idkwattodowithlife said:
Good idea.
Not a bad way to go about it.
Sounds like we could possibly have a new Anita Sarkeesian. Only If I could be your Zoey Quinn to your Anita Sarkeesian, then I'd be cool with it.
Zoey Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian are devoid of intellectual heft even for feminists. If I had to designate a feminist equivalent of myself it would arguably be Valerie Solanas. She is a failed assassin and a proponent of a male shoah. She is an incorrigibly insane daughter of a bitch and I love it.
Despite being critical of their motives, I have to admit that I do have some ideological affinities with certain radical feminists and second-wave theorists. Judith Butler's Against Interpretation almost makes me forgive her for being a feminist.
My philosophical relationship with radical feminists could be analogized to the ideological tension between communists and fascists, who both repudiate the same flaws of capitalism but promulgate radically different panaceae. It is almost poetic.
Who do you think would be the feminist version of yourself?