Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

I want to die, and take the fakecels with me

UncannyValley said:
Lol what. How?

cold+broken nose nasal congestion or something, idk
KyloRen said:
Recon9 said:
"""""pitysex""""" bitch, please. PLEASE
Even if he was lying and it was "real" sex, those are 12 years from 21 to 33.
I see what you're saying, but there are 25 years from birth to 25
Thunderjaw said:
UncannyValley said:
@thunderjaw, what do you mean by pity sex?
I mean that this girl I was friends with (playing the emotional tampon, helping her get over her dad dying, etc) found out I had barely ever had sex and that it was my 21st birthday and offered to let me fuck her for the night if I didn't tell anyone. She was the kind of slut who just floated around frat parties getting free alcohol and picking a guy to fuck her before she went home and sex wasn't a huge deal to her. It was literally a slut throwing an act of charity at me.
For reference, I think she was late 20s early 30s. Getting too old to run frat parties anymore. And like I said, I've never been north of 4/10. She wasn't a hot slut, just a slut.

this isn't pity sex, this is more like sexual bereavement, perhaps she had an electra complex, anyway I guess that makes you a luckcel, you faggot
Recon9 said:
I see what you're saying, but there are 25 years from birth to 25
this isn't pity sex, this is more like sexual bereavement, perhaps she had an electra complex, anyway I guess that makes you a luckcel, you faggot

Yeah no you don't get to count the years before puberty when you're not actively like hormonal and missing being laid because you have a serious sex drive and so does everyone else around you for the first time. 

So at 25 you've gone as long as I have without sex.
Thunderjaw said:
Recon9 said:
I see what you're saying, but there are 25 years from birth to 25
this isn't pity sex, this is more like sexual bereavement, perhaps she had an electra complex, anyway I guess that makes you a luckcel, you faggot
Yeah no you don't get to count the years before puberty when you're not actively like hormonal and missing being laid because you have a serious sex drive and so does everyone else around you for the first time.
So at 25 you've gone as long as I have without sex.
how do you know i didnt start having urges at like 7 a.k.a A PISSING CONTEST IS IT?!?!

Im mostly kidding here, dw man, theres no book on the rules on inceldom. except perhaps the incels.is TOS on the rules of inceldom

UncannyValley said:
Recon9 said:
fuck even the OP is a fuckin volcel.... whats is becoming of this fucking forum??
You want to be a provider for some washed up landwhale who'll only give you sex once a month?
I don't *want* to be, but I've never had the option to either, specially since i'm brokecel anyway, theres literally no difference between that and escortcelling
Recon9 said:
how do you know i didnt start having urges at like 7 a.k.a A PISSING CONTEST IS IT?!?!

Im mostly kidding here, dw man, theres no book on the rules on inceldom. except perhaps the incels.is TOS on the rules of inceldom

The rules say non virgins who've had sex a year ago can be incel. I wouldn't take them too seriously in regards to defining Inceldom.

EDIT: nvm instead of it being a year, it's more vague by saying a "significant amount of time"
I still can't believe the mods allowed St. Tropez too post on here as long as she did, FUCKING LOL!
Recon9 said:

I don't *want* to be, but I've never had the option to either, specially since i'm brokecel anyway, theres literally no difference between that and escortcelling

Except with escorting you don't have to deal with the nagging slut 24/7

Nautica1983 said:
I still can't believe the mods allowed St. Tropez too post on here as long as she did, FUCKING LOL!

UncannyValley said:
Except with escorting you don't have to deal with the nagging slut 24/7


Technically a he, but a tranny that had 15 GF's. Im not going to post her pics or the convos a user on here sent me as he in trusted me not too.
Nautica1983 said:
Technically a he, but a tranny that had 15 GF's. Im not going to post her pics or the convos a user on here sent me as he in trusted me not too.

GFs and BFs, apparently.
Nautica1983 said:
Technically a he, but a tranny that had 15 GF's. Im not going to post her pics or the convos a user on here sent me as he in trusted me not too.

UncannyValley said:
The rules say non virgins who've had sex a year ago can be incel. I wouldn't take them too seriously in regards to defining Inceldom.

EDIT: nvm instead of it being a year, it's more vague by saying a "significant amount of time"

Drink that in, let it roll around in your head.

Do you honestly believe that given any amount of time between sex and now, these people can truly relate to you?
A Good Friend said:
Drink that in, let it roll around in your head.

Do you honestly believe that given any amount of time between sex and now, these people can truly relate to you?

Probably not.
Fakecel non virgins need to GTFO!

theyll never understand our pain, Idc about your sex drought; YOU'LL NEVER RELATE TO ME!
Why are people like @zyros even allowed to post here? HOW DOES HE RELATE TO US

WorldRulerAisha said:
Fakecel non virgins need to GTFO!

theyll never understand our pain, Idc about your sex drought; YOU'LL NEVER RELATE TO ME!
Why are people like @zyros even allowed to post here? HOW DOES HE RELATE TO US


If the mods wanted this to just be a place of blackpill discussion, then it should've been called blackpill.me. I N C E L S. M E
Recon9 said:
I get told here and other rateme sites Im a minimum 4/10 maybe 5/10, but I'm hyperautisticand KHHV at 25 Y/O so I will fight anyone who says I'm fAKeceLl

Count on me.
UncannyValley said:
If the mods wanted this to just be a place of blackpill discussion, then it should've been called blackpill.me. I N C E L S. M E

Truth, I bet its only titled that because of what happened to r/incels
KyloRen said:
I'd drop my panties for that guy.
KR has had two films to suck off Palpatine, but all he seems to talk about is Vader.

