitched on social media about her mental health, and about how she felt depressed and had ADHD, and how if she wrote a memoir she would talk about how her troubles are actually. First of all, females can't have ADHD, just like hemophilia, it's a men-only disease. I was falsely accused of having ADHD by a, I'm not going to say what religion, what people, doctor. We all know I can't say that. Second of all, bitch, what do you have to feel depressed about? You're attractive and popular, a member of a sorWHORity, you can get laid whenever you want, what the fuck are you depressed about? It makes me so mad because I actually have shit to be depressed about, yet I have never identified as depressed or gotten diagnosed, although I probably could get diagnosed as at least mildly depressed if I actually went to a psychotherapist, but I don't trust them because they are PyschoTheRapist.

She also talked shit about making sure to include all TOILET SLUTS (she used the euphemism "women") in activism, but bitch, come on, you showed your true colors years ago. You don't get to claim to be inclusive now when you joined a group dedicated to being exclusionary. Everyone is, as far as I'm concerned, the worst thing they have ever done. The worst thing I have ever done is underage drinking (I'm 26 now, so past the statute of limitations for underage drinking, so I cannot get in trouble for admitting this). I don't care about others being exclusionary except if they judge me for being exclusionary and try to claim the moral high ground above me because of it. If this female had just accepted my love of President Trump (who will get his rightful position back on January 20, 2025 and send Sleepy Joe Brandon back to the dementia care facility and he can visit his crackhead son Hunter aka CUNTer in rehab) and not judged me for it, I would not be writing this post today.

How can I now allow this bitch to hold dominion over me as I stare into the void of a sorWHORity world? Answer: I won't, so she can't. She belittled me and laughed at me for supporting Trump, but she was the one crying on Election Day as I laughed my ass off. What goes around, goes around, goes around comes all the way back around. PS: she have a really nice ass. I wonder if she likes anal.

Incels and sorWHORity girls are incompatible, just like Mentos and Diet Coke. I would never hurt them, but I try to avoid them at all cost. Just like Valjean and Javert, there is nothing on Earth that we share. I once was on a train and some sorWHORity girls got on, so I left me seat and went to another compartment, even though there was only standing room there. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Think about it, to sorWHORity girls, I'm just a lowly GDI (god-damned independent, someone whose daddy didn't buy them Greek-letter friends), not worthy of being pissed on if I were on fire, but to Dr. Verwoerd, I would be a superior person by virtue of being White. Is it any wonder that I would prefer the system that would lift me up over the system full of stuck-up mindless conformist toilets who use their talent to dig me under and make me feel like dirt?

As YE said on his magnum opus 808s & Heartbreak "I'm just not there, life's just not fair, life's just not fair". My dad had no right to prevent my from joining a frat. I bet if I had joined I would have been cool and popular instead of a shut-in loser like I was. Fucking bullshit cocksucker bitch cunt toilet used public urinal foid POS sleazy sorWHORity slut skank pussy-ass bitch.

My former oneitis (I haven't had a oneitis since 2017) joined a sorWHORity in college (we went to different colleges, I went to the University of *********** and she went to a school in Commiefornia). But nowadays, I completely hate her. She had a nice rack, but she revealed her character as a disgusting slut hoebag used public urinal bitch, and now I regret ever being attracted to her. It's been 6 years since I had a oneitis, and I will not allow myself to catch feelings for a foid ever again, for the same reason a Holocaust survivor wouldn't let themselves catch feelings for a NAZI.

The entire point of sorWHORities is to be exclusive and exclusionary, if they accepted anyone, then they would serve no purpose. They are just there so spoiled little rich daddy girls can buy friends and feel better than everyone else. One slut I know in high school had her daddy caught up in a #MeToo scandal, but she herself was constantly flapping her cocksucking lips about #MeToo garbage. LOL Apartheid is also exclusionary, but Apartheid is exclusionary in order to preserve Western Civilization. SorWHORity girls are exclusionary in order to be stupid drunking cunt whore bitches who lack feminine virtue.

