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Blackpill If you care, or have cared, about politics for more than 15 minutes a day



Nov 15, 2017
You are likely ugly or short.

Politics is the oldest and biggest cope for low value men. It's basically fantasies about popular revolts against your betters. Nietzsche has written extensively about this (see "ressentiment").

The alt-right is the greatest modern embodiment of this cope. Using a few copouts like "safeguarding western civilization" (yeah dude, I'm totally going to believe that you do care about Western heritage, you haven't visited a castle or a museum in years), it's essence of ressentiment, ressentiment distilled.
not a new revelation but true, if you get angry about things that are out of your control you are not living a happy life
You are likely ugly or short.

Politics is the oldest and biggest cope for low value men. It's basically fantasies about popular revolts against your betters. Nietzsche has written extensively about this (see "ressentiment").

The alt-right is the greatest modern embodiment of this cope. Using a few copouts like "safeguarding western civilization" (yeah dude, I'm totally going to believe that you do care about Western heritage, you haven't visited a castle or a museum in years), it's essence of ressentiment, ressentiment distilled.
TRUTH. :yes::fire::yes::fire::yes::fire::yes::fire::yes::fire:
90% of people who are into any kind of radical politics are hardcore incels. ie. alt right and antifa (far right and far left)
So you say, but had there been blackpilled people sitting in Parliaments ugly males wouldn't be so fucked as they are today.

And JFL if you aren't politicsmaxxing to get revenge on roasties and chads by taxing their pleasures
True, good looking and mentally stable people don't have to worry about anything like that.
politics is just a facade made by smart ugly men to gain status by having intelligence (or being uber NT)
If I were able to fuck hoes like this on the daily:


You can bet your ass I will never speak a word about politics ever again. Seriously, I wouldn't give a fuck if there was a nuclear war.
low IQ. Some of the most successful politicians are attractive.
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I’m ugly and short and couldn’t give two shits about politics
Don't try to give me hope because I'm ignorant about everything happening outside my home :p
Agreed politics helps ugly low value people pretend they have a say or that their opinion has power in an uncaring world.
Hmmm. Never thought about this but probably true.

I used to browse Yahoo! Answers Politics back then when I was 18-21. Looking at political shit all day. Don't care about it anymore.
I try to avoid politics these days. All I know is that fascists/alt-right are fucking retarded, and SJW'S/Antifa are fucking retarded.
Politics impacts every single thing about your life. It's tedious and too much work and life is easier if you're oblivious, ignorant and/or pretend it doesn't matter. But it matters a lot.
I wasted so much time worrying about politics.
People not caring about politics (because "this shit is for losers") is why politicians constantly fuck us over, in all kinds of ways
Top tier post.
People not caring about politics (because "this shit is for losers") is why politicians constantly fuck us over, in all kinds of ways

You sound like a teenager. People don't care about politics because they're older and wiser than you. They have seen that the System is stronger than political programs, and that reform almost never happens.

Caring about politics is OK only in two circumstances: during elections (not before or after, this is characteristic loser behavior), or if you are involved yourself in a political organization (as a full-time job).
low IQ. Some of the most successful politicians are attractive.
These people actually live the dream, ugly men like you just give them power and money and get nothing in return.
Politics impacts every single thing about your life.
False. Having good genes and a good job impacts more.

It is better to be a handsome doctor in the Soviet Union than an ugly janitor in the USA.
People don't care about politics because they're older and wiser than you. They have seen that the System is stronger than political programs, and that reform almost never happens.

Reform has happened countless times in history. Just 30 years ago communism fell in my country because people cared.

You're probably the kind of guy who goes "why care about politics if you can't change anything" and then spends half the day watching movies and sports
Just 30 years ago communism fell in my country because people cared.
No, it's because the Soviet Union wasn't around anymore to boss your shitty little country into submission.

And the Soviet Union fell because of economic problems / internal reform by power players, not by the "people".
No, it's because the Soviet Union wasn't around anymore to boss your shitty little country into submission.
It was though

EDIT: the first half of the XXth century was absolutely filled with all kinds of reforms, including revolutions. The people did this. But I wouldn't expect a burger to know world history. Go back to watching porn
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It was though
And even when the Soviet Union fell it wasn't thanks to retards like you

When did your shitty little country escape the grip of communism? You said 30 years ago, funny, that coincides with perestroika / glasnost i.e. alpha dogs in the Soviet system deciding to abandon their imperial ambitions because everything was falling apart economically at home.

