Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting If it exists, write down the worst events / parts that happened in your life regarding foids.



Two worlds apart: theirs and ours.
Aug 1, 2018
Hello there,

As title says it, I'm asking you to explain the worst story that happened to you.
It can be an event, or a whole part of your life.

Obviously, I know that most of us didn't even interact once in their lives with any female, but if you did, tell me how it went.

Let's start with me, I guess.
There are two parts of my life that went terribly bad.

Part 1 - Middle school.
Unlike some people on the forum, I started to discover the evil nature of women far before my tweenties or even high school.
For one I was already quite socially isolated and not only I had just this one friend... (who betrayed me, look at these threads: https://incels.is/threads/my-friend-always-asking-me-to-go-play-games-with-him.83916/ and https://incels.is/threads/i-told-my-dad-about-my-inceldom.85467/), but I also wasn't blackpilled. So innocent. So stupid.

I started becoming blackened as girls were making fun of me. These little bitches... Even at that time (I was 11-12), I already had some hatred against them.

But on the other hand, as clearly I wasn't as blackpilled as today, I felt in love for one specific girl... You know how this will end, right? I did not...
She rejected me with an extreme mental violence, you have never seen that. It literally crushed my soul, and I was just 11, mind you.

After that, hell continued to go on. So many girls were mocking me, far more brutally than boyos. I couldn't stand them.
For example, in front of like 30 people at least, one girl constantly asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. Obvious sarcasm is obvious, they were smiling and laughikg like two perfect sluts. And they were quite attractive (5~6 / 10), so they clearly making fun of me.

I would say that things started to get a little better in the late classes of middle school. Yeah, very useful.
I was 14, and my soul was already sliced into little pieces of mental ill blood.

Part 2 - High school.
New school! New people!... New... ahah, forget it, I don't give a fuck. My friend (who hadn't betrayed me yet) was in a different high school.
There was this one buddy that I had met in middle school. Though, he also betrayed me but I will explain that later...

So. This buddy and me, were both in the same class. Cool! The year will be great - I thought.
Crual error... There was this one girl... let's call her Slut. She started to talk with my buddy and was actually pretty. Like a 6/10 too. I don't know... I liked her physically.
Not only she clearly made me understand that I was fucking ugly, but she also started mocking me on that. During all my first year in high school, Slut was making fun of me, cutting me while I'm talking.
It just crushed my soul even more.

Second year comes. Slut and me were finally in different classes. Though, her and my buddy were in the same one. So they absolutely continued to talk together, while I was roting by my side. Some people (in MY class) also started to make fun of me just because I was acting weirdly (first symptoms of my mental problems). This didn't help me at all. I was extremely suspicious, maybe paranoid (today isn't too different, though)...
I was even suspecting my buddy to make fun of me with Slut. Which will be confirmed afterwards.

Last year is there! People are MUCH more sympathetic. Almost no one mocked me.
Though, with all the things that had happened before, I couldn't keep up a nomal conversation with others, and I was still socially isolated.
My old buddy was also clearly making fun of me with Slut; I could even hear them loudly laughing in corridors I was passing by.
Suspicions were right: I'm not paradoid, but only very vigilant. And I was (still am) right to be like that.
It was last year, I was 17, my soul collapsed.

Part 3 - Today's times...
With all of that, I think it's pretty clear that I became a mentalcel. I'm absolutely not charismatic in any way, I'm socially retarded and isolated, too vigilant (which annoys others, I was told about that), and even manlet which doesn't help at all in a country like France (where I live), but I think there is one worse than me regarding my face (I won't post photos, I'm careful on the Internet).

What's good on the other side is that university has better classes, and some people are quite open to talk quickly to me sometimes (but I can't keep up the conversation as I said before). Bad side of college? Watching chads succeed, couples form or hang out...

And, of course, my family doesn't understand my "pessimism". ROFL.

Now brothers, tell me how your soul died.
I don’t wanna say the worst thing since I still have PTSD, I usually try to avoid women as much but the worst thing a girl has ever done is bullying
Bullying? I feel bad for you, really... When was that?
One thing I don't get is how I keep on reading stories where 10-13 y/o falls in love and that there's an romantic interest in another sex. When growing up, from my experience, nobody at that age group ever gave a fuck about girls nor girls about boys. Everyone was a kid doing kid things, causing problems and in general being dumb, the "sex" part was never in the equation.
They would hit me and ask me stuff but I couldn't answer because I couldn't speak ndebele (African language) this happened for like a year.
I was about 4 years old that time? Still remembered it and my mom never took me seriously because she thought they had a crush on me.
Bitches. And your mom... Do you hate her for not taking it seriously?