So no, I don't feel bad about supporting Apartheid even though it is exclusionary, when sorWHORity girls are just as exclusionary, it just bothers me when they try to act as if they have the moral high ground over me, speaking of the high ground, this GIF describes how I feel about sorWHORity girls:


I hate how sorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, they think their shit doesn't stink, but they are Mrs. P-U, and I see them in my nightmares, but how did they get there? At least guys like me know we're mean. SorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, like "oooh gurrrrl let's get wasted and suck some Chad's cocks teeheehee I would never fuck a lowly GDI. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Although they went to different schools, they played the game by the self-same rules, that's what I think, although the ref may not agree. I don't even want to ascend any more because of how angry I am at attractive popular girls. I just want to lay down and rot, I give up. Even if I could ascend, being circumcised (and thus missing 70% of the nerves/sensitivity/pleasure in my penis because Dr. Mutilator wanted some easy money and my parents were too cucked and normie to look out for me) means I'd never really enjoy the sex and my formative years being spent as a chubby awkward incel means I would always resent attractive popular foids even if I was able to ascend and make them want me. I've just given up. Alcohol is the only good thing left in my life. Don't worry, I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just going to keep drinking and not aspiring to anything else in life.

Recently some leftists have being calling to abolish Greek life (sorWHORities and fraternities), because they think it's bad that they are mostly full of rich White people and they think it reinforces patriarchy or whatever. I don't care about that, I hate them for other reasons (they excluded me, a White man from a good family from their events because my dad didn't let me join a frat because he was worried I would take advantage of drunk girls, which is a stupid thing to care about because it's not his daughter, but I already made it clear also that I would never do anything illegal, and they are slutty, promiscuous, mindless sheeple conformists who lack feminine virtue and care more about drinking, partying, and fucking than about their studies, to be fair, I didn't care about my studies either), fuck college in the ASS, MOUTH, and CUNT, I especially hate the University of ***********, I hated every gorillisecond that I wasted there.

Oh, wow, so impressive, your rich daddy bought you friends that you had to get hazed (through illegal acts of sexual assault [KEEP IN MIND I HAVE NEVER ASSAULTED ANYONE OR COMMITTED ANY CRIMES BEYOND UNDERAGE DRINKING, SO ACTUALLY I HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND HERE] that should have landed your slutty skank bitch ass in prison with men with many tattoos and questionable citizenship) to socialize with, it's no fair I never got to be fucking hazed, to actually be bonded by trauma into a group with an unshakeable bond, I never got anything out of all my trauma growing up as the awkward chubby kid with strict overbearing parents, so no, I don't care at all if others are discriminated against, I didn't get what I wanted out of life, why would I care if others also don't get what they want out of life. At least in an Apartheid state I would have some social status by virtue of being a White male.

Here's an example of sorWHORity girls sexually assaulting men during hazing, this bitch is still on Quora, feel free to go give her shit if you'd like, not that I'm suggesting anything, nor would I ever ;)

As I have made clear, I hate sorWHORities, yet despite all this, I don't seek to abolish Greek life. Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And abolishing Greek life definitely won't make me any happier, since it won't change the fact that I didn't get to be part of it and most of my peers (and my brother and sister) did. It just ruins it for the next generation, and while I don't give a shit about the next generation, I'm only willing to side with the left if it makes people I actually hate hurt and angry inside. I don't hate the next generation, I just DGAF about them whatsoever, whereas I actively despise the left, in fact, I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, in part because the left played a big role in the destruction of Western Civilization in South Africa. Dr. Verwoerd was murdered in cold blood by a radical leftist quadroon POS. Dr. Verwoerd had a family who loved him and a country who needed him, and it wasn't fair that Tsafendas murdered him in cold blood. Tsafendas thankfully spent the rest of his life in prison, and I have not one shred of doubt that Tsafendas is currently burning in Hell for all eternity.

