Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I'm back, because I want to share my unfiltered plan. (I'll accept the ban.)



18 y.o, sub5, nonNT, 5'6, blackcel (Dark Virtue)
May 26, 2024
A little update:
  • I left incels.is
  • I went to looksmax.org
  • I became suicidal because I was getting mockery and humiliation every fucking day of my life
  • I quit looksmax.org
  • I started going to University
  • I started using the University gym
  • I tried to make friends at my University and got 2 instagram's from males.
  • I tried to become a content creator to change the narrative but the Fitx video has a total of 3+ million viewcount and my videos are low quality and shit as of now.
  • I tried to grow the Dark Virtue movement, the discord server has 135 members and my youtube channel has 759 subs so I wasn't larping or capping. Creating an incel ascension movement is literally my life goal like I said, and I'll continue trying to be a content creator to grow the movement.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

The average incel's plan is to be born, rot and live a shitty life, then die. I believe it's realistically possible to change that, because my circumstances and life is likely shittier than yours. I was publically humilated with over 3 million fucking views. I was waiting at the bus stop near the stoplight to go to the gym, and someone rolled down their window, pulled out their phone and took a picture of my face. I was walking to the employment aid center because I want to get a part time job, and 2 girls in their early teens were walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction to me, I had earphones in, one of them said "Hello", I took out my earphone and said "Huh?" then they started laughing off. You would think this shit happens in movies, but it happens in real life.

My life is shit. My circumstances are shit, but I don't want to rot until I die because I fucking hate society and the world.

I'm the only one who's delusional enough to try to solve inceldom, and I believe I'll find a way.

What I believe is God exists. The reason why God put me on this planet and gave me fucking hell, was to grow older and be the one who solves societal problems. I tried hard many times. I tried to make friends, if you saw my "Final Post", you saw I tried to do self improvement many times. If I was taller, attractive,NT, with a Mom and a Dad, I would have been successful by now, but God made me short, ugly, neurodivergent, single mom, and made my life fucking shit.

My life is shit, because I'm the one who's going to make it possible for short people, ugly people, neurodivergents, people with hell and trauma to succeed. That's the only reason why I was born. To be the one who fixes this garbage world. I'm your greatest ally. Because I'm fucking ugly, short, autistic, have a shit family situation, isolation, suicidal, bullied and I was publically humiliated with millions of fucking views, but I still have some delusional level of ambition to still try to succeed. Why the fuck am I still alive? Why the fuck didn't I kill myself? Because the only reason God made me and gave me hell, was to be the one who fixes it all. Any normal person would have killed themselves after being publically humiliated and mocked and laughed at, every single fucking day for months, alongside knowing that the effort I put in meant jackshit because of uncontrollable variables. But the reason I didn't kill myself, was because I know that was the reason I was born. No one is doing fucking jackshit. The feminists talk shit and spread bluepill which helps fucking no one, and the incels rot and don't even try to escape their fucking hell. The world is going to continue to stay the same until someone tries to change it. That someone is me.

So I'm proposing you shouldn't ban me, and you should allow me to be here, because I'm the only one who's trying to find a fucking solution. I have plans for plans. I'm delusional in that I have delusional ambition but I still acknowledge the reality.

But both redpillers and blackpillers are devoid of logic, I'll be called a coper and be banned. Both sides dislike me. The redpillers on my recent videos are too fucking stupid to acknowledge that I'm an ugly person trying to succeed. In one of my tiktok comments, some retard said "You can't be trying to succeed if you still call yourself ugly, you have to deny that you're ugly despite the fact people said it to your fucking face that you're ugly." And blackpillers are like "There's no point of trying to make money because you're still an incel if girls only want to sleep with you for money when I propose that incels should be focused on making money and getting plastic surgery."

Both sides hate me, I'll get banned everywhere. In incel spaces and redpill spaces. That's why I'll be a full time content creator, because I'm serious about trying to change the fate of incels. I'll be banned everywhere so I need to make my own space.

So some of my plans:

My plans in terms of fixing my reputation. The only way to fix my situation is to become a famous content creator who's known as the leader of the incel ascension movement. That sound fucking stupid but let me explain.

Because the recommended advice I got many times was delete all of my social accounts, try to be low profile and try to get Fitx to take down the video. Try to hide.

I can't fucking hide, because I'm wide open. The videos got 3+ million views. It gets reposted and reuploaded by accounts daily. I can't hide that shit. It's like 5 million+ views total. People from my brother's school know, and I have people from the middle school I went to like or follow my accounts. Everyone from my middle school knows. I had like 50+ linkedin profile views where it showed my high school. Everyone from the high school I went to knows. Everyone fucking saw that shit, the video alone not even the clips is at 100k views on youtube. I can't hide that shit, it's fully open. I won't be able to get a job, so I have another plan in terms of the job thing, but back to the point.

If Andrew Tate had no fame, he would only be known as some human trafficker/rapist. Sneako would only be known as a cuck. Mike Tyson would only be known as a rapist. Nick Fuentes would only be known as a gay. But because Andrew Tate has fame and is known as a motivational speaker, it doesn't fucking matter that he has the reputation of a rapist and went to jail 3 times. That would ruin the normal person's life, but because Andrew Tate has fame, no one gives a fuck if he raped girls. He's still a motivational influencer. If people only knew Sneako as some guy who got cucked, that would be Sneako's sole reputation. He would only be known as a cuck. But he's known as an influencer, redpill Muslim, streamer, etc. The same logic applies to me. I can have the reputation of an online humiliation, but as long as I become a full time content creator and get some fame, I'll be known for other things.

If I try to hide, as in I don't go outside, I try to maintain a low profile, that won't work because for 1, I can't hide that video, it's viral as fuck, it will get to at least 10+ million views, and 2, I would only be known as the incel who got publicly humiliated. But if I find a way to become a famous content creator, that kills 4 birds with 1 stone, because 1, everyone saw the FItx plastic surgery video but people will know me as the ugly guy who's jacked, entrepreneur, martial arts, looksmaxxed, so it paints me in a different light, 2, it will grow the incel ascension movement, 3, it will get rid of my social anxiety because if I'm the leader of a movement that will solve problems and I'm talking about all of this shit, I won't be scared of talking to some guy I see on the street, and 4 even if I'm banned everywhere (I'll going to get banned here sooner or later despite literally being the one who's trying to make incels ascend), I'll have my own platforms so people still hear my ideas even if I'm banned everywhere.

My plan isn't to rely on a Job because my reputation is completely fucked, so I have a plan for that. I'll "escape the matrix", by still going to University, but not putting all of my attention on University. In my free time I'll learn sales, marketing, finance, accounting on the side because guys like Brandon Carter, Mark Cuban and Hormozi talk about that, learning content creation, video editing, so learn online skills and try to start an online business somehow in e-com or maybe info-products, investing, trading. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to spend the majority of my day grinding, because I'm going to graduate University and get a Bachelor's degree, but I'm also going to wake up at 5 am, go to the gym, improve my social skills, learn online skills and be a content creator. I'll make the incel asension movement possible, and for looksmaxxing, I'll fully softmax, grow a beard and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty. Because before I wanted to get 5 surgeries, but that's too risky. If I got genioplasty/something for the jaw, it would be risky and I have a higher chance to be botched. My main failos are nose and ears, so I should only focus on nose and ears and beardfraud for my jaw. It's less risky and hardmaxxing more likely to turn out well if I only get rhinoplasty and otoplasty. If I save up money, go to a good surgeon and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time, the result could turn out really good.

The reason why I need to learn online valuable skills and become an entrepreneur is because I can't depend on a Job, and I also want to do things like call out the Jew and speak my mind, but I can't have free speech if I'm working for a job.

I'm going to get a Bachelor's degree just because I don't want to drop out, and my University gym is free anyways. I'll join the boxing club and I'll confront the Fitx situation/reputation loss head on. Because I'm not going to try to hide, I'm going to do the risky position and go fucking public because the Fitx thing is public and viral, there's no point in trying to hide.