One thing I don't get is how I keep on reading stories where 10-13 y/o falls in love and that there's an romantic interest in another sex. When growing up, from my experience, nobody at that age group ever gave a fuck about girls nor girls about boys. Everyone was a kid doing kid things, causing problems and in general being dumb, the "sex" part was never in the equation.
How old are you?
I see. Not a different generation.
Well to reply to your first post, the "love" that I had for the sluttyfoid didn't really have a sexual connotation.
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One thing I don't get is how I keep on reading stories where 10-13 y/o falls in love and that there's an romantic interest in another sex. When growing up, from my experience, nobody at that age group ever gave a fuck about girls nor girls about boys. Everyone was a kid doing kid things, causing problems and in general being dumb, the "sex" part was never in the equation.
Gtfo, I started having attraction to girls in 1st grade
Physically, I am repulsive. Don't believe the personality bullshit, like the incels in denial keep saying, the only thing that stops women from liking me is just my looks.

If my personality is so bad, then explain why I was only liked platonically, but never romantically. And trust me, I'm really good at picking up such signs.

Women avoid me in public in the sense that when they are walking towards my direction, they go extra to the left or right despite there being enough space for us not to touch each other if she were not to move.

Or on the rare occasion that they do not completely avoid me, I can see from the corner of my eyes that when they pass me, they make sure to move away to ensure they don't even touch me accidentally.

I have had women laugh at me for no reason, presumably because I'm ugly and they're joking around about how I will die alone, only it's not a joke but reality.

This also includes situations where I wasn't bothering anyone, but I still got negative comments by complete strangers. Female strangers, or course.

Even your own parents don't love or care for you. It's a duty that they have, it's not genuine. And if your own parents don't love you, then who ever possibly could? Nobody can.
Physically, I am repulsive. Don't believe the personality bullshit, like the incels in denial keep saying, the only thing that stops women from liking me is just my looks.

If my personality is so bad, then explain why I was only liked platonically, but never romantically.

This shit hurts the most. If I was still a NEET who never walked outside, there would always be that last shimmer of hope in my brain.
"What if I just went out and got friends"
"If only I worked on my social skills I could get a gf".

Well I did that. I even got some female friends. I caught the feels everytime, but nothing from their side. That's when you know it is truly over :feelsrope:
This shit hurts the most. If I was still a NEET who never walked outside, there would always be that last shimmer of hope in my brain.
"What if I just went out and got friends"
"If only I worked on my social skills I could get a gf".

Well I did that. I even got some female friends. I caught the feels everytime, but nothing from their side. That's when you know it is truly over :feelsrope:

Exactly, brother. It really hurts knowing no matter what, women do not want to give us a chance. At the end of the day, she will only go for an average or good looking man. Not for ogres like us.

I am in college now, and I have female friends as well. Even if I start liking a woman, I know she will turn me down, simply because I'm ugly. :feelscry::feelscry:

It's so unnecessary. I'm like, "I'm just minding my business, not bothering anyone, why the fuck do you think it's okay to try and make me feel like shit?"

And the worst part is that they always succeed. :feelsbadman:
I somehow managed to get 1/3 of the female population turn against me in my high school a few years back
For one I was already quite socially isolated and not only I had just this one friend... (who betrayed me, look at these threads:
I know that feeling all too well
I am in college now, and I have female friends as well. Even if I start liking a woman, I know she will turn me down, simply because I'm ugly. :feelscry::feelscry:
College is nice though. I think it is the best chance for an incel to find a unicorn.
Didn't work for me, but im wishing you the best
College is nice though. I think it is the best chance for an incel to find a unicorn.
Didn't work for me, but im wishing you the best

Thanks for the well wishes but 99.9% of girls here are degenerates. I don't want a degenerate as a partner, even if it was in th past, teehee!!

The 0.01% of girls who aren't degenerates want nothing to do with me anyways, because they want a good looking partner.

Hell, a couple of weeks ago there was a video making the rounds on social media of a girl giving head to a guy at the school, JFL.

What did you study?
Thanks for the well wishes but 99.9% of girls here are degenerates. I don't want a degenerate as a partner, even if it was in th past, teehee!!

