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Blackpill I seriously can't wait to die. I am not exactly suicidal though. Does anyone feel the same?



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
I am not really suicidal, I just look forward to a time when I'm not here and don't have to try at life or suffer it anymore.

It's not just about inceldom. Living a life of poverty, working all day every day, living conditions, relationships with other people, being low-status, having had a life of negative reinforcement which has lead me to be low self-esteem, the prospect of dying alone and being eaten by maggots until there are so many maggots that they leak into the flat below (as we saw in an article earlier this week, some old man caused a single mother foid living in the flat below to have to move out).

It's such a rigmarole. Wake up tired. Throw self in shower. Rush to get ready for work. Commute. Work. Watched like a hawk. Feel like I'm seconds away from being fired. All day, I am creepzoned by women. Commute to the gym. Lift as much as my shitty genetics allow. Ignored by women. Walk home. Shitty home-life with me being belittled and insulted. Too tired to do any hobbies. Eat late. Go to bed late. Rinse and repeat.

I rarely like anything that happens. Whether it's more immigration, more feminism, more taxes, worse weather, friends getting more lays/gf, IRL services closing thanks to the Internet, friends letting me down, no time to see friends anyway. Like, nothing that happens seems to be to my benefit. It all sucks.

It's so shitty. I can't wait til I don't have to do this shit anymore.
If life gets too hard I'll suicide. Not worth struggling unless you have kids to raise or something.
OP you are dying to live, just like your homies

Good song, with chorus sung by Cartman from South Park
I feel exactly the same, except that I´m suicidal.

I feel like I have already lost at life, but life just keeps dragging on and on. The years go by so slowly.

I often wonder why I even bother anymore. Even if I do end up with a girl I will essentially just see her as a parasite that rejected me and treated me like shit throughout my teens and 20s in favor of gigachad and now wants to leech off of me.
Used to be suicidal. Tried two times... but God seems to stop me from committing suicide.

Fast forward today... I'm 35... I've mellowed out. And just hope for a better afterlife
Might as well make the most of it while you're here. You can quit any time just remember that. It's like a game. Don't be afraid to do some crazy shit just to get a little enjoyment and satisfaction out of it, free of worrying about consequences like being poor and everyone hating you. I mean if you care so little about your lifespan...
I have been suicidal in the sense the the prospect of dying doesn't really bother me since 12 years old
I understand that feeling well. Wanting to just disappear or going to sleep and never waking up. I don't want to proactively do damage to my body, sometimes I just want I never existed to begin with.
WHy are you peeps working? I have never worked and I'm 45. HAHAHAHH. FUCK YOU WORLD!!!!! I've been suicidal since I was 16. I do not support this shitball in any way. I wouldn't bring kids into this nightmare even if women were begging me. Even if it was the law that you had to have kids.
Get on the sick. Tell them you are depressed and are having violent thoughts. The world doesn't want you so why do want it back?
I know that feeling OP, when you just have had it with life and just want death to approach faster. Honestly the only thing keeping me alive is that I believe in the after life
I understand that feeling well. Wanting to just disappear or going to sleep and never waking up. I don't want to proactively do damage to my body, sometimes I just want I never existed to begin with.
It's not that you want to die, but that you want to have something to stop all those bad feelings of yourself.
I understand that feeling well. Wanting to just disappear or going to sleep and never waking up. I don't want to proactively do damage to my body, sometimes I just want I never existed to begin with.

Can relate...
Death is like eternal sleep, and sleeping is the best part of the day.
I'm tired of life too. Someone, please kill me.
I know that feeling OP, when you just have had it with life and just want death to approach faster. Honestly the only thing keeping me alive is that I believe in the after life

Do you believe in a "before-life" too? What is the point in anyone living here if we all get to experience the afterlife and that's where we will exist the longest? Is life on earth intended as punishment with the afterlife being the reward?

Why are babies born dead only to get fasttracked into the afterlife?
OP can just statusmax with his youtube videos tbh
From observing the elderly I know there is no way I want to end up like that, having to have people do everything for you and to move around with so much struggle. There was a stage when it was natural to die before the age of 50.

I hear life flies by fast, I am not too old, but I can see it to be kinda true.
I feel the same but I do want to die I just don't how much more I can take.
I feel your pain bro. For some reason I thought you'd be NEET. Maybe because your WAW videos require a lot of focus and skill to produce.

>Shitty home-life with me being belittled and insulted.
What happens at home?

Bro I hope you can find some capacity to CHANGE some of these things. Fuck everything up, and start from scratch, if u can. Move somewhere else, cut out toxic normies etc.
Only truecels feel this way.
Escorts keep me alive.