My plan for getting banned here or in any other space, is to be a full time content creator with my own spaces so people can still hear my ideas.

My plan to ascend, is moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and getting otoplasty and rhinoplasty.

I will be the one who creates a movement for incels to ascend and it's possible with modern advancements like cosmetic surgery and limb lengthening. I wasn't lying when I said creating the "Dark Virtue" movement is my life goal.

I'm going to keep trying to succeed until I die, and I'll be the one who creates a movement with the goal of solving inceldom until I die. Incels can ascend if they make money and get plastic surgeries. If you're short, get limb lengthening. If you're ugly, hardmax. If you're skinny or a "cutecel", then build muscle and grow a beard, start bulking.

My little brother even respects me now, because he knows I'm serious in my Dark Virtue movement. He sees me taking some action.

Even if I get banned here, or banned everywhere, I will continue trying to grow the movement because it's my life goal.

I want you guys to know my plan now, so there's no surprises. You can decide if you want to ban me or if you want me to stay. I'm probably the only one who gives a fuck if you rot or die, because no one gives a fuck about incels. The world wants you dead, I want to find a way to make incels ascend. Even if I get banned, I'm still going to try to grow the movement on my own platforms. I'm sick of society and want to do something to try to change it.

Consider that I'm the only one who's trying to solve inceldom. The feminists and incels who talk about inceldom all day, none of them are trying to solve inceldom. How the fuck has inceldom not at least tried to be solved? Blacks were marginalized until the Civil rights movement. Even the fags got sick of being hanged and protested. So why the fuck was there no one to help me? Why is there no one trying to make it so ugly people can succeed? We all know short people are heavily marginalized, why has there been no one trying to do something about it? Do short men plan on being removed from the gene pool without a fight?

The plan for incels is:

Be Born An Incel Due To Ugliness, Shortness, nonNT (I'm all of them by the way) --> Rot --> Die

Why has no one tried to change that? I've thought of Elliot Rodger and Retribution, then came to the conclusion that killing a couple attractive people before killing yourself/rotting in jail wouldn't do shit to solve inceldom. So retribution does nothing, there has to be some sort of revolution. Some sort of movement in which incels, uglies, suicidal people, short people can all band together, acknowledge their situation is totally fucked, and try to fix it. I'm going to try to grow a movement based off of incel ascension and make a revolution. Therapy is bullshit, it solves fucking nothing. Depressed and suicidal people continue to rot then kill themselves, incels continue to rot, short people continue to rot. Why not fight for freedom? Why not fight for your rights?

So you can ban a fellow incel who gives a fuck about you, when no one else does, because no one gives a shit whether you rot or kill yourself, or you can consider what I say.

I'll be banned anyways though. There's nothing else to say. That's my plan. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll stay. If I'm kicked out, I'll accept the ban. I don't want to post this because maybe it's a nonNT thing but I highly care about what people say about me and if I get insulted or get called a fag or something it will hurt my feelings, but I have to post this anyways.
I dnr all of it but imo u should never share plans because you will get a high from all the responses and validation u receive but won’t actually go through with it. Move in silence :feelsLSD:
A little update:
  • I left incels.is
  • I went to looksmax.org
  • I became suicidal because I was getting mockery and humiliation every fucking day of my life
  • I quit looksmax.org
  • I started going to University
  • I started using the University gym
  • I tried to make friends at my University and got 2 instagram's from males.
  • I tried to become a content creator to change the narrative but the Fitx video has a total of 3+ million viewcount and my videos are low quality and shit as of now.
  • I tried to grow the Dark Virtue movement, the discord server has 135 members and my youtube channel has 759 subs so I wasn't larping or capping. Creating an incel ascension movement is literally my life goal like I said, and I'll continue trying to be a content creator to grow the movement.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

The average incel's plan is to be born, rot and live a shitty life, then die. I believe it's realistically possible to change that, because my circumstances and life is likely shittier than yours. I was publically humilated with over 3 million fucking views. I was waiting at the bus stop near the stoplight to go to the gym, and someone rolled down their window, pulled out their phone and took a picture of my face. I was walking to the employment aid center because I want to get a part time job, and 2 girls in their early teens were walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction to me, I had earphones in, one of them said "Hello", I took out my earphone and said "Huh?" then they started laughing off. You would think this shit happens in movies, but it happens in real life.

My life is shit. My circumstances are shit, but I don't want to rot until I die because I fucking hate society and the world.

I'm the only one who's delusional enough to try to solve inceldom, and I believe I'll find a way.

What I believe is God exists. The reason why God put me on this planet and gave me fucking hell, was to grow older and be the one who solves societal problems. I tried hard many times. I tried to make friends, if you saw my "Final Post", you saw I tried to do self improvement many times. If I was taller, attractive,NT, with a Mom and a Dad, I would have been successful by now, but God made me short, ugly, neurodivergent, single mom, and made my life fucking shit.

My life is shit, because I'm the one who's going to make it possible for short people, ugly people, neurodivergents, people with hell and trauma to succeed. That's the only reason why I was born. To be the one who fixes this garbage world. I'm your greatest ally. Because I'm fucking ugly, short, autistic, have a shit family situation, isolation, suicidal, bullied and I was publically humiliated with millions of fucking views, but I still have some delusional level of ambition to still try to succeed. Why the fuck am I still alive? Why the fuck didn't I kill myself? Because the only reason God made me and gave me hell, was to be the one who fixes it all. Any normal person would have killed themselves after being publically humiliated and mocked and laughed at, every single fucking day for months, alongside knowing that the effort I put in meant jackshit because of uncontrollable variables. But the reason I didn't kill myself, was because I know that was the reason I was born. No one is doing fucking jackshit. The feminists talk shit and spread bluepill which helps fucking no one, and the incels rot and don't even try to escape their fucking hell. The world is going to continue to stay the same until someone tries to change it. That someone is me.

So I'm proposing you shouldn't ban me, and you should allow me to be here, because I'm the only one who's trying to find a fucking solution. I have plans for plans. I'm delusional in that I have delusional ambition but I still acknowledge the reality.

But both redpillers and blackpillers are devoid of logic, I'll be called a coper and be banned. Both sides dislike me. The redpillers on my recent videos are too fucking stupid to acknowledge that I'm an ugly person trying to succeed. In one of my tiktok comments, some retard said "You can't be trying to succeed if you still call yourself ugly, you have to deny that you're ugly despite the fact people said it to your fucking face that you're ugly." And blackpillers are like "There's no point of trying to make money because you're still an incel if girls only want to sleep with you for money when I propose that incels should be focused on making money and getting plastic surgery."

Both sides hate me, I'll get banned everywhere. In incel spaces and redpill spaces. That's why I'll be a full time content creator, because I'm serious about trying to change the fate of incels. I'll be banned everywhere so I need to make my own space.

So some of my plans:

My plans in terms of fixing my reputation. The only way to fix my situation is to become a famous content creator who's known as the leader of the incel ascension movement. That sound fucking stupid but let me explain.

Because the recommended advice I got many times was delete all of my social accounts, try to be low profile and try to get Fitx to take down the video. Try to hide.

I can't fucking hide, because I'm wide open. The videos got 3+ million views. It gets reposted and reuploaded by accounts daily. I can't hide that shit. It's like 5 million+ views total. People from my brother's school know, and I have people from the middle school I went to like or follow my accounts. Everyone from my middle school knows. I had like 50+ linkedin profile views where it showed my high school. Everyone from the high school I went to knows. Everyone fucking saw that shit, the video alone not even the clips is at 100k views on youtube. I can't hide that shit, it's fully open. I won't be able to get a job, so I have another plan in terms of the job thing, but back to the point.

