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Serious If you're in highschool, you're not an incel



Oct 30, 2021
Every day on here I see 5 dudes with threads like "Hot foid looked at me in science class" and "foid is dating chad in my math class".

Let's get this clear right now: if you are in highschool, you are not an incel (yet).

This doesn't mean you will never be an incel, it means that we can't know for sure yet.

If you are in highschool, you have to understand that it operates differently from the real world.

Firstly, highschool is one of the hardest posisble places to get laid for a variety of reasons:
  • The foids are all underage and so half of them aren't openly interested in sex yet
  • The foids don't care as much about money yet and exclusively go after good looking Chads
  • You are limited to the girls in your highschool so there isn't much selection
  • There is social status in highschool (and if you don't have any, you're done)
  • It is extremely hard to meet new people due to cliques
Second off, in highschool you are not at your peak. In fact, most people in highschool have not yet:
  • Been to a bar (and thus have not tried approaching girls while drunk)
  • Do not have their own place and thus have little freedom
  • Do not have their own car
  • Do not have a job
  • Cannot grow facial hair
  • Still retain boyish features
This doesn't mean that when you turn 18, you are going to instantly become a giga chad, it simply means that you have not hit your peak yet. If you have your own car, your own place, a job, facial hair (to cover your jaw) and have tried picking up girls in a bar and still get rejected that is how you know you are a true incel. Until then, you are not hitting women's basic requirements in a man and so it's no wonder you haven't gotten laid.

Personally, I remember trying pickup techniques in high school to see if I could get laid and they all failed miserably. Why? Pickup techniques were not designed for high school, they were designed for bars and clubs. They were not designed to be used on completely sober teenage girls you see everyday, they were designed to be used on drunk sluts you would never see again late at night in the club. Once again, this does not mean pickup techniques will work for you once you graduate, it just means that they will never work while you are in school.

So for all the high school cels, take a break from the forum and come back when you graduate :feelskek:

TLDR: If you are in highschool, you have not hit your peak and picking up foids is extremely difficult. Due to this, it is impossible to determine whether or not you are involuntarily celibate or simply need to wait a few years until you can go to bars and clubs to pickup foids.

@Ray @Rimiru @Broly :feelskek: @Atavistic Autist @yez
"If you have your own car, your own place, a job, facial hair (to cover your jaw) and have tried picking up girls in a bar and still get rejected that is how you know you are a true incel. "

while all of that is true, Foids also don’t expect you to have a career, your own apartment, money or sophisticated personality and more forgiving when you’re still in school than when you’re an adult.

I would argue that you will know you’re fucked for life or not by the end of your teenage years at the latest.
tf are you talking about i was an incel since 3rd grade
while all of that is true, Foids also don’t expect you to have a career, your own apartment, money or sophisticated personality and more forgiving when you’re still in school than when you’re an adult.
True but your selection is also limited to foids in your age group. No foid over 18 is going to fuck you while you are underage unless you are a chad or she is mentally disturbed.
I would argue that you will know you’re fucked for life or not by the end of your teenage years at the latest.
At 20, you should have a pretty good idea yes. Especially, if you have all the things I listed.
"If you have your own car, your own place, a job, facial hair (to cover your jaw) and have tried picking up girls in a bar and still get rejected that is how you know you are a true incel. "

ricecel genetics wont let me grow a beard
High school has it pros and cons, one thing that comes to my mind is youre surrounded by popular chads and girl tend to not see anyone when chads are around. But also youre surrounded with girls, you will never again be in social situation with so many girls your age, and high school chads has high school stacies, so there are more free ugly girls, also high school is the time when 99% of people lose their virginity and start dating.

