You might as well do that if you're looking for love, a lot of second marriages/relationships last long and healthy.
JFL nope
42-45% of 1st Marriages end in divorce
60% of 2nd Marriages end in divorce
73% of 3rd marraiges end in divorce
It doesn't get better, it gets worse
Also stop bothering with that troll, I never thought that user was legit that old and I never will, he speaks as if he's mentally disabled or a child.
Dude just get an escort already fuck.. u have nothing left to live for. Just cope with escorts until you die
Youre not going to get romance. It’s about 4 decades late for you. It doesn’t exist anymore. Forget it... seriously. Just get hookers if you want to have sex .
What many of the users are trying to logically explain to convince him to pay for sex I have done many times overs. Its like a parent trying to explain to their son that their favorite flavor of ice cream isn't in stock, but they can still have ice cream, and all the child does is cry and say "I WANT CHOCLATE CHIP".
This dude is just a high effort troll who has kept his shtick up for very long, and at some point he'll be another faker in the long line of trolls and larpers caught on the site, his will just come much later because he's more invested in his role. But no way simple common sense shit like this has to be explained to a 57 year old man, he thinks and operates like a child, he's clearly a larp.
I've noticed a small trend of users larping as old men like its some kind of joke, likely normies getting off on fucking with us:
I have confronted him about this already in a post, I've suspected for a long while now,
@FrustratedWhiteMale is a troll playing on the meme of a "lonely old white man"
That's if you even are a 50+ year old virgin, always thought your profile was a larp)
Like this user:
Their "shtick" (usual way of posting):
Heh youngster (waves cane)
Now young un here ,I'm 51
This shit is not funny, I have not reported this user because they are barely active, but if they ever kept up this kind of BS trolling to an unbearable extent I'd make it my job to get them banned. I suspect you are one of these kinds of trolls, you are just more "subtle" in your approach to trolling, not doing weird obvious shit like putting "waves cane" in your posts, but your responses are never genuine, they feel fake, like an act, your posts are always about cliche virgin memes like owning a doll or doing "le old people stuff", you don't act or sound like someone from your era at all.