If Andrew Tate had no fame, he would only be known as some human trafficker/rapist. Sneako would only be known as a cuck. Mike Tyson would only be known as a rapist. Nick Fuentes would only be known as a gay. But because Andrew Tate has fame and is known as a motivational speaker, it doesn't fucking matter that he has the reputation of a rapist and went to jail 3 times. That would ruin the normal person's life, but because Andrew Tate has fame, no one gives a fuck if he raped girls. He's still a motivational influencer. If people only knew Sneako as some guy who got cucked, that would be Sneako's sole reputation. He would only be known as a cuck. But he's known as an influencer, redpill Muslim, streamer, etc. The same logic applies to me. I can have the reputation of an online humiliation, but as long as I become a full time content creator and get some fame, I'll be known for other things.

If I try to hide, as in I don't go outside, I try to maintain a low profile, that won't work because for 1, I can't hide that video, it's viral as fuck, it will get to at least 10+ million views, and 2, I would only be known as the incel who got publicly humiliated. But if I find a way to become a famous content creator, that kills 4 birds with 1 stone, because 1, everyone saw the FItx plastic surgery video but people will know me as the ugly guy who's jacked, entrepreneur, martial arts, looksmaxxed, so it paints me in a different light, 2, it will grow the incel ascension movement, 3, it will get rid of my social anxiety because if I'm the leader of a movement that will solve problems and I'm talking about all of this shit, I won't be scared of talking to some guy I see on the street, and 4 even if I'm banned everywhere (I'll going to get banned here sooner or later despite literally being the one who's trying to make incels ascend), I'll have my own platforms so people still hear my ideas even if I'm banned everywhere.

My plan isn't to rely on a Job because my reputation is completely fucked, so I have a plan for that. I'll "escape the matrix", by still going to University, but not putting all of my attention on University. In my free time I'll learn sales, marketing, finance, accounting on the side because guys like Brandon Carter, Mark Cuban and Hormozi talk about that, learning content creation, video editing, so learn online skills and try to start an online business somehow in e-com or maybe info-products, investing, trading. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to spend the majority of my day grinding, because I'm going to graduate University and get a Bachelor's degree, but I'm also going to wake up at 5 am, go to the gym, improve my social skills, learn online skills and be a content creator. I'll make the incel asension movement possible, and for looksmaxxing, I'll fully softmax, grow a beard and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty. Because before I wanted to get 5 surgeries, but that's too risky. If I got genioplasty/something for the jaw, it would be risky and I have a higher chance to be botched. My main failos are nose and ears, so I should only focus on nose and ears and beardfraud for my jaw. It's less risky and hardmaxxing more likely to turn out well if I only get rhinoplasty and otoplasty. If I save up money, go to a good surgeon and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time, the result could turn out really good.

The reason why I need to learn online valuable skills and become an entrepreneur is because I can't depend on a Job, and I also want to do things like call out the Jew and speak my mind, but I can't have free speech if I'm working for a job.

I'm going to get a Bachelor's degree just because I don't want to drop out, and my University gym is free anyways. I'll join the boxing club and I'll confront the Fitx situation/reputation loss head on. Because I'm not going to try to hide, I'm going to do the risky position and go fucking public because the Fitx thing is public and viral, there's no point in trying to hide.

My plan for getting banned here or in any other space, is to be a full time content creator with my own spaces so people can still hear my ideas.

My plan to ascend, is moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and getting otoplasty and rhinoplasty.

I will be the one who creates a movement for incels to ascend and it's possible with modern advancements like cosmetic surgery and limb lengthening. I wasn't lying when I said creating the "Dark Virtue" movement is my life goal.

I'm going to keep trying to succeed until I die, and I'll be the one who creates a movement with the goal of solving inceldom until I die. Incels can ascend if they make money and get plastic surgeries. If you're short, get limb lengthening. If you're ugly, hardmax. If you're skinny or a "cutecel", then build muscle and grow a beard, start bulking.

My little brother even respects me now, because he knows I'm serious in my Dark Virtue movement. He sees me taking some action.

Even if I get banned here, or banned everywhere, I will continue trying to grow the movement because it's my life goal.

I want you guys to know my plan now, so there's no surprises. You can decide if you want to ban me or if you want me to stay. I'm probably the only one who gives a fuck if you rot or die, because no one gives a fuck about incels. The world wants you dead, I want to find a way to make incels ascend. Even if I get banned, I'm still going to try to grow the movement on my own platforms. I'm sick of society and want to do something to try to change it.

Consider that I'm the only one who's trying to solve inceldom. The feminists and incels who talk about inceldom all day, none of them are trying to solve inceldom. How the fuck has inceldom not at least tried to be solved? Blacks were marginalized until the Civil rights movement. Even the fags got sick of being hanged and protested. So why the fuck was there no one to help me? Why is there no one trying to make it so ugly people can succeed? We all know short people are heavily marginalized, why has there been no one trying to do something about it? Do short men plan on being removed from the gene pool without a fight?

The plan for incels is:

Be Born An Incel Due To Ugliness, Shortness, nonNT (I'm all of them by the way) --> Rot --> Die

Why has no one tried to change that? I've thought of Elliot Rodger and Retribution, then came to the conclusion that killing a couple attractive people before killing yourself/rotting in jail wouldn't do shit to solve inceldom. So retribution does nothing, there has to be some sort of revolution. Some sort of movement in which incels, uglies, suicidal people, short people can all band together, acknowledge their situation is totally fucked, and try to fix it. I'm going to try to grow a movement based off of incel ascension and make a revolution. Therapy is bullshit, it solves fucking nothing. Depressed and suicidal people continue to rot then kill themselves, incels continue to rot, short people continue to rot. Why not fight for freedom? Why not fight for your rights?

So you can ban a fellow incel who gives a fuck about you, when no one else does, because no one gives a shit whether you rot or kill yourself, or you can consider what I say.

I'll be banned anyways though. There's nothing else to say. That's my plan. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll stay. If I'm kicked out, I'll accept the ban. I don't want to post this because maybe it's a nonNT thing but I highly care about what people say about me and if I get insulted or get called a fag or something it will hurt my feelings, but I have to post this anyways.
damn nigga dnr nigga get on my level nigga bitch ass nigga im stone cold nigga
I dnr all of it but imo u should never share plans because you will get a high from all the responses and validation u receive but won’t actually go through with it. Move in silence :feelsLSD:

I basically said in the post that I'm trying to ascend and make a movement in which incels can ascend. I assume that breaks the rules, but I'm going to get banned because I want incels to join my movement and try to ascend.
bruh why tf do you think your going to get banned?? :lul::lul:
I'm not rotting here. I'm just sharing that I'm going to be the one who solves inceldom, and I want you guys to join my movement and not ban me for being "bluepilled" when I want to basically change society, so incels don't rot until they die.
A little update:
  • I left incels.is
  • I went to looksmax.org
  • I became suicidal because I was getting mockery and humiliation every fucking day of my life
  • I quit looksmax.org
  • I started going to University
  • I started using the University gym
  • I tried to make friends at my University and got 2 instagram's from males.
  • I tried to become a content creator to change the narrative but the Fitx video has a total of 3+ million viewcount and my videos are low quality and shit as of now.
  • I tried to grow the Dark Virtue movement, the discord server has 135 members and my youtube channel has 759 subs so I wasn't larping or capping. Creating an incel ascension movement is literally my life goal like I said, and I'll continue trying to be a content creator to grow the movement.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

The average incel's plan is to be born, rot and live a shitty life, then die. I believe it's realistically possible to change that, because my circumstances and life is likely shittier than yours. I was publically humilated with over 3 million fucking views. I was waiting at the bus stop near the stoplight to go to the gym, and someone rolled down their window, pulled out their phone and took a picture of my face. I was walking to the employment aid center because I want to get a part time job, and 2 girls in their early teens were walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction to me, I had earphones in, one of them said "Hello", I took out my earphone and said "Huh?" then they started laughing off. You would think this shit happens in movies, but it happens in real life.

My life is shit. My circumstances are shit, but I don't want to rot until I die because I fucking hate society and the world.

I'm the only one who's delusional enough to try to solve inceldom, and I believe I'll find a way.