The "people" have nothing to do with it, never had anything to do with political reform anywhere in history (the French revolution was led by the haute bourgeoisie). They have been, are, and will be forever, crapped on by those who actually have power.
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he "people" have nothing to do with it, never had anything to do with political reform anywhere in history
You think monarchs gave up absolute power out of goodness of heart?
You think feudal lords liberated their peasants because they felt like it?
You think worker/civil rights appeared out of thin air?

You're so spoiled and delusional it's not even funny
If I were able to fuck hoes like this on the daily:


You can bet your ass I will never speak a word about politics ever again. Seriously, I wouldn't give a fuck if there was a nuclear war.
Your taste in women is so trash
False. Having good genes and a good job impacts more.

It is better to be a handsome doctor in the Soviet Union than an ugly janitor in the USA.

No, it's better to be a living Incel in the UK with healthcare and neetbux, than a dead Chad in Syria.
You think monarchs gave up absolute power out of goodness of heart?
This is exactly what happened in a lot of countries. This unequivocally applies to the former colonies of the British empire, for instance.

If you have the XVIIIth century in mind, the rebellion against monarchy in Europe was mostly agitation by a few wealthy men jealous of the traditional aristocracy and self-hating aristocrats. Most of the French, even in Paris, played no part in it and refused to believe a revolution had happened until many weeks after.

The causes of this agitation (and of the revolution's eventual success) are complex, but mostly come down to technological progress and loss of religious faith over the centuries. The backbone of the Ancien Régime was constituted by the knight, the landowner and the priest. Firearms and modern warfare displaced the knight, factories displaced the landowner, and atheism killed the priest.

The only real "bottom-up" revolutions that happened in history, to my knowledge, are Christianity and Bolshevism.
Dont give a fuck about politics, im a normie REEEEEEEEEE
Im in a political party and i am ugly and short lol its over
These people actually live the dream, ugly men like you just give them power and money and get nothing in return.
nice job refuting what I said, kek. I'll assume this is just a shitpost because it's very low IQ compared to your other ones. Caring about politics has nothing to do with looks. And you do get something in return if they push for laws, policies etc. that benefit you.

I'm not even involved btw - I just recognize that it's important.
Also, reminder that incels helped to meme a president into office. Just lol @ the defeatism here
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I litteraly agree with everything you said. Pretty obvious if youve read good old Niet.

You think monarchs gave up absolute power out of goodness of heart?
You think feudal lords liberated their peasants because they felt like it?
You think worker/civil rights appeared out of thin air?

You're so spoiled and delusional it's not even funny

This is actually quite delusional. Do you think that the majority, the mass, the proletarians or the democrats.... made kings or feudal lords give up power in history? A different minority won the power game, thats all. Every king and lord was killed by an economical-intelectual-political elite that historically appeared from social, cultural and economical changes. "People" never had any power, and when they have, they are being manipulated. Just look at the middle class of any country. Pure human resources being used by one elite or the other. Look at soviet russia, and how it became socialist (or any other comy country). I dont think this is bad, its just the way it works.
Sorry for bad english


whatever you say
Again, there is a fundamental difference between being a power player yourself and being a passive actor with a big mouth.

Power players get money, fame and women in politics while keyboard warriors just prop them up.
I just learnt ITT that I'm ugly and short. Bummer.
Radical change is only desirable to those who are not content with their life as is, so radical politics are naturally likely to attract losers of all kinds. Lenin was a 3/10 baldlet since his early 20s, which explains why he always made public appearances with a hat. Hitler was likewise an utter failure before joining the Nazi party. The normie masses only aspire for radical change if the system is rendered incapable of providing for their basic needs, which has been a prerequisite for every popular revolution in world history. The ideologues alone are bound to screech and critique aimlessly if material circumstances aren't intolerable enough rally the plebs to their cause, and ideologues are usually subhuman and miserable. There is no reason to seek an alternative when you are content with what the current societal arrangement provides for you and your position within it.
Radical change is only desirable to those who are not content with their life as is, so radical politics are naturally likely to attract losers of all kinds. Lenin was a 3/10 baldlet since his early 20s, which explains why he always made public appearances with a hat. Hitler was likewise an utter failure before joining the Nazi party. The normie masses only aspire for radical change if the system is rendered incapable of providing for their basic needs, which has been a prerequisite for every popular revolution in world history. The ideologues alone are bound to screech and critique aimlessly if material circumstances aren't intolerable enough rally the plebs to their cause, and ideologues are usually subhuman and miserable. There is no reason to seek an alternative when you are content with what the current societal arrangement provides for you and your position within it.
Couldn't say it better than this. Perfect.

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