The 0.01% of girls who aren't degenerates want nothing to do with me anyways, because they want a good looking partner.

Hell, a couple of weeks ago there was a video making the rounds on social media of a girl giving head to a guy at the school, JFL.

What did you study?
Holy shit, I'm guessing you are from murica? Maybe uni culture is different here in europe. There seems to be more social pressure for women to be bluepilled and choose a partner based on personality etc. At least based on my experience.
I studied electrical engineering, currently applying for a job but got some time to NEET in between which feels pretty good.
Holy shit, I'm guessing you are from murica? Maybe uni culture is different here in europe. There seems to be more social pressure for women to be bluepilled and choose a partner based on personality etc. At least based on my experience.
I studied electrical engineering, currently applying for a job but got some time to NEET in between which feels pretty good.

No, I live in Europe, JFL. People refer to my school as a "whore school." I guess that says enough.

Women don't go for partners based on personality alone, they still want good looks to come with it. Even the good girls do. So it's over for me.

And I don't want to settle for somebody who's already had sex, but at the same time, the same foids wouldn't give me the time of day anyways. It's a lose/lose situation.

And you're right, that's the perfect way to NEET. I NEETed after graduating high school, and let me tell you, it was horrible. Everyone was moving forward in life and I was still stuck.
Bullied, “she says she likes you” typical trolling, and today, a foid tried and succeeded in character assassinating me.
And I don't want to settle for somebody who's already had sex, but at the same time, the same foids wouldn't give me the time of day anyways. It's a lose/lose situation.
I think thats a stupid attitude to have as a virgin but w/e.

And you're right, that's the perfect way to NEET. I NEETed after graduating high school, and let me tell you, it was horrible. Everyone was moving forward in life and I was still stuck.
I get that feeling to sometimes. But most people my age are long away from graduation in way less promising subjects, so I am not too worried. The whole application process is a pain in the ass though, going to a job interview tomorrow and I already see myself saying stupid shit to stupid questions asked by the HR stacy
I think thats a stupid attitude to have as a virgin but w/e.

You think it's stupid? I think it's reasonable. Did you know that if a woman had previous sexual encounters, your future kids will also inherit the DNA of her previous partners? I shit you not, there is a study on this.

I get that feeling to sometimes. But most people my age are long away from graduation in way less promising subjects, so I am not too worried. The whole application process is a pain in the ass though, going to a job interview tomorrow and I already see myself saying stupid shit to stupid questions asked by the HR stacy

Good luck with the interview tomorrow, you got this. Make sure to be more of a gentleman :)bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:) since she works for the HR department.
havent read any posts due to just waking up but will read this whole thread later
my story real quick. posted it plenty of times as one of my worst nights ever:
-be 18 in Hs
-take a 17yo 300pound whale to prom because desperate and wanted to look normal to please parens
-heard rumors she was the school slut but didnt believe. who fucks a 300pound whale?
-purchase everything for us and 8 other classmates (5 couples in total)
-i mean EVERYTHING cuz i had job
-go to prom and she doesnt want anything to do with me
-her friends pressure her to at least give me a dance and kiss since they see how miserable i am
-she. complies. prom ends
-helping clean up with teachers and principal
-where is everyone?
-she left with my fucking limo and all her friends to after party
-obviously my night ends alone and fucking angry and frustrated
-next day go to school (prom on thursday cuz cheaper)
-nice girl classmate stops be
-tells me about Michelle my gf and what happened at party bcuz she thought she cheated on me and cuz she didnt see me at party
(she thought we were bf/gf)
-Michelle gets high and drunk and double teamed in middle of party by 2 classmates one being the asian fuck she kept telling me was so hot and attracted too (she had a thing for asian guys)
-tell nice girl tyvm im shocked and will DEFINITELY break up with Michelle. pretend to be sad. storm off
sorry post was longer than expected. i just get so fucking aggravated when i think bout that night and how i did everything right and still end up getting cucked.
Probably the only two times I've been assigned to dance with females and they both ran out crying.