It is a plus that in high school you can still have some form of status without owning an apartment, cars and high earning job, later social class gap becomes bigger and good material status becomes an requirement. Also high schools are mostly closed systems, you only compete with high school boys, in adulthood you compete with every fucking male on the planet.
I've been an incel since I came out the womb faggot.
High school has it pros and cons, one thing that comes to my mind is youre surrounded by popular chads and girl tend to not see anyone when chads are around. But also youre surrounded with girls, you will never again be in social situation with so many girls your age, and high school chads has high school stacies, so there are more free ugly girls, also high school is the time when 99% of people lose their virginity and start dating.
True, the only other similar situation to highschool is college when you are surrounded by girls your age. I would argue that less than 99% of people lose their virginity in high school. As far as I knew, in my highschool, there were a lot of women who had not lost their virginity yet and required at least a couple years of relationships before they wanted to have sex (since they were virgins).

Another problem is that ugly girls simply wait for chad instead of dating the ugly guys in highschool.
It is a plus that in high school you can still have some form of status without owning an apartment, cars and high earning job, later social class gap becomes bigger and good material status becomes an requirement. Also high schools are mostly closed systems, you only compete with high school boys, in adulthood you compete with every fucking male on the planet.
True but having a girl who is drunk is a major advantage for getting sex than having one who is sober. Similarily, having girls who are of legal age and over is a big advantage for sex as well. You are right though that it is easier to have status in high school than real life, I agree on that.
People start fucking in elementary school so shut up
True, the only other similar situation to highschool is college when you are surrounded by girls your age. I would argue that less than 99% of people lose their virginity in high school. As far as I knew, in my highschool, there were a lot of women who had not lost their virginity yet and required at least a couple years of relationships before they wanted to have sex (since they were virgins).

Another problem is that ugly girls simply wait for chad instead of dating the ugly guys in highschool.

True but having a girl who is drunk is a major advantage for getting sex than having one who is sober. Similarily, having girls who are of legal age and over is a big advantage for sex as well. You are right though that it is easier to have status in high school than real life, I agree on that.
Yeah i went overboard with that percentage, youre right teen girls are more bluepilled and think they will get the cinderella story and chad will date down.

Here where i live mid teen girls go out till morning and get wasted with alcohol until they piss themselves, parks and playgrounds near high schools are full of used condoms, teens are having sex left and right here.
True conclusion, but I don’t agree with your explanation.
Yeah i went overboard with that percentage, youre right teen girls are more bluepilled and think they will get the cinderella story and chad will date down.
Here where i live mid teen girls go out till morning and get wasted with alcohol until they piss themselves, parks and playgrounds near high schools are full of used condoms, teens are having sex left and right here.
Damn. That's way different from where I grew up haha
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Damn. That's way different from where I grew up haha
Ive seen low as 12yo girls walking in town after midnight in skimpy clothes and carrying 2l of beer. Even though EE is an tradcuck region they let their daughters to have full freedom since early teen.
This forum is full of high school kids telling me that its over lol....like 15 year old kids wtf
Ive seen low as 12yo girls walking in town after midnight in skimpy clothes and carrying 2l of beer. Even though EE is an tradcuck region they let their daughters to have full freedom since early teen.
Assuming EE means "Eastern Europe". That's pretty rough bro, definitely not what happens where I'm from. 12 year olds go trick or treating that's the only time they're out at night :feelskek:
What would your explanation be?
Half of women don’t have a bf or sex in highschool. By the time you are done college, only 5% of women are still virgin. By this age you will never be a woman’s first and it’s over for you. The only thing that matters is if the women are not having sex. If half of all women didn’t have sex until 30, then I wouldn’t say you are incel in that case if you also never had sex.
Half of women don’t have a bf or sex in highschool. By the time you are done college, only 5% of women are still virgin. By this age you will never be a woman’s first and it’s over for you. The only thing that matters is if the women are not having sex. If half of all women didn’t have sex until 30, then I wouldn’t say you are incel in that case if you also never had sex.
I agree with this explanation as well. I did kind of allude to that when I said:

The foids are all underage and so half of them aren't openly interested in sex yet
Teens are the only time foids will love you just for the sake of it. After high school, love becomes corrupted by a desire for betabux, status, luxury, ect, and it becomes plastic on both parts. When you've missed out on teen love (17yr) its officially over
Teens are the only time foids will love you just for the sake of it. After high school, love becomes corrupted by a desire for betabux, status, luxury, ect, and it becomes plastic on both parts. When you've missed out on teen love (17yr) its officially over
That's the highschool movies talking. Teen love is nothing more than infatuation and most of the time it doesn't last. However, I will agree that women become more focussed on money after hs
I'm still in HS and I am by definition involuntarily celibate. You are right, things could turn around but I doubt they will. My growth plates have fused leaving me permanently stuck at 5'5.5" (unless I get leg lengthening down the road) and people really don't seem to want to talk to me, male and female. I think I might be autistic because I go out of my way to be friendly and nice to people and get ignored. My parents say that my abnormal speech patterns are to blame. I get more attention, be that negative, when I treat people like garbage. I will say peoples' names to initiate conversation and it's like I'm not even there. If you can bestow upon me the magic pill to leave my virginity in my youth, please don't hesitate.
The foids are all underage and so half of them aren't openly interested in sex yet
I think this is incorrect in my school. Girls in grade 9 get fucked by the upperclassmen, send nudes and brag about it to their friends. All of them have been corrupted by ChinkTok and act/dress like sluts. It's funny watching them seethe when even the female teachers tell them to cover up.
i was on wizchan in hs :lul::lul::lul: its over
@Pillow City Rev what you think about this
Lol this guy clearly thinking bullied incel in hs should not blackpilled what a dumbasses
IF you in high school try to sneak in a party with drunk foids and rape them :feelsaww:
I'm still in HS and I am by definition involuntarily celibate. You are right, things could turn around but I doubt they will. My growth plates have fused leaving me permanently stuck at 5'5.5" (unless I get leg lengthening down the road) and people really don't seem to want to talk to me, male and female. I think I might be autistic because I go out of my way to be friendly and nice to people and get ignored. My parents say that my abnormal speech patterns are to blame. I get more attention, be that negative, when I treat people like garbage. I will say peoples' names to initiate conversation and it's like I'm not even there. If you can bestow upon me the magic pill to leave my virginity in my youth, please don't hesitate.
It looks like it could be over for you but like I said in my post, you have to approach drunk girls to find out. I would suggest when you turn 18 try going to a bar late at night close to closing time, pick girls who are shorter than you or similar height, try to chat with them and try to bring them home. If you are still unable to get laid, you are truly an incel.

As for losing your virginity in high school itself, it's going to be tough man. High school is brutal. If you can find a way to ascend up the social ladder, try to. That's pretty much the only way.

I think this is incorrect in my school. Girls in grade 9 get fucked by the upperclassmen, send nudes and brag about it to their friends. All of them have been corrupted by ChinkTok and act/dress like sluts. It's funny watching them seethe when even the female teachers tell them to cover up.
More than half of the foids? Either way I'm glad I didn't go to high school during TikTok.
OP you are retarded. It's the complete opposite. High school is THE chance to ascend. The gender ratio is nearly equal, laws and social stigma ensure that your only competition is other boys your age, you spend nearly every day for years around girls in their prime, who have lower standards since they haven't dated much or at all, with plenty of opportunities to get close to them.

Though I'll give you the last two points. Not so much in freshman to sophomore year, but if you have a reputation as a loser and haven't made new friends by junior or senior year, it is hard since social circles become cemented and people start focusing on their career. And zoomer girls may be a lot worse due to social media brainrot. But the flip side is that most teenage boys are pussies who can't ask out a girl, so if you're one of the few with the balls to do it you have a much better chance.

Even if you're in senior year and still of low social status, your chances of getting a date are better than the average looksmaxxxxed adult. Because girls want boyfriends at that age, and there are guaranteed to be some girls at your school who've never been asked out and will be flattered if you ask them out unless you're a completely hideous subhuman (which is VERY rare I know you faggots aren't that bad). Also girls are much more tolerant of manlets at that age.