What I believe is God exists. The reason why God put me on this planet and gave me fucking hell, was to grow older and be the one who solves societal problems. I tried hard many times. I tried to make friends, if you saw my "Final Post", you saw I tried to do self improvement many times. If I was taller, attractive,NT, with a Mom and a Dad, I would have been successful by now, but God made me short, ugly, neurodivergent, single mom, and made my life fucking shit.

My life is shit, because I'm the one who's going to make it possible for short people, ugly people, neurodivergents, people with hell and trauma to succeed. That's the only reason why I was born. To be the one who fixes this garbage world. I'm your greatest ally. Because I'm fucking ugly, short, autistic, have a shit family situation, isolation, suicidal, bullied and I was publically humiliated with millions of fucking views, but I still have some delusional level of ambition to still try to succeed. Why the fuck am I still alive? Why the fuck didn't I kill myself? Because the only reason God made me and gave me hell, was to be the one who fixes it all. Any normal person would have killed themselves after being publically humiliated and mocked and laughed at, every single fucking day for months, alongside knowing that the effort I put in meant jackshit because of uncontrollable variables. But the reason I didn't kill myself, was because I know that was the reason I was born. No one is doing fucking jackshit. The feminists talk shit and spread bluepill which helps fucking no one, and the incels rot and don't even try to escape their fucking hell. The world is going to continue to stay the same until someone tries to change it. That someone is me.

So I'm proposing you shouldn't ban me, and you should allow me to be here, because I'm the only one who's trying to find a fucking solution. I have plans for plans. I'm delusional in that I have delusional ambition but I still acknowledge the reality.

But both redpillers and blackpillers are devoid of logic, I'll be called a coper and be banned. Both sides dislike me. The redpillers on my recent videos are too fucking stupid to acknowledge that I'm an ugly person trying to succeed. In one of my tiktok comments, some retard said "You can't be trying to succeed if you still call yourself ugly, you have to deny that you're ugly despite the fact people said it to your fucking face that you're ugly." And blackpillers are like "There's no point of trying to make money because you're still an incel if girls only want to sleep with you for money when I propose that incels should be focused on making money and getting plastic surgery."

Both sides hate me, I'll get banned everywhere. In incel spaces and redpill spaces. That's why I'll be a full time content creator, because I'm serious about trying to change the fate of incels. I'll be banned everywhere so I need to make my own space.

So some of my plans:

My plans in terms of fixing my reputation. The only way to fix my situation is to become a famous content creator who's known as the leader of the incel ascension movement. That sound fucking stupid but let me explain.

Because the recommended advice I got many times was delete all of my social accounts, try to be low profile and try to get Fitx to take down the video. Try to hide.

I can't fucking hide, because I'm wide open. The videos got 3+ million views. It gets reposted and reuploaded by accounts daily. I can't hide that shit. It's like 5 million+ views total. People from my brother's school know, and I have people from the middle school I went to like or follow my accounts. Everyone from my middle school knows. I had like 50+ linkedin profile views where it showed my high school. Everyone from the high school I went to knows. Everyone fucking saw that shit, the video alone not even the clips is at 100k views on youtube. I can't hide that shit, it's fully open. I won't be able to get a job, so I have another plan in terms of the job thing, but back to the point.

If Andrew Tate had no fame, he would only be known as some human trafficker/rapist. Sneako would only be known as a cuck. Mike Tyson would only be known as a rapist. Nick Fuentes would only be known as a gay. But because Andrew Tate has fame and is known as a motivational speaker, it doesn't fucking matter that he has the reputation of a rapist and went to jail 3 times. That would ruin the normal person's life, but because Andrew Tate has fame, no one gives a fuck if he raped girls. He's still a motivational influencer. If people only knew Sneako as some guy who got cucked, that would be Sneako's sole reputation. He would only be known as a cuck. But he's known as an influencer, redpill Muslim, streamer, etc. The same logic applies to me. I can have the reputation of an online humiliation, but as long as I become a full time content creator and get some fame, I'll be known for other things.

If I try to hide, as in I don't go outside, I try to maintain a low profile, that won't work because for 1, I can't hide that video, it's viral as fuck, it will get to at least 10+ million views, and 2, I would only be known as the incel who got publicly humiliated. But if I find a way to become a famous content creator, that kills 4 birds with 1 stone, because 1, everyone saw the FItx plastic surgery video but people will know me as the ugly guy who's jacked, entrepreneur, martial arts, looksmaxxed, so it paints me in a different light, 2, it will grow the incel ascension movement, 3, it will get rid of my social anxiety because if I'm the leader of a movement that will solve problems and I'm talking about all of this shit, I won't be scared of talking to some guy I see on the street, and 4 even if I'm banned everywhere (I'll going to get banned here sooner or later despite literally being the one who's trying to make incels ascend), I'll have my own platforms so people still hear my ideas even if I'm banned everywhere.

My plan isn't to rely on a Job because my reputation is completely fucked, so I have a plan for that. I'll "escape the matrix", by still going to University, but not putting all of my attention on University. In my free time I'll learn sales, marketing, finance, accounting on the side because guys like Brandon Carter, Mark Cuban and Hormozi talk about that, learning content creation, video editing, so learn online skills and try to start an online business somehow in e-com or maybe info-products, investing, trading. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to spend the majority of my day grinding, because I'm going to graduate University and get a Bachelor's degree, but I'm also going to wake up at 5 am, go to the gym, improve my social skills, learn online skills and be a content creator. I'll make the incel asension movement possible, and for looksmaxxing, I'll fully softmax, grow a beard and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty. Because before I wanted to get 5 surgeries, but that's too risky. If I got genioplasty/something for the jaw, it would be risky and I have a higher chance to be botched. My main failos are nose and ears, so I should only focus on nose and ears and beardfraud for my jaw. It's less risky and hardmaxxing more likely to turn out well if I only get rhinoplasty and otoplasty. If I save up money, go to a good surgeon and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time, the result could turn out really good.

The reason why I need to learn online valuable skills and become an entrepreneur is because I can't depend on a Job, and I also want to do things like call out the Jew and speak my mind, but I can't have free speech if I'm working for a job.

I'm going to get a Bachelor's degree just because I don't want to drop out, and my University gym is free anyways. I'll join the boxing club and I'll confront the Fitx situation/reputation loss head on. Because I'm not going to try to hide, I'm going to do the risky position and go fucking public because the Fitx thing is public and viral, there's no point in trying to hide.

My plan for getting banned here or in any other space, is to be a full time content creator with my own spaces so people can still hear my ideas.

My plan to ascend, is moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and getting otoplasty and rhinoplasty.

I will be the one who creates a movement for incels to ascend and it's possible with modern advancements like cosmetic surgery and limb lengthening. I wasn't lying when I said creating the "Dark Virtue" movement is my life goal.

I'm going to keep trying to succeed until I die, and I'll be the one who creates a movement with the goal of solving inceldom until I die. Incels can ascend if they make money and get plastic surgeries. If you're short, get limb lengthening. If you're ugly, hardmax. If you're skinny or a "cutecel", then build muscle and grow a beard, start bulking.

My little brother even respects me now, because he knows I'm serious in my Dark Virtue movement. He sees me taking some action.

Even if I get banned here, or banned everywhere, I will continue trying to grow the movement because it's my life goal.

I want you guys to know my plan now, so there's no surprises. You can decide if you want to ban me or if you want me to stay. I'm probably the only one who gives a fuck if you rot or die, because no one gives a fuck about incels. The world wants you dead, I want to find a way to make incels ascend. Even if I get banned, I'm still going to try to grow the movement on my own platforms. I'm sick of society and want to do something to try to change it.

Consider that I'm the only one who's trying to solve inceldom. The feminists and incels who talk about inceldom all day, none of them are trying to solve inceldom. How the fuck has inceldom not at least tried to be solved? Blacks were marginalized until the Civil rights movement. Even the fags got sick of being hanged and protested. So why the fuck was there no one to help me? Why is there no one trying to make it so ugly people can succeed? We all know short people are heavily marginalized, why has there been no one trying to do something about it? Do short men plan on being removed from the gene pool without a fight?