I said I loved Apartheid, but I lied, because this is more than love I feel inside.
I said I loved Apartheid, but I was wrong, because love could never ever feel so strong.

If you are okay with sorWHORity girls, you have no right to criticize Senator Strom Thurmond. (RIP) He discriminated against the blacks just like sorWHORities discriminate against guys like us, but at least he was willing to have sex with the blacks, whereas no sorWHORity girl would ever fuck a guy like me, but I'm actually okay with it because I hate them so much at this point that the thought of sleeping with them makes me physically nauseous, it's like asking a Holocaust survivor to sleep with a Nazi, and I hate sorWHORity girls more than I hate a Nazi. Just remember, if the misogynist (like me) didn't exist, the feminist would create him.

Star Wars is mostly a stupid nerd cuck movie series, but I love the scene where Darth Anakin Vader Ginsburg gets burned because I feel like life has been burning me since the day I was first born onto this fucking worthless miserable little planet. Here's a GIF that describes my feelings.



You spoiled little L.A. girl
You're just an L.A. girl
You need to stop it now

Oh, you're kidding me
You must be joking
Or you are smoking
Oh, oh, you're kidding me
Oh, you're kidding me
Haha, that was a good one
Your first good one in a while
You need to stop it now​

PS: IT cannot touch this thread because there is no rebuttal to this. Everything I said here is 100% factual, so them trying to rebut this would be like them trying to say the Earth is flat. IT users are complete retards and most of them are dirty whores like that skank bitch Princess Kitty (fuck you bitch, in case you read this, I hate you you stupid cunt whore you are worthless and your parents must be ashamed to have a dirty whore urinal cunt for a daughter), but even if they were all geniuses, they couldn't rebut this because there is no rebuttal to the truth. I got so drunk so that I could connect with the truth on the deepest possible level.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.

Report her for anti sémitisme
In this text, the author begins by dedicating the thread to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and expresses strong feelings against sorority girls. The author clarifies that their expression is a form of venting and disavows any intention to harm or commit crimes against sorority girls. They also express gratitude to Dr. Verwoerd for his role in creating Apartheid.

The author recounts an incident where a sorority girl criticized President Trump, highlighting the irony that sororities are exclusive by nature. The author questions the sorority girl's moral stance on inclusivity given her membership in an exclusive group. They also express frustration with her discussion of mental health and ADHD, given her privileged position.

The author asserts their unwillingness to let the sorority girl affect their life and mentions a past election outcome. They emphasize the incompatibility between incel and sorority cultures and recall a former attraction that has now turned to regret.

The text concludes with a comparison between sororities and Apartheid in terms of exclusivity, and the author expresses their lack of guilt in supporting Apartheid when sororities also practice exclusivity.
Never began for my goldfish attention span
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

I also would like to make it very clear to anyone reading this that I am venting, and that while I absolutely despise sorWHORity girls, the most I will ever do is rant about them on the internet. I am a law-abiding man, so I would never harm them or commit any crime, and most importantly, I would like to say thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid. Thank you cheap brandy, I could not make it through the day without you.

When President Trump was running in 2016, a sorWHORity girl who didn't even go to my school (University of ***********) tried to lecture me on Fakebook about Trump being sexist and racist, and about how she hates Trump because she wants everyone to feel welcome and included in America. (I knew this female from high school) Well, bitch, the whole entire point of sorWHORities is that it's exclusive and exclusionary, and not everyone is included. If they allowed everyone in, they would have no purpose, just like if everyone could get listed in the Social Register, it would have no purpose. Someone who chose to join a group centered around exclusion has no right to judge me for being exclusionary. I am proud of being exclusionary, but I don't pretend to be some super-empath who wants to be good to everyone. No, I hate this shithole world and everyone in it and I vote for whichever candidate will cause the most people to feel hurt and angry inside, because I am hurt and angry inside and I want everyone else to feel the same way. A sorWHORity girl would never date a guy like me, or even hook up with a guy like me, but that's okay, because I hate them so much that the thought of fucking them makes me want to puke.