The first one occurred at a party when I was around 11 (the first and last party in where it was expected from both sexes to intermingle with each other that I've ever attended) and got ironically voted the best dressing boy there by the other boys (the votes were gender segregated), blatantly laughing about it in my face. This was done so that I would be forced to dance with the best dressing girl in front of everyone, as that was part of the thing. Anyway, once the best dressing girl realized that I was the one she was supposed to dance with, she ran out in tears, absolutely revolted at the thought of having to dance with a subhuman like me, while I stood there like a cuck in front of everyone completely humiliated, not fully comprehending what had hit me. I might add that later that night, we played truth or dare, and as soon as someone dared me to do something, let's say kiss a female, every attractive female whom I wanted to kiss refused to be kissed by me. That was also quite humiliating

Another incident was in PE where I was supposed to dance with the most attractive foid in class, and she ran out crying refusing to dance with me.
Physically, I am repulsive. Don't believe the personality bullshit, like the incels in denial keep saying, the only thing that stops women from liking me is just my looks.

If my personality is so bad, then explain why I was only liked platonically, but never romantically. And trust me, I'm really good at picking up such signs.

Women avoid me in public in the sense that when they are walking towards my direction, they go extra to the left or right despite there being enough space for us not to touch each other if she were not to move.

Or on the rare occasion that they do not completely avoid me, I can see from the corner of my eyes that when they pass me, they make sure to move away to ensure they don't even touch me accidentally.

I have had women laugh at me for no reason, presumably because I'm ugly and they're joking around about how I will die alone, only it's not a joke but reality.

This also includes situations where I wasn't bothering anyone, but I still got negative comments by complete strangers. Female strangers, or course.

Even your own parents don't love or care for you. It's a duty that they have, it's not genuine. And if your own parents don't love you, then who ever possibly could? Nobody can.
Personality is pure bullshit yes. And it's not my bluepilled family that will help me for sure.
As I said, being mental doesn't help me. I don't think I'm THAT ugly compared to monsters that this forum has, and I'm so grateful for that. On the other hand, with all the things that happened, I'm not normal, I probably never will be.

The platonic interest... I know this feeling. Others are just making up their interest for you. And unfortunately, foids do it better than anyone else. That's how cucks were born, after all.

Women don't avoid me, I try to avoid them. Lmao. But now I don't go outside (I'm almost a locationcel too), regarding the feeling of being judged jusr because I'm not average looking.

When women laugh at incels in general, they deserve to being tortured, and finally painfully die. Being mocked, I know what it is. I feel so bad for you. You are almost my twin, wtf (well incels are twins to each other I guess... it says a lot about how women are all the fucking same).

Family is just a stupid concept, exactly like love and my other "sentimental" deepshits.

This shit hurts the most. If I was still a NEET who never walked outside, there would always be that last shimmer of hope in my brain.
"What if I just went out and got friends"
"If only I worked on my social skills I could get a gf"

Well I did that. I even got some female friends. I caught the feels everytime, but nothing from their side. That's when you know it is truly over :feelsrope:
Exactly what my parents were telling me.
"It's not like being weird and somewhat ugly matters, right???"

College is the best and worst part of my life at the same time.
Best, because you can meet nice people (and sometimes you learn interesting things).
Worst, because each time you will have a female """friend""", you can be sure that you are already in the friendzone if you are ugly. That's what happens to me.

I somehow managed to get 1/3 of the female population turn against me in my high school a few years back
How the fuck did you accomplish this? Jfl.

havent read any posts due to just waking up but will read this whole thread later
my story real quick. posted it plenty of times as one of my worst nights ever:
-be 18 in Hs
-take a 17yo 300pound whale to prom because desperate and wanted to look normal to please parens
-heard rumors she was the school slut but didnt believe. who fucks a 300pound whale?
-purchase everything for us and 8 other classmates (5 couples in total)
-i mean EVERYTHING cuz i had job
-go to prom and she doesnt want anything to do with me
-her friends pressure her to at least give me a dance and kiss since they see how miserable i am
-she. complies. prom ends
-helping clean up with teachers and principal
-where is everyone?
-she left with my fucking limo and all her friends to after party
-obviously my night ends alone and fucking angry and frustrated
-next day go to school (prom on thursday cuz cheaper)
-nice girl classmate stops be
-tells me about Michelle my gf and what happened at party bcuz she thought she cheated on me and cuz she didnt see me at party
(she thought we were bf/gf)
-Michelle gets high and drunk and double teamed in middle of party by 2 classmates one being the asian fuck she kept telling me was so hot and attracted too (she had a thing for asian guys)
-tell nice girl tyvm im shocked and will DEFINITELY break up with Michelle. pretend to be sad. storm off
sorry post was longer than expected. i just get so fucking aggravated when i think bout that night and how i did everything right and still end up getting cucked.
So brutal.