The plan for incels is:

Be Born An Incel Due To Ugliness, Shortness, nonNT (I'm all of them by the way) --> Rot --> Die

Why has no one tried to change that? I've thought of Elliot Rodger and Retribution, then came to the conclusion that killing a couple attractive people before killing yourself/rotting in jail wouldn't do shit to solve inceldom. So retribution does nothing, there has to be some sort of revolution. Some sort of movement in which incels, uglies, suicidal people, short people can all band together, acknowledge their situation is totally fucked, and try to fix it. I'm going to try to grow a movement based off of incel ascension and make a revolution. Therapy is bullshit, it solves fucking nothing. Depressed and suicidal people continue to rot then kill themselves, incels continue to rot, short people continue to rot. Why not fight for freedom? Why not fight for your rights?

So you can ban a fellow incel who gives a fuck about you, when no one else does, because no one gives a shit whether you rot or kill yourself, or you can consider what I say.

I'll be banned anyways though. There's nothing else to say. That's my plan. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll stay. If I'm kicked out, I'll accept the ban. I don't want to post this because maybe it's a nonNT thing but I highly care about what people say about me and if I get insulted or get called a fag or something it will hurt my feelings, but I have to post this anyways.
so what is the plan now? to become chad? lol
I said a while ago that I would see you (in your supposed “last post”, but I think this is the last one now, or will you come back?! ahaha), even if it was by chance, ahahahahahahah
bruh why tf do you think your going to get banned?? :lul::lul:
if he's actually trying as a sub5 manlet then i feel sorry for him he'll end up being even more depressed and miserable.
I'm not rotting here. I'm just sharing that I'm going to be the one who solves inceldom, and I want you guys to join my movement and not ban me for being "bluepilled" when I want to basically change society, so incels don't rot until they die.
Why do you want to surgerymax though? That's risky & not worth doing just to appease femoids & normies.
Appeasement never works.
I'm not rotting here. I'm just sharing that I'm going to be the one who solves inceldom, and I want you guys to join my movement and not ban me for being "bluepilled" when I want to basically change society, so incels don't rot until they die.
there is already a movement called lookmaxxing
bruh why tf do you think your going to get banned?? :lul::lul:
Because I'm basically saying my plan is to make a movement where incels, ugly people, short people, suicidal people, etc, join the movement and I'll try to create an incel revolution in which any incel who joins the movement ascends.

I'll accept being banned for that because that's my plan.

I'm technically breaking 2 rules. You're not allowed promoting your idea, and you're not allowed spreading any idea that's not nihilistic.
I basically said in the post that I'm trying to ascend and make a movement in which incels can ascend. I assume that breaks the rules, but I'm going to get banned because I want incels to join my movement and try to ascend.
Incels are broken within themselves, why would they come together in a herd to support each other? I myself argue with several incels here, even though they are also truecel, the question is because they are liars, on average, the others are just LARPS. I WOULD NEVER JOIN ANYONE.
there is already a movement called lookmaxxing
Looksmaxxing is something useful for incels, but there's no movement with the intent to solve inceldom. I want to make that movement.
Looksmaxxing is something useful for incels, but there's no movement with the intent to solve inceldom. I want to make that movement.
how you will solve inceldom? How you will improve a truecel?
if he's actually trying as a sub5 manlet then i feel sorry for him he'll end up being even more depressed and miserable.
If I don't die, there's a 100% possibility I'll ascend, and I'll make it so any incel who follows me will also ascend.

That's my unfiltered plan, because I'm going to maximize everything and get 2 cosmetic surgeries.
if he's actually trying as a sub5 manlet then i feel sorry for him he'll end up being even more depressed and miserable.
watch the fitfearless video he was on, my nigga is not only sub5 manlet but also turbo autist
Looksmaxxing is something useful for incels, but there's no movement with the intent to solve inceldom. I want to make that movement.
Poor thing, you don't realize that you are still insignificant by certain means, in fact, you are below “insignificant”, your ideas can only be abstract, but not real.
Because I'm basically saying my plan is to make a movement where incels, ugly people, short people, suicidal people, etc, join the movement and I'll try to create an incel revolution in which any incel who joins the movement ascends.

I'll accept being banned for that because that's my plan.

I'm technically breaking 2 rules. You're not allowed promoting your idea, and you're not allowed spreading any idea that's not nihilistic.
blackpill =/= nihilism
its not against the rules to try to ascend, alot of us have been doing that our whole lives. its against the rules to succeed lol
how you will solve inceldom? How you will improve a truecel?
By growing a movement, called "Dark Virtue." The movement will encompass trying to solve inceldom.

I'll ascend by looksmaxxing, getting 2 cosmetic surgeries, moneymaxxing, gymmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing , etc.
I also wish I could solve inceldom but I know realistically, the possibility of me achieving that goal is absurdly low. I wish you good luck though, maybe you can do something
Poor thing, you don't realize that you are still insignificant by certain means, in fact, you are below “insignificant”, your ideas can only be abstract, but not real.

It's only insignificant until I become a full time content creator. If I get to 100k+ subscribers, my ideas will be implemented on a mass scale.

This is my life goal until I die. Creating a movement that solves inceldom and other problems of the marginalized.
watch the fitfearless video he was on, my nigga is not only sub5 manlet but also turbo autist

I am very autistic. That's why God created me. Some say they're an incel only because they're autistic, short, or ugly. I have all 3. That makes me the perfect leader for the movement, because if I ascend, that means any incel can.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

the issue is not that you don't want to rot, no one does, but rather your essential conditioning. You are denying something inevitable without REALLY FOUNDED methodologies.

WANT TO ASCEND? I know, escortmaxxing for you boy!
This is my life goal until I die. Creating a movement that solves inceldom and other problems of the marginalized.

“The man who has everything is the same as having nothing, guarding the immensity without being able to hold it
A little update:
  • I left incels.is
  • I went to looksmax.org
  • I became suicidal because I was getting mockery and humiliation every fucking day of my life
  • I quit looksmax.org
  • I started going to University
  • I started using the University gym
  • I tried to make friends at my University and got 2 instagram's from males.
  • I tried to become a content creator to change the narrative but the Fitx video has a total of 3+ million viewcount and my videos are low quality and shit as of now.
  • I tried to grow the Dark Virtue movement, the discord server has 135 members and my youtube channel has 759 subs so I wasn't larping or capping. Creating an incel ascension movement is literally my life goal like I said, and I'll continue trying to be a content creator to grow the movement.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

The average incel's plan is to be born, rot and live a shitty life, then die. I believe it's realistically possible to change that, because my circumstances and life is likely shittier than yours. I was publically humilated with over 3 million fucking views. I was waiting at the bus stop near the stoplight to go to the gym, and someone rolled down their window, pulled out their phone and took a picture of my face. I was walking to the employment aid center because I want to get a part time job, and 2 girls in their early teens were walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction to me, I had earphones in, one of them said "Hello", I took out my earphone and said "Huh?" then they started laughing off. You would think this shit happens in movies, but it happens in real life.

My life is shit. My circumstances are shit, but I don't want to rot until I die because I fucking hate society and the world.

I'm the only one who's delusional enough to try to solve inceldom, and I believe I'll find a way.

What I believe is God exists. The reason why God put me on this planet and gave me fucking hell, was to grow older and be the one who solves societal problems. I tried hard many times. I tried to make friends, if you saw my "Final Post", you saw I tried to do self improvement many times. If I was taller, attractive,NT, with a Mom and a Dad, I would have been successful by now, but God made me short, ugly, neurodivergent, single mom, and made my life fucking shit.

My life is shit, because I'm the one who's going to make it possible for short people, ugly people, neurodivergents, people with hell and trauma to succeed. That's the only reason why I was born. To be the one who fixes this garbage world. I'm your greatest ally. Because I'm fucking ugly, short, autistic, have a shit family situation, isolation, suicidal, bullied and I was publically humiliated with millions of fucking views, but I still have some delusional level of ambition to still try to succeed. Why the fuck am I still alive? Why the fuck didn't I kill myself? Because the only reason God made me and gave me hell, was to be the one who fixes it all. Any normal person would have killed themselves after being publically humiliated and mocked and laughed at, every single fucking day for months, alongside knowing that the effort I put in meant jackshit because of uncontrollable variables. But the reason I didn't kill myself, was because I know that was the reason I was born. No one is doing fucking jackshit. The feminists talk shit and spread bluepill which helps fucking no one, and the incels rot and don't even try to escape their fucking hell. The world is going to continue to stay the same until someone tries to change it. That someone is me.