This is the hate that hate produced, sorWHORity girls made me hate them with their own actions. Let's look at Paul Stanley from KISS, who grew up as an incel (chubby awkward kid with one ear - growing up insecure with low self-esteem fucks you up psychologically for life) and ascended through rock and roll, even normies admit his music has incel vibes to it, and he wrote lyrics like "girl you want me to cry, feel like I want to die, girl you want me to plead, feel the thrill of my need, girl you want me to bed, wish to Hell I was dead, 'cause you love me to hate you, and the more that I hate you, I love you"

Normies admitting Paul Stanley writes incel-ish music (sadly I was banned from reddit for posting extreme hate speech and any new accounts I make get banned within 2-3 days, so I can't contribute to any conversations there):
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/KISS/comments/j5etg1/paul_stanley_is_insecure_and_mad_at_women/

The weird thing is that she actually seemed kind, intelligent, and empathetic (by foid standards, to be fair, which is a pretty low bar given that most foids are completely psychopathic when it comes to men who aren't Chads. Even I am not a psychopath or even a sociopath. I have some sociopathic traits [a result of being shitted on by the world my entire life and toughening up as a defense mechanism] but I'm not even a full-blown sociopath. I'm more sociopathic than the average person, but I don't even qualify as a borderline sociopath, unfortunately). She even talked shit about everyone having a valuable perspective (which is the same shit YE [aka Kanye West] said on InfoWars, but because he's not a sorWHORity girl, he was chastised for it) But when she chose to join a sorWHORity, she revealed her true character as a mindless plastic conformist spoiled rich bitch who loves being exclusionary, which I wouldn't care about if she didn't try to put herself above me morally. She talked about people having a kind heart, but what would she know? A sorWHORity girl wouldn't know love if it knocked down her door. She wouldn't know it now, she never knew it before, if it feel in her hands from the heavens above, she wouldn't know love.

She even bitched on social media about her mental health, and about how she felt depressed and had ADHD, and how if she wrote a memoir she would talk about how her troubles are actually. First of all, females can't have ADHD, just like hemophilia, it's a men-only disease. I was falsely accused of having ADHD by a, I'm not going to say what religion, what people, doctor. We all know I can't say that. Second of all, bitch, what do you have to feel depressed about? You're attractive and popular, a member of a sorWHORity, you can get laid whenever you want, what the fuck are you depressed about? It makes me so mad because I actually have shit to be depressed about, yet I have never identified as depressed or gotten diagnosed, although I probably could get diagnosed as at least mildly depressed if I actually went to a psychotherapist, but I don't trust them because they are PyschoTheRapist.

She also talked shit about making sure to include all TOILET SLUTS (she used the euphemism "women") in activism, but bitch, come on, you showed your true colors years ago. You don't get to claim to be inclusive now when you joined a group dedicated to being exclusionary. Everyone is, as far as I'm concerned, the worst thing they have ever done. The worst thing I have ever done is underage drinking (I'm 26 now, so past the statute of limitations for underage drinking, so I cannot get in trouble for admitting this). I don't care about others being exclusionary except if they judge me for being exclusionary and try to claim the moral high ground above me because of it. If this female had just accepted my love of President Trump (who will get his rightful position back on January 20, 2025 and send Sleepy Joe Brandon back to the dementia care facility and he can visit his crackhead son Hunter aka CUNTer in rehab) and not judged me for it, I would not be writing this post today.

How can I now allow this bitch to hold dominion over me as I stare into the void of a sorWHORity world? Answer: I won't, so she can't. She belittled me and laughed at me for supporting Trump, but she was the one crying on Election Day as I laughed my ass off. What goes around, goes around, goes around comes all the way back around. PS: she have a really nice ass. I wonder if she likes anal.