Probably the only two times I've been assigned to dance with females and they both ran out crying.

The first one occurred at a party when I was around 11 (the first and last party in where it was expected from both sexes to intermingle with each other that I've ever attended) and got ironically voted the best dressing boy there by the other boys (the votes were gender segregated), blatantly laughing about it in my face. This was done so that I would be forced to dance with the best dressing girl in front of everyone, as that was part of the thing. Anyway, once the best dressing girl realized that I was the one she was supposed to dance with, she ran out in tears, absolutely revolted at the thought of having to dance with a subhuman like me, while I stood there like a cuck in front of everyone completely humiliated, not fully comprehending what had hit me. I might add that later that night, we played truth or dare, and as soon as someone dared me to do something, let's say kiss a female, every attractive female whom I wanted to kiss refused to be kissed by me. That was also quite humiliating

Another incident was in PE where I was supposed to dance with the most attractive foid in class, and she ran out crying refusing to dance with me.
I mean, ok you got fucked the first time, but why the well where you in a dancing place the second time? Was that in classroom?
I try not to rehash or think about bad memories and hope they will all just fade out. Incidentally I have almost no memories of my life. lol. Probably it's better this way.
You think it's stupid? I think it's reasonable. Did you know that if a woman had previous sexual encounters, your future kids will also inherit the DNA of her previous partners? I shit you not, there is a study on this.

Good luck with the interview tomorrow, you got this. Make sure to be more of a gentleman :)bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:) since she works for the HR department.
it is 100% reasonable and logical
dont believe that guy
in all honesty it iss what we deserve because people keep telling us incels that we only go for models and top tier women. okay then! i dont want a fucking top tier. give me a 1/10 looksmatch just make her a fucking virgin because then she is my equal. fair is fair. but there are too many WHORES out in todays society that fuck random guys for no reason at all thereby leaving no virgins past 15yo
How the fuck did you accomplish this? Jfl.
To make a long story short, a stupid foid broke her hip trying to sit down when there was no chair behind her and since I was within a few feet of her I was immediately blamed. The funny thing is, I took that chair several minutes before she decided to sit down, if she had paid attention to her surroundings instead of trying to chase some cock (she was flirting with some other guy while I was taking the chair) she would’ve been fine. Word traveled fast and pretty soon, everyone heard about how I “purposefully” broke her hip. She was on crutches for the rest of the school year, and obviously hated me now and in turn, all of her friends (she was fairly popular) hated me for the rest of high school
To make a long story short, a stupid foid broke her hip trying to sit down when there was no chair behind her and since I was within a few feet of her I was immediately blamed. The funny thing is, I took that chair several minutes before she decided to sit down, if she had paid attention to her surroundings instead of trying to chase some cock (she was flirting with some other guy while I was taking the chair) she would’ve been fine. Word traveled fast and pretty soon, everyone heard about how I “purposefully” broke her hip. She was on crutches for the rest of the school year, and obviously hated me now and in turn, all of her friends (she was fairly popular) hated me for the rest of high school

If my personality is so bad, then explain why I was only liked platonically, but never romantically. And trust me, I'm really good at picking up such signs.

This is what cucks and general blue-pilled guys, guys who got friendzoned, needs to understand. They are nothing but disposable, orbiting around over a female and get cucked.
Personality is pure bullshit yes. And it's not my bluepilled family that will help me for sure.
As I said, being mental doesn't help me. I don't think I'm THAT ugly compared to monsters that this forum has, and I'm so grateful for that. On the other hand, with all the things that happened, I'm not normal, I probably never will be.

The platonic interest... I know this feeling. Others are just making up their interest for you. And unfortunately, foids do it better than anyone else. That's how cucks were born, after all.

Women don't avoid me, I try to avoid them. Lmao. But now I don't go outside (I'm almost a locationcel too), regarding the feeling of being judged jusr because I'm not average looking.

When women laugh at incels in general, they deserve to being tortured, and finally painfully die. Being mocked, I know what it is. I feel so bad for you. You are almost my twin, wtf (well incels are twins to each other I guess... it says a lot about how women are all the fucking same).

Family is just a stupid concept, exactly like love and my other "sentimental" deepshits.

Exactly what my parents were telling me.
"It's not like being weird and somewhat ugly matters, right???"