So I'm proposing you shouldn't ban me, and you should allow me to be here, because I'm the only one who's trying to find a fucking solution. I have plans for plans. I'm delusional in that I have delusional ambition but I still acknowledge the reality.

But both redpillers and blackpillers are devoid of logic, I'll be called a coper and be banned. Both sides dislike me. The redpillers on my recent videos are too fucking stupid to acknowledge that I'm an ugly person trying to succeed. In one of my tiktok comments, some retard said "You can't be trying to succeed if you still call yourself ugly, you have to deny that you're ugly despite the fact people said it to your fucking face that you're ugly." And blackpillers are like "There's no point of trying to make money because you're still an incel if girls only want to sleep with you for money when I propose that incels should be focused on making money and getting plastic surgery."

Both sides hate me, I'll get banned everywhere. In incel spaces and redpill spaces. That's why I'll be a full time content creator, because I'm serious about trying to change the fate of incels. I'll be banned everywhere so I need to make my own space.

So some of my plans:

My plans in terms of fixing my reputation. The only way to fix my situation is to become a famous content creator who's known as the leader of the incel ascension movement. That sound fucking stupid but let me explain.

Because the recommended advice I got many times was delete all of my social accounts, try to be low profile and try to get Fitx to take down the video. Try to hide.

I can't fucking hide, because I'm wide open. The videos got 3+ million views. It gets reposted and reuploaded by accounts daily. I can't hide that shit. It's like 5 million+ views total. People from my brother's school know, and I have people from the middle school I went to like or follow my accounts. Everyone from my middle school knows. I had like 50+ linkedin profile views where it showed my high school. Everyone from the high school I went to knows. Everyone fucking saw that shit, the video alone not even the clips is at 100k views on youtube. I can't hide that shit, it's fully open. I won't be able to get a job, so I have another plan in terms of the job thing, but back to the point.

If Andrew Tate had no fame, he would only be known as some human trafficker/rapist. Sneako would only be known as a cuck. Mike Tyson would only be known as a rapist. Nick Fuentes would only be known as a gay. But because Andrew Tate has fame and is known as a motivational speaker, it doesn't fucking matter that he has the reputation of a rapist and went to jail 3 times. That would ruin the normal person's life, but because Andrew Tate has fame, no one gives a fuck if he raped girls. He's still a motivational influencer. If people only knew Sneako as some guy who got cucked, that would be Sneako's sole reputation. He would only be known as a cuck. But he's known as an influencer, redpill Muslim, streamer, etc. The same logic applies to me. I can have the reputation of an online humiliation, but as long as I become a full time content creator and get some fame, I'll be known for other things.

If I try to hide, as in I don't go outside, I try to maintain a low profile, that won't work because for 1, I can't hide that video, it's viral as fuck, it will get to at least 10+ million views, and 2, I would only be known as the incel who got publicly humiliated. But if I find a way to become a famous content creator, that kills 4 birds with 1 stone, because 1, everyone saw the FItx plastic surgery video but people will know me as the ugly guy who's jacked, entrepreneur, martial arts, looksmaxxed, so it paints me in a different light, 2, it will grow the incel ascension movement, 3, it will get rid of my social anxiety because if I'm the leader of a movement that will solve problems and I'm talking about all of this shit, I won't be scared of talking to some guy I see on the street, and 4 even if I'm banned everywhere (I'll going to get banned here sooner or later despite literally being the one who's trying to make incels ascend), I'll have my own platforms so people still hear my ideas even if I'm banned everywhere.

My plan isn't to rely on a Job because my reputation is completely fucked, so I have a plan for that. I'll "escape the matrix", by still going to University, but not putting all of my attention on University. In my free time I'll learn sales, marketing, finance, accounting on the side because guys like Brandon Carter, Mark Cuban and Hormozi talk about that, learning content creation, video editing, so learn online skills and try to start an online business somehow in e-com or maybe info-products, investing, trading. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to spend the majority of my day grinding, because I'm going to graduate University and get a Bachelor's degree, but I'm also going to wake up at 5 am, go to the gym, improve my social skills, learn online skills and be a content creator. I'll make the incel asension movement possible, and for looksmaxxing, I'll fully softmax, grow a beard and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty. Because before I wanted to get 5 surgeries, but that's too risky. If I got genioplasty/something for the jaw, it would be risky and I have a higher chance to be botched. My main failos are nose and ears, so I should only focus on nose and ears and beardfraud for my jaw. It's less risky and hardmaxxing more likely to turn out well if I only get rhinoplasty and otoplasty. If I save up money, go to a good surgeon and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time, the result could turn out really good.

The reason why I need to learn online valuable skills and become an entrepreneur is because I can't depend on a Job, and I also want to do things like call out the Jew and speak my mind, but I can't have free speech if I'm working for a job.

I'm going to get a Bachelor's degree just because I don't want to drop out, and my University gym is free anyways. I'll join the boxing club and I'll confront the Fitx situation/reputation loss head on. Because I'm not going to try to hide, I'm going to do the risky position and go fucking public because the Fitx thing is public and viral, there's no point in trying to hide.

My plan for getting banned here or in any other space, is to be a full time content creator with my own spaces so people can still hear my ideas.

My plan to ascend, is moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and getting otoplasty and rhinoplasty.

I will be the one who creates a movement for incels to ascend and it's possible with modern advancements like cosmetic surgery and limb lengthening. I wasn't lying when I said creating the "Dark Virtue" movement is my life goal.

I'm going to keep trying to succeed until I die, and I'll be the one who creates a movement with the goal of solving inceldom until I die. Incels can ascend if they make money and get plastic surgeries. If you're short, get limb lengthening. If you're ugly, hardmax. If you're skinny or a "cutecel", then build muscle and grow a beard, start bulking.

My little brother even respects me now, because he knows I'm serious in my Dark Virtue movement. He sees me taking some action.

Even if I get banned here, or banned everywhere, I will continue trying to grow the movement because it's my life goal.

I want you guys to know my plan now, so there's no surprises. You can decide if you want to ban me or if you want me to stay. I'm probably the only one who gives a fuck if you rot or die, because no one gives a fuck about incels. The world wants you dead, I want to find a way to make incels ascend. Even if I get banned, I'm still going to try to grow the movement on my own platforms. I'm sick of society and want to do something to try to change it.

Consider that I'm the only one who's trying to solve inceldom. The feminists and incels who talk about inceldom all day, none of them are trying to solve inceldom. How the fuck has inceldom not at least tried to be solved? Blacks were marginalized until the Civil rights movement. Even the fags got sick of being hanged and protested. So why the fuck was there no one to help me? Why is there no one trying to make it so ugly people can succeed? We all know short people are heavily marginalized, why has there been no one trying to do something about it? Do short men plan on being removed from the gene pool without a fight?

The plan for incels is:

Be Born An Incel Due To Ugliness, Shortness, nonNT (I'm all of them by the way) --> Rot --> Die

Why has no one tried to change that? I've thought of Elliot Rodger and Retribution, then came to the conclusion that killing a couple attractive people before killing yourself/rotting in jail wouldn't do shit to solve inceldom. So retribution does nothing, there has to be some sort of revolution. Some sort of movement in which incels, uglies, suicidal people, short people can all band together, acknowledge their situation is totally fucked, and try to fix it. I'm going to try to grow a movement based off of incel ascension and make a revolution. Therapy is bullshit, it solves fucking nothing. Depressed and suicidal people continue to rot then kill themselves, incels continue to rot, short people continue to rot. Why not fight for freedom? Why not fight for your rights?