But muh beard muh money muh house LMAO that's nothing but cope for adult men who have to wade through the nightmarish dating market of 5 desperate single men to 1 single woman with an ego inflated to the moon. Even finding young single woman anymore LET ALONE ones who are virgin and relatively uncorrupted is like searching for a needle in a haystack. In high school you're surrounded by them! It's practically state-funded breeding grounds.

There's college which is also a good opportunity but then girls start to get constantly bomabarded by men on the internet and real life. Unless you major in a female-heavy field it will be much harder. I'm telling you, all the guys I know who are below average with gf and wives met them in high school or through a friend from high school. If you exit HS a friendless loser virgin, and don't put in maximum effort to make up for it in college, it's over and nothing can turn back your dim fate.
OP you are retarded. It's the complete opposite. High school is THE chance to ascend. The gender ratio is nearly equal, laws and social stigma ensure that your only competition is other boys your age, you spend nearly every day for years around girls in their prime, who have lower standards since they haven't dated much or at all, with plenty of opportunities to get close to them.
It's true that the girl's have lower standards from a monetary standard in high school but they value Chad's looks over everything else.
Though I'll give you the last two points. Not so much in freshman to sophomore year, but if you have a reputation as a loser and haven't made new friends by junior or senior year, it is hard since social circles become cemented and people start focusing on their career. And zoomer girls may be a lot worse due to social media brainrot. But the flip side is that most teenage boys are pussies who can't ask out a girl, so if you're one of the few with the balls to do it you have a much better chance.
Even if you're in senior year and still of low social status, your chances of getting a date are better than the average looksmaxxxxed adult. Because girls want boyfriends at that age, and there are guaranteed to be some girls at your school who've never been asked out and will be flattered if you ask them out unless you're a completely hideous subhuman (which is VERY rare I know you faggots aren't that bad). Also girls are much more tolerant of manlets at that age.
I wish I had that attitude in high school, it might have got me somewhere haha.
But muh beard muh money muh house LMAO that's nothing but cope for adult men who have to wade through the nightmarish dating market of 5 desperate single men to 1 single woman with an ego inflated to the moon. Even finding young single woman anymore LET ALONE ones who are virgin and relatively uncorrupted is like searching for a needle in a haystack. In high school you're surrounded by them! It's practically state-funded breeding grounds.

There's college which is also a good opportunity but then girls start to get constantly bomabarded by men on the internet and real life. Unless you major in a female-heavy field it will be much harder. I'm telling you, all the guys I know who are below average with gf and wives met them in high school or through a friend from high school. If you exit HS a friendless loser virgin, and don't put in maximum effort to make up for it in college, it's over and nothing can turn back your dim fate.
High school is a worse opportunity than college primarily because foids are more willing to have sex then. In high school, girls are less promiscuous and looking for a relationship with one guy making it harder to have sex with them than it is, say at a bar.

Either way though, you're point seems to be saying that you can't be considered an incel until you finish college because if you put in enough effort in college you can ascend so I agree with that.
I’d definitely make the top 5 ugliest incels on this forum.
High school is The easiest place to get laid. There arent that Many competitors, girls just go to class and Then home. High school girls arent that height elitist, I know short Chad lites that had massively More difficulties getting laid after high school what with All The tall Chads on tinder
Exceptionally high IQ post.
Remember that gigaChad Henry Caville was mocked by foids when he was young.
If you're still in high-school, you shouldn't be here. You're being a sad little faggot with plenty of time to actually fix yourself.
To be a truecel is to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, through experience, that things are not going to get better.
Exceptionally high IQ post.
Remember that gigaChad Henry Caville was mocked by foids when he was young.
If you're still in high-school, you shouldn't be here. You're being a sad little faggot with plenty of time to actually fix yourself.
To be a truecel is to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, through experience, that things are not going to get better.
Thank you. I agree with every word you said.
True idk why highschoolers are on here, some are truecels but they can get lucky with FirstTimemaxxing
Incel on highschool is a prelude to the worst yet to come.
Not this gas lighting bullshit again.
Most youngcels here will get GF become normie and you will never hear from them again

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