College is the best and worst part of my life at the same time.
Best, because you can meet nice people (and sometimes you learn interesting things).
Worst, because each time you will have a female """friend""", you can be sure that you are already in the friendzone if you are ugly. That's what happens to me.

How the fuck did you accomplish this? Jfl.

So brutal.

I mean, ok you got fucked the first time, but why the well where you in a dancing place the second time? Was that in classroom?
PE as I said
Cold approached a girl a while ago. I was nervous af and fucked it up. I go to one of the restaurants beside her work, and one day while there I turned and saw her and her colleague staring at me and obviously talking about me. For the next few months, when walking past her work, if they saw me she and her colleagues would glare at me.

This was my first first hand experience of seeing how pathetic and bitchy they can be.
Personality is pure bullshit yes. And it's not my bluepilled family that will help me for sure.
As I said, being mental doesn't help me. I don't think I'm THAT ugly compared to monsters that this forum has, and I'm so grateful for that. On the other hand, with all the things that happened, I'm not normal, I probably never will be.

The platonic interest... I know this feeling. Others are just making up their interest for you. And unfortunately, foids do it better than anyone else. That's how cucks were born, after all.

Women don't avoid me, I try to avoid them. Lmao. But now I don't go outside (I'm almost a locationcel too), regarding the feeling of being judged jusr because I'm not average looking.

When women laugh at incels in general, they deserve to being tortured, and finally painfully die. Being mocked, I know what it is. I feel so bad for you. You are almost my twin, wtf (well incels are twins to each other I guess... it says a lot about how women are all the fucking same).

Family is just a stupid concept, exactly like love and my other "sentimental" deepshits.

Well, if you're not ugly then count yourself as one of the lucky ones (like 95% of this forum, JFL). I don't have a problem with mentalcels as long as they admit that their inceldom is not looks related (inb4 "Chad could be severely autistic and still get women all over him, so I am an incel!") and don't downplay how important looks are, so I don't mind having you around. And that's actually what I do nowadays: I avoid them. It's a win-win situation: a) They realize that they're not universally desirable, b) Women crave attention, getting avoided by an ugly guy would hurt their ego massively, and c) I can't feel bad about being avoided, because I do it first. And I agree, women who laugh at ugly men deserve to be tortured. I hope they get pumped and dumped like the cum dumpsters they are. Thanks for your sympathy, it is much appreciated.

it is 100% reasonable and logical
dont believe that guy
in all honesty it iss what we deserve because people keep telling us incels that we only go for models and top tier women. okay then! i dont want a fucking top tier. give me a 1/10 looksmatch just make her a fucking virgin because then she is my equal. fair is fair. but there are too many WHORES out in todays society that fuck random guys for no reason at all thereby leaving no virgins past 15yo

Thank you, I'm glad you're as level-headed as I am. I completely agree, by the way. I would take a 2/10 virgin over a 10/10 degenerate whore. I will never settle for anything less, and if I have to live all by myself, then so be it. As @nausea once beautifully said, in the most poetic fashion ever: "Better incel than cuck."

This is what cucks and general blue-pilled guys, guys who got friendzoned, needs to understand. They are nothing but disposable, orbiting around over a female and get cucked.

Agreed. But those cucks think they stand a chance, so they bend over backwards to please those women. It's absolutely pathetic. White knights can literally kill you in certain places, such as India, where ironically women get raped the most. JFL at white knight cucks.
But those cucks think they stand a chance, so they bend over backwards to please those women.

And this is, what is really pathetic about this situation. They live in an illusion, obsessed with a female, with the hope, that they eventually will acknowledge their desire, but it will never happen. He will play the butler, the chauffeur, the nice guy in general and this is what he is, nothing more and nothing less, a nice guy (with no sexual attributes).
To make a long story short, a stupid foid broke her hip trying to sit down when there was no chair behind her and since I was within a few feet of her I was immediately blamed. The funny thing is, I took that chair several minutes before she decided to sit down, if she had paid attention to her surroundings instead of trying to chase some cock (she was flirting with some other guy while I was taking the chair) she would’ve been fine. Word traveled fast and pretty soon, everyone heard about how I “purposefully” broke her hip. She was on crutches for the rest of the school year, and obviously hated me now and in turn, all of her friends (she was fairly popular) hated me for the rest of high school
Once again, it has been proved that foids are evil. She deserved to get even more hurt.

Cold approached a girl a while ago. I was nervous af and fucked it up. I go to one of the restaurants beside her work, and one day while there I turned and saw her and her colleague staring at me and obviously talking about me. For the next few months, when walking past her work, if they saw me she and her colleagues would glare at me.

