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I understand not being culturally and socially left wing, but I don't see why any incel would want to be economically right wing unless theyre rich.

  • Thread starter PeruvianTruecel
  • Start date


Nov 23, 2020
If you are rich then you're volcel probably, just sugar daddy max, it might not be genuine live but its better than nothing, and you can at least easily lose your virginity with glorified hookers. You can be comfortable as incel but not rich in my humble opinion.

Literally all fortune 500 companies are run by tall chads born into wealth, and some Asians also born into extreme bliss. These people view low status men as scum and our the same class of people who in the past would use us as large scale human sacrifice for some shitty pointless war.

Politics come and packages and people who support left wing economics support a bunch of other stuff that fucks incels, but that doesnt mean guys like Trump is our ally outside of ya triggering soys. Regardless even that in itself is just for me a short term satisfaction. If I ever become a poorcel im fucked by guys like him, and I will never be rich enough to actually benefit from his billionaire tax cuts. Also I like Animals and Nature and the guy gutted any environmental protections.
That does make some sense, it's easier to neetmax in an economically left wing country
Because people believe they're skilled enough to rise above economically, which can be true in an actual right wing economically society, but our society is not economically right wing due to all the corporations being mass media being the governments owners being ((((())))

At the same time, wouldn't a capitalist country eventually be this though? The end result of capitalism will be economic centralization and control, just under corporations instead of the government. Instead of the totalitarian having all the money, the money is now with all of the corporate elites who are all on the same side and who use said money to gain power over the govt and control it and fucking kill all competitors.
At the same time, wouldn't a capitalist country eventually be this though? The end result of capitalism will be economic centralization and control, just under corporations instead of the government. Instead of the totalitarian having all the money, the money is now with all of the corporate elites who are all on the same side and who use said money to gain power over the govt and control it and fucking kill all competitors.

Yeah, I have to admit this is kind of true. I was recently reminded of this idea after watching a clip from an old French TV comedy show :

Because people believe they're skilled enough to rise above economically, which can be true in an actual right wing economically society, but our society is not economically right wing due to all the corporations being mass media being the governments owners being ((((())))

At the same time, wouldn't a capitalist country eventually be this though? The end result of capitalism will be economic centralization and control, just under corporations instead of the government. Instead of the totalitarian having all the money, the money is now with all of the corporate elites who are all on the same side and who use said money to gain power over the govt and control it and fucking kill all competitors.

That's why pure capitalism is also an utopian system just like communism is though it goes to extremes in the other direction. There needs to be some regulations or those in the top will always stay there if they conspire against those who would replace them with better products.
Because the free market improves the life of everyone by a lot, even in European countries you might have welfare
and all of that shit, but everything is so expensive and taxes are so high compared to countries with a freer market
and less taxes

a poor person can afford a private home in the US while in europe a middle class person will be able to only afford a shitty flat
with a long life mortgage
how are we talking a bout individual freedom and democracy as good things but the second i go into the workplace i have to submit to my boss unquestionably and do everything he says and be happy about it.

how does that fit. its literally the most important part of society where we would need individual freedom and democracy, you spend 5 days a week there, the best hours of the day, but its a complete tyranny where like 5 people out of 500 decide everything?? makes no sense.

they decide what is produced, at what times, where, what is being done with the product, who gets the money, how long you have to work.

all is decided by a tiny minority of people in a company and the worker has 0 say in this things, no vote, no discussion, just obey, submit and do it with a smile.

thats the true clown world imo
The economic left wing doesn't want equality of wealth, or at least of opportunities. It wants the economic pyramid to be the same as the social one, ergo chads and foids get everything while we get nothing.

Think about it, what would happen if you put the usual cucks and foids in power? They will act the same as they do in social settings, they have no concept of equality because they see us as inherently inferior

Both systems are shit for us, the only one that would work is a blackpill-based meritocracy, but it remains an utopia for now
how are we talking a bout individual freedom and democracy as good things but the second i go into the workplace i have to submit to my boss unquestionably and do everything he says and be happy about it.

how does that fit. its literally the most important part of society where we would need individual freedom and democracy, you spend 5 days a week there, the best hours of the day, but its a complete tyranny where like 5 people out of 500 decide everything?? makes no sense.

they decide what is produced, at what times, where, what is being done with the product, who gets the money, how long you have to work.

all is decided by a tiny minority of people in a company and the worker has 0 say in this things, no vote, no discussion, just obey, submit and do it with a smile.