Otherwise I would go insane after 8 months.
I wouldn't mind death, falling asleep and never waking up, or someone shooting me in the back of the head with a shotgun. I'm just afraid of pain, like anybody else.
I wouldn't mind death, falling asleep and never waking up, or someone shooting me in the back of the head with a shotgun. I'm just afraid of pain, like anybody else.
most likely this
I am not really suicidal, I just look forward to a time when I'm not here and don't have to try at life or suffer it anymore.

It's not just about inceldom. Living a life of poverty, working all day every day, living conditions, relationships with other people, being low-status, having had a life of negative reinforcement which has lead me to be low self-esteem, the prospect of dying alone and being eaten by maggots until there are so many maggots that they leak into the flat below (as we saw in an article earlier this week, some old man caused a single mother foid living in the flat below to have to move out).

It's such a rigmarole. Wake up tired. Throw self in shower. Rush to get ready for work. Commute. Work. Watched like a hawk. Feel like I'm seconds away from being fired. All day, I am creepzoned by women. Commute to the gym. Lift as much as my shitty genetics allow. Ignored by women. Walk home. Shitty home-life with me being belittled and insulted. Too tired to do any hobbies. Eat late. Go to bed late. Rinse and repeat.

I rarely like anything that happens. Whether it's more immigration, more feminism, more taxes, worse weather, friends getting more lays/gf, IRL services closing thanks to the Internet, friends letting me down, no time to see friends anyway. Like, nothing that happens seems to be to my benefit. It all sucks.

It's so shitty. I can't wait til I don't have to do this shit anymore.

You nailed it bud. This is the prototypical incel life.
Sounds as though you have become a redundant wageslave to a society that doesn't care about you. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is the truth when it comes to the working world, especially when you have qualities that make you undesirable. It seems to be the inevitable fate of all incels who opt-out of LDARing.

Being forced to work to keep yourself alive all started thanks to the introduction of "economy". I detest the way society, over generations and centuries, have been able to implement "economy" into life. Who's fucking idea was it to make everyone go to a shitty 9-to-5 job that no one likes, get bossed around, and only exist for the sake of being nothing more than a number on some rich asshole's statistic chart? Yeah, work for 40 years and then die, sounds like sooooo much fun.

Sorry, got a bit sidetracked there. To answer the main question in the thread's title: I have these kinds of thoughts every day. I oftentimes end up asking myself a lot of existential questions such as "why was I even born?" ... it's some scary shit when you think about it deeply. Part of me doesn't really want to die though, mostly out of fear of what happens next...

I mean, it's most likely probably just eternal oblivion, same as being asleep, but forever. But who knows?
I am constantly stuck between these 2 options. It honestly depends on my mood
Work. Watched like a hawk. Feel like I'm seconds away from being fired.

I think I know how that feels. My superior is a femoid, and I am pretty sure she is envious that I am smarter than her and get things done that she couldn't figure out herself. She doesn't like me, but is condescending and pretends she is being good to me.
Life ain't nice.
Chalk me up. Life is just a massive pile of shit. It’s either soul-crushingly boring and depressing or mind-blowingly stressful and anxiety-ridden. The concepts of happiness, fulfilment or love are totally foreign to me. I’ve tried literally everything: looksmaxxing, online dating, clubs & groups to meet people, exercise/gym, career-building, therapy, medication. NOTHING WORKS. Life is just fucking awful but overriding your basic biological drive to stay alive is surprisingly difficult. I genuinely just hope I die quickly and painlessly in a car accident or something soon.
Yes, this is where I've been for about 20 years. I don't want to die, but I really don't want to live with this genetic shit existence.
I recognize this feel you just want it to be truly over but you don't really have the incentive to just end it
Do you believe in a "before-life" too? What is the point in anyone living here if we all get to experience the afterlife and that's where we will exist the longest? Is life on earth intended as punishment with the afterlife being the reward?

Why are babies born dead only to get fasttracked into the afterlife?
i believe this is a test from God, he is testing our patience on earth, in the after life we shall be rewarded hopefully. that is the reason im still alive tbh
Do you believe in a "before-life" too? What is the point in anyone living here if we all get to experience the afterlife and that's where we will exist the longest? Is life on earth intended as punishment with the afterlife being the reward?

Why are babies born dead only to get fasttracked into the afterlife?

There is no reason to believe in teleology. Afterlife and (the risk of) eventual reincarnation could still exist without there being some huge masterplan of meaning to every individual life passage on Earth.

