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Serious If you are ethnic living in a white country you will have a better shot at getting laid if you move to wherever you are from

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
This is just a fact. What good will you staying and rotting in Europe do? Just save up money and move to wherever your chances of getting laid are the highest. If you are a currycel just go back to India to find yourself a wife. If you are asian just go back to Bangkok. If you are Persian just move back to the middle east.

Staying in a place where you are obviously at a disadvantage is setting yourself up for failure, its also volcelish tbh
Lmao I'll be instantly killed before I have the chance to do anything if I go to my home country.
Lmao I'll be instantly killed before I have the chance to do anything if I go to my home country.
I doubt that tbh, sounds like you are making excuses
Not essentially true.I was living in a white country as a Hapa and was treated like shit by women and went back to Thailand to be treated as an invisible. At least being invis8ble is a bit better or what?
The few times I visited Mexico as a teenaget I was invisible to women there too. IT'S OVER.
Not essentially true.I was living in a white country as a Hapa and was treated like shit by women and went back to Thailand to be treated as an invisible. At least being invis8ble is a bit better or what?
You should move to an asian country where your white half will get you girls like the Philippines
The few times I visited Mexico as a teenaget I was invisible to women there too.
Well you have a better chance of getting laid in Mexico than you do wherever you live now, you should move back to Mexico definitely otherwise you are intentionally sabotaging yourself
i was born in australia and im not fluent in my parents language, i was when i was a kid but school instilled engish and erased 80% of my 2nd language vocabulary
Better living conditions here in Western Europe, so I'm not going to back to curryland.
i was born in australia and im not fluent in my parents language, i was when i was a kid but school instilled engish and erased 80% of my 2nd language vocabulary
Doesnt matter, you will still have a better chance of getting laid in wherever you are ethnically from. You should definitely move there to at least get a wife and then you can come back. Right now you are intentionally sabotaging yourself.
There are Egyptiancels living in Egypt who post here, I don't think I'll have any better luck there.
So you choose to be a volcel? Fair enough.

I'm also volcel because of religious beliefs, volcel because I don't want to ascend through plastic surgery and volcel because I choose to stay here. I'm a triple volcel, while also being an incel at the same time, where's my award boyo?
There are Egyptiancels living in Egypt who post here, I don't think I'll have any better luck there.
Realistically speaking white girls are racist and you will have a greater chance of getting laid in Egypt, time to pack up your things and move.
I'm also volcel because of religious beliefs, volcel because I don't want to ascend through plastic surgery and volcel because I choose to stay here. I'm a triple volcel, while also being an incel at the same time, where's my award boyo?
Good! Now you know that whenever you want to get laid you can! No longer any need for you to be on this forum!
Well I am half Thai and it does not help

You are definitely better off in Thailand. There are stats proving that western girls discriminate against asians when it comes to dating in the West.
I have a better chance getting laid in North Korea than in a white country lol
i was born in australia and im not fluent in my parents language, i was when i was a kid but school instilled engish and erased 80% of my 2nd language vocabulary
I feel you. I used to be fluent in Spanish when I was a child, now I can barely speak it at all let alone comprehend others.

Well you have a better chance of getting laid in Mexico than you do wherever you live now, you should move back to Mexico definitely otherwise you are intentionally sabotaging yourself
I'm an autist. I wouldn't survive down in Mexico.
I have a better chance getting laid in North Korea than in a white country lol
Time to move then. No reason to stay in a country where you are penalized for your race.
I'm an autist. I wouldn't survive down in Mexico.
What does that even mean? Your chances of getting laid are better down there, are you like a volcel or something? Wtf is with this self sabotaging defeatist attitude?
Good! Now you know that whenever you want to get laid you can! No longer any need for you to be on this forum!

Giga cope, I'm still a 2/10, even if I move back to curryland. I'm going to be an incel anywhere on this planet.
TBH OP sounds like some alt right cuck trying to get rid of all the ethnic males. Don't fall for it boyos. We're gonna make sure we bring our families here and overthrow the natives just like their ancestors did.
I feel you. I used to be fluent in Spanish when I was a child, now I can barely speak it at all let alone comprehend others.