So you can ban a fellow incel who gives a fuck about you, when no one else does, because no one gives a shit whether you rot or kill yourself, or you can consider what I say.

I'll be banned anyways though. There's nothing else to say. That's my plan. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll stay. If I'm kicked out, I'll accept the ban. I don't want to post this because maybe it's a nonNT thing but I highly care about what people say about me and if I get insulted or get called a fag or something it will hurt my feelings, but I have to post this anyways.
Respectfully you can’t do shit. LDAR already holy fuck stop coping.
I am very autistic. That's why God created me. Some say they're an incel only because they're autistic, short, or ugly. I have all 3. That makes me the perfect leader for the movement, because if I ascend, that means any incel can.
which video?
I am very autistic. That's why God created me. Some say they're an incel only because they're autistic, short, or ugly. I have all 3. That makes me the perfect leader for the movement, because if I ascend, that means any incel can.

This has a concept in low inhibition, which leads to another topic, the NT... bla bla bla

Go to your YouTube channel and stay there.
If you need help editing your videos, then send your clips to me on discord. The only reason why I'm offering this to you for free is because I can tell that you're pretty serious. Not sure if you can fully ascend but social networking is magic
the issue is not that you don't want to rot, no one does, but rather your essential conditioning. You are denying something inevitable without REALLY FOUNDED methodologies.

WANT TO ASCEND? I know, escortmaxxing for you boy!
I'm not denying the blackpill is true. The blackpill is very true. If I wasn't autistic, and looked normal, I would be 7x as successful as I am now.

The methology is maximizing everything. Jayz, Cuffem, Andrew Tate are all ltn/sub5 facially, but because they only maxxed money, they ascended. If an incel maxxes their money, and fully looksmaxxes and gets plastic surgery, there's a high chance of ascending.

blackpill =/= nihilism
its not against the rules to try to ascend, alot of us have been doing that our whole lives. its against the rules to succeed lol

Then I'll be banned eventually because I'm going to ascend. Because I'm debating you guys saying it is possible to ascend as an incel, I might even get banned soon or maybe even today. I'll accept the ban to spread awareness of my movement.
I also wish I could solve inceldom but I know realistically, the possibility of me achieving that goal is absurdly low. I wish you good luck though, maybe you can do something

I will achieve that goal or die trying. To solve inceldom, every incel needs to ascend. So I'll ascend with maxxing, and any incel who follows me will also ascend. I'm either trying or I'm dead.
I am very autistic. That's why God created me. Some say they're an incel only because they're autistic, short, or ugly. I have all 3. That makes me the perfect leader for the movement, because if I ascend, that means any incel can.
This has a concept in low inhibition, which leads to another topic, the NT... bla bla bla

Go to your YouTube channel and stay there.
which one?
This has a concept in low inhibition, which leads to another topic, the NT... bla bla bla

Go to your YouTube channel and stay there.

I'll accept that request.

You guys are aware of my plan so I won't bother you any longer.

I know from posting I would either get banned or get into a debate, so farewell again.

You're doing that to try to discredit my idea. Because you're going to make fun of me "Haha, look how stupid that guy was a month ago", which is alright, but I'm not going to stop trying to grow the movement or try to ascend.
put all chips on thugmaxxing bruh , will give you the best chance of ascension
And no, you will not be banned, you will come here and re-access this forum, and repeat your ideas until you get tired of them, and you will always use the false premise: “I will be banned”.

You are not important, any anagram of yours that passes through this forum will stay here, from A to B, it doesn't matter, THAT'S THE POINT OF THE JOKE, YOU UNDERSTAND? lol
You're doing that to try to discredit my idea. Because you're going to make fun of me "Haha, look how stupid that guy was a month ago", which is alright, but I'm not going to stop trying to grow the movement or try to ascend.
you will just earn money with a movement and your not looking like a incel.
put all chips on thugmaxxing bruh , will give you the best chance of ascension
He looks good he will not have a problem to have sex lol. thugmaxxing and hearing 2pac and the bitches will come to his house.
A little update:
  • I left incels.is
  • I went to looksmax.org
  • I became suicidal because I was getting mockery and humiliation every fucking day of my life
  • I quit looksmax.org
  • I started going to University
  • I started using the University gym
  • I tried to make friends at my University and got 2 instagram's from males.
  • I tried to become a content creator to change the narrative but the Fitx video has a total of 3+ million viewcount and my videos are low quality and shit as of now.
  • I tried to grow the Dark Virtue movement, the discord server has 135 members and my youtube channel has 759 subs so I wasn't larping or capping. Creating an incel ascension movement is literally my life goal like I said, and I'll continue trying to be a content creator to grow the movement.
I expect to get banned soon, because my goal isn't to rot, but I think I should be an exception to the rule because I have your best interest in mind if you logically think about it.

The average incel's plan is to be born, rot and live a shitty life, then die. I believe it's realistically possible to change that, because my circumstances and life is likely shittier than yours. I was publically humilated with over 3 million fucking views. I was waiting at the bus stop near the stoplight to go to the gym, and someone rolled down their window, pulled out their phone and took a picture of my face. I was walking to the employment aid center because I want to get a part time job, and 2 girls in their early teens were walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction to me, I had earphones in, one of them said "Hello", I took out my earphone and said "Huh?" then they started laughing off. You would think this shit happens in movies, but it happens in real life.

My life is shit. My circumstances are shit, but I don't want to rot until I die because I fucking hate society and the world.

I'm the only one who's delusional enough to try to solve inceldom, and I believe I'll find a way.

What I believe is God exists. The reason why God put me on this planet and gave me fucking hell, was to grow older and be the one who solves societal problems. I tried hard many times. I tried to make friends, if you saw my "Final Post", you saw I tried to do self improvement many times. If I was taller, attractive,NT, with a Mom and a Dad, I would have been successful by now, but God made me short, ugly, neurodivergent, single mom, and made my life fucking shit.

My life is shit, because I'm the one who's going to make it possible for short people, ugly people, neurodivergents, people with hell and trauma to succeed. That's the only reason why I was born. To be the one who fixes this garbage world. I'm your greatest ally. Because I'm fucking ugly, short, autistic, have a shit family situation, isolation, suicidal, bullied and I was publically humiliated with millions of fucking views, but I still have some delusional level of ambition to still try to succeed. Why the fuck am I still alive? Why the fuck didn't I kill myself? Because the only reason God made me and gave me hell, was to be the one who fixes it all. Any normal person would have killed themselves after being publically humiliated and mocked and laughed at, every single fucking day for months, alongside knowing that the effort I put in meant jackshit because of uncontrollable variables. But the reason I didn't kill myself, was because I know that was the reason I was born. No one is doing fucking jackshit. The feminists talk shit and spread bluepill which helps fucking no one, and the incels rot and don't even try to escape their fucking hell. The world is going to continue to stay the same until someone tries to change it. That someone is me.

So I'm proposing you shouldn't ban me, and you should allow me to be here, because I'm the only one who's trying to find a fucking solution. I have plans for plans. I'm delusional in that I have delusional ambition but I still acknowledge the reality.

But both redpillers and blackpillers are devoid of logic, I'll be called a coper and be banned. Both sides dislike me. The redpillers on my recent videos are too fucking stupid to acknowledge that I'm an ugly person trying to succeed. In one of my tiktok comments, some retard said "You can't be trying to succeed if you still call yourself ugly, you have to deny that you're ugly despite the fact people said it to your fucking face that you're ugly." And blackpillers are like "There's no point of trying to make money because you're still an incel if girls only want to sleep with you for money when I propose that incels should be focused on making money and getting plastic surgery."

Both sides hate me, I'll get banned everywhere. In incel spaces and redpill spaces. That's why I'll be a full time content creator, because I'm serious about trying to change the fate of incels. I'll be banned everywhere so I need to make my own space.

So some of my plans:

My plans in terms of fixing my reputation. The only way to fix my situation is to become a famous content creator who's known as the leader of the incel ascension movement. That sound fucking stupid but let me explain.