Incels and sorWHORity girls are incompatible, just like Mentos and Diet Coke. I would never hurt them, but I try to avoid them at all cost. Just like Valjean and Javert, there is nothing on Earth that we share. I once was on a train and some sorWHORity girls got on, so I left me seat and went to another compartment, even though there was only standing room there. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Think about it, to sorWHORity girls, I'm just a lowly GDI (god-damned independent, someone whose daddy didn't buy them Greek-letter friends), not worthy of being pissed on if I were on fire, but to Dr. Verwoerd, I would be a superior person by virtue of being White. Is it any wonder that I would prefer the system that would lift me up over the system full of stuck-up mindless conformist toilets who use their talent to dig me under and make me feel like dirt?

As YE said on his magnum opus 808s & Heartbreak "I'm just not there, life's just not fair, life's just not fair". My dad had no right to prevent my from joining a frat. I bet if I had joined I would have been cool and popular instead of a shut-in loser like I was. Fucking bullshit cocksucker bitch cunt toilet used public urinal foid POS sleazy sorWHORity slut skank pussy-ass bitch.

My former oneitis (I haven't had a oneitis since 2017) joined a sorWHORity in college (we went to different colleges, I went to the University of *********** and she went to a school in Commiefornia). But nowadays, I completely hate her. She had a nice rack, but she revealed her character as a disgusting slut hoebag used public urinal bitch, and now I regret ever being attracted to her. It's been 6 years since I had a oneitis, and I will not allow myself to catch feelings for a foid ever again, for the same reason a Holocaust survivor wouldn't let themselves catch feelings for a NAZI.

The entire point of sorWHORities is to be exclusive and exclusionary, if they accepted anyone, then they would serve no purpose. They are just there so spoiled little rich daddy girls can buy friends and feel better than everyone else. One slut I know in high school had her daddy caught up in a #MeToo scandal, but she herself was constantly flapping her cocksucking lips about #MeToo garbage. LOL Apartheid is also exclusionary, but Apartheid is exclusionary in order to preserve Western Civilization. SorWHORity girls are exclusionary in order to be stupid drunking cunt whore bitches who lack feminine virtue.

So no, I don't feel bad about supporting Apartheid even though it is exclusionary, when sorWHORity girls are just as exclusionary, it just bothers me when they try to act as if they have the moral high ground over me, speaking of the high ground, this GIF describes how I feel about sorWHORity girls:


I hate how sorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, they think their shit doesn't stink, but they are Mrs. P-U, and I see them in my nightmares, but how did they get there? At least guys like me know we're mean. SorWHORity girls try to act so innocent, like "oooh gurrrrl let's get wasted and suck some Chad's cocks teeheehee I would never fuck a lowly GDI. I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, but I love Dr. Verwoerd, and I love Apartheid. Although they went to different schools, they played the game by the self-same rules, that's what I think, although the ref may not agree. I don't even want to ascend any more because of how angry I am at attractive popular girls. I just want to lay down and rot, I give up. Even if I could ascend, being circumcised (and thus missing 70% of the nerves/sensitivity/pleasure in my penis because Dr. Mutilator wanted some easy money and my parents were too cucked and normie to look out for me) means I'd never really enjoy the sex and my formative years being spent as a chubby awkward incel means I would always resent attractive popular foids even if I was able to ascend and make them want me. I've just given up. Alcohol is the only good thing left in my life. Don't worry, I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just going to keep drinking and not aspiring to anything else in life.

Recently some leftists have being calling to abolish Greek life (sorWHORities and fraternities), because they think it's bad that they are mostly full of rich White people and they think it reinforces patriarchy or whatever. I don't care about that, I hate them for other reasons (they excluded me, a White man from a good family from their events because my dad didn't let me join a frat because he was worried I would take advantage of drunk girls, which is a stupid thing to care about because it's not his daughter, but I already made it clear also that I would never do anything illegal, and they are slutty, promiscuous, mindless sheeple conformists who lack feminine virtue and care more about drinking, partying, and fucking than about their studies, to be fair, I didn't care about my studies either), fuck college in the ASS, MOUTH, and CUNT, I especially hate the University of ***********, I hated every gorillisecond that I wasted there.