I'm an autist. I wouldn't survive down in Mexico.
its embarrassing bc all my cousins in europe speak fluent english/farsi/german or dutch (uncles/aunts dont speak english) and here i am struggling to communicate half the time
TBH OP sounds like some alt right cuck trying to get rid of all the ethnic males. Don't fall for it boyos. We're gonna make sure we bring our families here and overthrow the natives just like their ancestors did.
We need to start raping their females.
Giga cope, I'm still a 2/10, even if I move back to curryland. I'm going to be an incel anywhere on this planet.
You wont know until you move. And even if thats true if oyu arent trying to maximize your chances of getting laid that means youre a volcel tbh
We need to start raping their females.

I don't condone that sort of behavior.

its embarrassing bc all my cousins in europe speak fluent english/farsi/german or dutch (uncles/aunts dont speak english) and here i am struggling to communicate half the time

You're a Dutchcel and also Afghancel? Het is over jongen. Volgens mij mog je mij gewoon kk hard.

You wont know until you move. And even if thats true if oyu arent trying to maximize your chances of getting laid that means youre a volcel tbh

See, this is why you're a stormfrontcel in disguise. Why do you insist on us moving elsewhere?! I'll just ldar here.
I don't condone that sort of behavior.

You're a Dutchcel and also Afghancel? Het is over jongen. Volgens mij mog je mij gewoon kk hard.

See, this is why you're a stormfrontcel in disguise. Why do you insist on us moving elsewhere?! I'll just ldar here.
im not dutch, my relatives live in entherlands while im in australia. i went there 2 months ago and got mogged to oblivion in amsterdam
TBH OP sounds like some alt right cuck trying to get rid of all the ethnic males. Don't fall for it boyos. We're gonna make sure we bring our families here and overthrow the natives just like their ancestors did.

Sound like youre coping buddy boyo, I dont care if you move back once you get laid I only care that you get laid and you seem to be making a whole lot of excuses as to why you dont want to get off your volcel ass

Im just trying to help ethnicels get laid by pointing out a simple fact that moving to the country where your race is a majority significantly increases your chances of getting laid

its literally the same logic as behind the impenetrable truth that is JBW theory
its embarrassing bc all my cousins in europe speak fluent english/farsi/german or dutch (uncles/aunts dont speak english) and here i am struggling to communicate half the time
"You're brown but can't speak [ethnic language]". They rip on you so hard for this.

What does that even mean? Your chances of getting laid are better down there, are you like a volcel or something? Wtf is with this self sabotaging defeatist attitude?
All my aunts over there are all single moms. What that tells me is the only way to succeed with women in Mexico is if youre a bad boy type who pumps and dumps hoes. Im not like that so i have no chance.
im not dutch, my relatives live in entherlands while im in australia. i went there 2 months ago and got mogged to oblivion in amsterdam

Oh, my bad, kek. I thought you spoke Dutch. I said "It's over, I think you mog me hard."
Sound like youre coping buddy boyo, I dont care if you move back once you get laid I only care that you get laid and you seem to be making a whole lot of excuses as to why you dont want to get off your volcel ass

Im just trying to help ethnicels get laid by pointing out a simple fact that moving to the country where your race is a majority significantly increases your chances of getting laid

its literally the same logic as behind the impenetrable truth that is JBW theory

JBW theory is legit, I saw it in action right in front of me at the supermarket. Ethnic bitches are all nice with white guys but when an ethnic male comes, they're suddenly distant.
See, this is why you're a stormfrontcel in disguise. Why do you insist on us moving elsewhere?! I'll just ldar here.