This was my first first hand experience of seeing how pathetic and bitchy they can be.
Brutal as fuck.

Well, if you're not ugly then count yourself as one of the lucky ones (like 95% of this forum, JFL). I don't have a problem with mentalcels as long as they admit that their inceldom is not looks related (inb4 "Chad could be severely autistic and still get women all over him, so I am an incel!") and don't downplay how important looks are, so I don't mind having you around. And that's actually what I do nowadays: I avoid them. It's a win-win situation: a) They realize that they're not universally desirable, b) Women crave attention, getting avoided by an ugly guy would hurt their ego massively, and c) I can't feel bad about being avoided, because I do it first. And I agree, women who laugh at ugly men deserve to be tortured. I hope they get pumped and dumped like the cum dumpsters they are. Thanks for your sympathy, it is much appreciated.
Yes, me not being as ugly as former incels is my only quality, but unfortunately it is destroyed by my height (I'm a manlet).
Not recognizing that I'm lucky on that part would be immensely disrespectful to many others (including you) here.

We need to hurt their egos (Chads' and foids'). That would being them back to the reality for a short moment, out of their bluepilled believes.

Thank you too, brother. It's so incredible how joining this forum made my life better. I can talk to many people who are just like me, after all. So confortable after being betrayed by my friend and my buddy.
Thank you, again.
My oneities strung me along as a beta orbiter for 9 years untill she got tired of acting nice and sweet to me and told me to my face that she used me all along and how she could never be with an ugly subhuman like me. I was not only devastated, i lost my ground to stand with even a shred of dignity left. It was humiliation on a scale i had not imagined in my worst nightmares. From that day i have never even thought of being with any foid at all. Cause i know now, how it will end and why. Approaching a girl (being ugly) is an act of masochism and no self respecting man should ever do it
being born
Simple, yet so effective.

My oneities strung me along as a beta orbiter for 9 years untill she got tired of acting nice and sweet to me and told me to my face that she used me all along and how she could never be with an ugly subhuman like me. I was not only devastated, i lost my ground to stand with even a shred of dignity left. It was humiliation on a scale i had not imagined in my worst nightmares. From that day i have never even thought of being with any foid at all. Cause i know now, how it will end and why. Approaching a girl (being ugly) is an act of masochism and no self respecting man should ever do it
The same thing happened to me, expect I wasn't a beta orbiter. Just reading your post makes me so infuriated against the fucking slut that used you. This is frightening as hell and extremely heartbreaking. She deserves to be kidnapped and tortured. I would do it.
Simple, yet so effective.

The same thing happened to me, expect I wasn't a beta orbiter. Just reading your post makes me so infuriated against the fucking slut that used you. This is frightening as hell and extremely heartbreaking. She deserves to be kidnapped and tortured. I would do it.[here's the blackpill part, she showed her true colors when i started balding and had reached norwood 3

Foids are manipulative and evil. You could not have done anything to protect yourself against her.
Once again, it has been proved that foids are evil. She deserved to get even more hurt.

Brutal as fuck.

Yes, me not being as ugly as former incels is my only quality, but unfortunately it is destroyed by my height (I'm a manlet).
Not recognizing that I'm lucky on that part would be immensely disrespectful to many others (including you) here.

We need to hurt their egos (Chads' and foids'). That would being them back to the reality for a short moment, out of their bluepilled believes.

Thank you too, brother. It's so incredible how joining this forum made my life better. I can talk to many people who are just like me, after all. So confortable after being betrayed by my friend and my buddy.
Thank you, again.

I know exactly how you feel, bro. I finally found a place where I can vent about my ugliness and people can no longer say shit like "Looks don't matter bro." JFL. Anyway, you're welcome. :)

Foids are manipulative and evil. You could not have done anything to protect yourself against her.
I could have saved myself from the humiliation had i been blackpilled or even redpilled at the right time
Getting rejected by my ultimate crush/love of my life. ALL BECAUSE IM A MANLET. I hate being 5'8 why cant I be 6 ft atleast
reported me in uni for looking at them too much
-be me
-literally socially awkward as hell

- develop oneitis on girl
- months go by without talking to her
-she keeps attention whoring me
- walks around with multiple other guys
- my dumbass thinks those guys are just her “friends”
- my dumbass thinks my oneitis is an angel