As far as suicide is concerned, we'll see what to do about that. Personally, I can't wait to die. As for now, my mom is still alive and she needs me to take care of stuff and also to simply be there for her. Assisting her has become the only true purpose of my life.
When I'm high enough I don't feel anything. It's amazing. If I was dead this would last forever but I don't want to die because of the effort required, the pain and the panic that dying would cause. The irony is that these feelings were created by genes inside Stacie mothers bodies. Mother is to blame which is one of the reasons I feel that I am "owed" intimacy by women.
I'm too cucked to commit suicide, but I have suicidal tendencies everyday.
Don't want to suicide, it's stupid, I don't want to know people gonna give no shit after my death, people gonna stay happy and they gonna stay in couple with stacy/chads the world don't gonna change after my death, also I already know I'm probably gonna go in hell if it's exist, prefer to profit of my life watching animes/hentais and play videos games when I can
Fuck, times like these, right before going to bed, are always the worst. :feelsbadman:
When I'm tired and want to rest, but am reluctant to sleep since then morning will come faster, so I just sit, thinking, stalling, getting more and more stressed and anxious about the future, and everything that is bound to come with it.
The thought of waking up tomorrow is terrifying, I just don't want to face the day. There are decades and decades of suffering left for me, with nothing to look forward to, no relief.
I don't know how the fuck normal people do it, it genuinely astounds me. I must be the weakest man in the world. Others get up, and achieve monumental feats, with great strength, while I can barely manage to simply exist, doing nothing, without breaking down in fear and exhaustion.
I guess some of us were, plainly, naturally, meant to die, meant to be devoured by better creatures, but thanks to this modern world, subhumans like I are kept alive out of 'compassion' and 'mercy'. My head hurts. :feelsrope:
That is low-medium level depression. High level depression you are almost gravitating to kill yourself, it will be the only thing you think of.
See username.
Yeah not suicidal but id rather he dead
I will not quit. That said, I’m so tired of living. There is no reason for me to be here and nature is fully aware of this, so I’m not sure why my heart continues to pump. I’ve researched ostracism and loneliness extensively; I’m approaching 50 years old, odds are good that I won’t be alive much longer. I’m fairly certain I will meet my end in the most unpleasant fashion. ALS or some form of cancer that takes me over a length of time so I can proper suffer. Fuck You Universe-come get me!
i believe this is a test from God, he is testing our patience on earth, in the after life we shall be rewarded hopefully. that is the reason im still alive tbh

I used to believe this. To some extent I still do but I don't care anymore. I just wanna be erased.
Same here.What givrs me hope is that this society will collapse one day and if I manage to survive the collapse life will be good again.But I will probably be too old by then and wont even give a fuck anymore
JFL Sooner or later we will live in virtual reality worlds. Where everyone can choose how to look. Even change their gender if theyre bored or curious. Would you fük a dude in a womans body ? Or stick to find real woman. (Smoked weed btw)
Because of the sometimes added spoken syllable (e.g., /ˈriɡ(ə)məˌrōl/), the term is commonly misspelled as rigamarole. It should be noted that some dictionaries do list rigamarole as an alternate spelling, but it is not universally accepted.

The plural is rigmaroles, though the term is usually used in the singular form.

Rigmarole comes as an alteration to the phrase ragman roll, which was a large collection of scrolls used by the nobility of Scotland to pledge allegiance to King Edward I. Today, the phrase ragman roll can mean any collection of legal documents. Its plural is ragman rolls.

Did You Know?
... rigmarole (also spelled rigamarole, reflecting its common pronunciation) acquired its most recent sense, "a complex and ritualistic procedure."

Now suck my dick, you cretinous incel. You can feel the balls too. You can do better than that. What are you afraid of man?! Have a good feel!! There you go. This is so heterosexual what you and I are doing right now. Ah, you're getting pretty good at this, brah. Fuck women. *Fistbump*

joking bro

You live in London.. You might get caught in a terrorist attack, who knows. I can relate to your feelings. No looks, no talent, average IQ.
It's not that i can't wait to be dead and more like i wish i was never born at all.
I am not really suicidal, I just look forward to a time when I'm not here and don't have to try at life or suffer it anymore.

It's not just about inceldom. Living a life of poverty, working all day every day, living conditions, relationships with other people, being low-status, having had a life of negative reinforcement which has lead me to be low self-esteem, the prospect of dying alone and being eaten by maggots until there are so many maggots that they leak into the flat below (as we saw in an article earlier this week, some old man caused a single mother foid living in the flat below to have to move out).

It's such a rigmarole. Wake up tired. Throw self in shower. Rush to get ready for work. Commute. Work. Watched like a hawk. Feel like I'm seconds away from being fired. All day, I am creepzoned by women. Commute to the gym. Lift as much as my shitty genetics allow. Ignored by women. Walk home. Shitty home-life with me being belittled and insulted. Too tired to do any hobbies. Eat late. Go to bed late. Rinse and repeat.

I rarely like anything that happens. Whether it's more immigration, more feminism, more taxes, worse weather, friends getting more lays/gf, IRL services closing thanks to the Internet, friends letting me down, no time to see friends anyway. Like, nothing that happens seems to be to my benefit. It all sucks.

It's so shitty. I can't wait til I don't have to do this shit anymore.
Days like that are why I need a break from these forums at times. I hear you loud and clear, brother.

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