Im not a stormfrontcel, all Im saying is that if you arent maximizing your chances of getting laid by moving to a 3rd world country you are a volcel. Doesnt matter that you dont speak the language or that you are born and raised in Europe. You have a better chance of getting laid somewhere else and you are not going there, why is this?
JBW theory is legit, I saw it in action right in front of me at the supermarket. Ethnic bitches are all nice with white guys but when an ethnic male comes, they're suddenly distant.
And so is my theory. Girls want white guys, time to move to a 3rd world country where you will have a better chance of getting laid. You can come back after you get a gf or whatever I dont care, but if you dont pack your bag and book your ticket TONIGHT, you are a volcel by every definition then tbh
i want to stay in the west so i can have kids with a beautiful white women so my kid can be very beautiful like a model therefore improving my offspring genetics
All my aunts over there are all single moms. What that tells me is the only way to succeed with women in Mexico is if youre a bad boy type who pumps and dumps hoes. Im not like that so i have no chance.

So you dont want to get laid? Eh?
This is just a fact. What good will you staying and rotting in Europe do? Just save up money and move to wherever your chances of getting laid are the highest. If you are a currycel just go back to India to find yourself a wife. If you are asian just go back to Bangkok. If you are Persian just move back to the middle east.

Staying in a place where you are obviously at a disadvantage is setting yourself up for failure, its also volcelish tbh

I live in southern California the city im in is 90% asian and im still a incel here.
I actually agree, everyone would be better off if they stayed in their own country. But relocating is no easy task.
Im not a stormfrontcel, all Im saying is that if you arent maximizing your chances of getting laid by moving to a 3rd world country you are a volcel. Doesnt matter that you dont speak the language or that you are born and raised in Europe. You have a better chance of getting laid somewhere else and you are not going there, why is this?

Not everyone here wants to get laid though. Some are here because they're genuinely hideous to the point where women avoid them in public, even when no eyecontact is made. That's why I'm here. Call me a volcel all you want, I'm still a truecel to due a facial deformity.
And so is my theory. Girls want white guys, time to move to a 3rd world country where you will have a better chance of getting laid. You can come back after you get a gf or whatever I dont care, but if you dont pack your bag and book your ticket TONIGHT, you are a volcel by every definition then tbh

Err like I said it's not about sex for me. It's avoid being ugly as fuark.
I actually agree, everyone would be better off if they stayed in their own country. But relocating is no easy task.
It's a lot of work for a marginal increased chance of getting laid. Not worth it at all unless you're white relocating to an ethnic country.
Err like I said it's not about sex for me. It's avoid being ugly as fuark.
Well if its not about sex or getting a gf then how are you a trueCEL? The cel suffix implies celibate, if you dont care about sex you are a blackpilled normie or since you claim you are ugly that would make you a blackpilled volcel.
Well if its not about sex or getting a gf then how are you a trueCEL? The cel suffix implies celibate, if you dont care about sex you are a blackpilled normie or since you claim you are ugly that would make you a blackpilled volcel.

Regardless, if I wasn't a volcel, I'd still be incel because of my 2/10 looks. I am an ogre bro.
It's a lot of work for a marginal increased chance of getting laid. Not worth it at all unless you're white relocating to an ethnic country.

Hardly "marginal". You effectively have 0 chance of getting laid in any European or North American country. Relocating to a country where the majority of people are the same race as you means that you will do infinitely times better since x/0 approaches infinity.

Being an ugly ethnic in a white country > being an ugly ethnic in an ethnic country

Also it doesnt cost much, a ticket is a thousand bucks at most. A couple thousand dollars should last you a few months if you are moving anywhere in Asia.
I live in southern California the city im in is 90% asian and im still a incel here.
Because asian chicks in Cali are going after white guys....arent you aware of JBW theory? Move to a country where there arent many white guys around.
Because asian chicks in Cali are going after white guys....arent you aware of JBW theory? Move to a country where there arent many white guys around.

Not really most asian girls out there are with chang. I rarely see wmaf much these days. With social media most of these girls would get shamed and no asian would give them attention anymore. These girls becomes out castcsst. Besides JBW is a myth.
Everybody in the west defends and coddles minorities. I really don't understand where this persecution complex comes from.

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