thats the true clown world imo
In true libertariam/capitalist shithole hellscape you wouldnt have to submit to your boss just find a new job or start a competing business. Of course if that business is selling a natural resource that they have exclusive access to you would be fucked which is one of many issues with crapitalism. True right wing economy would look similar to what the germans had in the 30s
Socialism and feminism are two sides of the same shekel. Most welfare recipients are female. If the welfare state didn't fund single mothers and paid for their Chad spawn, then roasties would actually have to fuck ugly men to get their betabuxx.
Because the free market improves the life of everyone by a lot, even in European countries you might have welfare
and all of that shit, but everything is so expensive and taxes are so high compared to countries with a freer market
and less taxes

a poor person can afford a private home in the US while in europe a middle class person will be able to only afford a shitty flat
with a long life mortgage
that’s cause europe is way denser with way less land. the united states has enough land and resources to give everyone a decent house, it’s not even about the free market as the free market doesn’t generate land or resources, just allocated them
that’s cause europe is way denser with way less land. the united states has enough land and resources to give everyone a decent house, it’s not even about the free market as the free market doesn’t generate land or resources, just allocated them
No, in states like Calfironia housing is way more expensive then housing in Texas even in more remote areas,
even though Calfironia has more "good land" since a lot of Texas is just desert

its because Cali has a lot of regulations and taxes, while Texas has a lot less
Only if you're NEET. Otherwise socialism benefits foids 100 times more than it does incels. There's a reason all feminists are left wing you know.
No, in states like Calfironia housing is way more expensive then housing in Texas even in more remote areas,
even though Calfironia has more "good land" since a lot of Texas is just desert

its because Cali has a lot of regulations and taxes, while Texas has a lot less
Regulations aren't necessarily socialist. Cali is shit because the state refuses to build housing and has tons of regulations which prevents private companies to build as well. A socialist gov could let people build their own homes, and would ideally provide housing as a right. But cali is a shithole its not even socialist its run by soy tech cucks
Regulations aren't necessarily socialist. Cali is shit because the state refuses to build housing and has tons of regulations which prevents private companies to build as well. A socialist gov could let people build their own homes, and would ideally provide housing as a right. But cali is a shithole its not even socialist its run by soy tech cucks
government regulations are left wing, and people associate them with socialism
and its not socialist and I never claimed, its more like social democratic, and so is europe
If you are rich then you're volcel probably, just sugar daddy max, it might not be genuine live but its better than nothing, and you can at least easily lose your virginity with glorified hookers. You can be comfortable as incel but not rich in my humble opinion.

Literally all fortune 500 companies are run by tall chads born into wealth, and some Asians also born into extreme bliss. These people view low status men as scum and our the same class of people who in the past would use us as large scale human sacrifice for some shitty pointless war.

Politics come and packages and people who support left wing economics support a bunch of other stuff that fucks incels, but that doesnt mean guys like Trump is our ally outside of ya triggering soys. Regardless even that in itself is just for me a short term satisfaction. If I ever become a poorcel im fucked by guys like him, and I will never be rich enough to actually benefit from his billionaire tax cuts. Also I like Animals and Nature and the guy gutted any environmental protections.
Its not so much about not wanting to take money from tall chads, i dont think any of those ceos are chads loolkswise anyways, as it is about not wanting to give money to women in general. Because women are the biggest users of social welfare, while men are the biggest taxpayers.
government regulations are left wing, and people associate them with socialism
and its not socialist and I never claimed, its more like social democratic, and so is europe

technically on paper , conservatives mean less fed regulations /less taxation and more liberty for citizens,
but that was not the case during 2005 Katrian,
alphabet agencies literally knocked down citizen doors and confisticated/ stole legally owned firearms.

that was the so called conservative younger Bush administration.
Socialism and feminism are two sides of the same shekel. Most welfare recipients are female. If the welfare state didn't fund single mothers and paid for their Chad spawn, then roasties would actually have to fuck ugly men to get their betabuxx.

Incels hate clown world, so tend to support masculine society
I want to live in a richer society. A richer society means more charity, better roads and public utlities, and I want to be able to get ahead. We can't do anything about our social lives, why would anyone want to be doomed to a life of economic mediocrity?
You don't have to make very much money before you are litteraly getting nothing back for your taxes.
Because the free market improves the life of everyone by a lot, even in European countries you might have welfare
and all of that shit, but everything is so expensive and taxes are so high compared to countries with a freer market
and less taxes

a poor person can afford a private home in the US while in europe a middle class person will be able to only afford a shitty flat
with a long life mortgage
Utter shite. Taxes are not particularly high here (Scotland) We get free healthcare, free prescriptions and subsidized dentistry. Free higher education. State pensions at 67, at least four weeks paid holiday a year. I've just bought a house on a normal 25 year mortgage. I don't know where you are getting your information from but your wrong. And btw the places in Europe that have the highest taxes: the nordic countries and Switzerland, time and time again come top of list of living standards and happiness.
Utter shite. Taxes are not particularly high here (Scotland) We get free healthcare, free prescriptions and subsidized dentistry. Free higher education. State pensions at 67, at least four weeks paid holiday a year. I've just bought a house on a normal 25 year mortgage. I don't know where you are getting your information from but your wrong. And btw the places in Europe that have the highest taxes: the nordic countries and Switzerland, time and time again come top of list of living standards and happiness.
>25 years mortgage
in the US people usually take 15-25

and you probably got something like this:

and scottland is not a very rich area with too many jobs

and no in the UK taxes are very high, combining all taxes, you pay more then 50%
now don't say this "muh income tax is 27%", they rape you with so many taxes that you are not even aware of
and probably don't think that affect you too much (like corporate tax, which just makes employees pay lower salaries to their workers or they make everything more expensive)

meanwhile you get this modern house, in one of the best cities (I would say the best because of its low cost of living as well) with high salaries ($60k+ average)
for really cheap:
and if you want something bigger, and even for cheaper then you can live in more remote areas

and switzerland has one of the lowest taxes in europe lol
Nordic people who live in the US are way more successful and make much more money, they are like that soley because of their working culture,
also cost of living there is very fucking high and I don't consider norway because it has a very small population that controls
a very huge global oil resouce
technically on paper , conservatives mean less fed regulations /less taxation and more liberty for citizens,
but that was not the case during 2005 Katrian,
alphabet agencies literally knocked down citizen doors and confisticated/ stole legally owned firearms.

that was the so called conservative younger Bush administration.
conservatives are cucks, only trump actually lowered taxes and regulations, not sure about state surveillance though
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I don’t believe in subsidies or NEETBuxx in general. People who do not contribute or shouldn’t get free money. That said prostitution and girlfriends-for-rent should be legalized worldwide. Why contribute to society if you can never experience sex or intimacy (even if it’s “fake”). Also age-of-consent should be lowered to 15. It’s ridiculous to exclude girls from prostitution when they are at their prime.
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a right wing economy is only good when it is nurtured by a right wing population.
And when the economy is a true meritocracy (which is impossible in my opinion).
thats correct.

texaspill is hard to swallow for many of those "muhhhh precious land" idiots

an extremely common belief among Australians is australian house price is extremely high coz land is limited. which isnt true. australia has similar population to texas and yet the "good land" are much higher.

its all coz over regulations and taxes. but the low social class idiots tend to believe in those convenient lies of muuuhhh limited land

the poor are poor for a reason, coz they have no brain. socialism/leftism is fundamentally a mental deficiency.

Yes Australia is based on the British rentier capitalism. Where supply is limited by the state regulations.. and it is intentionally limited to below what the normal demand is, aka how many people need housing in an area. This allows for a constant transfer of wealth from the working population to the owners of the land capital. The rentiers tenements are constantly appreciating as the population of the city grows and the underlying land value increases. And rentier capitalists who have large raw land holdings, they can gradually sell off pieces of it.

In America its much more balanced with a dramatic impact on the disposable income of the workers. Rich people in America can buy in certain cities with heavy regulations, or in places like along the Coastline where there is actually limited supply for geographic reasons. Like near to the center of the city, in an especially pleasant natural area of a city, lakefront, etc.

While normal workers and small business owners in America can just buy a used house in some average area of the city for cheap. Since their mortgage payments are so low, these American workers then have lots of cold hard cash to spend, which creates lots of opportunity for other people to make money too.

In National Socialism in a place like Australia the regulations limiting approvals for new housing would be eased so that a massive new housing building work by the private sector could get underway. Not only would this provide affordable housing for people, but it would also provide tons of economic opportunity for people.
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>25 years mortgage
in the US people usually take 15-25

and you probably got something like this:
View attachment 380913
and scottland is not a very rich area with too many jobs

and no in the UK taxes are very high, combining all taxes, you pay more then 50%
now don't say this "muh income tax is 27%", they rape you with so many taxes that you are not even aware of
and probably don't think that affect you too much (like corporate tax, which just makes employees pay lower salaries to their workers or they make everything more expensive)

meanwhile you get this modern house, in one of the best cities (I would say the best because of its low cost of living as well) with high salaries ($60k+ average)
for really cheap:
and if you want something bigger, and even for cheaper then you can live in more remote areas

and switzerland has one of the lowest taxes in europe lol
Nordic people who live in the US are way more successful and make much more money, they are like that soley because of their working culture,
also cost of living there is very fucking high and I don't consider norway because it has a very small population that controls
a very huge global oil resouce

conservatives are cucks, only trump actually lowered taxes and regulations, not sure about state surveillance though
Lol Scotland is not a poor country. Compared to America we have a vastly better infrastructure. Ringworm exists in America. A fuckin third world disease. We don't have that shit here. We can drink straight from the tap here, can't do that in many parts of America. Flint, Chicago are all fucked from lead pipes. Cant drink the tap water in California an many parts of the south without further filtering it. America is a fuckin third world country in many parts. The millionaires and billionaires affect the stats but you guys have crazy amounts of poverty for 'the richest country on the planet' ive seen the massive queues in Texas an other places waiting for food due to the covid pandemic. Sure looks like the American dream right there. Poverty exists in Scotland but is nowhere near the leaves it is in the USA. Furthermore Scotland only gets half of what it generates back in a grant from Westminster. The uk has exploited the north sea oil for the last forty years. If that would be added into a sovereign wealth fund we would be richer than Norway. As it stands in the uk we make up 8% of the population but consist of 40% of the land mass/resources.

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