The only person to mention him has been Luke (which was kinda cool)
A Good Friend said:
KR has had two films to suck off Palpatine, but all he seems to talk about is Vader.

He even dropped the Vader stuff in this recent film. I like the idea of him becoming "his own man" type of ideology, but it was horribly executed.

A Good Friend said:
The only person to mention him has been Luke (which was kinda cool)

Yeah, it was a good callback.

A Good Friend said:
The only person to mention him has been Luke (which was kinda cool)

When did that happen?
KyloRen said:
Yeah, it was a good callback.
Kinda cemented the prequels in this new universe.

The fact he says "Darth Sidious," which is a prequel only thing.

UncannyValley said:
When did that happen?
when he's talking to Rey, he says something like "Darth Sidious was able to fool the whole republic"
KilluminoidBR said:
Recon9 said:
I get told here and other rateme sites Im a minimum 4/10 maybe 5/10, but I'm hyperautisticand KHHV at 25 Y/O so I will fight anyone who says I'm fAKeceLl
Count on me.
count on me? huh?
KilluminoidBR said:
Conte comigo

Tens meu apoio

(Idk how to say it in english sorry xD)

agree or disagree? I don't speak spanish :\

si or no?
Recon9 said:
agree or disagree? I don't speak spanish :\

si or no?

What i meant was something like "you got my support"
Thunderjaw said:
You know it's all the young cels who haven't faced decades of failure who can't imagine being incel having seen some tiny amount of success.

I've been used once and had a girl let me use her once. I've never known love. I've never had like a passionate make out session. I've actually had more sex than I've cuddled another human being since I was 13, because the rebound girl didn't want to and the friendly slut was totally just like throwing me a GFE without making me pay for it, but she wouldn't kiss me at all.

I would totally take Beta Cuck status if I got fucked just like once a month or something, but no one actually wants to be my wife and have me pay for her life while she fucks hot guys so I can't even have that. Girls seem like they can find hotter guys with more money than me for that if they want it.

According to the guys on this site, a 5/10, NW1, 16 yo who has never had a conversation with a woman because of social anxiety is more incel than a 40 yo guy who approached 1000 women, had most of his "success" before POF was mainstream and Tinder even existed.

True of a community whose members are somewhat on the spectrum, there is a very black-and-white view of inceldom. They seem to think inceldom means virginity. If a man is celebate against his wishes, that makes him a fakecel if we ever had so much as a hug back in the early 2000s of something. Meanwhile, if you sit in your cumsoaked boxers for years, never leaving your room and expecting women to approach you in your house, then you are a TRUE incel.

If you don't consider me an "incel", then fine. I'm TFL then. Whatever. The name isn't so important. The effect is. I want a gf and can't get one. I have been rated sub5 by many posters here. Call it what you will.

The problem with the "incel" title is, no one here seems to factor in:

- age (obviously Tinder has skyrocketed women's standards compared to in the early 2000s)
- effort (like I said, a 16 yo who has never tried to speak to a woman is compared to a 30 yo man who approached 1000 women and got a landwhale gf/sex)
- persona (we are comparing socially anxious 5/10 men who get nothing to 2/10 neurotypical social guys who get the rare kiss and we're calling the latter a fakecel).

It's pretty insulting when guys better-looking than me call me a fakecel. Anyone who thinks I'm a fakecel:

A) Either hasn't seen my pic
B) thinks that looks don't matter

Cuz I'm ugly and am not a virgin.

shoutout to @_incelInside
KyloRen said:
You're one of us.

Legit. I really don't think the younger guys here fully understand what it's like to be a lonely non virgin oldcel. Sure, you may have gotten lucky and had sex a few times but it's not the same as having a gf.
IncelodusMaximo said:
Legit. I really don't think the younger guys here fully understand what it's like to be a lonely non virgin oldcel. Sure, you may have gotten lucky and had sex a few times but it's not the same as having a gf.

If you've had a gf or had sex then that's not truecel.
FACEandLMS said:
According to the guys on this site, a 5/10, NW1, 16 yo who has never had a conversation with a woman because of social anxiety is more incel than a 40 yo guy who approached 1000 women, had most of his "success" before POF was mainstream and Tinder even existed.

True of a community whose members are somewhat on the spectrum, there is a very black-and-white view of inceldom. They seem to think inceldom means virginity. If a man is celebate against his wishes, that makes him a fakecel if we ever had so much as a hug back in the early 2000s of something. Meanwhile, if you sit in your cumsoaked boxers for years, never leaving your room and expecting women to approach you in your house, then you are a TRUE incel.