Because the recommended advice I got many times was delete all of my social accounts, try to be low profile and try to get Fitx to take down the video. Try to hide.

I can't fucking hide, because I'm wide open. The videos got 3+ million views. It gets reposted and reuploaded by accounts daily. I can't hide that shit. It's like 5 million+ views total. People from my brother's school know, and I have people from the middle school I went to like or follow my accounts. Everyone from my middle school knows. I had like 50+ linkedin profile views where it showed my high school. Everyone from the high school I went to knows. Everyone fucking saw that shit, the video alone not even the clips is at 100k views on youtube. I can't hide that shit, it's fully open. I won't be able to get a job, so I have another plan in terms of the job thing, but back to the point.

If Andrew Tate had no fame, he would only be known as some human trafficker/rapist. Sneako would only be known as a cuck. Mike Tyson would only be known as a rapist. Nick Fuentes would only be known as a gay. But because Andrew Tate has fame and is known as a motivational speaker, it doesn't fucking matter that he has the reputation of a rapist and went to jail 3 times. That would ruin the normal person's life, but because Andrew Tate has fame, no one gives a fuck if he raped girls. He's still a motivational influencer. If people only knew Sneako as some guy who got cucked, that would be Sneako's sole reputation. He would only be known as a cuck. But he's known as an influencer, redpill Muslim, streamer, etc. The same logic applies to me. I can have the reputation of an online humiliation, but as long as I become a full time content creator and get some fame, I'll be known for other things.

If I try to hide, as in I don't go outside, I try to maintain a low profile, that won't work because for 1, I can't hide that video, it's viral as fuck, it will get to at least 10+ million views, and 2, I would only be known as the incel who got publicly humiliated. But if I find a way to become a famous content creator, that kills 4 birds with 1 stone, because 1, everyone saw the FItx plastic surgery video but people will know me as the ugly guy who's jacked, entrepreneur, martial arts, looksmaxxed, so it paints me in a different light, 2, it will grow the incel ascension movement, 3, it will get rid of my social anxiety because if I'm the leader of a movement that will solve problems and I'm talking about all of this shit, I won't be scared of talking to some guy I see on the street, and 4 even if I'm banned everywhere (I'll going to get banned here sooner or later despite literally being the one who's trying to make incels ascend), I'll have my own platforms so people still hear my ideas even if I'm banned everywhere.

My plan isn't to rely on a Job because my reputation is completely fucked, so I have a plan for that. I'll "escape the matrix", by still going to University, but not putting all of my attention on University. In my free time I'll learn sales, marketing, finance, accounting on the side because guys like Brandon Carter, Mark Cuban and Hormozi talk about that, learning content creation, video editing, so learn online skills and try to start an online business somehow in e-com or maybe info-products, investing, trading. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to spend the majority of my day grinding, because I'm going to graduate University and get a Bachelor's degree, but I'm also going to wake up at 5 am, go to the gym, improve my social skills, learn online skills and be a content creator. I'll make the incel asension movement possible, and for looksmaxxing, I'll fully softmax, grow a beard and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty. Because before I wanted to get 5 surgeries, but that's too risky. If I got genioplasty/something for the jaw, it would be risky and I have a higher chance to be botched. My main failos are nose and ears, so I should only focus on nose and ears and beardfraud for my jaw. It's less risky and hardmaxxing more likely to turn out well if I only get rhinoplasty and otoplasty. If I save up money, go to a good surgeon and get otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time, the result could turn out really good.

The reason why I need to learn online valuable skills and become an entrepreneur is because I can't depend on a Job, and I also want to do things like call out the Jew and speak my mind, but I can't have free speech if I'm working for a job.

I'm going to get a Bachelor's degree just because I don't want to drop out, and my University gym is free anyways. I'll join the boxing club and I'll confront the Fitx situation/reputation loss head on. Because I'm not going to try to hide, I'm going to do the risky position and go fucking public because the Fitx thing is public and viral, there's no point in trying to hide.

My plan for getting banned here or in any other space, is to be a full time content creator with my own spaces so people can still hear my ideas.

My plan to ascend, is moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing, socialskillsmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and getting otoplasty and rhinoplasty.

I will be the one who creates a movement for incels to ascend and it's possible with modern advancements like cosmetic surgery and limb lengthening. I wasn't lying when I said creating the "Dark Virtue" movement is my life goal.

I'm going to keep trying to succeed until I die, and I'll be the one who creates a movement with the goal of solving inceldom until I die. Incels can ascend if they make money and get plastic surgeries. If you're short, get limb lengthening. If you're ugly, hardmax. If you're skinny or a "cutecel", then build muscle and grow a beard, start bulking.

My little brother even respects me now, because he knows I'm serious in my Dark Virtue movement. He sees me taking some action.

Even if I get banned here, or banned everywhere, I will continue trying to grow the movement because it's my life goal.

I want you guys to know my plan now, so there's no surprises. You can decide if you want to ban me or if you want me to stay. I'm probably the only one who gives a fuck if you rot or die, because no one gives a fuck about incels. The world wants you dead, I want to find a way to make incels ascend. Even if I get banned, I'm still going to try to grow the movement on my own platforms. I'm sick of society and want to do something to try to change it.

Consider that I'm the only one who's trying to solve inceldom. The feminists and incels who talk about inceldom all day, none of them are trying to solve inceldom. How the fuck has inceldom not at least tried to be solved? Blacks were marginalized until the Civil rights movement. Even the fags got sick of being hanged and protested. So why the fuck was there no one to help me? Why is there no one trying to make it so ugly people can succeed? We all know short people are heavily marginalized, why has there been no one trying to do something about it? Do short men plan on being removed from the gene pool without a fight?

The plan for incels is:

Be Born An Incel Due To Ugliness, Shortness, nonNT (I'm all of them by the way) --> Rot --> Die

Why has no one tried to change that? I've thought of Elliot Rodger and Retribution, then came to the conclusion that killing a couple attractive people before killing yourself/rotting in jail wouldn't do shit to solve inceldom. So retribution does nothing, there has to be some sort of revolution. Some sort of movement in which incels, uglies, suicidal people, short people can all band together, acknowledge their situation is totally fucked, and try to fix it. I'm going to try to grow a movement based off of incel ascension and make a revolution. Therapy is bullshit, it solves fucking nothing. Depressed and suicidal people continue to rot then kill themselves, incels continue to rot, short people continue to rot. Why not fight for freedom? Why not fight for your rights?

So you can ban a fellow incel who gives a fuck about you, when no one else does, because no one gives a shit whether you rot or kill yourself, or you can consider what I say.

I'll be banned anyways though. There's nothing else to say. That's my plan. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll stay. If I'm kicked out, I'll accept the ban. I don't want to post this because maybe it's a nonNT thing but I highly care about what people say about me and if I get insulted or get called a fag or something it will hurt my feelings, but I have to post this anyways.
And no, you will not be banned, you will come here and re-access this forum, and repeat your ideas until you get tired of them, and you will always use the false premise: “I will be banned”.

You are not important, any anagram of yours that passes through this forum will stay here, from A to B, it doesn't matter, THAT'S THE POINT OF THE JOKE, YOU UNDERSTAND? lol
look at him he isnt truecel lol. he looks like some african scammer
I'm not denying the blackpill is true. The blackpill is very true. If I wasn't autistic, and looked normal, I would be 7x as successful as I am now.

The methology is maximizing everything. Jayz, Cuffem, Andrew Tate are all ltn/sub5 facially, but because they only maxxed money, they ascended. If an incel maxxes their money, and fully looksmaxxes and gets plastic surgery, there's a high chance of ascending.
And no, you will not be banned, you will come here and re-access this forum, and repeat your ideas until you get tired of them, and you will always use the false premise: “I will be banned”.

You are not important, any anagram of yours that passes through this forum will stay here, from A to B, it doesn't matter, THAT'S THE POINT OF THE JOKE, YOU UNDERSTAND? lol

Furthermore, you deny the black pill by trying to publicize it for other false purposes. You do not accept this in its entirety.

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