-one day I don’t see her
- week goes by still don’t see her think about her everyday
-month goes by OBSESS over her every single day

- finally one day she pops up
-my dumbass goes to talk to her and ask her out

- she looks at me disgustingly and says she has a boyfriend

- leaves with speed walk

-whore keeps smiling not realizing how much she hurt me
-fuck sluts
i've already said this in a previous thread but i'll repeat it anyway.
i remember i had to sit next to a foid in class because all the other seats were taken and she turned to her friends sitting in front of her and said ''now i have to sit next to (manlet cUnt), eww.''
another time a stacy was handing out worksheets as the teacher got students to hand them out. for absolutely no reason she threw my shit off the table when she got to my desk. wish i could go back in time and go ER on them.

i hope i die soon
A foid is giving me advices for uni work while her bf is a non-college Chad lmao
I've been called names, sat alone during school lunches while females spread rumors about me, while Chad bullied me females laugh only imaging Chad banging her brains out, and a female told me to my face that I wasn't attractive. Fuck.. so much more and I could go into detail but damn... now I'm feeling like shit again.
Ooooh. Its has been a "long" time since my last reply. Let's write a bit!

I know exactly how you feel, bro. I finally found a place where I can vent about my ugliness and people can no longer say shit like "Looks don't matter bro." JFL. Anyway, you're welcome. :)
"No, it's all about time bro!!!" :soy:
Jk of course. I really love this place. We need to protect ourselves against the :bluepill:.

I could have saved myself from the humiliation had i been blackpilled or even redpilled at the right time
But you weren't blackpilled nor even redpilled right?

Getting rejected by my ultimate crush/love of my life. ALL BECAUSE IM A MANLET. I hate being 5'8 why cant I be 6 ft atleast
If it can help you feel better, I'm 5'6.

-be me
-literally socially awkward as hell

- develop oneitis on girl
- months go by without talking to her
-she keeps attention whoring me
- walks around with multiple other guys
- my dumbass thinks those guys are just her “friends”
- my dumbass thinks my oneitis is an angel

-one day I don’t see her
- week goes by still don’t see her think about her everyday
-month goes by OBSESS over her every single day

- finally one day she pops up
-my dumbass goes to talk to her and ask her out

- she looks at me disgustingly and says she has a boyfriend

- leaves with speed walk

-whore keeps smiling not realizing how much she hurt me
-fuck sluts
Never have one. I made the same mistake.

Where to start?
Worst events.

i've already said this in a previous thread but i'll repeat it anyway.
i remember i had to sit next to a foid in class because all the other seats were taken and she turned to her friends sitting in front of her and said ''now i have to sit next to (manlet cUnt), eww.''
another time a stacy was handing out worksheets as the teacher got students to hand them out. for absolutely no reason she threw my shit off the table when she got to my desk. wish i could go back in time and go ER on them.

i hope i die soon
Teachers are such cucks.

A foid is giving me advices for uni work while her bf is a non-college Chad lmao
Fucking hell... This must be a joke. Is he in high school?

I've been called names, sat alone during school lunches while females spread rumors about me, while Chad bullied me females laugh only imaging Chad banging her brains out, and a female told me to my face that I wasn't attractive. Fuck.. so much more and I could go into detail but damn... now I'm feeling like shit again.
Once a female that seemed sympathetic to me said that I was the second least attractive boy in the class. It hurts man, I know.
Though, we are all shit. Don't feel like shit, because you are shit. Exactly as all people on this forum, we are all shit and failures. Our destiny cannot ne changed.
It's over.
Last edited:
We had to introduce ourselves on the first day of High School. Every took turn and had to say their name and their favorite interest.
I was cut off by a foid. Her opinion was that my interest was being a nerd and playing computer. As the only person I was not allowed to define myself. I got the be labeled instead. Teacher did not intervene.

If I meet this Foid today I want her to know that I still bear a grudge over this and mean her harm. This was 15 years ago.
We had to introduce ourselves on the first day of High School. Every took turn and had to say their name and their favorite interest.
I was cut off by a foid. Her opinion was that my interest was being a nerd and playing computer. As the only person I was not allowed to define myself. I got the be labeled instead. Teacher did not intervene.

If I meet this Foid today I want her to know that I still bear a grudge over this and mean her harm. This was 15 years ago.
Presentations at school are just used to target who are charismatic, and who will have to rot.
You have my support, obviously.

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