Oh, wow, so impressive, your rich daddy bought you friends that you had to get hazed (through illegal acts of sexual assault [KEEP IN MIND I HAVE NEVER ASSAULTED ANYONE OR COMMITTED ANY CRIMES BEYOND UNDERAGE DRINKING, SO ACTUALLY I HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND HERE] that should have landed your slutty skank bitch ass in prison with men with many tattoos and questionable citizenship) to socialize with, it's no fair I never got to be fucking hazed, to actually be bonded by trauma into a group with an unshakeable bond, I never got anything out of all my trauma growing up as the awkward chubby kid with strict overbearing parents, so no, I don't care at all if others are discriminated against, I didn't get what I wanted out of life, why would I care if others also don't get what they want out of life. At least in an Apartheid state I would have some social status by virtue of being a White male.

Here's an example of sorWHORity girls sexually assaulting men during hazing, this bitch is still on Quora, feel free to go give her shit if you'd like, not that I'm suggesting anything, nor would I ever ;)

As I have made clear, I hate sorWHORities, yet despite all this, I don't seek to abolish Greek life. Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And abolishing Greek life definitely won't make me any happier, since it won't change the fact that I didn't get to be part of it and most of my peers (and my brother and sister) did. It just ruins it for the next generation, and while I don't give a shit about the next generation, I'm only willing to side with the left if it makes people I actually hate hurt and angry inside. I don't hate the next generation, I just DGAF about them whatsoever, whereas I actively despise the left, in fact, I hate these niggas more than a Nazi, in part because the left played a big role in the destruction of Western Civilization in South Africa. Dr. Verwoerd was murdered in cold blood by a radical leftist quadroon POS. Dr. Verwoerd had a family who loved him and a country who needed him, and it wasn't fair that Tsafendas murdered him in cold blood. Tsafendas thankfully spent the rest of his life in prison, and I have not one shred of doubt that Tsafendas is currently burning in Hell for all eternity.

I said I loved Apartheid, but I lied, because this is more than love I feel inside.
I said I loved Apartheid, but I was wrong, because love could never ever feel so strong.

If you are okay with sorWHORity girls, you have no right to criticize Senator Strom Thurmond. (RIP) He discriminated against the blacks just like sorWHORities discriminate against guys like us, but at least he was willing to have sex with the blacks, whereas no sorWHORity girl would ever fuck a guy like me, but I'm actually okay with it because I hate them so much at this point that the thought of sleeping with them makes me physically nauseous, it's like asking a Holocaust survivor to sleep with a Nazi, and I hate sorWHORity girls more than I hate a Nazi. Just remember, if the misogynist (like me) didn't exist, the feminist would create him.

Star Wars is mostly a stupid nerd cuck movie series, but I love the scene where Darth Anakin Vader Ginsburg gets burned because I feel like life has been burning me since the day I was first born onto this fucking worthless miserable little planet. Here's a GIF that describes my feelings.



You spoiled little L.A. girl
You're just an L.A. girl
You need to stop it now

Oh, you're kidding me
You must be joking
Or you are smoking
Oh, oh, you're kidding me
Oh, you're kidding me
Haha, that was a good one
Your first good one in a while
You need to stop it now​

PS: IT cannot touch this thread because there is no rebuttal to this. Everything I said here is 100% factual, so them trying to rebut this would be like them trying to say the Earth is flat. IT users are complete retards and most of them are dirty whores like that skank bitch Princess Kitty (fuck you bitch, in case you read this, I hate you you stupid cunt whore you are worthless and your parents must be ashamed to have a dirty whore urinal cunt for a daughter), but even if they were all geniuses, they couldn't rebut this because there is no rebuttal to the truth. I got so drunk so that I could connect with the truth on the deepest possible level.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.

I could probably make this into some redpill magic spell and kill foids with it cus of how based it is

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