If you don't consider me an "incel", then fine. I'm TFL then. Whatever. The name isn't so important. The effect is. I want a gf and can't get one. I have been rated sub5 by many posters here. Call it what you will.

The problem with the "incel" title is, no one here seems to factor in:

- age (obviously Tinder has skyrocketed women's standards compared to in the early 2000s)
- effort (like I said, a 16 yo who has never tried to speak to a woman is compared to a 30 yo man who approached 1000 women and got a landwhale gf/sex)
- persona (we are comparing socially anxious 5/10 men who get nothing to 2/10 neurotypical social guys who get the rare kiss and we're calling the latter a fakecel).

It's pretty insulting when guys better-looking than me call me a fakecel. Anyone who thinks I'm a fakecel:

A) Either hasn't seen my pic
B) thinks that looks don't matter

Cuz I'm ugly and am not a virgin.

shoutout to @_incelInside
So you're not incel if you haven't approached women before ? Even if you're ugly af ?
Agree op if i was the one to make the post a certain mod would have banned me.

fakecels are the reason this forum isn't blackpilled enough.
Popbob said:
If you have had sex before your not an incel and no a 2/10 mentally broken landwhale doesn't count

At which rating does it begin to count?
TheVman said:
Agree op if i was the one to make the post a certain mod would have banned me.

fakecels are the reason this forum isn't blackpilled enough.

That certain mod has the attitude of a normie
UncannyValley said:
TheVman said:
Agree op if i was the one to make the post a certain mod would have banned me.
fakecels are the reason this forum isn't blackpilled enough.
That certain mod has the attitude of a normie
He is one. Not a single black pilled post in his post history
Stanx22 said:
So you're not incel if you haven't approached women before ? Even if you're ugly af ?

No you're not incel if you haven't approached or even tried. Even ugly subhumans shouldn't be considered incel unless they attempted to get with a female on multiple occasions and failed.
IncelodusMaximo said:
No you're not incel if you haven't approached or even tried. Even ugly subhumans shouldn't be considered incel unless they attempted to get with a female on multiple occasions and failed.

What's the point of trying something you very well know the result of ? I know i'm way too ugly and short to get a woman. I'm 18, but i'm not planning on approaching any woman forever. I value my pride too much and i don't want to be humiliated by a slut.
IncelodusMaximo said:
Stanx22 said:
So you're not incel if you haven't approached women before ? Even if you're ugly af ?
No you're not incel if you haven't approached or even tried. Even ugly subhumans shouldn't be considered incel unless they attempted to get with a female on multiple occasions and failed.
This, tired of the 'muh i'm too ugly so i'm not gonna try' copers. They just prove cucktears right
_incelinside said:
This, tired of the 'muh i'm too ugly so i'm not gonna try' copers. They just prove cucktears right

Yup. Strange that one only needs to step outside to see subhuman males and females paired up . Are those guys cucks ? Perhaps. But they still managed to find someone eventually.
So you hate black pilled men who acknowledge how hard it is for ugly men more than femoids who creep shame you and act like women problems are real and tell you what a crybaby you are when you vent. Makes sense bro.
FeminismsCancer said:
So you hate black pilled men who acknowledge how hard it is for ugly men more than femoids who creep shame you and act like women problems are real and tell you what a crybaby you are when you vent. Makes sense bro.

I hate males who act like they're incels when they're not.
Stanx22 said:
So you're not incel if you haven't approached women before ? Even if you're ugly af ?


UncannyValley said:
Strong virtue signaling and status as a deformed male

Your age is showing. Sometimes men LUCK OUT.

I don't buy into this aspie basement theory that every woman who is dating a sub8, is betabucksing him or is virtuesignalling.


The trouble is, these women are RARE AS FUCK.

This is why you need older men on this forum, to talk to some fucking sense.
FACEandLMS said:

The trouble is, these women are RARE AS FUCK.

I fully agree with this.
FACEandLMS said:
Your age is showing. Sometimes men LUCK OUT.

I don't buy into this aspie basement theory that every woman who is dating a sub8, is betabucksing him or is virtuesignalling.


The trouble is, these women are RARE AS FUCK.

This is why you need older men on this forum, to talk to some fucking sense.

My age is showing? I'm in my late 20s fuck face. All females fantasize of Chad pounding them.

KyloRen said:
I fully agree with this.

They aren't sexually attracted to their borderline alien boyfriends.
UncannyValley said:
They aren't sexually attracted to their borderline alien boyfriends.

Actually attractive women with their borderline alien boyfriends is extremely rare. Most of what I see are looksmatches.
KyloRen said:
Actually attractive women with their borderline alien boyfriends is extremely rare. Most of what I see are looksmatches.

Yeah, and when it does happen it isn't sexual attraction at play.
UncannyValley said:
Yeah, and when it does happen it isn't sexual attraction at play.

I don't know how to answer that, except that I imagine there must be at least a little.
KyloRen said:
I don't know how to answer that, except that I imagine there must be at least a little.

A female's brain must be not working correctly if she's attracted to anything but over 5/10 males.

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